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I am experienced and over 18+. I prefer original pairings and concepts. If you have an RP idea please PM me. We all have lives outside this site I am no exception, any other questions please PM me.

1x1 fxf mxm
slice of life with twists, Gotta have twists!

Concepts /worlds willing to explore
*the Expanse
beast star /anthro
D&D *ravenloft
*Original concept [TBD]

**all OC only, retyping the script is not interesting
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@The Savant

"Sa~vant....." The heavens whispered sweetly.

"Could you maybe make two more headers for little ol' me?"
Marcon & becky as a duo
Offers digital cookies.

In 3 Word Story 4 mos ago Forum: Spam Forum
to sensually writhe
@Yours Truly
Banned for being "yours truly" yet typing to other people.
#pouts jealously.

Becky Hill /Marcon Brand


Dwanhaven/ Aurelia west 7pm today / yesterday

Yesterday, 7pm

With a long sigh he tossed the glass of brandy into the flames. His hazel eyes stared at the fires enjoyment of the drink rising higher in the hearth. Sitting shirtless in his home he looked around at the spoils of his life with disdain. Had he known just how utterly tedious the retirement life was going to be he might have let his last challenger stab him through the chest. The lie to himself caused the warrior to smirk a little. Like that pompous fool had any hope, constantly leading the thrusts with his right foot made it so very predictable. Shifting to the left and dropping his swords edge to the back of the mans neck made it almost too easy. Yet now the ancient warrior was left to rust in his home. Even building it was a feat he relished for the time it took and the many skills h had to learn. It was refreshing to feel his muscles become sore for the effort. But now after ten years the place he cherished felt more like a luxurious coffin.

He stood and grabbing the bucket poured water over the flames. Tomorrow it had to change, something had to be there just out of reach to give his life purpose again. The morning came without the sun and still his body responded as it had regardless. Dressing in his civilian attire he gathered some things a short sword and coin purse before stepping outside. The old gal was waiting in the lean to, trotting up to her master with the hope of food. He chuckled and patted her grey nose. "Not this time gal, we need to get out of here." Recalling a few weeks back while getting supplies for the local town he had heard others speaking of some new doomed place called Dawnhaven. Supposedly some prince or another made the bright idea to make a new settlement dangerously close to the blight lands. Marcon did his signature smirk. He thought of a village hopelessly under fortified, so close to blood thirsty demons, and filled with fools with good intentions, it sounded like the perfect place for him to meet his end! Maybe even with a sword in hand if he was lucky. Gathering his wares into the rickety cart before hitching it to his best gal Rose.

She was getting up in years but a greater demon couldnt budge her from her rider. Battle tested and twice as fierce the grey horse with white hair was a true testament of a loyal friend of her master. He patted her neck before making sure everything was ready. With a little luck it would be the better part of a full days travel before reaching the doomed village, the old swordsman could barely wait! A light flick of the reigns gave the signal for Rose to start the journey. He rode alone hoping to get in some practice before he had to play the role of an old man again. Marcon got his wish by the end of the first day.

Making camp by a stream and starting a 'come and get me' fire he kept his sword strapped to his back hiding it beneath his brown leather poncho. Taking out some dried beef as the water boiled to rid its impurities. The old mans ears still picked up the hoof beats of riders on the trail to his back, he smirked.

"Hey old timer. got room for four more? We're hungry but already ate all of our food. Tell ya what, you give us all you got and you can walk to the next town? Sounds like a good deal right?" The leader chuckled as the others laughed at the hunched over figure by the fire.

"You would harm an old man just minding his business on the trail between towns, how unfortunate." He smirked hiding his face with his back. Listening to the men dismount from their horses. Rose could use the company he thought and they sounded like younger animals.

"Nah we are just going to kick you until you agree to our request, unless you want to fight us? Oh you dont have a blade do you old man?" The second man barked.

"So what will it bee give us everything or let us kick you into the ground. You're gonna die anyway might as well let us make it nice and quick." The third long haired man sneered at Marcon.

"My my... That does sound good." He slowly stood and straitened his back. Standing slightly eye to eye with the leader but a good couple of inches over the others. His hand slipping under the leather garment to the metal handle. "Should I let you warm up a little before we get to the kicking?"

The four spread out their distancing with the stream to the old mans back there was no circling him. "Your choice grandpa." Each unsheathing their blade unfortunately the old mad move to the one farthest left seeing he was within the mans reach and buried the tip of the short sword into his chest while turning his face to the rest of the group with a grin as he twisted the blade making a sickening wet squish.

