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we are here, not for a reason, but because we simply are, now I'll see you after about five days long ad break
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isekai is a myth, we must resort to high concentration can in a can
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he can play the honky tonk like anything
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I must not fear, fear is the meme-killer, fear is the little cringe


I am getting back to shitposting again, fear me

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@AlternateManStrangely enough, Outside of that gif that won’t embed there aren’t many pictures of it. Chika is a sniper who’s natural energy (which exists in living beings and powers all the weapons in World trigger) is plentiful enough to turn the rifle into a rail gun. The anime also lets people customize their ammunition which is also why I mentioned it.

But yeah, that’s the gist if it.

If it’s fine, you want more, or you want less, let me know.

The power seems fine so far, but please keep in mind I barely know the anime and that this isn't a World Trigger rp so the rules won't be completely same. Is there a total limit of resources she can expand per some time? Or is it just the amount of energy she can use at the moment?
I may be a bit too picky about this but I'll have to ask you for a bit more explanation on how she got her hands on that cybernetic implant.
Well, I tried to embed a gif, and it didn't work.

I have a clear limit to the effects in mind, but I'm not quite sure how to voice it. If you're familiar with the anime World Trigger. A powered down version of Chika in terms of her projectiles. As for shapes, I was thinking mainly between small armor piercing for thicker armor, weaker barrage as the bullet splits up, a standard sniper round, and a slow beam with little penetrating power but large damage. The time between shots would also be slower than the faster swinging speeds of her allies.

As for the shields, I imagine a one meter by one meter cube. The denser that cube, the stronger it is. Inversely the more she spreads it out, the less it can block against. Ideally she could defend against artillery's shells with it when it takes a direct hit protecting against only one direction if that makes sense.

It might also help to explain that she can only do one or the other. Trying to split them between fire power and shields would leave both less than effective.

if you're referencing an anime character at least explain what they do, I'm too lazy to google stuff
So a sniper that shoots either:
1. AP rounds
2. cluster barrage
or conjure a shield

out of superpower energy, right?
Ah, alright. Thanks for clearing things up.
Are you keeping the uwu speech though

Looks good to me.
Once BC confirms too you're good to post on the cs zone.
Mind you, if you're saying prior to the first robot attack that's still a long time ago.

Half tempted to make a male character and start a harem.

Ahem. Looking cool!
Do you have a solid limit set for Penny's powers?
Did I hear cybernetic implants

Well, technically theres big evil robots walkkng around and theres people smart enough to reverse engineer old tech so... it's possible. Why not?
Also Lug, I forgot to say-your backstory could mean fire chainsaw Lord of Cinder gal may be acquainted with some of the faculty characters. Will it be a positive thing or a negative one? The truth is out there... *cue X files theme*
now show me what you got little man
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