Name: Artemis Harrington
Aliases: Artie
Age: 15
Birthday: November 25th, 1968
Birth Place: Kingston, England
Gender: Male
Blood Status: Muggle Born (Muggles)
House / Year: Hufflepuff/ Fifth Year
Alignment: Neutral Good
Wand: Laurel, Dragon Heartstring (sibling core to Apollo's'), 14 1/2", Whippy Flexibility

Height: 170.1 cm
Weight: 59.88 kg
Build: Lean
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dirty Blond
Skin Tone: Tan
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: During his last holiday, Artie recently begged his parents into letting him get his right ear pierced and wears a little bell earring when he isn’t in uniform.
Typical Outfit: While in uniform, he dresses like a model student. Not a crease in the wrong place and his tie done up properly, a struggle when he first started. His hair stays up in a tight bun and he uses a simple charm every morning to take off Nonna’s hair that gets everywhere. His prefect badge is always kept on display, just so his first years know where they can find help.
Despite his silly and carefree behavior, Artie dresses in sensible clothing outside of uniform: button ups and polos with jeans and boots. He prefers vibrant and bright colors, greens and yellows and pinks, over the dark ones of his birth season and enjoys clashing rather than complementary colors. He rarely dresses that way, only when his parents aren’t there to lecture him on the importance of appearance. He loves accessories, rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and his small collection is in absurdly bright colors.

Excitable ◇ Dependant ◇ Dedicated ◇ Insecure ◇ Doting ◇ Gullible
Artie is known for dancing to his own tune, literally. Staying still has never been his forte and this bubbling energy extends out into all parts of his life. There is always a good side to things and focusing on those makes the world’s troubles fade away, instead preferring to move from one good thing to the next. He loves group gatherings and flitting his way around a room just to meet new people. Artie’s first concern is everyone around him, making sure they are taken care of and enjoying themselves.
However, leaving Artie alone too long is a dangerous thing indeed. His excitable ways hide his own demons: frustrations at the unachievable academic expectations of his parents, the need for constant validation from anyone, and the demand for casual physical affection sometimes drives even the most understanding away. When he feels isolated or left out, he tends to latch onto anything that shows him the smallest amount of appreciation and proceeds to drain it, sometimes forgetting that doing so exhausts the person in question.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single
Fatal Flaw: Dependency
Hobbies: Cooking, Dancing, Swimming
Patronus: Golden Retriever
Animagus: Golden Retriever (If he becomes one)
Amortentia: Strawberries and cream puffs and a salt sweet breeze
Mirror of Erised: His parents more proud of him than his brother.
Boggart: His mother, exasperated and on the phone.
Dementor: The car crash, his mother’s thought, his inability to speak, and Apollo’s sensory overloads.

M A G I C a n d K E E P S A K E S
Core Classes:
- Astronomy - 2
- Charms - 5
- Defense Against the Dark Arts - 5
- Herbology - 3
- History of Magic - 2
- Potions - 4
- Transfiguration - 3
- Muggle Studies - 4
- Care of Magical Creatures - 3
- Patronus
- Cooking
- Legilimency
- Wand
- Bag with school supplies (books, quills, ink, parchment)
- Small pouch full of muggle candies (usually butterscotch)
- Pet - Nonnie the Munchkin Cat
- Broomstick - Cleansweep Three
- Trunk of clothes
- Jewelry box of accessories, including his favorite bell earring
- Additional school supplies
- Moving picture of the family from their first time at Diagon Alley.
- Secret stash of muggle candy

How did you come into your magic:
The twins displayed their natural talent for mind reading almost from birth. They’ve lived longer in each other’s head than out and that ability quickly developed into reading other’s minds. Their speech development suffered for it; while their language comprehension developed at a rapid pace, being able to communicate instantly between each other slowed their interest in speaking. It wasn’t until just before the twin’s fifth birthday that they began to speak.
