Avatar of AlteredTundra


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2 mos ago
Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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A @metanoia & @BrutalBx collaboration

As Marco walked from the diner to Lyon Park, he had to remind himself to keep a steady pace. He knew if he took a step too big his legs would buckle under him. He wouldn’t fall down per se, but there was a good chance he’d be in immense pain. Maybe in hindsight, he should have asked for a lift to the park, but he insisted to his mother that he was fine and he just knew she would do that thing that only partially got on her nerves. Only because he truly felt like he could handle the trek.

He wanted to walk, but more importantly, he needed the time alone. He needed to be alone with his thoughts. He didn’t want to admit it to his family, especially because a lot of what happened last night felt like it’d be best not to divulge to his family. If his mother found out that he was even anywhere near a gun, or on a wild goose chase about Charlie Decker’s ghost, she’d go into helicopter mode. And hell be damned, he didn’t want to worry her. Because if she was worried, he’d only feel guilty for starting to feel like he couldn’t run away from the past. He knew if she knew he was hurting, that’d only make things worse.

And after last night, especially after some of the harsh truths Jill gave him about Danny, he had a lot to think about.

But he was done reflecting on things that were eventually going to be addressed in the future, because as he finally made it to the playground, sitting on a bench, watching his daughter proudly in the stroller that was in front of him, was Roddy Callahan. He smiled at his friend and instead of standing up to greet him, Marco shook his head as he took a seat next to him. “Sorry it took me forever, man,” Marco admitted, giving his friend an apologetic smile. “Made the mistake of walking here from the diner across the street. I thought taking the Happy Trail would be quicker, but with how slow I walk these days..” He nervously laughed. “But I’m just glad I made it.” Smiling, Marco looked at his goddaughter, making random, silly faces at her and he heard her laugh in the way that babies did.

“That’s ok, bro beans” Roddy handed Rylie one of her toys and leaned back against the bench, avoiding the plaque on the back dedicated to the memory of yet another fallen child of Eden. “You know I’m an early riser anyway and after last night, I barely slept a fucking wink”

Last night had been an extremely strange evening for Rod. He had gone in with a simple enough plan; convince Lanie to take him back. Then the shit with Charlie’s letter happened. As much and as desperately as he wanted it to just be about him and his ex-girlfriend, Roddy couldn’t ignore the chance to find some sort of closure. Too many people assumed that beyond his devastating injury, the butcher's boy was absolutely fine after the shooting. He wasn’t. The night terrors were horrible, the ptsd flashbacks were nauseating and the guilt weighed him down terribly. Rod left more than just a piece of his spine in the gym that day. He had left a part of his soul there. Now he regretted ever suggesting going back. Lanie was distraught, Mei, Jill, everyone seemed worse off than when they first started. Hell, even fucking ReyRey Gonzalez seemed messed up. Whoever was doing this must be getting a kick out of it all. Some kind of monster indeed.

“Beyond the obvious, you doing ok man?”

Marco breathed out a nervous chuckle. “I guess that depends on your definition of ‘ok’. I just had breakfast with my family. All of them. Pa got off earlier than he has been lately and wanted breakfast.” Thinking about his siblings’ bickerfest was the one thing that kept him smiling throughout the entirety of the past hour.

“That’s rough, dude,” Roddy took a sip from his coffee cup and placed it into a nearby bin. Attempting to avoid even more difficult subjects, Callahan pulled out his phone and opened up a news article, handing it to his friend. “You see this? DeShawn Marcus just signed with the Patriots. Our D this year is going to be fucking impenetrable. Guys a god damn brick wall.”

“It wasn’t too bad,” he muttered, seeing the news article on Rod’s phone and he had to do a double check. “You serious!?” A genuine feeling of excitement passed through Marco’s body that Rylie seemed to respond to it in her own, baby-like way. “Holy shit, man! DeShawn is gonna be the next Brady--” He had to laugh, considering present company (talking about himself) “--Tom Brady, that is. I can’t wait! I’ve been saving my money for that season pass! And maybe by then, my leg will be healed enough so we can actually attend all the home games we can.” The rush of some kind of normalcy was a refreshing adrenaline rush for Marco and he welcomed it with a wide grin.

In hindsight, Roddy realised that he’s led the conversation in a way he didn’t want; to yet another sad topic. “That may not happen like you want it to, Marco” He pushed his phone back into his pocket and sighed. “I’ve been mulling over something in my head, something big. I’m sort of thinking about…leaving town.” This was going to be difficult. Marco had been his best friend for a few years now and having not even discussed the idea with him was already a mark in the negative column. “Lanie isn’t here anymore and I barely get to see Rylie…” He grabbed his daughter's little hand and began to play with her fingers as she giggled. “There’s a lot of shit here bud and I don’t want her growing up around all these bad memories. You remember I told you that I got into college and deferred for rehab? Well they said I can go back as long as it’s in the next round of applicants and it’d be in Texas. I’d be close to Lanie and Rylie and I got to think of my family. If I go, it’d have to be soon, like real soon.”

There was a silence that filled the air that Rylie’s giggles couldn’t reach. A silence brought on by Marco’s shock by this sudden news. It was not that he was disappointed -- okay, maybe there was a little bit of that, but it is more for the fact that he didn’t think they’d be leaving so soon. Marco had often relied on both Rod and Lanie for support. He wouldn’t be as far into his recovery had it not been for the hours that he spent in recovery with Roddy, talking and bonding over their love for sports and getting into heated debates about the true football. He wouldn’t be able to walk if it wasn’t for Lanie’s repeated visits to his house and checking up on him every day that she could spare.