"Only three left." Grabbing the mans blade as he let the body fall. Now armed with two blades he turned to the group remaining.

The three gave glances at the others and then to the leader, "Screw you old timer one lucky hit isnt going to make you win against all of us! Get him!"

With a extra blade it almost felt like cheating. The seasoned veteran parried both blade strikes and slashed the sword arm of the long haired guy, cutting the hand from his body.

"Aaaaaaaah~!" The sharp cry was the distraction the warrior needed to pivot and plunge the short blade into his heart before quickly resetting his stance and pulling the blade free from his foe letting the hole cry rivers of blood.

"Two left..." He sneered at the leader. His gruff voice like a wolfs growl.

The leader changed his stance and without warning moved quickly behind his comrade only to shove the man forward to the old knight.

A tactic he had seen like so many before. The ancient battle forged man spun on his heel rolling around the off centered guy letting his blade slice the guys bulbous guts while thrusting his new long blade into the neck of the leader with a slick gurgling sound. A quick twist of the wrist before withdrawing the tip had the leader gurgling his words as he failed at breathing. "Hmmm, a bit rusty." A upward stroke through the eye finished the leader letting the man turn to face the fat one holding his guts. "Seems I needed more practice." He dropped the long blade down across the kneeling mans neck and ended their meeting. He looked about the camp seeing them all creating pools of blood, "Well looks like I really ruined the area this time Rose."
Wiping the blades off on their backs before making his way to the cart. The ground near the river was soaked so digging would be easy. The old man grabbing a shovel from the back made two graves just deep enough for their bodies. He searched them for coin and blades before dragging them to their rest. The smirk returned letting the fatter one hold his leader before covering the two in mud.

In the morning he had some food and with five horses, hit the trail again. Letting Rose rest while the two younger pulled the cart. The long blade was a fair blade but nothing he would want long term. Deciding to set it length ways to the cart to hide the blade. It was sad the men had little in value, they died as they lived ...lacking. The rest of the trip was boringly uneventful. As time wore on he sighed hoping the town was being over run by huge overpowered devils preying on the souls of the virtuous for Marcon to have one final glorious bout. His mind filled with glory he flicked his wrists letting the leather leads lightly whip the new additions into a quicker pace.

Becky Hill

Dawnhaven, Eye of the beholder 7pm

Becky stood there eyeing the girl in the brown cloak suspiciously. She wore a mans bouse shirt and trousers, with knee high riding boots. Letting out a sigh before sniffing the air. The food smelled boiled near to death and no herbs beyond garlic and onions. As much as she wanted to, the dark raven haired woman was far too tired tonight to even bother. Picturing the kitchen to probably be in more need of repair than the front door. The woman stood there full bodied and every part of her pump like a farm tomato. The wavy long, raven black hair hung loose down her back, nearly reaching her pinched waist.

“My name is Syraeia, I am the Inn Keeper of the Eye of Beholder.” Sya said formerly and with an even tone of voice. “We had…an incident, we are looking to repair it as soon as possible.” She said smoothly and tackled the Elephant in the room. Or door.

She overhered with her more sensitive hearing the distant conversation, senses had taken a long time to adapt too, shaking her head a little as her world coloured into a yellowy… orange…blues at the very edge of vision… like something is breaking through… something more than what her normal eye saw. “I'm sorry Miss, we are full, the Prince booked the last two rooms we have, alongside two committed to a long term guest. I can offer you a basement to bed down, I can offer hot food, and drinks.” Sya spoke as she looked at the woman who she had to decline due to a shortage of space.
“Would you like to sit down for a hot stew and an ale?” She offered with a pleasant tone and an apology. Sya spoke softly with an easy tone and looked out under her hood, several inches shorter and much more slight than the other woman who was much more heavily built.

Her heart sank. Introductions were the common practice and even though she was tired first impression were important. "My name is Bethany Hill, I am a baker from Lunaria looking to carve out a place in this frontier lands. I traveled far, and too tired for food. If the ...basement has a bed, or cot, and a pillow and blanket I'll take it for the night. Seria, was it? I'm not certain who is cooking but in the morning I can help. I've been baking since I could move the stool over to the stove. I'm very good at bread baked good and can do all the general fair. I'm guessing being way out here has you at a lacking for herbs and spices. I know a man who can start sending us stock items for a price." Her voice all manner of tired sighs and exhausted inflections. She stopped to even yawn and stretch her thick arms above her head. "Seems this place really does need me." She quietly spoke to the room. Her big brown eyes looking to the innkeeper for her final decision.

