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8 yrs ago
So tired, sleep why do you spurn me?!
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Hiya, AChronum here! Although I'm relatively new to rping, I have plenty of writing experience and love trying new genres and styles. I absolutely love high magic fantasy RPs and am pretty much willing to do anything so long as I can create a charaxter, not play an existing one, and develop lots and lots of backstory! I'm perfectly comfortable with all mature themes as well, although smut for smut's sake is out of the question.

Interested in an RP? Send me a PM and have a magically marvelous day!

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Interacting with: @Asura@Raijinslayer

Clarissa murmured the last of her morning prayers before turning on her heel. Her usual route typically kept her there a while longer, content to bask in the rising sun filtering into the holy sanctum, but the Academy adjusted their morning schedule and the stolen time left little opportunity for idleness. A minor inconvenience at worst but in light of their newest class, she felt the loss of the time for contemplation sharply. Especially since the last time their schedule was disrupted, it ended poorly.

Crest abilities. She scoffed as she marched across the bridge. As if she, an Edmond, needed education in Crest Abilities. Even babies barely taller than their mother’s knee knew what her Crest could do. The Crest of the Beast was a warning, a threat, and a responsibility all wrapped into one damned bloodline. She’d been dealing with it her entire life, drowning in the misery and demands that came with its curse. And thanks to the ignorance and disregard of Roland, it was more difficult to keep it under wraps. All it would take was one person pulling at the right thread and all her hard work would crumble to the ground.

Clarissa bid her good mornings to the few people in the dining hall at this hour but in another break from her routine, she took a simple breakfast, nothing that couldn’t fit in one hand easily, and continued out to the small fishing pond near the greenhouse. It was no ocean but it was comforting to be near the water nonetheless. She’d left herself time to eat a proper breakfast but found the confines of the dining hall stifling after four lessons on the crest that she’d had to grit her teeth to keep from berating the Professors again.

In reality, she knew she was being foolish. Imogen wouldn’t think any different of her if she knew. In all honesty, Imogen probably wouldn’t even understand the implications of her Crest. Jorah already knew and he’d been her best friend since they could walk. Isolde seemed like she just wanted to stay out of everything as best she could and that wouldn’t change. Auberon was a toss up; either he’d decide he was here to cut her down or she was part of the Goddess’ plan for the Unit. She’d like to think Lienna wouldn't really care so long as it didn’t directly affect her but the rest of them, she didn’t know. Even Kayden, who she tolerated far more now that she knew him beyond a reckless fool who endangered his friends, she barely knew. But the fear of the truth was a part of her now and it’d take more than some logic and hopeful thinking to change that.

Too soon, she finished off her small breakfast and found herself on the way to the Blue Lion’s classroom. It took a deep breath and a quick head shake to get herself focused, but she drew her shoulders back, kept her chin up, and decided that whatever she found waiting in that classroom wouldn’t be enough to drag her day down.

She swept through the threshold with her usual confidence, continuing to the front as she surveyed the assembled parties. Professor Tomai and Michail were there, not an unusual sight, but the sight of Professor Lavender drawing a map on the chalkboard was an unexpected surprise. However, it was one particular Deer that caught her eye. Ezekiel Gloucester sat at the front of the room, casually chatting with another student, someone she vaguely recognized as part of the Black Eagles, and her interest was piqued. He’d found himself in another Unit so even though they shared a House, their social circles had drifted as soon as they were separated.

“Good morning, Professors.” She greeted them, offering them a brief curtsy before taking the seat next to the Gloucester. “And good morning to the both of you as well. When I finished my prayers in the cathedral this morning, I certainly hadn’t imagined you a part in this, Ezekial. Our paths rarely seem to cross; this Unit method seems to have driven a larger divide in the Houses than I thought. We should find a moment over tea to talk some time but before that,” She sent a smile at Albrecht, “I apologize for stealing your conversation partner momentarily. I am Clarissa von Edmund, heiress to the Margravate of Edmund in Leicester. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
The Soft Haven Bounty House

14th of the Full Autumn Moon, 1698 P.A.
Mid morning - Clear Skies

The bridge was constructed of gray stone and the larger sections of the waist high parapet wall that supported the lamp posts created false balconies along the edge, a fact the designer clearly took advantage of. A diamond pattern snaked along the edges of the bridge, offering a small glimpse into the lake beyond for the shorter folk. Wrought iron lamp posts flanked the bridge at ten pace intervals. These tall, slender rods ended in a glass bubble typical of the Wilree street lamps but seemed empty, entirely devoid of wick, candle, or other contraption on which to hold a flame. If someone looked closely, they may even notice the glass seemed to grow out of the iron as if someone had simply blended the two materials together like a painter blending colors.