Looking down, Marco smiled at Rylie. And of course, every chance he got to spend with his goddaughter was a blessing. Her smile always lightened up any gloomy forecast that was predicted in his mind.

So, it just was a bit of a surprise. “Damn Rod, I don’t know what to say.” Marco found himself still looking at his goddaughter, smiling at her innocent face, that golden hair making it so obvious who she took after. Internally, he was digesting it slowly, but weirdly enough, he found quick peace with it. “I mean, I know she’s been thinking about it. And I know with everything going on with the letters and last night, it was too much for her to handle.” Reflecting on how he couldn’t find her when she ran out of that house, Marco completely understood why this had to happen. “D-do you guys have a set date when you might be leaving? Or even a general time frame?” Marco asked, finally looking up at Rod.

“Not yet. I don’t even know if we’re going. It’s pretty much up to Lanie.” Rod ran a hand through his trademark shaggy hair and looked up towards the sky. “I think about all the people we know who didn’t have dads or grew up on the Southside. I think of Charlie and how he looked at me when we were in that gym.” Roddy gripped the bench just a little bit tighter. “I didn’t know him like Poppy or Jade but we were always cordial, always friendly but he was so broken, what he was carrying was just too much.” He returned his gaze to his little girl. “I don’t want that for her. I want to be there as much as I possibly can be. To help her; to carry that weight. I don’t believe in ghosts Marco but this place has too many.”

Marco felt the pit in his stomach suddenly drop when Roddy started to talk about Charlie. In all the time, he hadn’t thought of him and in the past twelve hours alone, he was starting to learn more and more about the boy that caused so much harm. Before, he just thought of him as someone who took all of his dreams away -- the dreams of going pro, being a star, being the person he was in high school but on a grander scale. And then learning about what happened nearly five years ago and on top of all of that, Jill's words about Danny lingering, Roddy was right about there being so many ghosts in Edenridge.

As he listened, he thought about what it’d be like without them around. The few genuine moments he had when he could smile were right now: spending them with one of his best friends, seeing Rylie’s face light up any time they glanced her way, but he knew that Lanie could barely handle it last night. She loved Ally like a sister and he couldn’t blame her for wanting to leave and he sure as hell couldn’t fault Roddy for wanting to go so he could be closer to his daughter.

“If you guys do end up going,” Marco spoke, smiling, “it should be together.I don’t know how badly she took last night...I mean about Ally and the other things said, but maybe getting away might be good for you two--” He caught himself looking down at Rylie, smiling at his goddaughter, “--I mean the three of you to have a fresh start.” Marco let the thought linger for a few moments, quietly thinking about what it might be like and then another thought came to him and he couldn’t help but let a chuckle escape. “At the least, you won’t have to endure the arctic winter in the south.”

“I dunno,” Roddy shrugged. “I think I’d miss the cold” the shaggy haired man chuckled lightly. He was partial to the winter weather of Boston, anything close to summer heat killed Roddy…maybe it was all that hair? He hoped Rylie would never suffer the same fate and that she’d take after her mother as a golden goddess. “So what happened with Danny last night Marco? You guys admit your undying love or what?”

Suddenly Marco found himself tensing up somewhat. He didn’t expect Roddy to be so...forward, but that’s how he always was. Maybe it was his mind not prepared for it, but as he expelled out a small chuckle, he just looked at his friend. “Now what makes you think we did?” The nervous laughter persisted as Marco scratched the top of his left forearm, a nervous habit of his. “I...no, we didn’t get to see much of each other yesterday. At least, not after the bombshell of a story Rey Rey GOnzalez told us.” His admission came just moments before he found himself thinking about Jill again and how their conversation about Danny had been living rent free ever since.

“You two will get there.” Roddy put his arm over his friends back and gave him a soft but firm pat. “I got a feeling.” He stood up to his feet and strapped Rylie properly into her stroller. “You wanna go grab a bite before I take the munchkin back to her Mom?” He asks. “I’m thinking the Godmothers? I could murder a sandwich.”

Marco smiled at Ruddy and Rylie. He didn’t know exactly what the future held for him and Danny nor did he think he’d be lamenting on what Jill told him for so long, but that was a task for another day. Besides, Marco’s pensive expression changed into a bright smile as soon as Rod mentioned The Godmother. He ate a big breakfast not too long ago, but he could never say no to Godmother’s, especially when it might be one of the last times he and Rod might be able to hang out with each other. “Only if you let me pay. It’s the least I can do for you and my favorite little blonde person.” He smiled like the proud uncle-like figure he was to the little one.

”I mean, I’ll never turn down a free meal” Roddy walked behind the stroller and put both his hands on firmly ready to guide his baby girl to the Godmothers for the best meatball sub five dollars could buy. He glanced down at Marco before he too stood up and a small smile crossed his face. Had you asked him years ago that he would be as close to the former soccer player as they now were, he would’ve laughed. Yet for all intents and purposes, sans Kylee, he was his best friend. ”Hey Marco, can you do me a favour after I’m gone? Look out for my cousin Clay? He’s a bit of a tool but he’s a good guy with a good heart. With everything the way it is, he’s gonna need a friend”

Walking as steadily as he could, Marco turned his head to his friend when he stated a request. He knew Clay somewhat. Not well enough to say they were regular buddies, but Marco has seen him around town sometimes. His dad might have told him something about some new detective that the force had a while back, but he couldn’t be sure. Regardless, Roddy didn’t have to ask him a second time. “You got it man! He sounds like a nice guy. I mean, he’s your cousin, so he can’t be that bad, right?”