Becky Hill
Luminus port town, 2days ago 7pm

"I hate you! I wont go!" She was furious! Her arms crossed under her voluptuous bust. She stared at the stone figure of her stern father. Her face was red as she grew angrier!

"You're going! This is a huge opportunity for you! You cant keep fattening nobles and peasants the guards can barely patrol! All you do is stuff things with three times the amount of sugar and creams. At this rate the people will become sealions. You need to branch out an this new kingdom the Prince is creating will need you to keep their spirits up and their energy. It's virgin territory and you could make a real name for yourself out there and with the prince tasting you wares you could become a royal baker. Hosting parties and gatherings for nobles just think for a second." He pleaded with his only daughter. She really was so stubborn, just like her father.

"Screw that, they can starve! I work for the people and not to sell my soul to those devils. That place isnt even built yet where the hell am I to bake the woods? I need a proper stove and setting to make my wares. This isnt campfire cooking. I wont have my sweets and baked goods tasting like smoke. Those pompous fools wouldnt know quality from mud pies! Regal peacocks only care about the rarity of a dish if I told them this dirt cake was from some far off shore they would proclaim it to be the finest in the land. The fools. Its not the rarity but the substance and not one of those fools ever get that far in any dish." She turned her back to her father, ignoring the slight jiggle in her hips.

"I dont care. You need to get out there and be your own cook. No daughter of mine is going to live here in obscurity and under my name. You need to stake your own reputation in your own place. I already paid for a travel to this Dawnhaven with the supply train master. "I know him a trustworthy sort he will keep you safe." Her father placed a small sack of coin in her hand. "Now get going your future awaits." He grabbed her by the arm and dragged his daughter to the door. Putting his boot to the ample backside he shoved her into the street and shut the door latching the bolt.

She banged on the door for a time with tears in her eyes pleading begging then threatening and screaming. Two guards came by and tapped on her shoulder.

"What's the ruckus Becky?" The guard was Thomas a local and very fond of their wares.

"My stupid dad just threw me out. Kick this door down and let me in. I'll make you a sweet potato pie for you." She was a sobbing mess but tried to put on a cute smile.

"Get her to the caravan master and I'll let you have first dibs for the next two days!" Her father exclaimed from behind the door. With that the two guards grabbed the curvy baker and pulled her to the caravan master just outside of town. The night air was getting cooler as the the continual dusk setting was falling to night.

"No!! No no no no no! I wont, I cant!" She shouted bringing the eyes of nightly passerby's to her voice.

At the caravan the master sighed and with a shrug hit her over the head with a wooden short club. The two guards snickered as they left the baker in his care.

Becky woke with a headache and the sound of wagon wheels turning on the dirt road. She pouted looking about not even having a cloak or coat. She kicked the floor of the wagon. "Damn them all!" Her hands and feet were tied in rope.

The wagon master smirked and shook his head. "Its a few days ride to the new realm. Better get some rest your cooking for us."

"Hmph, why the hell should I?" She pouted rubbing her head. her stomach felt like knotted ropes.

"Well you dont have to, but your father told me you could cook. So if you want to ride then you'll cook. If you dont cook then you can walk I was paid to bring you but not to let you ride." He was stern in his voice. Not even bothering to turn his head to face her.

"What do you have here?" She started to rummage through the things. "How many?" She looked back but the supply train was long and the road was already dark.

"About thirty. We got supplies but they have to be rationed." He spoke over his shoulder.

She sighed. "Beans beef jerky and dried meat? We have any water? herbs?" She watched him shake his head. "Well it wont be pretty, I know of some wild onions that grow about here and garnish herbs." She rummaged about some more and smiled as her fingers curled around a familiar friend! "Ha! Yes sweet mercy, at least you have potatoes. With a little luck you'll have my travelers stew. Too bad you dont have goats."

"We have goats. As long as you dont butcher them. They have a buyer at the town." He grumbled.

"No I just need to milk some and I think you'll see how good a creamy stew is on the cold road." She smirked indeed at the end of the first leg of the trip she found some wild onions and herbs to add a kick to the creamy stew. Each night along the road her cooking made her friends and people willing to share what they had brought to add to the meals every night. It was when she was cooking she felt more a part of the people then any monarch ever dreamed of. It was her element and she loved it very much the whole process of combining things to make people happy. Becky was a people person and like the feeling of goodness that could only be found in food. It brought people together and was something that made everyone feel better afterwards.