However, events that were more difficult to explain occured as well. Artie’s mother hit the wrong pedal and shot their car into the middle of an intersection, causing a truck to slam into the small car and sent it toppling. Artie’s distress caused his magic to trigger and the car slowed almost immediately, the debris dropping as it mimicked the arresto momentum spell.
General History:
As early as the twins could remember, separation was a forign concept. The twin sons of James Harrington and Olivia Harrington, the boys grew up in a world full of myth and magic of the muggle variety. Olivia Harrington, maiden name Evans, was a well known archaeologist, assisting Barry Cunliffe in his excavation of the Roman Villa, the Fishbourne Palace, in west Sussex and assisting the University of Jerusalem's Yohanan Aharoni in excavating Cave no. 8 (Cave of Horrors), that worked out of King’s College in junction with the British Museum on several Greek history exhibits.
James Harrington grew up in a family of historians. Like his mother, he inherited a deep seated curiosity and a sense of adventure. His father developed a focused mind and the fiery determination that drove him through his school years, despite a variety of financial and emotional setbacks, and resulted in him graduating from Oxford University with his Doctorates in Greek history. He caught a full time position at the British museum as a museum curator and would eventually ascend to director while continuing as a part time lecturer at Oxford.
An event at the British Museum brought them together, a showcase of the many artifacts that British explorers have brought back from their travels. The pair collaborated on the Greek section, working long hours with little time for other social interaction, but like they often said, it was a match made in heaven. The pair quickly fell in love, their busy schedules complementing each other well, and married a few years later. When they discovered they had twins, one boy and one girl, they decided on their names immediately: Apollo and Artemis. They painted blue wolves and dolphins and pink dancing bears, an homage to the source of their names and a blend of modern and ancient imagery.
Only to be wrong. In a surprise twist, both babies came out male. The first one, named Apollo, was born fifteen minutes before his brother and the parents kept the name, pacified by a nurse who assured them it sounded unisex enough. The tired but ecstatic pair returned home when Olivia was released, only to realize they needed to make some adjustments. The clothes and toys were returned and replaced but the nursery stayed the same. Painting was a chore neither parent wanted to go through again so soon.
The twins were inseparable, going everywhere together. Their speech facilities developed much slower than expected, to the bafflement of most doctors. They could comprehend as well as any child their age, possible even better, but they seemed reluctant to put those ideas into words and when they did speak, it was almost incomprehensible until 4 years old when they made sudden leaps and bounds past the standard development. It pleasantly baffled their parents and the pair set out on catching up the twins on an appropriate level of education.
The reason was, in fact, the pair displayed magic incredibly early. The twins were both Legilimens, wizards with an instinctive knack for the Legilimency spell. The pair practically lived in each other’s heads which removed the primary motivation to communicate verbally, negatively impacting their early speech development. It wasn’t until they realized not everyone could hear others thoughts that they stepped out of their heads, partially, and interacted with their peers.
They were still mostly silent at home and until the age of seven, the pair struggled to differentiate between the ‘inside voices’ and normal voices. Even once they did, it still wasn’t unusual for them to babble in response to an unwitting stranger’s thoughts. Their parents chalked their impromptu conversations to imaginary friends and encouraged their active imaginations. It was that trait that first drove both their parents into Greek History and it made them proud that their children also displayed it. But as time went on and the conversations turned darker and the twin’s supper questions more uncomfortable, the Harrington’s had to admit that possibly their children were a tad touched.
Their parent’s opinion took second place during the summer of of their eight year, when Apollo caught the flu and Olivia went to pick up his medicine, bringing Artemis along with her after he whined his way under her skin. He’d been bouncy all day, after the first few days of fretting over his quiet brother and being assured he would be okay with medicine, and it didn’t stop in the car. He talked about everything they passed, peppering the stressed woman with a million questions and the second she turned to snap at him, it happened. A truck collided with the passenger side of the car as she accidentally drove into an intersection after tapping on the gas. The force of it rolled the car twice before it suddenly stopped upright. Olivia was sliced with glass and metal. Artemis made it out with nearly no damage, his magic instinctively replicatiing the Slowing Charm on everything around him. And while the child made it out with only a few cuts, Artie still has nightmares to this day about the incident.