The water of the lake was still and murky. A faint few shadows of fish could be made out beneath the surface but not much more, except strange colors that seemed to dot the shallower waters barely six paces off the shore. Brief poppings of red and yellow and blue and green shimmered dully beneath the surface before they faded, repeating across the visible portions of the lake. The brief displays revealed a strange branching pattern, much like a small bush, the color followed before it dissipated.

Jenson’s snoring came to an abrupt halt. He jerked forward, bottle forgotten and spear clutched as it swung wildly in front of him. His eyes barely cracked open as he muttered something that sounded suspiciously like “Fuckin’ horses” and then slouched back in his chair, snoring resuming.
James Kingston

Location: The Hospital
Skills: N/A

Whatever regret squared equaled, that was what James experienced as he walked into a room with four filing cabinets marked by mutant power designations. Who in their right mind sorted medical files by power designation, specially babies who, to James' knowledge, hadn’t displayed any sort of mutant abilities? He paused as he approached the cabinets. He wasn’t sure how they’d organize them differently, especially since he wasn’t even sure if Daniel’s biological parents named him something else. Power designations were as good away as any apparently. The implications were… unsettling at best but he was just here for his son’s medical history. Since he had absolutely no idea where to start, James started with the Gamma cabinet. Babies shouldn’t be all that powerful, right?

Apparently not.

James wanted to cry when he finally stumbled on a file that matched his son. Apparently, they were filed in terms of potential rather than current ability which James had to give them credit for. The foresight was admirable but fucks on a spoon, did it absolutely suck in the moment. Next time Casper gets to do the searching; maybe his chaotic tendencies would have walked him into the records faster since James was completelyoffbase about their filing system. It was more than a little concerning that a baby was filed into the Omega level cabinet but James was ignoring that for now, taking a deep breath as he gave the medical file that he’d briefly skimmed his full attention.

Parents unknown, name unknown… James felt his heart sink. If they didn’t have this information, the parents probably had Daniel outside Genosia and then came here, only to die at the hands of a surprise attack. Blood type AB, weight, height… He didn’t note any major health concerns, a fact he heaved a sigh of relief at. The only major concerning issue was his projected mutation: Fire Generation.

“Well, fuck.” James muttered to himself, tearing out of the records room with Daniel’s information still in hand. He skidded to a halt at the reception desk and slammed the paper down. “Do I need to fill out a form or anything to get this updated? I have more information than is listed.” He asked Bee, searching for Casper. While he trusted (for now) Casper to keep himself out of trouble with their son in his arms, he wasn’t certain he trusted a crying two month old who was a potential omega level pyro. James may be near indestructible but he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he wasn’t there to save his soulmate if something terrible happened.

Then it dawned on him. It hadn’t said anything about the child being fire resistant. So Daniel could make fire but it would still burn him. Great. Awesome. Fantastic. James could see plenty of gray hairs and fire extinguishers in his future.
@karamonnom Awesome! Go ahead and move that sheet right over:D
James Kingston

Location: The Hospital
Skills: N/A

James regretted this entire decision. The second he saw pity, he wanted to cut her off, apologize for the inconvenience, and forget about possible medical files. But no, he wasn’t fast enough. Nemesis came barreling out looking like a B grade horror monster which sent Damien, like any reasonable chid, into tears because what the fuck? If the doctor was busy, he could have just said so rather than barging out here like the science experiment he was. And now Damien was crying and Casper probably would get overwhelmed if how worried he was at just holding their son. This was a terrible idea.