Marco grinned, walking at his own pace, Roddy not seeming to be in a rush (at least from where Marco could see). For better or worse, they would make it to Godmother’s, and Marco would enjoy a fully stacked Reuben.

Collab with @Venus || featuring The Brady Bunch || Time of Day — Early Morning (after the events of the Carlisle House)

As the morning rays had been poking through his window for nearly an hour and his room was illuminated by the summer sun, Marco just laid in his bed, looking at the wide poster of Boston’s hottest weather girl, Leticia Flores, Marco just laid there. His arms were folded loosely across his stomach, legs crossed in a way that didn’t cause his barely-recovered leg any discomfort. He laid there staring blankly into the image of the Mexican beauty, her dark hair enhanced by the light.

But he may as well be staring at a blank wall.

Marco wasn’t even feeling like himself right now nor had he since he and Jill departed-- and especially not since Danny dropped him off last night.

Since he got home, maybe save for a few hours spread across nine, Marco hadn’t been able to sleep. All he could do was think about how quiet he was during that drive home. All he could do was lament on what Jill said about Danny. He didn’t know if she was right and that Danny didn’t deserve him or if that was even a factor. He had buried all of those dark thoughts about Danny for so long that Marco thought he forgot about it.

But then when Jill opened up about Mei and poured her soul out to him, he just felt like he needed to tell someone. But after, he didn’t know if it helped. Even now, he still didn’t feel like he was any closer to feeling better about it. The pain was still there, but unlike before, he didn’t have anything else to push it down. Nothing to distract him. Unlike before, when Marco could use the excuse of the shooting and being shot and trying to recover from that, there was nothing that felt like a good excuse not to think of the hurt that came with his breakup with Danny. Even if nobody knew, he did and…

“I just don’t know!!--”


As a few tears fell down his face, Marco shook it as he heard Emil call for him. He immediately wiped away his brief visit with his feelings, burying them down behind a fortified smile that was depending on Marco’s ability to hide his sadness from his younger brother.

And as soon as a dressed Emil burst his way into Marco’s room, he didn’t make any fuss about it since his door was open. “I’m up! What’s up?” Marco said, greeting his brother as he stood up in a grunt.

“Mami needs us downstairs. Pop just got home and they want to go out for breakfast.”

“Really? I thought Pops wasn’t due home for another few hours?”

Emil shrugged. “You’re asking the wrong person. Now hurry up. I don’t think they want to wait in a line at Dolly’s.”

As his brother left, Marco decided that he wouldn’t think about Danny or what Jill said about Danny for the next couple of hours. Honestly, at the end of the day, maybe what he needed was this— a distraction with his family. Something that might make him forget about everything. Breakfast with his family always did that.

Marco spent a few minutes going through his dresser for a pair of shorts and a shirt. He knew that his Ma would probably expect him to wear something decent, so Marco made a habit of not going for a random pair of sweats. Even if they were just going out to the diner, there was a level of expectations to be had. Once he found something, though, he quickly slipped it on and headed downstairs.

But he did so at his own pace. His leg still felt like crap. Running around and standing for long periods of time did nothing to help his aching.

As he made it to the bottom of the stairs, waiting for him was everyone: his father, who was dressed in his usual work gear of the brown leather jacket he always wore, dark blue jeans, and a dark-colored shirt. Marco noticed the bags under his father’s eyes, which was to be expected. He was working all night and the fact he came home early and didn’t go straight to bed just showed how much he loved Ma.

“Hey there, Champ!” Colin greeted his oldest son with a dap hug, though it wasn’t as tight as he usually did. “Sleep well?”

Marco had to lie. “Yeah, it was okay!” He gave a smile, hoping they’d buy it. “Where’s Ma?” As he asked, he looked around for both Ma and Marcy.

“Marcy’s missing too,” Emil muttered. “Figures. The ones who wanted to go are the same ones making us wait.”

“Now now, don’t be like that, Emil. Just have a little patience, yeah?” Colin urged his son, teasing him with a slight tap against his son’s cheek.

And so they’d wait for a few minutes. They chatted during that time -- well, Emiliano and Colin did. Marco zoned out a few times and lost track of time. Honestly, he lost track of anything as he found himself sitting on the bottom stair, looking around and looking nowhere. Thoughts about what he had hoped to be distracted came back.

It was only when he saw his father and brother come at attention and hear the footsteps from behind him come in pairs of two. He stood up as quickly as his body would allow him to and took a few steps back.

His mother Marlena and his younger sister Marcy were making their way down the stairs, stylishly dressed to the nines and with impeccable hair and makeup. The females of the Brady family prided themselves in keeping up a flawless appearance no matter the occasion or time of day-- a diner breakfast would not be the exception. With her usual cheerful demeanor and blinding smile, Marlie waltzed around the room, planting kisses and hugs on her sons before wrapping her arms around her husband and pulling him into a kiss.

Emil looked at his mami and sister and shook his head, specifically at Marcy. “Don’t you think you’re a little overdressed? We’re just going to a diner.”

The brunette teen rolled her eyes. "How about you save your opinions for someone who actually cares?" she sassed back in perfect Spanish, flipping her hair over her shoulder and sauntering to the door. "Can we go now? I'm starving."

When Marcy's back was turned, he stuck his tongue out at her and felt the swift wrath of his mother's hand smacking the back of his head, sending the boy following his sister with the firm reminder that even a non-verbal habit doesn't go unnoticed by Big Momma.

"When will that boy ever learn?" Colin shook his head.

His wife merely rolled her eyes, making it evident from which parent Marcela had inherited the action from. "Apparently, never."