After the accident, Artemis regressed to the silence he maintained when the twins were younger and Apollo took the role of the pair’s mouth. Guilt wormed its way through him, eating Artemis alive as he blamed himself for the accident after overhearing a short lived thought that if only he’d been less annoying. Of course, the thought was dismissed as quickly as it came as completely unreasonable, his mother couldn’t shift the blame on him when it was her fault for taking her eyes off the road anyways, but the damage was done. Artemis sunk into his depression, barely sleeping through the night and avoiding other people as much as possible.
Apollo struggled then as well. Apollo often got overloaded with voices, struggling to keep himself out of other’s thoughts, and when Artemis started having nightmares and crushing guilt, it was a snapping point. He frequently stopped in the middle of public areas and crouched, covering his ears and trembling until it stopped. Or he could become irritable and confrontational, devolving into temper tantrums when everything became too much. Olivia and James had little option but to have a doctor see them, entering family therapy on a recommendation.
It was a rough climb back to some semblance of normalcy but family therapy helped. The therapist, although a muggle, their therapist picked up on the twin’s “highly empathetic natures”, noting that Artemis felt the accident was his fault and that Apollo was anxious about the growing rift in his family. Olivia and James were horrified to hear this but it was the largest step the family managed and with the help of carefully controlled medications, the pair managed to smile again and feel comfortable in their own home. Their grades and friends returned and life seemed to go on with the occasional episode.
And then the ministry official appeared, Hogwarts letters in hand. The twins accepted it in about five seconds flat, a barrage of questions that had the man wide eyed. But he could also explain that the conversations the twins had, the voices they spoke to, and the things they did were all very real. Their parents, still dealing with the aftermath of the crash, kept their thoughts well in order despite the initial discomfort of knowing their thoughts were not as hidden as they’d assumed. Apollo and Artemis could barely contain themselves, the younger one dancing around the house ecstatically as he screamed at the top of his lungs and Apollo gaped at the man and then promptly fainted.
Diagon Alley was an entirely different experience. Artemis got separated from the family no less than four times as he darted from shop to shop and returning to demand of the ministry man, a very helpful Mr. Hopkinson who Artie still writes once a month, explanations for every little thing that caught his eye. Which boiled down to… everything. His parents and brother seemed mildly concerned about knuts, sickles, and galleons. Why they were discussing plumbing stuff and ships he wasn’t sure; Artie was too busy begging and crying for the most adorable cat he’d ever seen. He won that fight but sadly lost the color changing robes. His new cat, Nonnie, comforted him through that trying time. Discovering his wand wiped the memory of his lost robes and he couldn’t help waving it around until Mr. Hopkinson finally made him put it away.
The train ride to Hogwarts was a trying time for his soon to be classmates. Artemis could hear the exasperation other students had when he would bounce around the train every few minutes, eagerly greeting everyone and everything, talking a mile a minute to the trolley lady, and to anyone unfortunate enough to cross his path. The normal weight that built through the day from all the oppressive thoughts couldn’t even knock his mood. Once his brother made him sit down, he was more than happy to continue chatting the ear of the nice girl in the car with them.
He felt his world shatter around him that same night. The sorting ceremony, one of the most exciting things about the whole days, separated the twins. It was the first time they’d have been significantly apart without a clear time they’d be together in the future. Artie wasn’t sure if he screamed out loud but he definitely did internally as he sat shell-shocked at the Hufflepuff table, on the verge of sobbing. All through his first year, his depression flared again, he struggled to voice his thoughts and opinions unless his sibling was around, and he clung to Apollo harder than he ever had, going so far to skip some classes to hide when everything just got overwhelming.
