Avatar of AlteredTundra


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Current I saw a one-legged man at the ATM. He was checking his balance.
4 mos ago
Where do bad rainbows go? To a prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect.
4 mos ago
@LG aw hell yeah! Keepin my eye out for it for sure!
4 mos ago
How do you find Will Smith in the snow? You look for his fresh prints.
5 mos ago
tfw the colonies have better healthcare than the mainland


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A @metanoia & @LovelyComplex collaboration

There were days that whenever Jade went to work and had to entertain (though not in the same way her co-worker friend Hailey did) the animals and old, fat bastards that the graveyard shift attracted when she was on the edge of being grossed out or close to punching them. On these days, Jade even had fun when the grotesque regulars tested her patience, but tonight’s shift was different. Plenty of those regulars were at Edge tonight and tried to charm their way into getting Jade to do what she seldom did and take a spot on the pole, instead of serving them cheap beer and surprisingly addictive wings. She didn’t do it, of course, but she didn’t play along. She just…didn’t do it.

And maybe she hasn’t really been in her usual playful work self for a while. Or at least not since Friday (it was technically sunday, right?) She has felt numb ever since then and not even the sight of the bouncer tossing those overzealous regulars like Uncle Phil did to Jazz could make her genuinely smile. She went through the rest of her shift until she got off at 5 and hopped on her harley shorttal, letting the wind of this surprisingly chilly Edenridge early morning hit her in her face, her golden locks flowing in the air. The only protection being the helmet on her head and the leather jacket she always wore (a gift to her from her uncle).

Jade drove across the tracks and into the northside, not caring at all how fast she was going nor how loud her hog roared through the quiet streets. She kept going until she came to the ever-famous diner where breakfast was 24/7 (or at least it wasn’t relegated to certain times in the morning). It was one of her favorite spots to go to after work and especially when she needed a few hours to herself to just decompress.

As she pulled up to the parking lot, she chose a spot close to the exit, pointing her cruiser out to the road so whenever she would leave, she could just zoom the hell out. Jade had a backpack that she almost always carried with her. Part of her decompressing process was picking a mostly isolated part of the diner, taking out a book that she got personally from Poppy, and got lost in whatever story her sister recommended she read. The one she had this week was the classic Alice in Wonderland story. She knew it, but only the Disney version and not the original.

Shoving herself through the door and hearing the bell go off, the blonde absentmindedly scanned the diner. It was mostly empty, which made her half-smile because it meant choosing a place to be to herself wouldn’t be hard. Typically she went for a booth, but Jade didn’t see any prying eyes, or in the Northside’s case, any judging eyes (because of how she was dressed), so she chose a spot at the countertop near the middle of the diner.

“Almost like clockwork, Jade.” Brandon, the waiter who had the graveyard shift like Jade did looked at Jade with his usual smile. He was roughly a few years older than Jade and pretty average looking. White man with dark hair and nice, calm blue eyes. “The usual? Three chocolate-chip pancakes, two sausage links, and a double order of potatoes o’brien?”

Jade chuckled and smiled, if not enough to not make him worried. “Don’t forget coffee. As strong as you can make it.”

“You got it!”

After she got her coffee, Jade pulled out her book and picked up where she left off. “Chapter 3…”

As Jade read her book, a couple minutes later the doorbell rang again and the woman with a strikingly piercing gaze made her way to the counter. After the dreadfully bad nighttime breakfast her brother made, one meal here was not enough. The Basilisk had spent an hour or so with her brothers here a little after midnight. She left for a little bit, but her craving had not been satiated. She loved breakfast. She also loved milkshakes and here she could have both.

“Back again?” Brandon chortled, staring at the woman in a black jean jumpsuit, a white turtleneck, and a messy bun. “Looks like you changed! Did you get much sleep?”

Instead of immediately responding, the Russian woman sat beside a blonde bombshell reading a book. She glanced over, taking note of what she was reading before looking back at the waiter. “No. No sleep.” She showered, sure, but sleep? She spent most of the night with her brothers and now it was a new day. She had work to do.

“Usual, yeah?”

“Of course.” With no hesitation, she answered, knowing exactly what she liked at this place. She never changed. Once she found something she liked, loved even, she stood with it through and through. When her chocolate milkshake was pushed in front of her, she took a couple of sips. Glancing back at the girl, knowing exactly who she was, but not the other way around, she shrugged to herself and decided to start a conversation, “Good book?”

Jade murmured to herself. It helped her get a better understanding of whatever she read, so she didn’t register the voice that beckoned to her until a few seconds after the fact. When she did, she shook her head slightly, breaking out of the trance-like state she was in. As she turned to the blonde sitting next to her, what she noticed immediately was how attractive she was. She didn’t know who she was, but Jade always could admire another’s beauty. “Huh?” It took a moment and she laughed in a low tone. “Yeah, I guess it is. Just at the beginning. My sister recommended I read this one. It’s nice so far.”

Jade was slow to pick up on the details, especially when she was distracted. So it wasn’t until just now she realized the blonde sitting next to her was all clothed up in a jean assortment. Another thing she noticed was the chocolate shake. “How’s the shake?” She asked the blonde stranger.

With her broken English, Anya gave a half smile, “Delicious, you had shake before?” As she waited for a response, she started to sway her feet back and forth like a kid. This was the first time the Basilisk had an in person meeting with Charlie Taylor’s niece. Before Jade could say anything in response, the stranger gestured to the coat, “If I forget, I like your coat. Very cool. Very nice.”

As she was about to answer the first question, suddenly the stranger sitting next to her commented on her jacket. That immediately brought a small smile to the blonde’s face. “Oh…thanks.” Partly blushing only because she never had anyone bypass her appearance and actually and genuinely complimented her on what she was wearing with no second meaning attached to it. “It’s…special to me. My uncle gave me this jacket.” It almost made her sad talking about her Uncle Charlie, especially since she wished he wasn’t in prison and instead could be out and about whenever he wanted.

“I know that feeling.” Anya slid her milkshake to the side and took a deep waft of the food being cooked. This was exciting. Breakfast was exciting. “We put love in item as if… we have person with us. I have something too.” The older blonde put her right hand in her pant’s pocket and pulled out a brooch. “Mama had little but this, this she kept. Her mom gave to her and she left with me. I like it. Pansy flower. There french word ‘penser’. It means ponder. It flower that helps sym-” she struggled trying to pronounce a word before deciding to change it, “--comfort others when in pain and sad.” She gestured for Jade to observe it, allowing her to grab it from her hand.

Jade listened intently as she talked about what her mother gave to her. She smiled a bit wider, finding a certain kindred spirit in how there was someone else that had something that a person very dear to their heart gave to them. The way she spoke about the broach, the meaning behind it, she often felt similarly about her jacket. It may not have had that kind of poetic meaning, but it was a thoughtful gift and she has never been seen without it on.

As she took the broach in her hand (of course with the permission of its owner), Jade felt it with her fingers. One thing she couldn’t help but notice was how authentic it felt. The material wasn’t cheap, or at least not like common swap meet items were. “It’s a lovely broach. Your mother must love you a great deal to give you something so beautiful,” Jade said, handing the broach back to her diner friend. A small part of her envied that closeness she had with her mother. Jade only wished her own ever cared enough to do anything but get high.

“This brooch is all I have left.” Anya smiled to herself, gently rubbing her thumb on the jewelry before pocketing it, “Are you pancake girl? What kind of food you get?” No longer wanting to harbor on what was lost, the Basilisk redirected the conversation to idle but important things. Like breakfast. Breakfast was simple yet important.

“I…haven’t thought about food, to be honest,” she admitted with a short chuckle. It wasn’t that she wasn’t hungry, but she came to the diner just to get some reading in before she went home to her apartment. “I mean, pancakes are good and they certainly hit the spot, but the french toast supreme here is to die for.” It’s true, Jade wasn’t really a pancake girl. But french toast? She could devour as much as her stomach could handle. “Three thick loaf slices with whipped cream and syrup and a side of fresh, mixed berries.” Her mouth was salivating just thinking about her usual.

Brandon came in putting Jade’s food in front of her, which were chocolate chip pancakes, sausage, and potatoes. Jade’s coffee had been on the table this entire time but she had been so invested in the book that she didn’t notice it beside the milkshake. Anya’s half smile went into a smirk. “That looks like pancakes, girl.” The older woman teased.

Shortly after, Anya’s food came too. A big pancake with a bacon smile, chocolate chip hair, banana eyes, and a strawberry nose. “Spasiba!” She thanked B-Rad, the Lord of breakfast. As she leisurely cut a piece of pancake off, she looked back at her acquaintance, “Maybe I try French toast next time. You know this guy—” she pointed her fork with a pancake piece on it to the waiter, “— He know my face and he make sure he make faces on my pancake. It make my day.”

“Honest gesture for a friend, Anya.” The waiter smiled at the Basilisk, he being one of the few people Kamensky trusted with her name. He knows when to say it and when to not. Based on how she talked and held herself to the girl next to her, amicably and kind, he knew it was safe to disclose it, “And damn, Jade, getting her to try anything different is an excruciating task. I gave up a long time ago.”

“I like what I like, happy pancake, happy me.” She took a bite of her pancake, making sure it was cooked just the way she liked it. When it was, she reached for the syrup.

“Can’t blame a girl for trying, can you?” Jade laughed and Brandon smiled back as she looked down at the pile of pancakes beneath her. She was hungry, sure, but she couldn’t stop herself from watching Anya. There was something about her that she couldn’t put her finger on, but something about how…authentic her joy was with something as simple as pancakes that made her smile.

When she saw Anya reach for the syrup, Jade almost laughed. Not because of the fact it was syrup or anything like that, but more that Jade never had been a syrup gal. Sweet was good, but too sweet made her stomach rumble in every wrong way. Chocolate chips and butter was enough for her. So she took a bite of hers at long last and let out a delighted sound. She was still a french toast kinda girl, but even she couldn’t deny how delicious chocolate chip pancakes were. “It’s good. Like really good!” She said with half of her mouth full of the big piece of pancake in her mouth.

“I know. Best thing in this town.” Anya carefully watched Jade as she ate, curious of who she was as a person and all the things she liked. Having been in the shadows for so long, the Basilisk could feel a longing to have some normalcy. Perhaps that’s why she loved this diner. She was free. It was the one place she didn’t feel like she was in a cage and there was something about Jade that she couldn’t help admire. As much as Jade likes to cover things up deeply, she felt deeply about all those around her and the town she lived in. She also had a beautiful kinship with Penelope James. Anya Kamensky noticed and yearned to feel things like that. This interaction, as small as it seems, meant everything to her.

In her pocket, her burner phone vibrated and she cursed under her breath, “Derr ‘mo.” Brandon met her gaze, knowing it was time for the woman to go. Sighing to herself, Anya hopped off the stool, having only taken a couple bites of her happy pancake. Slipping her hand in her pocket, she pulled out two hundred dollar bills.