The caravan stopped on the second day by a river to water the teams and gather fresh barrels. She found cover behind a large tree that hung over a part of the bank to bathe and washed her hair. She already missed home, but if that man thought she would write to him after kicking his only daughter to the street he was sorely mistaken. Returning in her still damp clothes she really had wished her father was more of an adventurer or at least had the foresight to pack her some things. Letting out the worlds longest sigh Becky really found him hopeless when it came to the working of things outside of the business. However his network of partners and ability to barter were second to none. That man could get the crown jewels for a song if he applied his barter skills to it. She watched him often get goods for trade that he traded for things he really wanted and at a lower cost. While his daughter was good she had to admit who was the master at the swap.

Making caramelized kabobs with the salted meats and dried fruits from another traveler made for a tasty lunch. The camp fires were the few things on the journey offering comfort and safety. The wet clothes forced her to stay closer by the fires until she was dry enough then slept in the wagon on some sacks of potatoes. She tried to sleep if not for the noises of the woods nearby and the wind slapping against the canvas cover. She dreamed of a soft feather bed and warm blankets.

Dawnhaven 7pm.

Becky sat as the wagon train made it to the gates and it looked like everything was in the process of being built. She rolled her eyes but it was late and after all the jiggling and bumping around on the wooden benches she was more than ready to rest for the night in whatever counted for a tavern in this makeshift town. The baker was tired and sore all over from the wooden bench seat. Looking around the landscape was a whole lot of noting with buildings being built in random locations. Her eyes spotted some rich woman in a black fur cloak sulking through the alleys obviously up to something nefarious but she didnt care. The only thing that move one foot in front of the other was the promise of a pillow and a feather bed. Pushing on the door lead to it falling in and she gave a startled defensive pose. "What a rat hole."

Stepping past the fallen door she walked in to smell un seasoned food and the deep smoke of a hearth. "Hello? I'd like a room?" Letting her eyes wander about.

Eye of the beholder

The dark creature stretched out against the sheets lazily as she watched her pretty prey go from the room adorned once again in the cloak she thought could be the first of many upgrades the white haired beast would endow upon Sya. Her pale skin showing like fresh snow against the cream colored sheets as she watched her lover eventually tear her figure from the cool embrace of death. Softly moaning as she left her side after several sensual attempts to persuade the brown haired woman to stay in her arms. The creatures face a cute pout as she watched Sya leave the room blowing out the candles she had lit to help dress. As the door softly shut dividing her from temptation she slowly curled into a little ball holding a pillow that still clung to the innkeepers scent as her hostage.

It was there the real fight began. The darkness in her chest quietly whispering its demands to be fed. Sweetly promising of pains untold if she did not comply. The demons face contorted into a pitiful plea of patience, that food would come but later. The void did not seem to be swayed from her lies. With a deep sigh she glanced about the room before her arms gathered the sheets about her figure tucking them about her slender body, she rose. The ruby eyes glanced at the door as she silently moved towards her unintended victim. Silent as death on wings of deep night she moved down the hall unfazed by the commotion of the door being broken or the loud shouting from below. She was a creature that had caught the scent of prey and she followed the succulent aroma to the door that barred her path of food. The slender hand reached for the metal latch and with a half turn it moved aside as if by providence before the dark nightmare knowing there was no prayer that could have saved the souls on the other side.

In an near half twist of her hips a single fluid motion she moved, turned, closed the door, and turned back on the balls of her feet as quiet as any specter or wraith. The beast licked its lips, savoring the meal to come. The drunk on the bed still freshly soaked in the steamy dreams of the bronze skinned server from the floor below. Pressing herself to the clothed back of Alex as she began to caress his red hair with her fingers slowly drinking in the sugar sweet essence of the lusty emotions. "Yessss....." She whispered in a honey tone as the pale angel of death sipped from the well of life. The void slowly filling from the effort. Both becoming drunk from the feast.

After a time Olivia felt the void quiet to a purr and pulled herself free of the loyal coachmen. He would sleep deeper but not as pleasantly as before. The tender emotions peeled from his very soul as the agent of sorrow silently left the room once more. Unaware of the brother that stirred just enough to shut his eyes again at the nightmare visage atop his brother. Mentally chanting a prayer to ward off her dark embrace. Already asleep once more even before Olivia had left the room.

Tip toes gliding against the worn wooden floors without any tell the sheet clad beauty made her way back to the room like a poisonous serpent slithering to the cool underside of a pile of rocks, she would wait in the chamber for her lover to return. A smile on the pale lips as she enjoyed the silence from the cold pit inside her body still feasting off of the steamy emotions of her coachmen like a child with sweets.