The end of the first year brought some progress, though it was absolutely obliterated when he got home and his parents were overjoyed with Apollo. Artemis was found… lacking. They acted empathetic but the thoughts. Again, they were just initial reactions. The tinge of disappointment when their son couldn’t meet their academic standards, the flare of irritation at Artemis’ waterfall of disappointment. All gone and replaced with the logical conclusion that he needed a longer adjustment period but the damage had been done. He couldn’t wait to get away again.
The second year made it better. Apollo’s research over the summer unearthed the Patronus charm and after many, many late night talks with both the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff heads, and an equal number of tears from Artemis, they learned the Patronus charm in order to send a piece of themselves to each other when the separation weighed too heavily on them. Learning the Patronus was a point of pride for Artie and it gave him a much needed sense of accomplishment to instill a sense of care in his work. His grades in the fun classes, Charms, Defense against the Dark Arts, and Potions, rose almost overnight but the not so fun classes dragged brutally. History of Magic, dramatic sigh. Astronomy, who cares. Herbology, a necessary evil. Thank goodness for his sibling.
Returning to school the next year was even better than the last. Celebrations went on as news of Voldemort’s defeat was carried across Great Britain and the world was a better place for it. Those who supported him were on the outs, his ideals and views unpopular, and another one of Artie’s problems fell away. Though, not all survived the dark, friend and foe alike, and a certain solemnity fell across the campus. Although he didn’t lose anyone himself, he could empathize with the pain of an unexpected separation and he made it his goal to help others through it. He recruited his brother and those who were willing in making a bit life a little more merry that year so at least for a while the seriousness of life didn’t make school room corners quite as dark.
The third and fourth years found Artie growing more into his magic and his confidence in his place in the wizarding world. His love for his favorite classes grew, his dislike for his others grew too, and his days of rolling out of bed disappeared. He put himself together, took pride in how he presented himself, cared more about his grades and put serious effort into even the ones he loathed, and actively made sure other like him and his brother, muggle born, were taught the ropes and given the same opportunities as those born into the magical community.
Artie assumed that was what earned him his prefect position. Though honestly, he didn’t really question it. It marked a tangible milestone in his growth as a wizard and a person and, as a grown and mature teenager, ran around the house screaming at the top of his lungs. It satisfied a jealousy that had been building inside him, a ugly feeling aimed at his brother for always being more successful and smarter than he. Artie was the prefect, not Apollo. For once, someone acknowledge he was more than just a fun kid, a joker, the accompaniment. But he shook that line of thought form himself, ashamed that he felt that way since he knew Apollo never thought of him like that. So he pushed it aside and got ready for a new, exciting year like always. Nothing could go wrong now.
James Harrington grew up in a family of historians. Like his mother, he inherited a deep seated curiosity and a sense of adventure. His father developed a focused mind and the fiery determination that drove him through his school years, despite a variety of financial and emotional setbacks, and resulted in him graduating from Oxford University with his Doctorates in Greek history. He caught a full time position at the British museum as a museum curator and would eventually ascend to director while continuing as a part time lecturer at Oxford.
An event at the British Museum brought them together, a showcase of the many artifacts that British explorers have brought back from their travels. The pair collaborated on the Greek section, working long hours with little time for other social interaction, but like they often said, it was a match made in heaven. The pair quickly fell in love, their busy schedules complementing each other well, and married a few years later. When they discovered they had twins, one boy and one girl, they decided on their names immediately: Apollo and Artemis. They painted blue wolves and dolphins and pink dancing bears, an homage to the source of their names and a blend of modern and ancient imagery.
Only to be wrong. In a surprise twist, both babies came out male. The first one, named Apollo, was born fifteen minutes before his brother and the parents kept the name, pacified by a nurse who assured them it sounded unisex enough. The tired but ecstatic pair returned home when Olivia was released, only to realize they needed to make some adjustments. The clothes and toys were returned and replaced but the nursery stayed the same. Painting was a chore neither parent wanted to go through again so soon.
