Avatar of Achronum


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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

Most Recent Posts

The moment Clarissa pushed out of the classroom once more, she locked eyes on Lysander and Derec across the courtyard. “Professor Roland, you disingenuous boor! Rarely have I been so tempted to bear the colorful epithets of the sailors of Edmund against a man of your stature and yet your duplicity tempts me so.” Clarissa boomed, uncaring of those around them as the world seemed to disappear, leaving only her and the target of her ire, as she stalked towards Lysander. “In the name of common decency however, I will afford you freedom from such language. I expect you’ll learn from the example.”

Clarissa’s words dropped to a furious snarl as she approached, jabbing her finger directly into Lysandar’s chest. “How dare you abuse trust unconditionally given! How dare you wield your authority to violate our autonomy so blatantly in front of our peers! How dare you turn our Professors into goalers and hold a dagger to our throat in one of the most cowardly ambushes I have seen in my life!” She puntucated her points with sharp jabs to his chest. “Tell me, Professor, did you consider the consequences of your actions when you violated our autonomy? Did you consider our goals when you violated our autonomy? Did you consider the rifts that would form when you violated our autonomy?”

“Don’t bother answering. I don’t care to hear the well rehearsed lies of the delusionally self righteous.” Clarissa scoffed, dismissing whatever pathetic excuse the man may muster. “I am not naive enough to believe you unaware of our specific Crests if you know enough to stack your hand full of them and as such I am hard pressed to find any benign or ingenious intention that would lead you to believe your decision to handle sensitive matters with such callous methods ethically acceptable. I have goals and aspirations that, shy of the Goddess herself descending from heavens and issuing a divine edict against me, I am fully determined to complete and I do not need her servants sabotaging me on holy grounds!”

“And furthermore, I have not had the luxury of ignoring my Crest. Since I was barely to your knee, I was made full aware of the implications and the burden of mine. Every step I’ve taken, every breath I’ve drawn, and every decision I’ve made since has been in restitution for the sins of my forefathers and in service to the expectations placed on me because of it and you have the nerve to lock me in a room, expose me to the future’s most influential individuals, and then expect me to lean on a power tainted by failure and treachery? I cannot begin to fathom the depths of depravity through which you trudged to reach this inane conclusion.” She laughed mirthlessly.

“I foolishly believed myself safe here, above the petty politics of the world and the black mark on my family name. I suppose I should thank you for enlightening me.” Clarissa spat out and turned away from Professor Roland, her piece said and the edge of her temper dulled for a moment, to address Derec. “Join me for an afternoon ride with the Deer. A little distance and discretion will give you some opportunity to collect your thoughts and prepare for the tribulations ahead.”
Guys, I'm so sorry, I complete forgot to add in one of the most important sections: The School itself. I've added a hider with 10 pages of school information (some not so shamlessly stolen from D&D) so please take a second to read it!
@XxFellsingxX@Cao the Exiled@Trainerblue192@karamonnom


Here is the the RP OOC!

To answer your questions real quick Cao, other races are fine! I didn't make a hard list for them so we can be flexible in what we can do. It is modern and wands do have to be wands while I've put in some guidelines for familiars.

The Strixhaven Institute of Magic is one of several schools nealty nestled away amongst the real world, obfuscated from the Humdrums (creatures without magic, typically humans). The campaign will take place at the Strixhaven Institute, starting at a United States high school level, and has many opportunities to deviate from the pocket dimension the institute hides itself in. While I encourage your characters to be 14 or 15, starting as first years, you are more than welcome to start as late as third year (17 or 18), when you will be officially graduating from General Studies and joining one of the five schools of the Institute.

It is important to note that this is set in modern day. Magical families and creatures are aware of modern technology and some do use it, although a well hidden spell is often more efficient and safer. While technology does work on the Strixhaven campus, devices that require signal will not find any. Strixhaven also does not run on electricity, instead using immense runes, glyphs, sigils, and other methods to harness magic to power their campus, so whatever you bring may unfortunately be useless after a few days if you can’t figure out a way to charge it.

There are other magical creatures such as goblins, vampires, selkies, pixies and oni just to name a few. Many of them have their own communities, one of the closest being the Moonlight Council of New York City, the leaders of the vampiric underworld located there. Be equally wary and friendly because they all have their own goals, which may help or yours. It is mentioned in the race section of the CS but if you want to play something other than human, reach out to me and we will get it hammered out!

Posts and Rolls

This is my first time hosting a dice rolling rp on a pbp forum. My intention for doing dice rolls is using Discord, a dice bot, and a dedicated rolling channel. PM me for the discord link!

When you need rolls, please tag me in the discord and tell me what you are doing that requires one or more rolls. At that point, I will tell you what the stat is and what the TN is and you can choose to abort mission (please reflect that in your narrative) if your character would or as the situation dictates. Maybe it is a bad idea to try and do a backflip while riding your broom like a skateboard but you want to win some respect with the older students so you try anyway. Those situations can be fun and interesting even on a failure, if not more so than on a success! You’ll make your own rolls in the dice rolling channel and you can narrate the results that I give you!
The number of rolls in a post should be a reasonable amount based on the time of what you're doing. Are you flying into a storm and need some light? Yeah, ask for those two rolls to keep control of your broom and to cast a light spell. Are you in combat with one of your classmates? One roll for that transfiguration spell is probably your best bet. Be reasonable with what you do!