The air was filled with an immeasurable light, albeit at the expense of Emiliano, though everyone knew it was all in good fun. Even as Marco followed behind his parents, who were lovingly embracing with her arm behind his back and his gently slung over her neck. He smiled at that sight. He also smiled at the echoes of laughter as the door closed behind them, Marco locking it as his parents were halfway to the driveway, looking back at him, waiting.

The barely-mobile Marco had to take his time, but between the atmosphere among his family and the subtle breeze he felt from the morning, Marco took comfort in this being a better day than it was yesterday.

And when they got into the family SUV, a black one with spacious front and back seats, Marco and Marcy locked Emiliano in between them while their father drove. It wasn’t some guy thing where the dad drove the car, but Colin just liked to drive. And, normally, his ma was more than happy to let him do so.

The quick drive that took no more than ten minutes to Dolly’s Diner had been spent just chatting and enjoying each other’s company. Marco intentionally tried to bury himself into it, which most of it was spent talking about the weather. As mundane as it was, there was something refreshing about that particular topic. Maybe in all the darkness that yesterday brought, Marco welcomed it with an open mind. It served as the distraction he knew he needed.


Inside his shorts pocket, Marco felt his phone go off. Taking a moment to break away from the engaging conversation his family had, Marco saw he got a text from Roddy. He wanted to hang out later at Lyon Park. Something about wanting to take Rylie out.

Yeah sure man!
Just lemme know when.
Out with my family right now so maybe in a couple hours?
To Roddy

And when he sent that text, Marco looked up with a smile and saw that they had arrived.

And then they got out of the car and walked inside the diner. As they were met rather quickly, the Brady family were seated at a booth with a view, the sight of Lyon Park just down the way was what Marco immediately saw. He took the outer seat due to his limited mobility.

As they were handed menus, the waitress gave them a quick smile before saying, “I’ll give you a few minutes to decide. Can I start you off with some coffee in the meantime?”

“Yes. Please! Colin said almost as if he was pleading with her for something a little stronger. “And make it as strong as possible.”

“I’ll take mine with four sugars.”

Emil shook his head at his older brother. “Well, I’ll take some OJ if you have it!” Emil chimed in, not quite ready to take the coffee route.

"I'll have a French vanilla latte with skim milk," Marcela piped up, while immediately shooting a defiant glare at Emiliano as if daring him to make one of his little comments about it.

"And I'll take a sunset mimosa," Marlie replied brightly, shooting their waitress a kind smile while lightly squeezing Marcy's thigh under the table-- a silent warning to her daughter and a request to behave.

Colin sighed as the waitress just replied with a “I’ll get your drinks for you now” before departing from the undoubtable awkward and tense air that had become the Brady Bunch’s booth. Not even five minutes in and the sibling bickering became so obvious that Colin could tell this wasn’t going to be easy.

“So, do we know what we want?” Colin asked his family, looking at each of them, though he’d center his gaze on his youngest two. The glares they exchanged was a telltale sign of what was to come and maybe — just maybe — if the patriarch of the family could restore some order while Marlie manned the close combat, he might be able to stop the storm before it became too large. “And don’t worry about skimping on anything you’re craving. We don’t do this as often as we should, so go ham!”

After a few long moments, Marco looked up from the menu. He took an additional one to look at Emil and Marcy. Whatever pops had said worked for now, but he could tell there was something brewing. “Think I might go for the Doll Express Plate.” Marco was looking at the photo of the three-pancake stack of buttermilk pancakes with three slabs of honey ham and three sausage links. There was a choice of hashbrowns or country potatoes, but Marco wasn’t sure which he wanted. He definitely wanted some fried eggs, though.

“Someone’s hungry!” Emil chimed in. “Maybe you want to make it a double, Marce? We all know how you like to eat!”

If they were out of sight from their parents, this would be the moment in which Marcela would flip off her brother and toss in a saucy remark or two. But because she was the bigger person (and because her mother would be quick to act if she didn't), the youngest Brady chose to purposely ignore Emiliano.

"I'll go for the salmon eggs benedict and a cinnamon roll," she told her family, closing the menu and pointedly looking away from her brother.

“Right…” Colin looked up at his two youngest. There was a partial groan that left his lips. PArt of him wanted to say something to them, but figured if they weren’t going to cause anymore problems, then it wasn’t worth it. So instead he’d try to detour the tense energy into a positive light. “Think I’ll have the midwestern omelet and some sourdough toast. Might even splurge in some turkey bacon.” He hummed as he looked over the menu. Breakfast was always hard to decide, but Colin knew he was hungry, though maybe not as hungry as Marco was. The thought of the spread that his eldest son was gonna feat upon made him crack a smile. It was at that same moment he turned to Marlena. “What about you, honey? Any idea what you might get?” He asked, looking at her lovingly (albeit with an obvious exhausted expression on his face).

"The mixed berry Belgian waffles with scrambled eggs and bacon," his wife replied, giving Colin a brief kiss before resting her head on his shoulder.

Not long after the whole family had stated what they wanted, their waitress came back with their drinks. And after some low murmurs from Emil and Marcy, who had once again bickered amongst themselves, the waitress left to take their orders to the kitchen. Everyone was mostly normal, or at least whatever normal passed for the Brady Bunch.

Everyone except Marco, who was, for the most part, lost in his own world.

Despite everything Marco told himself about wanting to have a distraction and wanting to just relax with his family. Despite him wanting to not think about what happened yesterday, he just couldn’t do it. And he wasn’t a master poker player like his father and couldn’t lie brilliantly like his siblings could, so he knew they’d see right through it. Brave faces only lasted so long.