The twins were inseparable, going everywhere together. Their speech facilities developed much slower than expected, to the bafflement of most doctors. They could comprehend as well as any child their age, possible even better, but they seemed reluctant to put those ideas into words and when they did speak, it was almost incomprehensible until 4 years old when they made sudden leaps and bounds past the standard development. It pleasantly baffled their parents and the pair set out on catching up the twins on an appropriate level of education.
The reason was, in fact, the pair displayed magic incredibly early. The twins were both Legilimens, wizards with an instinctive knack for the Legilimency spell. The pair practically lived in each other’s heads which removed the primary motivation to communicate verbally, negatively impacting their early speech development. It wasn’t until they realized not everyone could hear others thoughts that they stepped out of their heads, partially, and interacted with their peers.
They were still mostly silent at home and until the age of seven, the pair struggled to differentiate between the ‘inside voices’ and normal voices. Even once they did, it still wasn’t unusual for them to babble in response to an unwitting stranger’s thoughts. Their parents chalked their impromptu conversations to imaginary friends and encouraged their active imaginations. It was that trait that first drove both their parents into Greek History and it made them proud that their children also displayed it. But as time went on and the conversations turned darker and the twin’s supper questions more uncomfortable, the Harrington’s had to admit that possibly their children were a tad touched.
Their parent’s opinion took second place during the summer of of their eight year, when Apollo caught the flu and Olivia went to pick up his medicine, bringing Artemis along with her after he whined his way under her skin. He’d been bouncy all day, after the first few days of fretting over his quiet brother and being assured he would be okay with medicine, and it didn’t stop in the car. He talked about everything they passed, peppering the stressed woman with a million questions and the second she turned to snap at him, it happened. A truck collided with the passenger side of the car as she accidentally drove into an intersection after tapping on the gas. The force of it rolled the car twice before it suddenly stopped upright. Olivia was sliced with glass and metal. Artemis made it out with nearly no damage, his magic instinctively replicatiing the Slowing Charm on everything around him. And while the child made it out with only a few cuts, Artie still has nightmares to this day about the incident.
After the accident, Artemis regressed to the silence he maintained when the twins were younger and Apollo took the role of the pair’s mouth. Guilt wormed its way through him, eating Artemis alive as he blamed himself for the accident after overhearing a short lived thought that if only he’d been less annoying. Of course, the thought was dismissed as quickly as it came as completely unreasonable, his mother couldn’t shift the blame on him when it was her fault for taking her eyes off the road anyways, but the damage was done. Artemis sunk into his depression, barely sleeping through the night and avoiding other people as much as possible.
Apollo struggled then as well. Apollo often got overloaded with voices, struggling to keep himself out of other’s thoughts, and when Artemis started having nightmares and crushing guilt, it was a snapping point. He frequently stopped in the middle of public areas and crouched, covering his ears and trembling until it stopped. Or he could become irritable and confrontational, devolving into temper tantrums when everything became too much. Olivia and James had little option but to have a doctor see them, entering family therapy on a recommendation.
It was a rough climb back to some semblance of normalcy but family therapy helped. The therapist, although a muggle, their therapist picked up on the twin’s “highly empathetic natures”, noting that Artemis felt the accident was his fault and that Apollo was anxious about the growing rift in his family. Olivia and James were horrified to hear this but it was the largest step the family managed and with the help of carefully controlled medications, the pair managed to smile again and feel comfortable in their own home. Their grades and friends returned and life seemed to go on with the occasional episode.
And then the ministry official appeared, Hogwarts letters in hand. The twins accepted it in about five seconds flat, a barrage of questions that had the man wide eyed. But he could also explain that the conversations the twins had, the voices they spoke to, and the things they did were all very real. Their parents, still dealing with the aftermath of the crash, kept their thoughts well in order despite the initial discomfort of knowing their thoughts were not as hidden as they’d assumed. Apollo and Artemis could barely contain themselves, the younger one dancing around the house ecstatically as he screamed at the top of his lungs and Apollo gaped at the man and then promptly fainted.