“We’re absolutely not letting you fu- fudge with our son like that. We just wanted to know if you did any check ups or had any information on the children left behind after the attack so we didn’t accidently kill them or something.” James snapped in response to the Doctor’s offer. He turned to Casper who was at least shielding Daniel from seeing anymore of this disaster. “Why don’t you rock him while you walk around a little bit? I’ll deal with the Doctor for now if you want to try and calm him down.” James suggested, pressing a kiss to his boyfriend's cheek.
@XxFellsingxX Your sheet looks great!!! Slide this gal into the Character tab!
@Trainerblue192 Your sheet looks Spink and span!! Move dis Boi on over!
@karamonnom I am getting ready for work but at a quick glance, I don't see any glaring issues! I'll read it more thoroughly in a few hours and let you know :D
The Snakeburrow Woods

14th of the Full Autumn Moon, 1698 P.A.
Early morning - Partially Cloudy Skies

Katya evaluated the newcomers and dismissed whatever concerns she’d harbored again, though she took a little longer as her eyes lingered on the masked Tainted. Her concerns were alleviated apparently because she simply laughed off Ermes’ apology with a wave. “Don’t you worry your little head ‘bout that. Since y’all are all on your way anyways, let Aleka know I’m pickin’ up our order after a few tankards. Can’t wait to see y’all there.” Katya took a few steps towards Soft Haven and paused, turning to address the group. “Oh, and ‘fore I forget, don’t y’all think about wakin’ up poor Jenson, that’s the gate guard just down the road, or he’ll keep ya there for hours ‘til he’s satisfied you ain’t a horse. Don’ go asking questions, I ain’t got any answers but I learned real quick it typically involves lot a poking with the bad end of a spear so if he’s still sleepin’, keep him that way. Good luck!” She gave them a cheery wave and headed towards town, humming to herself.

The Soft Haven Bounty House

14th of the Full Autumn Moon, 1698 P.A.
Mid morning - Clear Skies

The walk to the Bounty House saw the clouds thin away to the horizon, leaving clear blue and warm sunlight. Small game could be heard rustling through the underbrush, birds flitted from tree to tree, and the morning chill gave way as the sun warmed the Snakeburrow Woods. Those with some sense of direction would tell that despite the various twists and curves of the path, they were slowly drifting further east, almost in line with the Soft Haven graveyard by the time they approached their destination.

It was not long until the group could see a lake quieted away in the depths of the Snakeburrow woods. The trail skirted its shores, the foliage and trees denser the closer one got to the lake. Oddly enough, it was still on the lakeside. No creatures buzzed in the woods around it, no birds sang, no foliage rustled, nothing sat at its edge and drank.

However, it may have had something to do with the atrocious snoring coming from the end of the trail. In front of a decorative wrought iron gate, a man slept slumped in his chair, an empty bottle tipped over beside him. His hair had mostly grayed and fallen out, drool smeared across the deep wrinkles in his face, and the stench of alcohol wafted off him. His armor was of good quality, noticeable even beyond the dirt that marred its metal and leather, and a spear was clutched by white knuckles.

While only a gate in name, the wrought iron arch barely reached a few paces left or right before it gave way to the natural density of the foliage. Beyond it, a stone bridge wide enough for two side by side and flanked by lamp posts stretched out a hundred paces to an island in the center of the lake. A tall building sat in the center, composed of mostly stone, that would have been called quaint had it not been three stories tall and equally wide. Strange vines grew up the outside, clearly guided and patterned, as they avoided the large windows that flanked the double doored entrance. A raised porch circled the right side of the building, supported with elegant columns, and more windows peppered the second and third stories all the way around. Smoke curled out of several chimneys that were quietly tucked between sloping roofs and carved eave trim, though the fine details were impossible to discern at this distance.
James Kingston

Location: The Hospital
Skills: N/A

“I’ll keep you safe from the big bad doctors, don’t worry.” James teased, wrapping his arm around Casper as they made their way into the hospital. James could feel his mood drop a little. It hadn’t been that long ago he was walking through these doors just to look at the faces of his frozen friends. It was reflexive now, the tightening in his chest, the involuntary swallow, the first stutter in his stride as they crossed the threshold, a permanent reminder of how dire the circumstances were barely months early etched into the very walls of these halls.

But now James could clutch Casper a little tighter, soak in the warmth of his boyfriend standing next to him, and remind himself that they’d figured it out, that everyone was out and living their lives, building a better tomorrow for each other. His apprehension wasn’t a warning, it wasn’t ominous, it was just a habit and he forced himself to relax. He steered Casper to the receptionist, hoping the Doctor wasn’t busy. “Good morning. We adopted one of the children orphaned after the attack and we were told that Doctor Nemesis was the one who cared for them during their time in the hospital. Is he busy at the moment? I wanted to see if he did any check ups or had any documentation on them before I have him scheduled for a check up.”
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