How long did it last? Oh, right up until the waitress who had been checking up on them frequently dropped the check off, which of course his father picked up as he always did. It wasn’t even a man thing, but he always paid and nobody, not even his mother questioned it. Marco found a reason to smile because of this. He noticed that his father smiled when he opened the bill.

Knowing him he might just leave a tip larger than is ethnically required.

That’s just the kind of person Colin Brady was. Protects and serves in more ways than one might see on the side of the Edenridge PD cruisers.

As they got up, Marco remained quiet until his brother nudged him. It was their thing. When Marco shut down, which given recent events (not last night but generally speaking), Emil felt like he had to do it more often than he used to. They were at the door and as Marco walked through, his throat was dry, so he coughed. “So, Roddy texted me earlier.” He managed to get that out before he coughed again. His parents were halfway to the car and his siblings were the closest to him. “And he said he wanted to talk. I think, well I’m sure he’ll give me a ride back home if I asked him. So I think I’m gonna stick around. He’s told me to meet him at Lyon Park.” His gaze fell on the park just across the street.

Marlena stopped in her tracks and turned around to face her son. "Is everything okay?" she inquired, her voice worried as a concerned frown settled on her features. She could tell something had been weighing on her oldest from the moment she gave him his good morning kiss earlier that day. However, she had long since learned that the best approach to take with her blue-eyed boy was to inquire about things privately, and allow him the opportunity to return later if he didn't feel ready to disclose yet. Marlie knew asking in front of the others would earn her his usual "I'm fine" response, but she wanted to make sure her son knew his feelings were seen and validated.

Giving his mother a quick nod, Marco said, “Yeah…yeah! I’m alright! Everything’s okay!” His reply came out a bit more forced and rushed like he had to say it to save face with her or something. He knew that his ma was asking because she was concerned (obviously), and, of course, it wasn’t that he wanted to dismiss her effort to try and understand what he was feeling. Truth was he just didn’t feel like talking about it -- not here, at least. Something about others hearing what might be going through his head, especially about these new thoughts revolving around Danny. Marco just…didn’t want to deal with it right now. He just hoped that was enough for her, at least for now.

Marlie knew her son was lying, but she decided to not press on. Instead, she’d give Marco a soft smile and table the conversation for a later time. “Okay! And you’re sure you don’t want us to at least drop you off at the park, then? I know the doctors said walking is good for your recovery process, but Lyon Park is still some distance away. I wouldn’t want you to overexert yourself,” she confessed, worriedly eyeing his leg. Mother’s instinct, after all: to always protect, care and look after her children.

Marco shook his head, maintaining his ‘everything is fine’ expression on his face. In this case, about whether or not he could handle the walk from the diner to the park, Marco wasn’t covering up with that Brady stubbornness or anything. He really did believe he could handle it. “Thanks, Ma, but don’t worry! I can handle it. Doc said I’m at the point where I can push myself a little more each day.” Marco never lost his competitiveness. Even though he wasn’t the athlete he was a couple of years ago, there was no mistake he still had the spirit.

As Colin looked around and just smiled at Marlie and Marco, and came up from behind. “I’m sure he’ll be fine, honey.” Colin placed a supportive hand on Marlena’s slender shoulder. “And if all else fails, Marco can always call one of us to pick him up if he needs to. Right, Marco?”

“That’s right!” Marco said, flashing a more convincing grin.

Marlie assessed her son one last time. Although she knew he was fibbing about being alright, she could tell that he was being truthful about his confidence in being able to make it. If he felt comfortable enough in himself to make the trek, then who was she to stop him?

"Okay, honey," she finally gave in, taking a few steps towards Marco to give him a parting kiss and hug. "You call me if you need anything, okay? Say hi to Rod for me and give Princess Rylie extra cuddles on my behalf!"

Marco gave his usual thumbs up and watched as his family drove off. Somewhere in his gut he knew he was going regret not taking her offer, but he definitely just needed some time for himself to think. And maybe, jsut maybe, he wanted to prove to himself that he could make the journey to the park.


“Thanks for picking me up.”

“Sure thing, kiddo. But I was surprised when you called. You don’t typically call me unless you want someone’s face caved in,” Reginold A.K.A. Chains said, smiling at Jade as his truck started up.

In usual circumstances, Jade only called her cousin because she knew he was always down for a fight and wasn’t as ill-tempered like that hotheaded Leone was, but she didn’t feel like worrying most of the members of the club, especially since the way she was when she called Reg wasn’t like her usual self.

“Yeah, I guess I do that a lot, don’t I?” Jade laughed but her mind was clearly elsewhere because she didn’t even put much effort into it. “And thanks for not bringing your hog this time, Reg. Even if all you have is this crappy pickup.”

“And there is my little cousin who likes to rip into my baby.” Reg laughed harder than was necessary, but a smile spread across his face. “You know I’m still trying to save up for a newer model than this here Toyota Pickup, right?”

As Jade leaned against the passenger door, she looked over at her cousin. “Is that so?” She raised an eyebrow. “And what will I tell Rey-Rey about how you still haven’t paid off your tab at Edge?”

Yeah, Reg was a frequent customer at Edge. Not when it came to the dancers. He had too much respect for Jade to indulge in that where she worked. She didn’t care about it one way or the other, but part of her appreciated that he didn’t give in to temptations. How he did that was beyond her because, as she was a frequent practitioner of “look but don’t touch”, something nobody ever at Eden ever abided by, a lot of her co-workers were insanely hot. Like so hot that, if they weren’t her literal family, Jade might’ve even gone for a few of them.