Diagon Alley was an entirely different experience. Artemis got separated from the family no less than four times as he darted from shop to shop and returning to demand of the ministry man, a very helpful Mr. Hopkinson who Artie still writes once a month, explanations for every little thing that caught his eye. Which boiled down to… everything. His parents and brother seemed mildly concerned about knuts, sickles, and galleons. Why they were discussing plumbing stuff and ships he wasn’t sure; Artie was too busy begging and crying for the most adorable cat he’d ever seen. He won that fight but sadly lost the color changing robes. His new cat, Nonnie, comforted him through that trying time. Discovering his wand wiped the memory of his lost robes and he couldn’t help waving it around until Mr. Hopkinson finally made him put it away.
The train ride to Hogwarts was a trying time for his soon to be classmates. Artemis could hear the exasperation other students had when he would bounce around the train every few minutes, eagerly greeting everyone and everything, talking a mile a minute to the trolley lady, and to anyone unfortunate enough to cross his path. The normal weight that built through the day from all the oppressive thoughts couldn’t even knock his mood. Once his brother made him sit down, he was more than happy to continue chatting the ear of the nice girl in the car with them.
He felt his world shatter around him that same night. The sorting ceremony, one of the most exciting things about the whole days, separated the twins. It was the first time they’d have been significantly apart without a clear time they’d be together in the future. Artie wasn’t sure if he screamed out loud but he definitely did internally as he sat shell-shocked at the Hufflepuff table, on the verge of sobbing. All through his first year, his depression flared again, he struggled to voice his thoughts and opinions unless his sibling was around, and he clung to Apollo harder than he ever had, going so far to skip some classes to hide when everything just got overwhelming.
The end of the first year brought some progress, though it was absolutely obliterated when he got home and his parents were overjoyed with Apollo. Artemis was found… lacking. They acted empathetic but the thoughts. Again, they were just initial reactions. The tinge of disappointment when their son couldn’t meet their academic standards, the flare of irritation at Artemis’ waterfall of disappointment. All gone and replaced with the logical conclusion that he needed a longer adjustment period but the damage had been done. He couldn’t wait to get away again.
The second year made it better. Apollo’s research over the summer unearthed the Patronus charm and after many, many late night talks with both the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff heads, and an equal number of tears from Artemis, they learned the Patronus charm in order to send a piece of themselves to each other when the separation weighed too heavily on them. Learning the Patronus was a point of pride for Artie and it gave him a much needed sense of accomplishment to instill a sense of care in his work. His grades in the fun classes, Charms, Defense against the Dark Arts, and Potions, rose almost overnight but the not so fun classes dragged brutally. History of Magic, dramatic sigh. Astronomy, who cares. Herbology, a necessary evil. Thank goodness for his sibling.
Returning to school the next year was even better than the last. Celebrations went on as news of Voldemort’s defeat was carried across Great Britain and the world was a better place for it. Those who supported him were on the outs, his ideals and views unpopular, and another one of Artie’s problems fell away. Though, not all survived the dark, friend and foe alike, and a certain solemnity fell across the campus. Although he didn’t lose anyone himself, he could empathize with the pain of an unexpected separation and he made it his goal to help others through it. He recruited his brother and those who were willing in making a bit life a little more merry that year so at least for a while the seriousness of life didn’t make school room corners quite as dark.
The third and fourth years found Artie growing more into his magic and his confidence in his place in the wizarding world. His love for his favorite classes grew, his dislike for his others grew too, and his days of rolling out of bed disappeared. He put himself together, took pride in how he presented himself, cared more about his grades and put serious effort into even the ones he loathed, and actively made sure other like him and his brother, muggle born, were taught the ropes and given the same opportunities as those born into the magical community.