Brandon shook his head in disapproval, “You really don’t have to do that much.”

“No, no I do. This for me, Toast girl, and tip. You deserve this money and need it more.” Knowing this was a losing battle, Brandon took the money and kept the change. Anya turned to the girl who humored her this early in the morning and grinned, “This was fun. I hope we talk more in the future.” Her burner phone buzzed again. Her grin turned sour as she clicked her teeth in annoyance. Picking up her phone, she answered it and started talking in full Russian. When she reached the door, she turned to look back at Jade and gave a goofy finger gun, an enticing wink, and a playful “Kck, Kck,” sound with her mouth and tongue. And just like that, the Basilisk was gone.

“While she doesn’t always come here as frequently as she wants, if you want to see her again, early Sunday mornings are your best bet. Just like today.” Brandon tipped Jade.

Jade didn’t know what it was about Anya that intrigued her so much. Was it the broken English? Maybe her child-like wonder about pancakes that was a delightful contrast to everyone else she met? Or maybe it was how she talked about her mother. Jade never had that. Her mother was…not a good woman. Somewhere in her heart, she wished things were different between them, wished that Whitney wasn’t an addict who didn’t care about her. But Jade knew better to let those thoughts plague her mind.

In reality, Anya made her smile. She couldn’t recall the last time when she had been able to have a conversation with someone who didn’t see her as the stripper who performed at Edge, or the vixen from Edenridge High. Someone who actually saw her in its purest form.

“Sunday morning, you say?” The blonde closed her eyes and smiled. “Guess I will see you Sunday, Brandon.” That was the last thing Jade did before she exited, hopped on her Harley, and went home, feeling like she had something to look forward to that wasn’t work or getting high. She couldn’t wait to tell Poppy about this.

@Blizz It was your Destiny 2 be pinged


An Emotional Roller Coaster Collab with @LovelyComplex & @metanoia

After Natalia dropped Danny off a street away from his mark, the Belmonte boy, in his loose blouse, dress pants, and tie, found his way at the front door of the Castillo-Brady house, just like he was the previous night. Also in a nice outfit. The difference with the one he was wearing today versus the one he wore yesterday was it looked like Danny himself had a long day - he looked absolutely exhausted.

If anything, Danny just wanted a nice escape from the chaos that was his family. Glancing over his shoulder to make sure his twin didn’t stalk him there, Danny glanced at the surrounding neighborhood. Taking a deep breath in and out, he smiled to himself when he realized the coast was clear.

Okay. It was go-time.

Taking a step forward, the only son of Taz brought his knuckles forward to the door before announcing his presence.

Knock, knock.

“I got it!” Colin called out, cursing every word in the colorful Irish Cursebook he could.

Today wasn’t a good day for Colin’s third attempt to get a few hours of rest before he had work at 3am. To top it off, the bickering between his two youngest got to the point where he had to send them to a friend’s house to earn him some peace. He didn’t give two shits if it was late or not. He knew where they were and if they got into a bit of trouble, then that was going to be a bridge he’d cross whenever he saw it in the distance. What mattered to him was that they weren’t giving him and his wife rotating migraines.

As he opened the door a bit too wildly that might’ve been necessary (blame it on his agitated state), Colin couldn’t see who was on the front porch. The light wasn’t on and, here’s a shocker, Colin forgot to turn on the light before he opened the door. Oh well.

“Yeah, what the fuck ya want?”

“Uh, hi Mrs. Marlie, if you’re home… It’s Danny. Again.”

Colin’s eye twitched for a few moments. “Sorry. I don’t think I heard you right. You lookin’ for my wife?” Colin reached forward, grabbing what he could, only to could deduce was the fabric of a shirt or jacket. He yanked forward, pulling someone into his well-lit house. It was in Colin’s impulsive (and possibly jealousy-motivated) action that he had changed his tune almost immediately when he saw who it was and the face of someone who rightly was petrified or something in that neighborhood. “Oh..Danny. Danny Belmonte..” Colin just registered the bit that went above his head. Danny was here. And, of course, he was here to see his wife. Why wouldn’t he be?

Colin released his grip on Danny’s shirt almost immediately. “Sorry ‘bout that, kiddo. I didn’t mean to yank you like that. It’s been a long ass day.--” Colin looked at the Italian boy and could tell he looked like he was going through something as well. “Well, anyway. Marlena’s in the kitchen. Think she’s baking something or doing something there. I don’t fucking know, but she’s there.” Colin stepped to the side, closing the door behind Danny.

Gaining his composure and trying his best to not be as shocked as he actually was, Danny rested his hand on his neck and greeted the father of his ex lover, “Sorry for coming in randomly Mr. Brady. I, uh, yeah. It’s been a long day… thanks.” After a moment or two of them staring at each other, Danny dismissed himself and made his way into the kitchen to see a warm sight. His body relaxed the moment he entered the room, feeling her loving spirit. Something he desperately needed right now. He smiled, “Hey, Mrs. Marlie.”

“Buenas noches, tesoro!”

The woman of the hour had been standing by the kitchen island, a black cherry print apron keeping her leopard print pajama set safe from any spills or stains. The smell of apples filled every corner of the Brady-Castillo kitchen, originating from the baked cake currently resting in front of Marlie. At the sight of her son’s friend, her usual warm, affectionate smile made its way to her lips. The brunette took a few steps towards Danny, gave him a hug and motioned for him to take one of the stools by the island. “I made an Irish apple cake for Marco and Colin, but the tres leches cake I made for Marce, Emil and I is in the fridge. Do you want me to cut you a piece?”

“Yeah, sure. You know I can’t refuse your cooking. I’ll take the tres leches, please.” Danny smiled in response to Mama Marlie. Situating himself on a stool, he intertwined his fingers together and anxiously cracked his fingers. Was it rude for him to come announced? Likely. But maybe a conversation with his ex could help him feel better about what was happening in his household right now.

Clearing his throat, Danny disclosed his feelings in a quiet manner, “Is… is Marco doing okay? Last night was… rough to say the least. I just want to make sure I didn’t-- I’m blabbering, sorry. Is he okay?”

As Marlie busied herself with retrieving the cake from the refrigerator, cutting and serving a piece for her guest, she pondered on how to answer Danny’s question. “I can always tell when there’s something weighing on Marco’s mind. Call it mother’s instinct, or something like that,” she smiled warmly, placing the plate and a spoon in front of the Italian boy. “He’s definitely been deep in thought a lot more frequently since last night. I’ve tried to get a straight answer, but he keeps insisting he’s fine. I know he’s not, but I also know Marco will come to me whenever he’s ready-- if he feels comfortable sharing whatever it is with me at all. He was out with Roddy and Rylie this morning at Lyon Park, and he walked from there to Dolly’s all on his own, so maybe that helped him somewhat. But other than that, he’s been doing what he usually does: playing video games in his bedroom.”

“Ah, okay.” Danny anxiously watched Mama Marlie as she cut his cake and explained her perspective. “Has he had cake yet? I could bring him some?” This was the boy’s way of inadvertently showing he was worried about her son and hoping he could figure out what was bothering Marco, for the both of them. “I’d love to eat cake down here with you, but I also just want to check on him, you know? I don’t think he’ll talk if he was down here with us.” With his nervous tick, Danny’s hand was back resting on his neck.

“You are absolutely correct,” Marlie concurred with Danny, pointing at him with the cake knife she’d been holding. “And because we both know he’s been waiting all day for this cake to be ready and hasn’t had a piece yet, you have the power of an offering on your side,” she joked as she grabbed another small plate from the cabinet, cut, served and passed the piece of apple cake to Danny. “Here you go, Danny: take this to Marco and tell him it’s from me. And please tell him to be careful with the crumbs: I’ll be really upset if we get any ants or cockroaches coming in here,” she said sternly to the visitor, hoping he’d passed on the message. As much as Marlie strongly disliked her family members eating in their bedrooms (a silly mom thing), she was also aware of how exceptions could be made under the right circumstances. Tonight, of course, was one of these exceptions.

It was always on days when Marco was at his lowest that he became lost in whatever distraction he chose. Since he got home from the park earlier this morning, the fact that it was going to be one of his last times being able to spend time with Rylie, to be able to have quality time spent with Roddy, he savored the minutes they spent waiting for their sandwiches being made. That time was divided between having laughs with Roddy as Marco made silly faces for his goddaughter. But Marco had to say goodbye a lot sooner than he would have liked. When he was dropped off at home, his ma asked him how his day was and he gave her a quick rundown about things and about Roddy leaving and how he was tired.

Part of that wasn’t a lie. He did take a nap for a couple of hours. He did eat some dinner, but there was a lot on his mind so he didn’t put down as much as he normally did, which he just knew had to worry his ma. So his distraction was something easy, fun, and that didn’t require a lot of thought. He tried to cover it up like he did this morning with a smile and keeping up the front that nothing was wrong, but the more time went by in the day, the less convincing Marco became.

Maybe that’s why he was held up in his room since six. After dinner, he just locked himself in his room, turned on his PS4, and played his go-to minimal-strategy-required game that, of course, was Kingdom Hearts III. He just got lost in the fun of combative Disney characters and let his mind wander. However, all it came to was what had been on his mind since roughly eighteen hours ago: Danny and what that conversation with Jill had done to him.

But it wasn’t just that and the longer he thought about it, the more Marco made sense of his thoughts. What Jill said was an eye-opener and there was something that he never confronted. There was something that he never allowed himself to think about and maybe he had to? Maybe it was time?

And then every thought faded when Marco smelled something that made his stomach rumble and his lips water. “Is that Nana’s Apple Cake I smell?” It had to be. Marco knew that smell anywhere. He didn’t know what she put in it, but all he knew was that Ma’s take on it was just as good, if not better, than Nana’s.

Side note: he also smelled Tres Leches Cake and that was good, but his heart belonged to Apple Cake.

He took in a few sniffs, the aroma alone almost making him want to stop the nonsense he had been entertaining for the past hour, and grab him a slice or three.

“Actually you know what--”

As Marco paused his game and got up from his bed, grunting as he leaned the wrong way on his sore left leg, he heard his door creak open, seeing two things that made him feel more conflicted than he has in his entire life: a plate with a large slice of apple cake in one hand and a glass of apple cider to wash it down in the other and Danny standing in his room.

“Danny..” For the first time in his life, Marco’s greeting to Danilo Belmonte, his ex, the guy that Jill said didn’t deserve Marco, wasn’t with a positive, Marco-smile, but a forced smile that was bullshit to people who knew him inside and out like Danny did. “I didn’t know you were here.” Out of habit, Marco straightened his disheveled hair. “When did you get here?” He asked, biting the inside of his cheek afterward.