How the horndog of the Taylors resisted them was beyond her comprehension, but she figured his sudden silence was evidence that he wasn’t planning on paying the tab.

“But don’t worry, I won’t tell our King Serpent about it. Not like he’d dare enforce it like I suspect others would. Besides--” Jade’s humorous expression simmered down into a frown. Thinking about R2 reminded her of what transpired last night. What happened between everybody about Charlie. How memories from five years ago came back up and crashed and crushed Jade’s entire confidence. Thinking back to how R2 scared a then-fourteen-year-old Jade almost as much as he did last night.

That gun…

She still shivered at the thought of it.

And now she had left without saying much to Decky and Poppy. She just left a note, told Mr. Beau that she had to leave. She said she had to work, but really, even if she had to, she couldn’t walk back into Edge -- not until she sorted out how she felt about everything.

“Besides?” Reg asked.

“What?” Jade shook her head, looking a little dazed and confused as she turned her head towards Reg.

As Reg came to a stop at a red light and in front of the train tracks that separated the Northside and Southside, it felt like an eternity because neither Reg nor Jade was saying anything. Reg didn’t want to push anything and Jade didn’t realize just how lost in thought she was and everything was so cloudy.

“What’s going on, Jade? You seem lost in whatever part of your head that causes you be quiet. I know you never do that unless something pretty bad is filling that mind of yours.”

It’s true, Reg, along with the other members of the Howling Commando Crew, knew Jade the best out of the entire club. They were all like the brothers she never had growing up. Reg was literally the closest thing to a blood brother she had. And he always looked out for her. There was a reason why she called him whenever someone got too handsy at Edge. Or when she was being stalked by some tweaker whenever she went too close out of serpent territory. Or, really, for any reason that nobody else but Reg would drop anything to help her.

But to tell him about what went through her head would be to tell what happened five years ago and tell him what she had a hand in. Even after everything was said and done, Jade still felt a pang of intense guilt over her part in the events that transpired five years ago and how the ripples were still being felt today. The sadness she still clung to and it was a sadness that couldn’t be healed from being with her sister and Decky.

“I appreciate you trying to help, Reg, I really do - but right now, I’m not sure I’m ready to talk about it.” Jade looked over at her cousin’s concerned face. “I just want to go to the clubhouse. I want to be with my family. Maybe help someone with their bike. I just need to find my routine again.”

Find it like it was before Charlie died.

As she smiled at him, Reg shrugged. He was the type to normally push her to talk because she was a hopeless case whenever she was lost in her head (which she most certainly was), but he could tell in the way she looked at him that she truly wasn’t ready.

“You don’t wanna talk about it now? I get that. I respect it. Whenever you’re ready, you know my line is always open for ya.”

She smiled, giving a rare show of affection as she leaned against his shoulder for a long moment.

And after about ten seconds, she shook it off and looked forward. “Light’s green. Let’s go home.”

Without uttering a word, Reg drove straight down the road for about fifteen miles, going deeper into the greater Boston area where the Fallen Angels clubhouse was located. It was there Jade could hit the reset button. At her real home, it was where she first knew stability. It was ironic considering the whole club, in their own way, were all unproven criminals, but in a town where nobody was a saint, Jade knew she always had angels looking out for her.

Collaboration with @LovelyComplex || featuring best female friend, Miranda "Mandy" Warner

Nathan Blake had always cherished the time he spent with Mandy. It didn’t matter if it was taking their almost weekly road trips that they started in college with them often just playing a classic game of rock, paper, or scissors to decide who gets to drive to recent traditions of him getting most of his non-meat groceries straight from her farm. Every moment spent with her has made not living in his hometown of Palm Beach seem not so bad, especially in early years of college when he had to live with the fact that his ex-girlfriend, Jasper Delamar, was at the same college he was.

Mandy was his rock, his anchor, and during some pretty bad nights where he drank too much vodka or smoked a little too much weed, the angel on his shoulder.

And today, she was in the driver’s seat, taking him to the airport.

For the first half of the trip, Nate was feeling great. He was riding a high because he thought about how long it’s been since he’s seen any of his old, casual friends from high school. Of course, he maintained contact with most of everyone, but not everyone. Years go by and things happen, life shifts everyone in different directions, but there were always a few people Nate never lost contact with: Spike and Max. Anytime that he went to LA or NY, which was almost every year since graduating high school, Nate has visited two of them whenever he could. When Spike started making ripples in the comic world, Nate went to every comic con he was going to appear at. Best buds support each other and Nate owns a physical copy of every issue, book, omnibus that Spike has ever released.

Yeah, for the first half of the trip, Nate was really excited. No doubt Mandy felt that energy. They sang and cheered as much they could that didn’t take much of Mandy’s focus away from, you know, driving, but at some point after that high, Nate let the excitement die down. Whether it organically simmered down or he willingly turned down the flame under his ass, one thing was for certain. During the intermission between high and his current lost-in-his-head low, Nate’s mind went from trying not to fuck up the lyrics of whatever song they were jamming along with to thinking about the reunion and the realization that it was envitable he’d run into Jasper.


There wasn’t a moment that Nate hadn’t thought about his ex-girlfriend from high school nor how real his feelings were — are — for her. Despite everything and all the time that’s passed, Nate still held a great deal of affection for Jasper. His prom-posal, which was very different than what anyone else thinks of when they hear that word, was so long ago yet the memory of the anguish caused by her rejection still rung his bell every time he thought about it. It wasn’t because she flat out said no. Nate had always been the kind of guy who never let it ever stand in his way of moving forward, but it was her reaction to it after the fact and the strain it put on their relationship post-graduation.

