Avatar of AlteredTundra


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3 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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Giving this is a bump. Kinda been craving some famdoms lately. I'll be taking on 1-2 parters.

Look forward to hearing from anyone who is interested. :)
Would you guys wish for a fellow NPC merc?

Should your team have a leader?

Do you want some light dice rolls in the game?

Give me either a Yes/No/Neutral on all of them.

Neutral. They could be like whatshisface from Skyrim who leads you out of Helgen.

Yes. Gives the others someone to constantly question the authority of. You know, for scientific purposes!

Yes. I've never been against it and could make things interesting. Always been a fan of semi-predetermined outcomes that dice rolls can provide.
I probably shouldn't for a myriad of reasons, but Imma keep my eye on this because this is a sick idea and this will at least give me time to seriously contemplate a concept.
@Hillan@Sep Thanks for being understanding. Maybe when I'm not so bogged down by shit, I can make my way back.
So, I think I will, unfortunately, have to bow out. I do apologize if this inconveniences anyone. If it makes things easier, I can write an exit post for JD no problem. I'm just not sure I have it in me to fulfill my end of the commitment anymore, especially not with how my mental health is keeping me from posting when I'd like to.



Location: Camp (going a lot of places
Interactions: Issura @Vicier

Being back at camp felt different for the Daughter of Khione.

And she didn’t know if it was the good kind or not.

As Astrid aimlessly wandered around camp, going from Big House to the Barracks to some of the other cabins, she just wandered without any real direction. She was too deep in her own head to pretend she cared to pay attention. And that was honestly because of the thoughts that were consuming her drug-filled brain.

When she stepped through the barrier that shielded them from outside forces and she lost sight of her sister, Astrid couldn’t shake the feeling that it truly wasn't the same. Before she left for Norway to be with her sister, before having that choice of staying or leaving (it wasn’t much of a choice because Astrid would never not be near Issura. That was never an option. Sure, somewhere deep down she felt regret because she was leaving a life she knew for so long, but at the end of the day, her whole world was her sister. If there was anyone she felt the safest nearby, it was her sister.

And, on some level, she had hoped that it was a two-way street.

Still thinking about our sister, are we?

As Astrid was about halfway to the Khione Cabin, she rolled her eyes when she heard Vidar’s voice speak to her. “Oh fuck off already!” She cursed aloud, earning weird glances from passing Demis.

She didn’t care and she heard the remnants of her legacy’s laugh as it faded.

You want to know the main reason Astrid LArsen takes so many goddamn pills? It’s to keep the invading presence of her legacy out of her mind for as long as possible. Vidar wasn’t like most legacies. While they respect boundaries and the rule of law that their respective Godkings might enforce, he was a rebellious little twat that just clung to the concept of annoying Astrid any chance he got.

The worst part of it all? It worked.

Until it didnt’.

“Whatever. He’s gone and I wont be hearing from him in a few days.”

Thank the Gods for Big Pharma.

And at long last, Astrid had made it to the Khione Cabin. Her sister probably thought she was dead or had just forgotten about her. Or that someone else had forgotten about her, but none of those were true. Astrid just liked to take the scenic route. What mattered most was that she was here and when she felt the breeze of the Khione Cabin-exclusive chilling winds howl themselves by welcoming Astrid home, she immediately made a beeline for her sister’s room, knocking on the door, though she didn't practice common courtesy of waiting for an actual answer.

"No need to hold your applause!" Astrid stated. Unlike the common use of that saying, Astrid wanted applause. "Your beloved sister has finally arrived."
@rocketrobie2@Theyra@metanoia@Tackytaff@deja you all still onboard? It has come to that awful time where I say, we'll move on with or without you in order to keep things going for everyone else.

Yeah, I'm still around. I've just been going through a bit mentally and having selective writer's block. I'll try my best to bounce back into this as soon as I can, but don't feel the need to wait on me and others if you guys need to push the scene along.
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