Quietly, with his back, Danny closed the door behind him and gave a half smile, feeling the somber emotions his ex was battling simply by entering the room. “Not too long ago.” He ended up leaving his piece of cake behind because he didn’t have enough hands to bring Marco’s apple cake, his tres leche, ,and cider. So, he would simply live with the fact that he missed out on Mrs. Marlie’s cake.

Danny stood by the door, not taking a step forward just yet, afraid to breach too close and push Marco away. “I wanted to check on you.” He cautioned before lifting the cake and cider up. “And see if you’re feeling alright. Last night was kind of heavy. And yeah, do you want this?” His eyes gestured to the cake and then back to Marco’s gaze.

“Yeah..It was..” Marco half-smiled back at Danny, taking into account that him coming up here to his room meant he was really worried for him. It was only when he transitioned into the elephant in the room, that cake that was Marco’s favorite, did the former athlete prop up (so to speak) and turned that half smile into a full one. “Ya bet I do!” He took both from Danny, walking past his ex, and setting the cider down on his computer desk. He wasted no time and took a bite out of the cake and it was as scrumptious as it smelled.

And then he took another bite, washing it down with a quarter of the cider. In all of one minute, Danny had to bear witness to the sight of Marco chowing down and not sparing any shameless noises in the process. When his mouth was free of crumbly cake, Marco let out a low belch that he had mostly covered up with his wrist, and looked up at his ex. “Sorry..It’s just this is my favorite cake. Not every day that I get to eat a slice. Well, other than my birthday and random days when Ma feels like spoiling me.” Marco knew she knew something was up. Apple Cake was his top comfort food. Somehow he knew she suspected he wasn’t as great as he was letting on. “But, uh…” Marco’s train of thought went somewhere non-audible as he met his ex in his gaze, “I’m doing..better. Got to see Roddy and Rylie today. We had a couple sandwiches and spent some time together. So that was fun.”

“Mm, that’s great.” Danny stood at his post, processing everything he’s been through today, from the baptism to the aftershow at his father’s house. “And I know. I know it’s your favorite cake. That’s all you ever wanted when we were…” He stopped himself, feeling the guilt returning, from when he was embracing his twin twenty minutes ago. “Your mom really knows how to bake.” He beamed at his ex, clearly diverting from his original train of thought. That was Danny’s main coping mechanism. Changing his thought process. Fast. Marco knew it well.

“Yeah, she really does.” Marco took a small bite, looking mostly down at his plate. Part of him, deep in the back of his mind, almost wanted Danny to finish his first thought. Or just something even remotely close to what he knew he was going to say. He didn’t have it in him right now to say it out loud. He made a gesture to look at Danny, seeing some little changes in how he stood. He didn’t know if it was the lingering effects of last night like it had been for him or if it was something else. He wanted to say something. Almost like he felt like he had to. “How are you doing?”

“No. You’re not going to do this.” Stepping forward, deeper into Marco’s room, still cautiously, but with determination, Danny countered his question, “How are you doing? Enough about me, Marco.”

“Not doing what?” He answered back, watching Danny ever so carefully as he came closer. “Am I not allowed to know how you’re doing?”

“Of course you are, but you’re deflecting. You’re always deflecting. Let’s focus on you. Fuck me, okay?” At this point, Danny was in front of Marco kneeling down so they were staring at each other on the same level. The only son of Taz couldn’t take this coy game anymore. He wanted to know just how much he hurt Marco and he knew his ex was bottling his feelings up, like he usually did. “Tell me how you really feel. Please.”

Well that stung.

Marco, of course, knew that he had the bad habit of using humor putting someone else’s needs over his to avoid talking about what was really bothering him. Danny knew this better than anyone, but he usually was a lot more…careful in how he phrased it, which only made him worry more that there was something wrong with him. Knowing Danny like he did, he also knew that when he was determined enough, he could get Marco to do whatever he wanted even if the latter didn’t want to.

He brought his blue-eyed gaze to Danny and took in a slow breath. “Well right now I feel uncomfortable because I don’t know what you want me to say.” A nervous chuckle came from his mouth.

Danilo closed his eyes and took a deep breath in, and then out, before opening it once more and whispering, “I want you to be honest with me.” Picking himself up, he sat next to Marco at his bedside and continued, “I want you to tell me what is bothering you. It started last night. I know it did, because if it didn’t I would’ve felt it when you stopped me at the Godmother. I just need to know, Marco. I need to know why you wanted me back in your life when I’ve been nothing but a bad thing?” Danny interlocked his fingers and looked down at his feet. He moved his right leg up and down, waiting.

“But that’s not--” He felt himself get choked up. It wasn’t about how he was feeling or what he felt (though thoughts from earlier in the day started to creep back in). “You haven’t been…” His heart was pounding like crazy. This conversation, the way Danny was speaking, how he thought he was a bad thing in his life -- that simply wasn’t true. Marco never thought -- or do I?

The weight of everything: those thoughts that plagued him since last night, memories of a time he never liked to think about, and now Danny being here. Marco tried to find a breathing rhythm, but much like a tsunami crashing against the shore, so did the memories and emotions that were tied to the most painful time in his life. He had to stand up, he had to-- “It’s nothing like that, Danny. It’s not--”

“STOP DEFLECTING!” Danilo turned his body towards Marco to look at him, as he barked those words loudly. He grabbed the plate and fork from Marco’s hands and put it aside, on the nightstand, wanting this conversation to be about them and not the leftover apple cake.

“I’m not…”

He couldn’t even finish that thought because he knew Danny was right. He was always right whenever it came to him. Danny knew Marco better than most did. The only person who knew him better was the one who baked the piece of cake that was out of reach, which made what he couldn’t stop thinking about hurt even more. It hurt the day it happened, when he was laying in that hospital bed. It hurt in the weeks that followed into his recovery and PT. It hurt for over a year. That realization that Marco kept buried under a lock and key that the one person he ever wanted to see during that dark time was forcing him into a corner he didn’t want to be in.

“I promise I’m not trying to purposely deflect. It’s just…” He tried to control his breathing again. His heart was pumping out of control and emotions that he normally had a handle on came through as every inhale and exhale came with a wave of heartbreak and sadness that begged to be released. “I just..” He looked at his ex, eyes watery and puffy from the overwhelming emotions he was currently experiencing. “Why didn’t you ever visit me? I mean, when I was shot and in the hospital. I know a lot was happening around then, but during the entire time I was there after my surgery and I recovered, you never came to visit.” He wanted to reach out to grab his hand, but didn’t. “I just want to know why. You didn’t even have to visit as my--” His voice started to crack, so he coughed and shook his head, “--as my ex. You could have just came as my friend. Everyone who would’ve seen wouldn’t have thought nothing of it. But you never did…” He looked down into his hands and watched them shake and all he could do was smile.

“On prom night, when you saw me with a girl latching onto me. I told you, did you really think you’d have me the whole night?” Danny tightened his grip on himself, his hands grasping onto one another. “Those were the last words I said to you and then all that was left were glances.” The speed in his leg going up and down picked up, as the Italian boy got lost in thought. “I came back from camp to find out.. you, Rye, Natalia, Elisabetta, and Sofia could’ve died. Hell, Sofi was found in the same field as you.”

While his breathing was composed, Danny could feel the build up, the need to cry, to explode, to scream. Standing up, hoping it settled things stirring inside of him, Danny began to anxiously walk around. “I could’ve visited, you’re right. But what would that have accomplished?” He faced Marco once more, his eyes drooping with sadness. “I broke your heart, Marco. And I continue to do so. You and me? We were never meant to be.”

Don’t say that… Under the umbrella of his emotions, his voice was quiet and weak, like he was on that day. He was right about how he broke his heart, but he recovered. Everything that happened, no matter sad or, at a low point during that year, angry he got, he always managed to see the brightside to every thought that went through his head. Every day he spent in that bed, during PT, being at home, he always kept trying to see the brightside. He may have lost part of his light when he was told he may not be able to play soccer/football anymore, he always tried to find some glimmer of hope in it all.

It was Danny. As sad and pathetic as it sounds and as much as it didn’t make any sense to anyone but Marco, knowing and having Danny in his life in whatever way made him smile. It gave him some hope to latch onto. And maybe that was why he followed him that day and why he was at the Godmother’s.

“You say it wouldn’t have accomplished anything, but how do you know that for sure?” He balled his fists in his lap, not giving into his emotions. “How do you know a simple visit wouldn’t have done anything? To hell with how many times you broke my heart. I--” He took in a deep inhale and exhale, trying to center himself but it wasn’t working, so Marco threw caution into the wind, -- “You’re right, Danny. I almost DIED! You could have lost me! Hell, a part of me did die when I got shot. Every hope and dream I ever had of going pro went out of the window when Charlie shot me. But you still could have came and visited me as my FRIEND! You could have…” He slammed his balled fists into his lap a couple of times, looking down as he did so.“I..it just felt like I didn’t matter to you anymore. Not until that day at Godmother’s…” Tears dropped into his lap.

“And that’s why…” Back on the bed, Danny grabbed his ex’s fists, holding it in his hands. He leaned in and deeply kissed it, before saying his final piece, “...That’s why I don’t deserve you.” Glancing up at Marco, the best thing he’s ever had in his life, Danny tenderly rested his hand on his beloved’s cheek, “You deserve the world and more. Right now, I’m not that.”

With the closure he needed to hear, Danny leaned in, bringing his face inches away from the confused and angry Marco, resting his forehead against his, “One day, you’ll find the person that gives you everything you deserve and more… I--” He pulled away, inches away, looking intensely into Marco’s eyes, “--I hope one day you find the happiness you deserve, Marco Castillo-Brady. I really did love you and I’m sorry I couldn’t be the person you needed me to be.”

And for the first time, in a long time, Danny felt a couple of tears fall down his cheeks. Immediately, rather impulsively, he jerked away, ashamed of his tears. Building distance from his ex, from bed to the exit door, Danny wiped some of the tears away, in hopes to gain his strength back, “I think I should go.”

When Danny pulled away, Marco’s heart felt like it started to break all over again. Every emotion he had been bottling up, every thought that consumed him in every free moment he had in the past year, every aching of the heart that came around when he allowed himself to think even remotely about those dark moments spent in that hospital bed -- all of it came to the surface, unable to be hidden behind a smile or a stuttering speech. Danny being so close to him, so close that Marco almost kissed him and then he pulled away, he leaned forward to grab his ex’s hand, but only found the isolated comfort of his carpet floor. Again, his leg proved to be the crutch that hindered everything in his life that even remotely mattered.

As he kept his eyes down on the ground, overwhelmed with everything, he forced himself to speak. “Don’t do this..Not now, Danny.” As he started to weep, the tears flowing, cracked voice and rapid inhale and exhales, the terror of what was happening had started to sink in. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry…I’m sorry for last night--”

“Stop it…” Danny stood in a deadlock. His legs were unable to move closer to the door which was his escape. His escape from the truth. Why… why are you apologizing? “Stop it, please.” Taking a deep gulp in, not aiming to throw sharp words to hurt the wound even deeply, Danny turned to his ex, absolutely devastated, “You’re so fearless. You know that right?”