Not to mention the very awkward and tense reunion at college.

Yeah, he couldn’t forget the way she just scowled at him.

And that thought just brought Nate into an even worse mood. He never saw her look so cold at him in his life. And that was roughly nine years ago. He wondered if time changed her opinion of him? He didn’t know if it did or not.

As he lamented on that for a few minutes, Nate looked down at his phone. He must’ve pulled it out at some point because he didn’t exactly remember when, but he looked at the time. “Just under two hours until my flight leaves…” He muttered, though it was obvious that every bit of joy he had when they left was now locked away somewhere behind an apparent misery in his voice. “I think our exit is coming up soon,” Nate said to Mandy, though he didn’t necessarily look up at her when he said it.

Instinctively and abruptly, Miranda Warner pulled to the shoulder and put her car in park. Putting her hazard lights on, she turned her attention to the man next to her and gently reminded him of why it was important for him to go to this event. “You know what we’re not going to do? We’re not going to get stuck in our heads and think of the worst-case scenarios.”

She reached out and offered her hand for him to grab, “The one that we shall not name has already broken your heart, Nate. What more could she do that she hasn’t already done? Good people are going to be there and they will be there for you. I promise.” When he grabbed her hand, she tightly squeezed it, “Do you really think she’s going to go out of her way to torment you?” If anything, she was probably just as nervous to see him, but like the average tsundere, she would push him away before she admits her feelings. Mandy would know, she used to be one.

“Plus—” She leaned her head on his shoulder, taking in the stillness of her car. “—I know you and I know you want to talk to her. You want closure. And you’ll get just that, you just have to keep pushing, like I know you can. It’ll be okay. You will do GREAT because it’s you, Nate. You always do great.”

For a moment, Nate was going to ask how she knew, but this was Mandy. Even when he didn’t think she knew he was getting lost in his head, or letting bad thoughts consume the good, she knew. This was because whenever he was at his lowest, Mandy always knew exactly what to say and exactly whose name not to mention. And she was right, of course. He did want closure. And she was also right about how there would be people at the reunion like Spike and Max and even Marg (if she was going). So many people that he could fill up the weekend with positive vibes.

But if he were to make the most out of this weekend and if Nate was being honest, he needed to talk to Jasper, too. Because so many things were left unsaid and no amount of Mandy’s pep talk could shake that out of him.

Looking at his female best friend, Nate mouthed a silent ”thank you”. When it really counted, she was there for him and always — always — knew what to say to get him smiling again like his usual self.

Well, he wasn’t out of the woods but he wasn’t as down. “Oh, by the way, I don’t think she wants to torment me. Lord knows she did that plenty ten years ago and some during college.” Nate had to laugh at the awkwardness of seeing her around Meadow U for nearly four years. He had thought about transferring to make it easier for them, but obviously, he didn’t. “And you know, I know people who haven’t scarred me for life will be there to relive some old, fun memories. I can’t wait to see Spike again…even though it’s been only a year since I last saw him at last year’s Comic-Con.” Another laugh as his smile became more genuine and wider. “But there is a part of me that wishes you could come along. I’m sure you-know-who would get a real kick out of it.” Ah yes, that would’ve made any potential torment null and void…maybe.

“Ha.” Mandy chortled at the scenario. “Uh-huh, you know she can’t stand me. She never did.” Taking a quick glance at the time, the woman behind the driver's seat sat up and adjusted herself. Smiling to herself, she took the car off park and eased her way back on the highway, turning off her hazard lights. In a shy manner, Mandy muttered, near inaudible, “If I went with you… I’d miss my date.” She had yet to tell Nate about a… guy… a teacher that she’d taken a strong liking to. Nate had been incredibly distracted - so bringing up her crush, or love interest, while all he could think about was Jasper felt selfish. “He’s nice.” Mandy wasn’t the best at talking about her feelings. It took her a couple of years to get to this point with her best friend. “He’s a teacher and he cooks really good.”

“Whoa! Date?” Nate exclaimed, completely ignoring everything else she said before it. This was the first time she’s even mentioned such a thing and they were the types who told each other just about any appropriate thought that came to them. “Well, that’s good he’s nice. Teachers are always nice…well, except my tenth-grade geometry teacher, but he was a grandpa.” Nate glanced at Mandy, a thought coming to him. “And it’s good he knows how to cook because the best way to anyone’s heart and especially yours is food. Or one of them.” Shaking his head slightly, Nate steered his train of thought back on course. “I’m super duper happy for you, Mandy! You have to tell me all about him whenever I get back. And whenever you think he’d be okay with it, I’d love to have you guys over at my place one of these days!” Was Nate getting ahead of himself? Maybe. But his excitement couldn’t be contained - not when it came to Mandy’s happiness. That was the most important thing!

“Woah, woah, woah. Slow down buddy. This is our first date. So far we’ve had conversations at the market and he’s surprised me with some food, but yeah don’t get ahead of yourself.” She sighed, realizing her doubt in herself only meant she was jinxing the possibility of a relationship even before it started. “Either way, it might all be for show. You’re like the only other nice guy I know.” Mandy anxiously laughed, realizing her luck in the dating field was complete shit. Hey, at least her and Nate had that in common.

He couldn’t contain a chuckle. “Conversations, huh? Meaning more than one?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. If that wasn’t a hint at something there, then Nate was probably looking too much into that specific detail. On the other hand, it could also mean this guy was for real. “Not for nothing, but I don’t think it’s just for show. I think if he caught your attention enough for you to say yes to a date, then he’s the real deal and you’re going to have an amazing time on this date.” He smiled and gave her hand a squeeze. “And I can’t wait to hear all about it when I get back from Florida!”