“Olivia, Im fine, all handled. Ivor. I can at least partly understand.” She spoke from the other woman's arms and felt her body pressed against her own, skin sharing warmth and a level of emotional contentedness that was like diving into a hot bath, clean, warm and pure. “Im fine… not hurttttt” She said with a rather exaggerated pitch as her fingers checked she was intact, though that place was not on a normal medical check. She purred at the actions and just curled herself deeper into her partner's warmth, emotional and physical.

Half rising in the bed letting the sheet covering fall where it may as she smiled at the sight of her prey returning to the pale temptations of the room. The slender arms wrapping about the unclad figure pulling the smitten tavern keeper downward into deaths loving embrace. Olivia felt the flutter of her tiny bats flapping excitedly within her chest. "Mmmm... I am so very glad to hear that." She breathily whispered against the woman's slender neck.

Turning her head to the window she saw movement still clearly from afar but was distracted again by more interesting, more close events… “I'm not going anywhere. Least not for abit, you waited for me huh.” She said quietly with a soft tone and a smile that reached her eye and showed clearly. Reaching out she felt her way down the woman's side and found her hand and threaded their fingers together and held it loosely with a thumb making circles into the pale skin of her hand.

Looking at the window in the room gave the pale beauty full play to the slender flesh of Sya's neck to prey upon with tender kisses. "Shhh..." she smiled reassuringly as she felt the fingers interlace with her own pulling her closer still and letting the hands rest about her figure beneath the sheets. Pulling a knee up against the outer hips of Sya as she wrapped about the helpless brunette like a large predatory constrictor. Though she didnt squeeze nearly as hard, it was still enough to show Olivia's prey to not leave her again. More venomous affection blessed the innkeepers flesh as she kept her ruby gaze into the blue jewel she had adored from the moment it shined over the pale beauty like a precious stone plucked from the heavens and set against a figure of Venus herself to tempt the nightmare into a soothing lullaby. Exchanging with words of her Sya with affection and tenderness, occasionally giving a nod or a smile as if she was listening, which Olivia should have been if not for her ...preoccupation of the cuddling taking precedence.

“I Don,t wanna….” Sya said as she heard the distant chime of a clock sounding out with a bell in the marketplace. She would have to head down and work on the evening shift. She was too comfortable and had spent her time talking quietly and enjoying the soft bed, Sunni had spent rather a lot on this bed and it was very much worth the investment. “I have to work, hungry people…” Sya said with a groan, she would work but it did not mean she had not found a rather pleasant way to pass the time. “Inn keeping is hard work” Sya said, she was proud but yeah, some days she did want to just curled up and hide, Sya was … Accepted but the woman knew that the non blightborn who made up bulk of her trade did so because Sya was one of the civilised ones and one of the ones who has gone out of her way to smooth the road.

“Help me?” Sya Said with a hope, no one had helped her braid her hair in a long long time and well. She wanted to be reminded of better times. “Please” She said with a fragile hope in her voice.

Leaving her modestly against the pillow the white haired blight borne rose wearing only her devious smile, standing behind Sya. The slender fingers went to work with a French braid of the long earthen colored strands gazing lovingly at the intimate moment knowing the tavern keeper would be flaunting their intimate moments before a room of strangers and friends alike. The pale digits sinking into the dark brown strands to gently pulled her lovers face to the heavens as Olivia leaned over for a last moment kiss of tenderness that quickly turned to sensual longing. The nightmare sighed, "I fear my room will no longer do. I will require this one." She playfully tugged on the braid. The tender tone changed to that of a stern mistress."I will accept no refusal." Giving a sinister smile.

When Sya left the room her mind cleared and the mind of the monarch returned, there was much to be done. The hour grew late, Olivia dressed to include the black shroud of a fur lined cloak, and like a ghost would leave the room. Looking out of her window she focused on a shadow in the alley and let herself be pulled toward it in a most inhuman manner. With a specters grace she phased to the alley from the room above and moved down the street silent as the grave. Yes there was much to be done. She had to find a guard or a person to point her to someone that might let the prince know death was at his door.

The bear fur cloaked figure silently strode to a royal guard her red eyes kept hidden beneath the fur rimmed lining. Though she could feel his fear growing her recent feeding kept the darkness in check. Reluctantly she lowered her hood reveling the visage beneath. "I am Olivia Tzimisce, lady of Durnatel. I have come at the behest of your Prince. Tell him that I am here in his realm and seek an audience to announce myself formally to him. I will be in the Eye of the beholder, a quant tavern in his new town." After feeling assured that her message would in fact be delivered she retired back to the inn and the warm bed of her new found love.

@The Muse
characters for consideration.

@The Muse
banned for not saying hi often enough =p

Banned for being anti pigment.
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