He wiped his face again, feeling it get more wet by the minute. Shit, was he actually crying? “I need you to let me go, Marco. You have nothing to be sorry about. All you did was talk to me, when I was scared shitless to even look at you.” Clenching his teeth, feeling the ache deeper than he thought it could go, he begged, “You need to let me go so I can be a better man.”

Somewhere deep down, past all of the hurt and anguish, Marco knew his ex was right. He knew everything that Danny had said since he asked the question he had been dying to know the answer to was absolutely correct. Maybe he didn’t want to accept it and even as he was on the floor, he didn’t want this to be, part of him knew Danny was right. Even still, he didn’t want to accept it. He couldn’t accept it because not having Danny in his life, regardless what form their relationship took at any given moment, was something far worse than anything Charlie Decker ever did to him. No amount of his career aspirations, loss of his former athletic self, or the constant joy he oozed prior to the shooting -- none of it compared to being without Danny Belmonte in his life.

“I’m not fearless. You might think that because it’s who you saw, but I’m not. And If I am it’s because you gave me the strength to…” Marco’s voice was weak and still ridden with emotion, but he still managed to speak only through a strength that Danny gave him. “I’m not like Emil or Marcy. They have the strength to be their unapologetic selves, meanwhile their older brother can barely even get around the town. Everyone takes pity of me because of my leg. You never did. Since Godmother, even if it was only a short time, I haven’t been this happy in a really long time.”

Tears kept flowing down Marco’s face and he tried to find the high road in this, tried to find the brightside to this like he always did for every situation. Whether it was with Roddy and Rylie leaving or being there for Jill or even the shooting. He always saw brightsides and the light at the end of the tunnel in every situation. But this time, all Marco saw was darkness. There was no hope at the end of this tunnel he and Danny were in because this was the end of it.

“I don’t want to lose you, but I also don’t want to be the reason you can’t be at your best. I…love you so much, Danny. I love you so much it hurts and I’m not sure who I am without you…”

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Danilo internalized the curse word his mother would be completely ashamed of. Tonight wasn’t the best for keeping a clean mouth. He wasn’t raised to use curse words by default and yet, all he could think of was the word ‘fuck’. Shyly, and like an equally lost deer, Danny tried to speak completely and utterly from the heart. No false pretense. “Do you…” He hesitated asking the question in his mind because he knew it would be a hard route for them to go together. His father was old fashioned and ever since his mother was bed ridden it was like walking on a field of landmines.

“Do you think we c-could do it together? I-I don’t know what I’m doing.” It hit him like a truck and he placed his hand on his chest. He was terrified of the consequences of dating a guy but saying goodbye for good? To the person that made him better? That was scarier than his father. Danny felt like he was losing a piece of himself. A half of him. He no longer had purpose. He gave up on basketball and now all he did was take care of his family. Like clockwork, he worked at Palermo, went to family events, and did what everyone told him to do. He was a good son. He did what he was supposed to do. He was a good son.

Covering his face, finally the tears falling uncontrollably, Danny dropped to his knees. Why wasn’t he good enough? Why couldn’t he be what other’s needed? Why did he hurt people? Jill. Natalia. Marco. His dad. He wasn’t good. He would never be good. “My mom is dying and I feel like I’m losing myself more and more each day.”

He wasn’t sure what had just happened. Just a moment ago, as much as it was hurting him, Marco had mentally forced himself to prepare for a life without Danny because he said he needed it. But now…there was something vastly different in the air. He found himself crawling closer to Danny, not thinking about anything else that didn’t involve comforting Danny. He did that as he took Danny into a tight embrace, his arms wrapping as tightly around the boy he has loved for years.

“You won’t lose me,” Marco whispered as he just held Danny close. “I’m so sorry about your mom and I wish I could make that pain go away, but listen to me, Danny…” Marco lifted Danny’s chin, looking into his eyes. “If you ever feel like you are losing any part of yourself, lean on me just as I have leaned on you. We’ll be each other’s rock, okay?” Marco rested his forehead against Danny’s, tears flowing down his face.

This was happening. He was embracing the monster inside of himself his father may never accept. After hearing Vivia’s display and getting Natalia’s comfort, after all these years, Danny realized he couldn’t do this alone. He needed someone and his someone was right here, in his arms.

Running one of his hands through his ex’s hair and the other pulling him close, Danny apologized for all the wrong he’s ever done to him, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t have enough courage to keep you at my side. To see you. To be with you.” He pulled slightly away so he could look into Marco’s eyes, gorgeous blue eyes, his everything, “I wanted to protect you… I still will. I promise you, from now on, no matter the highs and lows, I’m yours and I’ll fight for you. I will become the man you deserve. I- I need you, Marco. I missed you so fucking much.”

Marco smiled at Danny, he smiled at the love of his life. He wasn’t sure what he’d need protecting from, but that didn’t matter. Whatever came their way, at least Marco knew he wouldn’t do it alone. “You always were. I knew it then and I know it now. You’ve always been the one for me, Danilo Belmonte.” He returned Danny’s gaze, locking onto those green eyes that always filled him with a joy and security that nothing or nobody could ever match or rival. “You will always have me.”

Losing all self-control, Danny let the ever-bright flame burning inside of him pull Marco in and passionately, sincerely, kiss him in the moment, letting their chemistry do the talking. Holding Marco in a tight, desperate embrace he found himself bringing him to the floor. Hovering over him, Danny prayed this wasn’t the worst mistake he could make. He wanted, no, he needed Marco and he was tired of pretending. His body wanted him and even if he never found all the pieces to make him complete, and he stood shattered because of his family, he could say, “I have you and my heart is yours to break… I love you.” From this point on his primal desire took control, as he slipped his hand inside his lover’s Spider-Man pajama pants.

Somewhere near Mount Silver

“Captain! Captain! It’s not here, either!”

A group of silver and gray-clad men and women who couldn’t be older than twenty, all with a pair of geodude and magninite all at their sides, hovering as the somewhat straight line of Team Core grunts made their way to a figure standing at the front entrance at the base of the mountain. Around them was chaos and anarchy, yet around this figure, who stood with their hands behind them, staring that majestic mountain. The greenery at the base and the further up you went, it was pure snow.

“Hence the name.” The figure said, a female voice with a rich, royalty-esque tone. She talked with an accent and was admiring the beauty.

Well, maybe a better way to describe it was admiring the former beauty.

Through her now opened eyes, all the greenery that one might remember from Mount Silver was now on fire. The pokemon center that once stood at the base of the mountain, often serving as a rest point for trainers seeking the final ascension to the highest point the Johto region had to offer, was in ruins. The attending Nurse Joy and her chansy dead, crushed to blood and guts by the whipping tail of a Mega Steelix.

“Captain! Can you hear us captain?” A grunt cried as the line of twenty-something Team Core Grunts stood exactly five feet behind the captain. Their arms were at their side, backs straight, and their full attention on the woman who turned around.

“Yes, yes I heard you.” Annoyed, she held out a pokeball. “Wrecker, return at once!”

The Mega Steelix, which had now used up the temporary effects of the Steelixite, had roared as it was reduced to red light and it disappeared into the Ultra Ball that the Captain held in her hand.

“Amazing! The Captain’s Steelix is the strongest!--”

“Not quite, but very close.” She curled her black lipstick-colored lips into a smirk. “So the statue?”

“Not here, captain! We looked and looked, but it doesn’t seem to be at this mountain.”

“Such a shame.” She sighed, almost like she was expecting disappointment. “The General will be so disappointed. And you know what they’ll do to you when they hear you failed?”

“Revoke my membership?”

She laughed haughtily, turning her elegant gaze onto Grunt #5. “You wish that’s all they’d do. But c’est la vie~” She swooned down the line that created an opening for her to walk down. “We press on! Mount Coronet in Sinnoh is our next stop. Let us pray that, for your sake, we find what we are looking for, lest you pay the consequences with General Ore taking their anger towards me out on you.”

Somewhere on the Sinnoh Seas

Miki sat in her cabin on the private ferry she and a few others (allegedly) were given special passes to board. The only requirement was that they said to remain in the cabin until the ferry arrived at whatever destination she was heading towards.

To be honest, Miki knew very little about who she was going to meet. The letter she received a week ago was, if she was being honest, cryptic as hell. It didn’t state who it was from, only that they’ve been watching her growth as a trainer since she started her journey nine years ago. Saying how impressed they were with her work and how proud they were to hear she had become a member of the Elite Four, but said that they needed her help.

“My help? Right…” She laughed as she recalled reading that letter for the first time.

The sign off was G. O. She didn’t know who that was or what kind of name they might have. The Lava Queen didn’t even know what kind of person they were. She told her brother about this letter and he said she was crazy to take this letter’s offer of “adventure and fulfillment beyond your wildest dream” at its word. It’s true, Miki has never been one to think with the right side of her head. She always went with what she felt in her gut.

And you know what? As she contemplated it even now, as she was probably halfway there or somewhere close to that placement on the journey, she still wondered what this adventure could be. Miki Park has seen almost everything this world has had to offer. She’s placed top five in at least four official leagues, conquered Mount Silver and even beat the famed Red, she’s challenged Ash Ketchum in Pallet Town, though winning was another story. She’s even indulged in Trainer illustrated where she embraced her figure and took part in risque photoshoots that were very hot.

Miki has done it all. Shameless or not, she has reached the peak of her career as a Pokemon Trainer. So she wondered exactly who this person was to claim that they could outmatch being semi-nude in an adult magazine.

“Attention VIP Passengers,” A man’s voice said over the intercom system. “We will dock in exactly five minutes. Please gather your belongings and make your way to the bow of the boat.”

“I guess I’ll find out soon enough.” She was feeling a bit annoyed, but had no time to fret on that.

As Miki made her way out of her room, her backpack and small duffle bag in hand, she walked along the side, seeing the sight of a ginormous island and a small port at the front center get closer and closer. She saw a massive mansion in the background, which seemed fitting to the tone of the letter. Her mind was racing with all sorts of questions, but they would be paused almost immediately.

As Miki came to the bow, standing on the opposite end of it from the other side was someone she didn’t think she would ever see, especially here of all places. “Okay, but what the actual hell!” Miki shouted from where she stood, making sure the ice queen heard her. “I thought this was supposed to be for VIPs only. You’re barely a P!” She declared, approaching Missy Elliot with a nasty expression on her face that was also represented in the way she fast walked.

Suffice to say, things just got a hell of a lot more interesting, but not in a good way.