“Let’s hope we both don't self-sabotage ourselves.” Mandy was already questioning what her interest even saw in her and all the things that could go wrong, instead of the things that could go right and have already gone right. Like the fact that she trusts him enough to go on a date. Still, Mandy prefers facts, figures, animals, having a full understanding of things, and a good handle over her life. Romance? Love? Sex? Those were tricky. Like feeling before she could even process what she was feeling. That, honestly and deeply, scared her. It wasn’t that she had commitment issues either. She was the most loyal person out there, but that doesn’t change she was cautious and didn’t like reckless dating. Mandy hated wasting her time. And yet, in the game of love you had to, to find your counterpart. Your soulmate.

Having already gotten off the exit, she found herself getting closer and closer to departures, coming to terms that her friend would leave her, as he revisited the past. Pulling to the side, she looked over to him and twinkled a bright smile, throwing her anxiety for her date away to focus on the man on a mission, “You’re going to call me if you need me, right?”

“Hell yeah I will! I’ll call you tonight and tell you all about the first day! Trust me, I don’t want to leave you out of the loop of anything.”

Nate and Mandy exchanged a few more words, mostly about her wishing him a safe flight and making sure he had everything for his carry-on bag. Truth be told, she always knew how to remind him to have everything he needed. Whether it was the flight or just in general, without him he’d truly be lost. There was a part of him that was actually serious about wanting her to come with him. There was a part of him that wished she was coming because, as much as he was so grateful that she always managed to shift his mind away from the dark side and the previously goth goddess that ruled over it (A.K.A. Jasper Delamar), seeing her again made him nervous even now.

Even now as he gave Mandy a big hug that lasted several moments and he made his way through the airport. Even as he boarded the plane and it was taking off, Nate wished she was coming with him because she was the pillar that always held him up…or maybe it was that she was the veil that covered him and protected him from his own thoughts.

But he also knew she was right. He needed closure.

“Closure…” Nate said in a low tone, smiling as he mumbled along with the song he was listening to. He had his headphones on so the person sitting next to him on the plane didn’t hear, but he was listening to familiar sounds.

”I say oh girl,
Shocked me like an electric eel.
You turn me on like an electric feel…”

It wasn’t the original artist, but there was something about Henry Green’s melancholic voice that hit all the right notes, especially the more Nate just sat there, listening to the song over and over again, thinking about Jasper. It wasn’t in a bad way either. It was bittersweet because of the last time they saw each other. The last they met eyes was at the graduation party that was held at the Bonfamile Manor in Meadow. They were both there, of course. Mandy was there. His other boys and her girls. Everyone was having fun and Nate wanted to just…talk to her, but he never did. He never said what he should have said so many years ago.

This was the closure he needed to achieve. He needed to make so many things right and he’d start with Jasper. When he was young, he didn’t understand why she was so angry and in the years that followed, Nate never got the chance to ask her about it. This weekend would that time. He was older and wiser. He liked to think he was more mature than he was ten years ago. He’d do it on this weekend and damn it if he was going to let uncomfortable memories get in the way of that.

And shortly, as the plane landed and Nate got off the plane, about an hour would pass before he collected his baggage. Something to do with delays and misplacing his luggage. He wasn’t stressing too much. He got enough sleep on the five-hour flight, but there was something of a worry in the back of his mind. He was a lot behind schedule. He had only an hour until he had to be at the cocktail party. Between how long it took him to shower, get dressed, and look as presentable as he could, Nate pressed for time.

“Sorry for the delay, sir!”

Nate shook his head. “No worries~” He flashed a smile at the lady at the baggage claim counter who looked overworked, so of course, Nate wanted to try and make her feel better (if he could). Not long after, she would inform him they found his stuff and he collected it.

And then he found the closest taxi he could and in fifteen minutes, he was at the resort. As nice as it was and as much as Nate wanted to bask in its glory, he had no time to spare. “Take in the sights tomorrow! You’ll have plenty of time to do that!”

With that firm reminder, Nate was off to the races. Forty-five minutes to get checked in, pick out an outfit, and make it in time to arrive on time at the shindig.

“Easy peasy!”

Oh sick! I'mma probably have the sheet up this weekend...or today depending on how I'm feeling and whether or not i change my idea
The Ghost of Me — Daughtry
DARE — Gorillaz
Fake It — Seether
I Don't Care — Apocalyptica (feat. Adam Gontier)
Ex's And Oh's — Atreyu
Welcome Home — Coheed and Cambria
Oops!...I Did it Again — Britney Spears
Telephone — Lady Gaga and Beyonce
Jersey — Mayday Parade
Gold Digger — Kanye West and Jaime Foxx
Idk I've always preferred the thieves guild
I've finally decided on my character: I'll be playing Sylvester Jonathan Cross, a 24-year-old and recent graduate of the University of Oxford and the shining pride of his family. He has spent so many years doing what his father thought he wanted and being the best brother to his three younger siblings that he could, but all of those good deeds and doing what was expected of him put a huge weight on his shoulders. Riding the Star Atlantic is his gift to himself that tells him it's okay to do something for yourself.

FC will be either be Jack Falahee or Matthew Daddario.

<Snipped quote by Venus>

If people want a discord I'll totally make one! I just figure it's fine without.

I'm honestly okay with no Discord. Could be nice getting back to basics in a way.
The second dose of moderna really kicks your ass. Source? Me.
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