Most importantly, don’t ask for rolls for things that you can do without them. You can open an unlocked door so long as your arms are damaged. You can safely run across a field so long as it isn’t obscenely crowded or slippery. Use your common sense and it’ll flow smoothly!

As for posting cycle, I will update at minimum every 14 days. I appreciate it if everyone posts at least once per 10 days with reasonable size posts but if everyone posts in a scene early than that, then I will also update earlier than normal!
@XxFellsingxX@karamonnom@Cao the Exiled@Trainerblue192

Yep, this is happening!!! It will be posted tomorrow morning at 11!!
James Kingston

Location: On the way to the Hospital
Skills: N/A

“You won’t mess it up, babes. A cup or a pot or whatever else you drop in the sink doesn’t really matter. We can replace those. But when you really care, you do great. Look at us. You love me and you haven’t messed up. You won’t mess up with our son, babes. You’ve got this.” James reassured Casper, pressing a kiss to his lips before transferring Daniel over gently.

It looked right, even as Casper stood there a little awkwardly as he tentatively searched for reassurance he was doing it properly. James took a moment to appreciate the love of his life holding their son―God, they were dads now―and he took a shaky breath as he beamed. “You’re doing great, gorgeous. Keep his head cushioned and supported since he can’t hold it up on his own for now. James pulled out his phone and took a quick picture, setting it as his background before slipping the device back in his pocket. “I think there’s going to be a lot of photos in the future.” James laughed, heart lighter than it had been in a long time, and continued towards the hospital.
@Cao the Exiled No such thing as too excited!

The last dying sparks flickered uselessly against the blood splattered breastplate. The shadow dappled figure watched as the last inhabitant of the star succumbed to its influence and crumbled away, the shining energy of its soul drifting on invisible currents into the silhouette. Nothing disturbed the silence now, a myriad metal rods once humming with energy cold and quiet in the lifeless expanse. Nothing was left of them but a rocky expanse and yawning chasms.

In the absence of life, It thrived. The constant chaos of living felt like nails pounding into Its skull and now that Life had died, It was at peace. Nothing suffered, nothing hurt, just the solace of silence and the gratitude of millions bereft of their misery.

It stared at the stars above, each shining beacon of hope shattering the brief moment of respite. How many of those stars housed prisoners of Life? How many of those stars drowned their pain in the cacophony of life, unable to see what they truly desired? The pounding in Its head crept back and It wept. There was no joy in this damnable task, no peace to be found until every star was black.

Life had no place in this universe.

Hello all! This is my first time running an TTRPG on the guild but I really wanted to try out Kids on Brooms. If you aren’t familiar with the system, don’t worry I’ll have all the info for it summarized in the OOC but for those of you familiar with D&D 5e, I’ve adapted the Strixhaven setting for the Kids on Broom system!

Despite the rather gloomy tone above, the beginning of our campaign will be fun and exciting, starting small with a good focus on getting our students (starting at 14-17 based on the year you start as) and you familiar with the school and the world! While people who have experience with both D&D and Kids on Brooms will find plenty of familiar things, I’ve heavily expanded on the setting and bled it into the modern day world so there is lots and lots of new stuff to experience for everyone!

I plan to have the OOC up in 5 - 7 days. Just wanted to see if people were interested in this before I brushed up all my rough drafts! I'll be looking for 3 - 5 players once I do post it!

The Snakeburrow Woods

14th of the Full Autumn Moon, 1698 P.A.
Early Morning - Partially Cloudy Skies

At the sound of voices on the trail, the woman frowned at the sky before turning her attention to Eila and Ermes. She made no effort to hide how she sized them up, body language deceptively open and face blank as her attention bounced from weapons to bags to clothes to the skeletal cat curled up in Ermes’ jacket. What she found was enough to appease her apparently, tension draining from her shoulders and a toothy grin nearly splitting her face in half as she approached them.

“Morning, folks! Not too often we find a pair of little ‘uns wandering around at this time.” She greeted them, her booming voice coming from deep in her chest. “Are y’all lookin’ for town? Took a bit of a wrong turn here, just go right back ‘round and take a left at the crooked oak, can’t miss the towering walls. Only thing down this here path is the House and trust me, wander too close and we’ll put you to work quicker than a starving wolf eats a horse!”

It wasn’t long before the trio was safely tucked away among the woods, the prying eyes of the clergy no longer a threat. The chill of night still clung to the early morning air, the sun’s warmth not yet fully breaking through the canopy, and animals scurried around the woods with little interest in the passersby. Amongst it all, the faint sound of music plucked on the strings of a harp trickled through the woods with no easily identifiable source. The woodland creatures took no notice of it but it was there, coming from seemingly everywhere.

As the main road approached and the creaking of wheels and the steady clomp of hooves suggested a cart may soon pass them, the music disappeared as the booming voice of a woman took its place, only snatches of her conversation breaking through the trees. "...little ‘uns wandering… left at the crooked oak… here path is the House… starving wolf eats a horse!”
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