A @LovelyComplex & @metanoia collaboration || featuring Nate the Great & Spike-Meister

Of course Spike would get distracted. One fan turned into two which turned into three and four. He had to apologize to the growing group, surprisingly more geeks than he expected to be at the airport this evening. He blamed the movie that now made his comic series mainstream and there were more to come! It was cool and all that his series was going to be the next X-Men or something but it didn’t change that this was not the type to get stuck.

Once he was in his Uber, luggage just tossed in, Spike pleaded for the driver to go as fast as he can, obviously within the law, because he was going to be late. As the driver stepped on it, Spike started texting all his friends one by one, not thinking it probably would’ve been easier to send a group chat.

He ‘omw’ texted on my way again, again, and again. Was he frazzled? A little bit. He was on an adrenaline high not only because he was praised at the airport but because he felt the nerves rush through his veins. He was really doing this. He was going to see his class and hear how much they’ve achieved, how much they’ve grown, how much life they still had to look forward to.

The butterflies weren't anything bad. It felt like at least for one weekend he could pretend that he didn’t grow up, that no time had passed, and that he could relive the best years of his life. Sure, he was in a much better place mentally, emotionally, and hell, even physically, but there was less on his mind. High School was simpler. He lived in the moment and every little incident that transpired became part of their small world. Such trivial things, now that he looked back, but weighed so heavily on them.

The real world was a larger stage and life was unpredictable. High school, though? It was just about him, her, and us. They were young and they had fun. If only he could tell his younger self to just enjoy it, that it was happening. Life was happening and it was so easy because none of them knew as much as they know now.

He was excited. Giddy even to say hello again.

Speed walking down the hallway of the hotel, with his card key in hand, Spike hurriedly searched for his room. The time was 8:05 PM. He was five minutes late. Not too bad for how close he was cutting it. His suitcase rolled behind him, with a duffel on top of it, as he scanned the doors. Glancing at his watch, Spike could feel his anxiety reach his throat. This weekend was going to be great. A good getaway from the everyday hustle.

Coming from the opposite direction of him was, if he did admit it to himself, one fly, not-so-scrawny-anymore, smooth-talking (when he wasn’t in his head), photo-taking (but not on this night), son of a gun named Nathan Blake. In the hour he had to spare, the photographer didn’t bother with organizing his luggage. He could always try and do that tonight if he got back to his room early enough. If not, then it didn’t matter since he was only going to be here for a few days, anyway.

After Nate had showered as quickly as he could so he could pick out an outfit that both showed that he hasn’t changed, but also might speak to his growth, he went with a bit of a middleground. He had a refined fashion sense nowadays, but the goofy sensibility he was known for ten years ago remained. With a white, long-sleeve shirt and black suspenders, Nate came out rushing out of his room with a dark blue blazer thrown over it and, of course, he had jeans and some black dress shoes. All in all, he was looking pretty good. And he made sure to be conservative with his Armani cologne (he used to be very generous with it).

He walked in a groove that was unique to him. His arms moved along to a rhythm inside Nate’s head, which if he was being honest, was that song from Tik Tok called Astronaut in the Ocean. He couldn’t get it out of his head and he was muttering the lyrics and just rocking to the beat he memorized. In the middle of it all, he wasn’t paying attention and almost bumped into someone who was walking opposite of him. His reflexes allowed him to stop the collision, but it couldn’t stop what happened next.

SPIIIIKEEEE! Nate abandoned all hope and entered a tight embrace with his brother from anotha mother! Heat of the moment was to blame for Nate not clearly realizing the obvious and he blinked a few times after releasing his artistically-talented brother from the impromptu hug. When he realized, he blinked a few more times. “Wait wait wait!” Nate’s arms embodied Peter Griffin as his blue eyes glanced at the suitcase and duffle bag. “Are you just now getting here, bro?!” Nate asked, looking to Spike, then to his luggage, then back to Spike, and, unlike the old Old Spice commercial, Nate wasn’t sure what he saw.

“Shit yeah, dude. Is it me or is it fucking hot?” Acknowledging his best friend but still speed walking to his room, Spike passed his next door neighbor’s door, smelling an oh-so-familiar scent. That floral, woody musk. Top notes of raspberry, mandarin orange, and bergamot; middle notes of rose de mai, jasmine, and lily-of-the-valley; base notes, vanilla, cashmeran, and white musk. Shit. Did he actually remember what was on the bottle verbatim? Briefly, he stopped in his tracks and glanced at the door.

What were the chances, like really?

Only to confirm his thoughts, he could hear his first love screaming her heart out. The song she was singing was Floorfiller by A*Teens. For a moment, he stood there in complete shock.

Wait, wait, wait.

He should’ve been prepared for this. He knew she was going to be there. He knew they’d see each other. Did he expect her to be right next to him? No, absolutely not. Still! He could handle this. He got this. He was the Spike-meister! Shaking his head, he went back on his mission.

After unlocking his door, he threw his bags in with reckless abandon. Once his luggage was in, he threw his coat off and tossed it in too. Pocketing his key card, Spike turned on his heel to look at Nate, who was still dumbfoundedly staring at him. Loosening his cuffs and unbuttoning some of his shirt, for a more summer, casual look, Spike grinned at his partner-in-crime, “Hey, I must not be THAT late if you’re still fucking around, ey?”

For a brief moment that didn’t feel that brief, Nate watched Spike operate only in a way that he knew his best bro knew how to. Without any wasted motions, he went to his room, threw his luggage and coat into the room, seemingly not caring where it landed. And as he did watch him, Nate couldn’t help but think to himself how much…he really hasn’t changed in that aspect. Always one to make the most out of any situation, especially when he was in a pinch and doing it with a certain style that made him the perfect partner-in-crime for Nate when Mandy was otherwise preoccupied (or in this case in a whole different part of the country).

“And what? You expected me to miss the Spike-meister in his luggage-tossing prime?” Nate the Great Blake made a ‘pfft’ kind of noise as the grin that Spike flashed at him was a two-way street. “But let’s jet, my man! Babes and booze await our fashionably late arrival. Not to mention, I’m dying to see Maxx. Feels like forever since the last time I’ve seen him!” Nate absentmindedly commented, walking down the hall with Spike towards the elevator, almost tugging him along by the arm (but in a gentle, non-rushing way), not at all factoring in that it really wasn’t that long ago since he’s seen one of the most fashionable people he knew (present company excluded).

“Yeah let’s do this. I might be a bit sober for this but we totally got this. Exes and all.” Following Nate’s lead, Spike found himself going with the motions hoping for the best. When they entered the elevator, he asked, “So, uh, is there anyone you want to see? Besides me. I know you can’t take your eyes off me.”

“Uh..sure..” As the doors closed, Nate purposely delayed answering Spike’s question as he hit the top floor button. A few moments later and another to sit on it (so to speak), Nate met his best male friend in the eyes. “Yeah, I mean it’ll be dope to see everyone again and see where most of them are at in life.” Part of him didn’t want to say it because he promised Mandy he wouldn’t let the thought of Jasper get him down. “You know, just see some of the peeps we haven’t seen in a long ass time. That’d be great!”

“Hey, and maybe we’ll get laid like good ol’ times. Let’s forget the past, Nate. Right here, right now, let’s make an oath. This weekend we’ll be young again. Whaddya say?!” Spike offered his hand for Nate to grab, and spoke in a manner that was more like his high school self. If there was one thing Nate saw over the years it was how much Spike matured. How grounded he became. Less hyperactive and excitable. Still an upbeat guy, but Spike certainly chilled out a bit. “I say the moment we hit the roof, we take some shots.”

That same grin from before found its way back onto Nate’s face as Spike both tried and succeeded to lift his momentary sadness up, and throw it out the nearest window. Nate’s sadness wasn’t as obvious, but it did sap away his ability to form smiles, but no matter how much was taken away, Spike always knew when was the time to dig and help to get to the root of the problem and when to build him up. Nate always returned the favor. It was the great balance their friendship has always had and why it remained to be one of Nate’s most cherished bonds, familial or not.

As he took the blond’s hand, he squeezed it and laughed with a cheery disposition that meant he agreed about everything he said. “Hell yeah man!” He delightfully exclaimed. He no longer was thinking about his ex or any bad thing that might rob him of enjoying this night with the boys. “And one thing I will say is I have missed the top shelf and I can’t wait to drink a thousand dollar’s worth of whatever top shelf booze they have at the bar and not have to pay a single thing.” They can thank their class of 2012 president for that one.

“I don’t get that craving since I’ll always be partial to screwdrivers. Reminds me of my Paw-Paw. Man, miss that fucker.” After cracking his knuckles and his neck, Spike started hopping on the elevator, causing it to bounce. Loosening himself up, doing a little shimmy, trying to be the best version of his old self, he gave himself an internal pep talk. Fuck drama. Fuck the past. Live in the moment. Get lost in the tunes. And the vibes. Yeah, it’s all about the vibes. When he was done, he looked at his best friend, throwing his arm around him, “It’s go time!” On that note, the elevator door opened.

As the party duo exited the elevator, the music was so loud, the cheers of their classmates so loud, even before they walked out to the rooftop, Nate heard them. “Damn the party is really banging.” Nate’s comment was followed by chuckle as they left the bleak feelings, the regrets of a time’s past, and embraced one of many moments that was sure to be made better by the totally awesome, cooler Bill and Ted duo of Nate the Great and the Spike-meister.

Their first stop, of course, as Spike stated it himself, was the bar. “A line of shots, if you will!” Nate tapped the countertop to whatever beat he heard. He didn’t recognize the song, but it had him feeling almost as good as Spike looked.

“Of course sir. And what would you like?

Screwdrivers! But in shots form!!” He gave the attractive bartender a wide smile. Moments later, there were two shots for each of them lined up in a straight row. He didn’t know if Spike was going to reach for them, but before he did, Nate intervened. “Wait, wait, wait! Before we do, since this was your idea, it’s only fair that I get to decide what we drink to. Aside from being the best looking mofos here our female classmates excluded, we should toast to us and this being a good night with laughs and, like you said, potential one-way tickets to Pound Town!” Yup, even after ten years, Nate still had his colorful wit.

“Damn straight. Straight to pound town!” Spike reached for his shot. Before saying cheers and shooting it in his throat, he responded, “Wait, wait, wait! If you get to do the toast, I get to do the bet. It ain’t a Spike & Nate night without a bet. Or dare. Or whatever. But I want there to be stakes so make it a bet. We have to get laid tonight. If one of us doesn’t… we have to streak around the whole resort, first thing in the morning. If we both get laid, fuck yeah, then we treat the other to a date. That’s only fair. And if we both lose, well, we both gonna’ be naked up in this piece.” Accomplished at his words, Spike started bringing his shot glass to his lips--

“Wait, wait, wait!” Nate exclaimed, putting his hand up, stopping Spike from taking a sip. “I mean, yeah, I obviously love that bet. All of your bets are classic, bro! But why not do a dare tonight? The night’s young totally like us and people here need to know the boys are back in town--” Nate realized, technically they aren’t since they were so far removed from Palm Beach, “--well, so to speak.” He laughed and enjoyed it for a few seconds and went back to it. “So whatadda say, man? A classic Darepolooza like old times! You in?” He picked up one of his shot glasses, raising it near Spikes, giving him almost pleading emoji eyes.