Artie assumed that was what earned him his prefect position. Though honestly, he didn’t really question it. It marked a tangible milestone in his growth as a wizard and a person and, as a grown and mature teenager, ran around the house screaming at the top of his lungs. It satisfied a jealousy that had been building inside him, a ugly feeling aimed at his brother for always being more successful and smarter than he. Artie was the prefect, not Apollo. For once, someone acknowledge he was more than just a fun kid, a joker, the accompaniment. But he shook that line of thought form himself, ashamed that he felt that way since he knew Apollo never thought of him like that. So he pushed it aside and got ready for a new, exciting year like always. Nothing could go wrong now.

Character Quote: “Don’t make enemies, invest in friendships!”
Theme Song: Ain’t No Mountain High Enough
Anything Else: Final Fantasy Post, Hufflepuf!
*By submitting this CS in its completion I am stating I have read all the rules for this Rp and am agreeing to follow them to the fullest with respect and courtesy. I acknowledge that I can and will be removed from the RP without warning if I break a rule or cause problems with my fellow Rpers or the GM.
"Don't make enemies, invest in friendships!"
⟢ 🎆Respects ⟡ 🌓Neutral ⟡ 👋Acquaintance ⟡ 🙇It's Complicated ⟣
⟢ ⭐Likes ⟢ 💛Friend ⟡ 💙Good Friends ⟡ 💜Best Friends ⟡ ❣️Ex-Friends ⟡ 😈Frienemy ⟣
⟢ 💘Infatuation ⟡ 💓Loves ⟡ 💗Couple ⟡ 💕Basically Family ⟡ 💞Family ⟡ 💔Ex-Lovers ⟣
⟢ ♨️Tense ⟡ 💀Dislikes ⟡ 😡Hates ⟡ 👿Enemy ⟡ 👹Absolutely Loathes ⟣
💜 Georgina Locke 💜
"Wicked smart and superbad? What did I do to get the slickest best friend in Hogwarts?"
- Met in First Year when Arty was seriously struggling with the separation.
- Grew closer in the second year and Arty basically decided they were besties.
- Loves getting to write her letters during the break months and drops muggle candy treats in her bag.
💛 Penny Haywood 💛
"Being a prefect with the second radest Hufflepuff in school? Totally chuffed! "
- Enjoys practicing potions with her.
- Loves her kind nature.
- Was his role model in third year.
💞 Apollo Harrington 💞
"The slickest twin on this side of the pond!"
- The Twin
- The best Twin!
- Secretly terrified Apollo is going to leave him behind.
💙 Mary Winthrop 💙
"The girl with the schweetest moves in all the school!"
- Dancing mates!
- Started off friends with Apollo but they came together with their own friendship.
- Or leave this blank if there is nothing you want to put!
🌓 Zelda Flynn 🌓
"She definately exists! I know the rest of the group has some issues with her but I haven't seen anything that bad?"
💀 Paige Atwell 💀
"Honestly if she wasn't a total wazzok, I think she'd be pretty tight."
- His opinion of her is heavily colored by the friends group.
- Her Death eater family, considering his own blood status, makes him incredible nervous around her.
👹👿 Merula Snyde 👿👹
"A bloody tosser who needs a good kick in the can."
- Actively avoids at almost any cost.
- One of the first bullies who realized Arty was vulnerable without his twin.
- Will fight if she goes after Apollo or Georgina.
💀 Barnaby Lee 💀
"Look, I'm not sayin' he's starkers but poor chap needs a therapist more than me."
- Still hasn't forgiven him for supporting his worst nightmare: Merula.
- Avoids because he does't want to go back in is head!
💛 Elizabeth Flame 💛
"She's pretty chill. Not a blood purist tosser like the rest of her house!"
- Isn't as nervous around her because she's also a muggleborn.
💛 Madalyn Crane 💛
"Oh she is totally rad! Like, brains and brawn all wrapped up in one!"
- Arty knocked over her chess board in second year.
- Has a great time with her sense of humor
👋 Fae Mintfree 👋
"She's chill when we cross paths. Not much more to say, I guess."
- Met in third year.
- Meet up at social events but otherwise don't hang out much.