Avatar of AlternateMan


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9 hrs ago
Current chicken noodle soup
6 days ago
we are here, not for a reason, but because we simply are, now I'll see you after about five days long ad break
8 days ago
isekai is a myth, we must resort to high concentration can in a can
13 days ago
he can play the honky tonk like anything
17 days ago
I must not fear, fear is the meme-killer, fear is the little cringe


I am getting back to shitposting again, fear me

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You might need more polishing with stuff to do. I understand that you want to do a dumb sword swinging anime girl, but that doesn't mean you don't need much details for the cs. The explanation for the implant could be viable, but it needs a lil bit of more sprinkling of detail.
If Yumi's dumber than a doorknob how did she enter the Sunderers(who, through normal means, requires at least a highschool student's level of intelligence)? Of all people, why was she selected for the surgery?
Why did her father try to fist fight a robot(unless he like downed a whole bar's load of beer)? And for the love of explosions why must she use the uwu speech?


Alright. Here's an example 'hotfix' I could provide you. You can use it, or you can add more flesh on your cs, or find where I live and threaten me with an anime girl body pillow.

Yumi is still a dumb as a doorknob girl. But the loss of her father wasn't a real intense shonen style fistfight against an unbreakable enemy. It was a planned elimination, a covert operation to get themselves some free test subject. Pays less to assassinate some random dude than rightfully pay for a legitimate subject.
When Yumi had nobody to take care for her, a tech team approached her, offering help in exchange of a participation for their little project. They've uncovered some weird chip from a bunch of robots hiding out in an abandoned facility. So far they've only figured that it goes on a human being's brain, and they want to find out what it does.
Turns out, right after the surgery, that the implant was a device that taps onto your hormones and such- numbs the pain, lessens your muscles' restrains, all the good stuff. With a few things off-but that wasn't much of a problem. Yumi also went berserk as soon as she woke up, but hey, nobody of a high position died, so not bad.
Her sword(which was found with the chip, strangely) and a position in the newly recruited Sunderer initiates was the work of the head of the tech team, too.
Patience my dude, I'm waiting for BC to come back so we can discuss.
I didn't set a time limit for now, so don't worry about it.
Add a limit to teleportation's use and electricity attacks' output and that'd be good.
Also the backstory might need some editting respectively.
Can she do it without any limits?
Also what is electroportation?
@Psi Force
Still, I think that's a bit too much powers. You could try going with one power and taking a more intense weapon instead. Or something like that.
Switch Teleport+Electro BEEAAAAAAM+Vibe Check+super senses could work,but according to your description Vibration Power sounds strong enough alone.
Confirmed. Feel free to post your cs's on the cs section.
haha robots go boom

That'd be nice. >:]
We're gonna build a wall, and the robots will pay for it
Hmm, that makes sense. Just make sure she isn't an infinite ammo sniper cannon. A more measurable limit would be nice, but since I don't plan to run this like a game, I think that'll work.

@PPQ Purple
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