Chuckling, Spike smirked at the endless possibilities of how the night would turn out. “You know it.” And with that, the bold, audacious, kind of crazy duo whipped their heads and drank their shots. Slamming his glass on the bar, Spike roared, “ANOTHER!” and as if the bartender read the two idiots, there were two new shot glasses in front of them. “Rock, paper, scissors to see who dares who first.”

“That makes sense. Vintage for vintage game.” Nate chuckled and grinned. As he balled his fist and held it in front of him, there was a shift in his demeanor. Casual, party Nate was replaced with the same exact Nate, but he had his game face on. “You are so on! And when I win, you are soooooooo going to hate meeee!”

Rolling his eyes, Spike had been in game mode the moment he challenged his friend. Without saying a word, he began to motion his own fists.


Spike narrowed his eyes, mentally telling Nate it was on like Donkey Kong. Preparing to pick his option, while starting the count - his fist hit his palm.


Nate jerked his fist down into his hand, keeping a stern, focused gaze on his best friend. “You’re going down, Langley.”


Sparks and electricity could be seen metaphorically between the two best friends… if this were an anime. There was no way Spike would lose. He was the Spike Meister! The only one who could face Nate the Great in a chaotic, dubstep atmosphere. “I’ll spank you like I spanked your mother.”


Using shock to his advantage, Spike threw down the opposite of Nate’s ‘go-to’ starter. Breaking his concentration was key in games like these. “Scissors, muthafucker!”

“You sneaky sonofa--” Nate cursed and cursed, then laughed until his sides hurt. “You know me all too well.” He couldn’t be mad that he lost to such a worthy adversary. He was only disappointed in himself for sticking too close to his guns. Somewhere in him he should have figured Spike would go for the opposite way. Maybe he was blinded by a hype and familiar overconfidence whenever he got into Nate the Great mode.

But a deal was a deal. “Alright, champion of RPS. Lay it on me! What’s your dare for yours truly?”

“Solo boy band style. By the pool. Have the DJ play some Backstreet boys or some shit. Do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight! Let's see if you can reenact your prom-posal.” After the dare was laid out on the table, Spike lifted his shot glass, “You in or are you chicken-shit?”

Ah yes, the promposal that was easily the single greatest thing that Nate ever done and it was followed up by the single worst moment in his life. He literally sat on it, thinking about what this might do to him and what it might do for him. He hasn’t done a dance routine or anything like that (at least not at that level) since that night at prom, but theoretically, he still had it in him.

With a sigh (a deep one, at that), Nate took his shot glass in hand, clinked it with Spikes, and down that sucker in all of its sweet, tangy glory. “You son of a bitch, I’m in!” He snapped his right index finger and thumb and got off his seat. He bumped fists with Spike, internally questioning whether he still had the moves. Or maybe it was who might be out there watching that was getting his heart pumping. Whatever it was, showtime waited for no person!

A flashback collaboration between @Aces Away and @metanoia | Ft. Mordechai Boaz, Allegra Cardenas, and Mikhail Zima

"Y've gotta be fuckin' kiddin' me," Mordechai blurted out, eyes wide as he set down the tinfoil Menorah he had been showing Viva how to make after realizing they didn't have one. The one year old couldn't really make one herself, but the light shining off the aluminum sheets as he moved and molded them seemed to keep her attention well enough. The girl went to grab for it and Mordechai quickly intercepted, grabbing her from under her outstretched arms and swinging her onto his hip as she squealed. "Legs, please tell me you're jokin'."

"I took the test like five times," she answered instead, tossing the stick in her hand over to him so he could see the results himself. Two pink lines stared up at him mockingly, blowing away any protest. "We knew the bareback routine was a risk, we were just more worried about makin' sure neither of us had STDs. Shoulda been thinkin’ ‘bout how the pill is only ninety percent effective." She crossed her arms and grinned at the pale faced boy in front of her. "Besides, why are you so freaked out? At least you're having a kid after you came of age."

Mordechai shared a one-sided look of confusion and dread with Viva in his arms before asking in a strained tone. "How old... are you?" He asked before wincing, realizing this should have been a question long ago.

"Oh don't worry!" She laughed, taking Viva into her own arms and squishing their cheeks together to make the girl laugh. "I'm gonna be eighteen in like a month and I've been working since I was fourteen, so you by no means have done anything that hasn't been done before-"

Oh thank god," Mordechai cut her off, taking in a breath of relief. "I thought you were gonna say fuckin fourteen or somethin', you almost sent me into a fuckin' crisis. Our night jobs may be illegal but at least the actual sex isn't."

Allegra rolled her eyes and grinned, glad that Mordechai made no deal at all about her time in the job. Then again, from what little she knows of him, he didn't exactly play on the right side of the law from a young age as well, so it might not have even registered to him. "Now that we're gonna have a kid though, we gotta actually learn things about each other."

"...Like?" Came the wary response as they both sat on the threadbare carpet, Allegra setting Viva down to play between them.

"Nothing so grand as 'what are you running from'," she dismissed with a wave of her hand as he flinched, continuing as if she hadn’t seen it. "But how about what you did before comin' to the corners? That wasn't your first time on one, that's for sure."

"Nah," he answered quietly, picking at what little thread held the carpet together. "I was part of a gang back home, and every now and then I'd spend some time with the corner girls and pick up some johns myself if I needed the extra cash for my brother. But I usually ran a drug corner, Captain and everything."

"Wow wow," Allegra replied, looking Viva in the eyes as she had the girl slowly clap her hands together in mock applause. "I'm havin' a baby with some big time, huh?"

Mordechai laughed at both her words and Viva's wide eyed confusion.

"Hardly, I left completely some time in my Junior year. I certainly wasn't part’a the Royalty."

"Awe don't worry, you're a king to us." Allegra assured with great dramatic flair, Viva giggling and toppling into her mother's lap excitedly.

*Knock knock knock*

"Kings don't get their own door." Mordechai grumbled jokingly as he got up, helping Allegra up as well before heading to the door while she went to the kitchen with Viva. Mordechai slipped up to the door carefully, palming the gun in his waistband before glancing through the peephole to see who it was. The only people that really knew either of them out here were the other hookers and the ladies that worked at the diner with Allegra in the afternoon, and none of them had as solid knocks as the blow that had landed on their door.

"Shit, speak'a the devil an' all that, huh?" He murmured to himself. On the other side of his door was one Mikhail Zima, face screwed up in what Mordechai was sure was irritation. He quickly weighed his options: if he opened the door now, Mika would probably deck him on principal for leaving without so much as a goodbye. But if he pretended he wasn't home…

Mordechai blanched. If he pretended he wasn't home then Mika would just find him when he was working and kick his ass then, and then he'd be even more pissed. And Mordechai had no doubt Mika knew everywhere he was during the day, if the other man had been able to find him in some illegal slum house in New York just three months after he left Edenridge.

Mordechai let go of the gun, leaving it in his waistband as he unlocked the door with the air of a man signing his own death warrant. It creaked and groaned noisily as he pulled it open, the whole thing sticking halfway through the process until he put a bit of shoulder into it. He kept his eyes on the door for one more blissful second before allowing them to meet Mika's own.

"...Hey, HB... how'd ya find me?"

A few moments of silence passed after the door was opened and the two boys stared each other down. Mika showed no sign of what he was thinking other than his fist tightening, drawing the other’s eye. It was a tense situation because between the uncertainty in Mika’s head and the uncertainty that was clear across Boa’s face, neither knew what the Russian boy was going to do.

Until a right arm came hooking around the corner and connected on that square jaw. The force behind it was at least half of Mika’s full output, so he didn’t punch his friend with the intent to kill - only prove a point. As he watched Boa stagger back, the dark-haired boy stepped into the crummy apartment. “Nice to see you too, Decks.” Looking at the girl and child in the room, he offered them his sincerest expression. “My bad. Just that this fucker didn’t bother to tell me he was leaving.”

Allegra’s cool gaze stayed level on the intruder, her 9mm trained on him and just as steady. Her body was angled to shield the child in her arm and her hoop earrings swayed as she tilted her head, narrowing her eyes. “Hmm,” She hummed noncommittally. “Sometimes a person don’t tell another ‘bout where they’re goin’ for a reason.” the reply was calm, but there was a dangerous undercurrent of warning there.

Mordechai, hand rubbing his sore jaw, stepped between the two, raising his other hand to calm her from across the room. “It’s fine, Legs, he’s a brother.” He spoke up, not moving until she had lowered the gun and flicked on the safety. He gave her an earnest look when she met his eyes, trying to convey how warm her protection made him feel. “Thanks.” Allegra held his gaze for a long moment before huffing and rolling her eyes.

“Sort your shit out Mordechai, no one’s allowed ta kill ya until you’ve at least seen your baby.” She shot a glare at HB. “No fatal bullshit for the next nine months, ya hear? I’m not goin' through this shit alone again.” with that, she turned around and plopped Viva into her high chair before grabbing the yogurt from the minifridge that had replaced the full sized one when it blew just after they’d moved in. Sitting in front of her daughter, she began to speak quietly to her as she led the spoon into her mouth.

Mordechai turned back to HB with a guarded look on his face. “...You gonna punch me again? What level was that? ‘I’m fuckin' pissed and you’re the reason’ or ‘ya fucked up and haven’t even realized it yet’?”

Turning his neutral expression into a thoughtful one, HB looked at Boa. It was a solid question, but neither option seemed to fit what he was feeling, yet it was equal to what he had up in his head. Damn right he was pissed. Shit got bad -- really bad -- and instead of leaning on his brothers, this mother fucker in front of him just went up and left. But it wasn’t just that. As HB looked at Boa and glanced at the chick with the piece that was pointed at him just a few moments ago, Boa hit it on the nail too that he was fucked and just didn’t know it yet.

“Fuck…” Mika tried to dial back the splitting anger dividing up in his head. He wanted to punch this motherfucker again. God, how he just wanted to deck him (no pun intended). He had thought about doing a lot of things when he drove up, but seeing him in the flesh, nothing came more prevalent in his mind than HB pulling Boa in for a dap man hug that was extended for a few seconds. “Fucking missed you, asshole.”

"Ah, it was 'I wasn't informed and the abandonment is now your problem'."

Mordechai reciprocated easily, having watched Mika's emotions flit across his face as he sorted himself out. "I missed you too, ya walkin' rage machine." He replied, keeping the hug for an extra second to blink the tears out of his eyes without Mika seeing. They've always had an odd relationship, starting with their very first ever, very angry and awkward conversation. It seemed to set the scene for the rest of their interactions, pulled somewhere between intrigue, respect, and bickering.

And later on, trust. He'd let Mika into his, Sonny and Danny's room at the Edge so the older boy could read to him. He'd believed the boy had his back when things got rough, and the other ensured that belief. They'd fucked around, fought, fought together and, overall, the fact that hanging with HB had been at ReyRey's command had been practically shoved into a box in his mind. The relationship they'd built wasn't because of that command, it was because the two boys had jagged edges that seemed to slot into each other nicely, only an occasional stick in the gears.

Mordechai led Mika to the futon, dropping down onto the thin cushion and turning towards him once he sat, his face serious.

"Seriously Mika, how'd ya find me? My actions are as undocumented as I can get 'em. Couldn't have been easy."

“Oh man, busting out the Mika, huh?” There was a short moment where the Russian-American teen laughed (to dead silence, of course). He wondered just how bad it was and judging by Decky’s expression, he was one or two moments of fucking around away from Decky returning the favor that was going to give him a nice shiner in the morning. “You’re forgetting that I used to live around here.” Mika made a grand gesture as his arms circled and expanded, emphasizing that New York was his home. ”New York City, my home. And despite everything, my old crew still knows who the boss is, ergo I’m here!”

"... You've had your people on me." Mordechai states calmly, face shuttered off from his emotions as he stared at the other man. All he'd wanted was to disappear, to be the nothing that he felt like. He'd wanted to drop off the grid and li- no, not live- survive as well as he could until something eventually picked him off. Allegra and Viva, and now his unborn child, had thrown a wrench in those plans, but he still never planned on re-approaching his old life. Here Mika was, using part of that old life to find him and. What? What did he want? It couldn't just be because the other man missed him, that was a ridiculous reason to put so much effort into finding someone. Especially some loser that left the Serpents and couldn't even protect his own blood brother from his brother in all but blood.

All that blood…

Mordechai ran a hand over his face as his breath hitched, hand stalling to cover his mouth. Hatchet's words about him being a trained bitch for the Gonzales family suddenly entered his head. "So you've been trackin' me like a dog. Hmm." His heavy silence immediately after the comment was the only indicator that he was about to take action.

The strike that came towards Mika was as fast as the strike of Mordechai's namesake, and Boa showed his face for the first time in several months, maybe even longer considering when he'd left the Serpents. Decky made sure to keep the momentum going, shoving Mika off the couch and getting on top of him, knees on either side of his waist and hands going up to restrain the others'.

"I'm not some fuckin' mutt that'll come back at any call," he growled at Mika, a fire long since burned out suddenly springing to life behind his eyes. He leaned down so their faces were inches apart. "I'm not goin' back there and I don't need any damn babysitters. You gotta let go'a your toys sometime, little prince." It was all said with a sneer, all the rage in his eyes almost successfully covering the pure fear and guilt practically radiating off him. Had Mika and him not had the relationship they did, the latter would have likely gone unnoticed.

The fuck is he on about? That thought persisted as Mika--no, it was HB who was looking at Boa now. A shift in demeanors as the animals were let out of the cages. Memories of their first encounter (plus or minus a few changes) came flooding to the front and that familiar sense of confusion mixed in with anger became prevalent again. Was this really why he thought HB came all this way? Just to use his old contacts to find him? And what was that about being a dog? And what the fuck in what he said gave Boa the idea that he was a damn babysitter?

All of those questions were laced into a series of moments that followed a singular act of HB using his hard head. Literally. The force that he put into it made his head ring like the train horn that rang every morning at 5am. But it allowed HB to get up as his brother had loosed his grip on him. “Fuck me, Boa. And no, that’s not a fucking invitation--” He shook his head as if trying to shake off the pain. “--nobody said you were a fucking dog. And jesus fucking christ, I’m not here to babysit you, though given how you just reacted, maybe I should. It’s clear with the lil’ girl here, you could use one to handle your oversensitive bitch ass.” HB was pissed and he didn’t have time to coddle Boa’s sensitivities. Apparently Allegra agreed, because her laugh at that comment filtered over from the kitchen. “But because you seem so hell-bent on thinking that I’m here to stalk you, let me just tell you that, no! I didn’t come all this way just to make sure you were staying in your lane. Like fuck, do you really think I’d drive all this way just for that?”

HB took in a breath as he stood up. His frustration, in addition to the building migraine he was starting to get because of the dumbass on the floor, was almost making him regret even coming here.

Mordechai was clutching at his forehead, the abrupt pain clearing some of his unfound rage. He'd just been scared that Mika would try and drag him back. And he couldn't. He couldn't go. He fought first and made apologies later when he was scared. The other man's words reverberated through his skull along with the headache he'd just inflicted. He grumbled at Allegra's laughter and clenched his eyes, hunching over until his arms had loosely circled his legs. The silence stretched between them once more. At this point it had been more silence and violence than conversation.

A classic interaction between the two, all things considered.

"...When I got stabbed, a few weeks before we met?" He began quietly, glaring at the ground between their feet. "Hatchet said everyone just saw me as ReyRey's prized bitch. A willin' dog ta the Gonzales family. Guess the worry stuck more than I wanted it to," He glanced away and towards the kitchen. Allegra was cleaning up a giggling Viva's face, but he could tell she was listening by how her head was tilted. Well, she wanted to know more about him. "Then ya show up basically sayin' you've had your people watchin' me like you were...trackin' down a lost pet," He bit his lip, a phantom throb in his side as he still refused to look at the other boy. "I thought ya might try ta take me back.” He sucked in a deep breath, letting it go in an explosive exhale a moment later.

“I can't go back there, Badger, I can't."

It took HB a few moments to not only process what Boa said, but to realize how his coming all this way without a solid explanation right off the bat seemed like from the other side. Context was everything and HB should’ve realized this. He came all this way, tracked down his brother and greeted him with a punch. Fuck, no wonder he got so defensive. Cursing himself, HB looked at Boa finally. “I’m sorry man. I did that thing I always do: act before thinking. Using my fists instead of my brain. Poppa G is always telling me to do more of that and I guess I still have a lot to learn. But listen…” He placed a hand on Boa’s shoulder, making sure he looked at him before he spoke. “You aren’t a dog. And you’re nobody’s bitch. I needed to find you for myself and nobody else. Understand? I needed to know you were doing alright. After...what happened, I needed that for me.”

Mordechai sniffed and nodded, wiping the tears from his eyes with the ratty sleeve of his green sweater. He'd managed to restrain a flinch when the hand landed on his shoulder, and now it was a warm, grounding weight as he gathered his bearings and tried to commit what Mika had said to memory.

"Jesus, you two are definitely brothers. Dumbass ones at that." Allegra had reappeared in the living/bedroom, standing above them with Viva on her hip. She looked at the new bruises on the two with a sort of patient annoyance. She glared at Mordechai for a moment before dropping Viva into his lap. "Go finish the Menorah, keep her entertained while I make dinner." He folded easily, scooting back towards the tinfoil craft area with the little girl giggling excitedly in his lap. She then turned the glare to Mika, hands on her hips. "You're stayin'."

It wasn't a question.

“Sure…” Mika didn’t have it in him to go against her wishes. Something about the way she took charge made him freeze. Mika hadn’t registered anything else she did until he heard the excited chirps from the little one in Decky’s lap. Part of him laughed because Mika remembered how New York women were. He dated a few when he was still living here, though they were immature as all hell, yet still very much opinionated.

“So, what’s her name?” Mika asked, glancing down at the little princess with the smile that melts even his OG heart.

"Viva Gavriel," Allegra answered, pleased that he'd submitted to her authority so quickly. "She's one. I'm Allegra, since Mordechai was so kind as ta let me introduce myself." The sarcasm was heavy in her tone, and Mordechai could be seen suddenly becoming much more intent on that little foil Menorah, cheeks red and shoulders around his ears. Viva laughed at the funny posture, patting his cheek before turning her attention back to the craft. Allegra smiled at the sight. "And you are? I think I've heard like three different names for ya already. Whichever one ya wanna use is fine."

Mika glanced at Boa for a second. The louder Allegra’s voice became the quieter that his usually boisterous brother became. It weirdly reminded him so much of his mother. Mary-Anne O’Hara, she had the patience of a saint and tolerated most of his antics, but if there was one thing that he knew for certain that was shared with Allegra was their patience had a time limit. He smiled at this realization, finding a weird comfort in it. “Mika’s fine. Most people call me by that name, anyway.” He met Allegra’s gaze. He wasn’t intimidated by her as much as he thought he was.”Ya know, I didn’t grow up too far from here,” Mika said somewhat absentmindedly.

"Oh, that's how ya have your little connections," she mused, heading back towards the kitchen. It was still close enough that they could chat freely. "I'm actually from Longwood in the Bronx, so Brownsville ain't so bad," she grabbed the Manwich can and some spices from the doorless cabinet before setting a pan on the stove. She grabbed a few diced vegetables from the fridge and began her preparations. "Where d'ya come out of?"

“Sheepshead Bay. Just thirty minutes south,” he replied aptly. “Kinda crap, but the view is nice. Most of my crew still lives there. Pretty sure my dad is still there, too.” Mika suddenly got quiet in a reflective sort of way. Thinking about how close he was to his old man and couldn’t go anywhere near was...conflicting for him. He wondered just what Ivan was doing now or if he even cared to realize that Mika was in town. Probably not. “You ever been down that way?” He asked Allegra in an attempt to steer the focus away from him and his daddy issues.

"For jobs when things got scarce around here," she answered, then tilted her head. "It's not that bad, but I like my corner here. How'd you meet Mordechai, then? From what he said he never really left his hometown before whatever the capital 'e' Event was that happened."

"I tried ta fuck 'im 'bout two weeks after bein' stabbed, back when we were teenagers. I ended up passin' out a little bit after meetin' 'im. It was eventful." Mordechai piped up dutifully, patiently maneuvering Viva's hands around the foil so she could help build it. He and Danny had made one each every year, so this little activity was extremely bittersweet for Mordechai, but hearing the little girl's giggles and joy was worth any ache in his heart. He glanced at Mika and gave him a smile that barely reached his eyes. "Doesn't mean I didn't get ta fuck 'im eventually." He teased, playing back to Mika's earlier bout of cussing.

Mika had made it no secret that he sampled both teams, but it was still something of an embarrassing topic for him. So his immediate response was a lot of delay on his end, but he half-grinned at Boa. “Probably a good thing you waited,” Mika commented, his grin turning into a sly smirk. “I would’ve hated to rip those stitches open.” Mika allowed himself a chuckle as he lightly punched Decky’s arm.

He laughed in response, memories of their hook up- just as rough as the two themselves were- flitting through his head. "Fair 'nough."

Viva let out an excited giggle as Mordechai leaned back so they could examine their final product. The Menorah, through years of practice on his part, was perfectly level across and able to stand on its own against the drafty breeze that always made it through the apartment. He let out his own triumphant grin as he got up, bringing her and the Menorah with him. He glanced at Mika, shaking the foil in his hands lightly

"First night tonight, gonna join us in lightin' the candle, or gonna sit on the floor an' watch?" He asked, as he had any other time Mika had been around the Edge dorms near sundown during the holiday.

Cracking a smile, Mika gave a shrug, his casual way of giving Boa the green light. Truth was, he didn’t need to be back in Eden until the day after tomorrow. He had planned on seeing his old crew tomorrow, anyway, telling himself that if he was careful he wouldn’t alert his father to his presence in the city. Not that he figured the old man cared that he was in town. It’s been over four years and he hasn’t heard a single thing from the old bastard. As far as he knew, he was glad that Mika was away and out of his care. Big Rey Gonzalez handled the burden of raising Mika and did a finer job than Ivan Zima could have ever done even if he did give two shits.

“Nah, I’ll participate. My ass was starting to get numb like that face of yours might’ve had we fooled around more.” Mika couldn’t help but glance over at Allegra with a grin, “not that she would stand for it. Figure you’d put your foot down if it got too out of hand.” He assumed with a chuckle.

Mordechai didn't even bother hiding his grin at Allegra's raised eyebrow, knowing Mika had read her wrong and she would let him know asap.

"I already said no fatal bullshit, but anything else is more than on the table," a smirk and a wink followed the declaration as they all moved to the kitchen table. "This table has certainly seen its fair share of nights, I'm honestly surprised it's still standing."

"It wasn't after that one time, remember? I had to fix two'a the legs."

"Oh, but the sex was worth it, I think you broke my back that night too."

Mordechai turned a bit red at that and looked away, suddenly remembering all the times that having multiple fuck buddies in one room had managed to go south on him. But he and Allegra haven't been like that, and Mika never held jealousy over Mordechai as far as he was aware. Maybe...maybe he could be optimistic about this? Slowly meeting her gaze, he almost jumped out of his seat upon seeing how close she'd leaned into his space.

"Oh my god you're blushing! Like actually embarrassed blushing!" She cheered with a large grin on her face before leaning back to tap Mika's arm. "You have to come over more often, this is amazing."

Mordechai just groaned in dismay.

And it was a rare sight for Mika to catch Boa in such a...different state. Hardened exteriors be damned, Mika had to admit he enjoyed seeing this side of him. And he was intent on making sure Decky knew as much. “Maybe I will.” Mika intentionally gave Boa a hard pat to the back, squeezing on the back of his shoulder-blade, leaning close enough to him so he didn’t have to yell.. “If nothing else, it’ll give me more time to see your ugly mug.” He cracked a grin.

"You've been wantin' this mug since the first time we met, it was just more fun for ya ta play it straight," Mordechai bit back teasingly, face still red as he suddenly had the attention of both his strictly-platonic fuck buddies. The only ones that have ever been strictly platonic aside from Rye Shomer, which must be what makes this so much more horrifying and intriguing at the same time. Allegra's smirk practically set off his self preservation instincts, and he cleared his throat nervously. "So, the Menorah?"

If his voice was a little pitchier than usual, he practically dared one of these fuckers to say something.

Allegra started the prayer as she lit the Shamash, easily holding Viva's hands away from the flame without so much as a glance at the girl. Mordechai joined in, the Hebrew falling from his lips easily as his shoulders began to relax completely, and he heard Mika join in too. Once the first candle was lit and the Shamash placed in its own spot, there was a warm silence that settled around those at the table as they ate their dinner by candlelight.

Viva, who had quickly dozed off on her mother's lap, was tucked into her small bed in the corner of the room, curtains covered in cartoon dogs the only thing separating it from the rest of the apartment. When Allegra returned, she dropped back down into her chair and dropped her chin into her palm to look at Mika.

"Your pronunciation sucks ass, but A for effort," she joked, quirking her eyebrow before shooting Mordechai a glance, other eyebrow raising when she noticed he was red once more. "What?"

"Umm, me an' my brother taught 'im, but we went ta a non-denominational Temple an' learned most of it from YouTube…"

A short silence followed as she held his gaze, drawing out his torture.

Then she snorted, dropping her hand to the table and tilting her head back as she laughed. Mordechai turned redder before he huffed, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms as he looked away from her and towards Mika.

"She thinks she's all that 'cause she had an official Bat Mitzvah," he rolled his eyes playfully.

"I'm just fuckin' wit’ ya, it was great for self taught," she assured, not even trying to hide her giggling. "And you've obviously gotten better since ya taught Mika here."

"Allegra." Mordechai groaned in exasperation.

Mika cracked a smile. “Oh own up to it, Boa,” he nudged Boa’s shoulder with his arm. “You’re a wise soul with many things to teach me.” Now, Mika was the one who was doing the fucking and he was having a fun time doing it...just like all the other times he and Boa had fucked with each other.

"You're a traitor, Badger," he bemoaned. "You were supposed'a agree with me, now the argument's dead." He threw up his hands before giving Mika a light shove. "Seriously though, 'm happy ta have ya here. It was nice that some'a that tradition stayed true this year too." His eyes were distant as he dropped his chin to his hand, the candles low and dimming. His voice didn't even waver when he said, "Danny would'a loved that we did this."

Mika's smile remained, though there was a subtle layer of sadness in it. He missed Danny. Things really weren't the same since he passed. Thinking about the younger Boaz boy and how many times he read those stories to Mika and vice versa, it almost brought a tear to his eye. Then he thought about how right Boa was. How that little squirt would have loved to see them still be able to be happy.

"Then how about we dedicate this to Danny?” Mike faced the candle, the reflection of its dim light shining in his eyes and Mika shed a single tear as he smiled. Mordechai followed suit, Allegra there in silent support as they all watched the candles’ glow in comfortable silence, the closest thing to a candlelight vigil that Danny Boaz would get.

Mentions & Interactions — Vann @KZOMBI3


Oh, how good it felt for Lost Cross to be back in his element. No more stuffy planes with babies and flight attendants that didn't know how to process a simple request for peanuts. No more annoying uber drivers, but most importantly, no more having to deal with that annoying, needy, selfish, immature brat he called a side-piece. Okay, maybe Ariana wasn't that bad. Sometimes he even enjoyed her spunky nature and the way she always worshipped him, but whenever he mentioned anyone who might be from the same species as her, she always made it into a bigger deal than it was. Maybe he cheated, but it's not cheating if you're not in an official relationship with that college brat.

If only Ariana saw it his way. Instead, to buy him some peace and quiet and be able to focus on the real reason he was at the reunion, Benji had to block her out. That meant her number. She couldn't spam his inbox and voicemail if she couldn't get past the wall. It also gave Benji more time to properly get his party on.

He swung by Bruna's hotel room briefly before he came to the rooftop to grab what a certain cuban delight had asked about. There was no way he was going to start this night without his assortment of Molly and her five best friends. The ever-lasting business arrangement he had with Bruna's family was just another reason why they got along so well. It was also why Benji didn't mind certain other advantages they had to their arrangement. A tit-for-tat arrangement, so to speak.

Benji took in the sights. The lights and music and the sights of some familiar faces filled Benji up with an euphoric, almost nostalgic feeling that brought him back to the wild ragers that were often thrown at Jin and Marg's place. Sometimes it was also hosted by Maxx. Benji didn't really care who hosted parties back then. His concern was always making the most of it and also making money, but the way everything looked and the backdrop of the Atlantic had made all fo the hoops he had to jump through to get here almost worth it. He says almost because, as much as the sights and music and casual decorations were nice, what Benji really missed were a couple of his homies. Jin and Vann to be specific.

He casually walked, keeping an eye out for both of them while at the same time, he was admiring the view. He didn't know what it was about being back in the element he grew up in, but it was bringing him back to fond memories that might not be suitable for viewers under the age of eighteen. Moments that he spent with anyone who would have him. Getting into trouble, enjoying the primetime life of being a rich kid from Palm Beach, and, maybe doing some bad things with his homie, Jin. He didn't see Jin anywhere, but knowing him he was around somewhere. So he decided to shoot him a text.

To Jin
Shit man where tf you at? Parties just aren't the same without my partner in crime!
Emphasis on crime :P

As he went further and deeper around the area, Benji also kept his eyes peeled for anyone who might want party favors. His classmates knew him and knew that if they wanted anything, they came to him not the other way around. But unlike that, Benji did sometimes go to people who piqued his interest enough.

And sure enough, right by the pool, looking finer than he could have ever dreamed (well, he knew she wouldn't be at a party if she wasn't looking hotter than every InstaThot combined).

Approaching from behind with all the swagger of Johnny Depp and Skrillex, Benji Cross strutted in a rhythm that was all unique to him. Sliding behind her a hand found its way in a firm place it hadn't been in quite some time but only for a moment before he retracted. Didn't want to show all your cards in the beginning. "Say, you haven't seen a fine as hell supermodel around anywhere, have you? Heard she's looking for someone named Molly. Blew up my phone a while back." Benji let out an amused sigh, looking at Vann with a smirk.

Was...that all he wanted in the end? Not a full admission of guilt from those responsible for what happened to him, his brother, his master, and everyone who suffered during the destruction of Hellion, but just someone to say those two simple words?

It was...strange. As Zestasia stood there, his blue eyes no longer glaring daggers at Etoile, he didn't see her as some traitor or liar or anyone who represented anything but someone truly empathetic to his life and what he went through. He may never find exactly who was fully responsible for his home being destroyed, but to hear someone who was part of the inquisitors to do what they could to apologize felt like enough. It was enough.. The truth was he never counted on being in the position he was. He knew one of these days he might find someone who could give him answers and maybe some clue on where his master might be, but he never counted on getting a certain closure that, if he was being truthful with himself, made him want to smile.

And that's exactly what he did.

Despite his fatigued state, from one blonde to another, Zestasia smiled as bright and wide as he could. "You didn't have to say that, but thank you!" He shared a glance with her, meeting the ex-inquisitor face to face. "But, please, no more sad! We have to press forward and focus on the tomorrow...or the next five minutes." Zestasia looked around, scratching his head as if the last few minutes hadn't been tense with his own anger. "Where that'll lead us, I have no idea!" He laughed, but it hurt to do so.

<Snipped quote by metanoia>

And I'll bring in Tiff 🥰

Eyyyy! Someone for Drea to protect from the evil jocks yeah as if Drea can stop her

Question for those in the original Delbrook:

How many of y'all bringing back your characters and if so which ones are you bringing back

I won't be (as you can see). I thought about it, but was definitely feeling something different for this time around (as much as i love Kyle and Malu).
If face claim reservations are allowed, putting mine down right now:

FC: Brec Bassinger || Color: #eac55d || I'll be going for the popular girl (feminist with an attitude) trope and, if allowed, possibly head cheerleader (or high on the cheerleading hierarchy, at least).
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