Avatar of Andre Valias


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current Spent a hot minute filling out my Bio a bit more, please validate me.
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3 mos ago
‘I’d like to see a Colovian sky one last time before I die.’ – Bloodies-His-Face, when asked what he’d want to do before the end.
6 yrs ago
"Yeah I've been dancin' with the devil, I love that he pretends to care." MARINA, Forget
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6 yrs ago
"It is a double pleasure to deceive the deceiver." Machiavelli
8 yrs ago
"A true dragon knows no fear."


I need to be stopped.

Current Roleplays
Arrowfell: The Wizard Queen's Court, playing as Anton Agravaine and friends.

Discord: andrevalias | Telegram: @Andre_Valias | Tumblr: andrevalias | BlueSky: @andrevalias.bsky.social

My Art Portfolio, if you'd like to see what I paint.

My Elder Scrolls Archive, where about a dozen gay Argonians live rent free in my head.
Posts at least once every day at 6pm (AEDT): conversations, quotes, letters, excerpts. All from the 2nd Era.

Stops and Bloodies, my beloved

I've published an origin story for Bloodies, if it pleases you.

Most Recent Posts

@Estylwen Fantastic, I'm looking forward to it. :)
@Estylwen, I've since updated Races, so "Bretons" can now be simply categorised as either Ravenfellans or Wesirinfellans (French or English/Scottish/Irish respectably). Please do contact me at any closest convenience about discussing anything to do with this.
Aruk and Crystal wandered for a while through the forest, unsure of where their things went.
"I bet those Elves took our stuff!" Crystal accused fiercely. Aruk sighed as he rounded a hollowed oak stump, and revealed the spot where their supplies were nestled in secret. He glanced at Crystal, who glanced back at him blankly. She then pouted. "They hid them there! Elven scum!" She went on. Aruk chuckled and pet Crystal on the head lightly.
"You never cease to amuse me, little one." Aruk noted, before picking up their supplies.

Crystal just kept pouting.
"I'm just-- What do you mortals call it these days? Jumping on the bandwagon?" Crystal turned a phrase. Aruk raised a scaley eyebrow as he began to set off towards the fort once more.
"I suppose that is what we are doing now." Aruk agreed as they travelled the forest towards the fort. "The bandwagon is never without room for anyone who does not like Elves." He remarked as he looked towards the banners of the Empire. Crystal nodded and sat back on Aruk's shoulder as he made their way to the fort.
Aruk and Crystal simply watched as the naked satyr dispatched his foe with ease.

Once it was all over, the satyr did not even turn to acknowledge their presence, and right fully so.

Aruk sighed and turned the other way. Crystal looked at him incredulously.
"How rude! Turn away from us--!" She started to complain. Aruk shook his head.
"Crystal." He said sternly. He needn't say anything else.

Breaking away from the standard convention of calling her "Little one" was enough. Crystal hurumphed childishly and hid back inside the pauldron of solitude. Aruk was no happier than her, but only because he knew he didn't even deserve to give his thanks to the warrior for the salvation. Aruk instead turned his thoughts to finding their baggage, and without Crystal's help. The little lady had the grudge of a crow.
The nightmare was real. It shouldn't be, but it was. Earlier that morning, Aruk thought the worst enemy he would have to face off against was at the most a few genocidal elves, but apparently the All-Father thought otherwise.

Then again, Aruk wasn't facing the abomination. He was narrowly flicking his tail back and forth to avoid hell's claws at his backside, sweat breaking all over as one foot after the other landed upon forest ground. He could feel the wind shriek at his spines as the sharp blades raked at the air.

Crystal was holding on inside Aruk's pauldron, whimpering and crying every few moments that the abomination snarled after its prey. Aruk just kept running, not even aware anymore of where he was headed. He just knew he could not stop, even though his lungs and gut begged him to rest. He forced himself to run so far and so fast, he was going to die running rather than die stopping.

But if nothing else, he would rather die fighting.

Aruk was ready to give up on running, his mind set on turning right round and charging to his death, when a shadow lunged through the sky. Or rather it was the blur of a dark figure. Either way, Aruk was ready to turn and fight, and he slid slightly to a stop ready to duck the next blade to come at him. But it never did. Aruk watched with a mix of uncertainty and awe, as the abomination turned away from him and faced another opponent.

Aruk saw the long bleeding cut along the back of the monster, and on the other side of its angered heaving mass, was a--

"Is he naked?" Crystal wondered aloud in confusion. Aruk shrugged, trying not to pay any attention to that fact than he did to being grateful to the All-Father.
"Now... We fight." Aruk commented. But Crystal noticed how short of breath he was.
"No, Aruk!" She ordered in her cute little voice. Aruk glanced at her. "Take a break! I think the strange naked goat person can kill it." She commented, moving to sit down on his shoulder and relax.

Aruk slowly relaxed his stance, holding his halberd up and stepping out to the side. He did not say anything, since he knew Crystal was right about his lack of energy at the moment. However, he did not feel at all at ease letting the nude stranger take on the monster on his own, if it was really that bad that he had to run from it. He clenched his grip around his halberd slightly, watching the stranger do battle.
Aruk was running towards the sounds of battle, when it had finally died down and become cheering and celebrations. He paused for a moment, looking around the area around him and Crystal, halberd at the ready. There was a feeling... A bad feeling. Crystal popped out of her shelter and looked at Aruk.
"Why are we stopping?" She asked in bewilderment. Aruk stepped back slightly, looking through the trees at something, his left foot poised behind him in a stance as he lowered slightly.
"Hide, little one..." Aruk whispered, his eyes focused on the new enemy in order to hide the fear he felt inside.

Crystal pouted when suddenly a blood-chilling roar surged through the trees. Crystal quickly dived under the pauldron and held onto the interior. Aruk's eyes widened slightly and he dashed to the side as a monstrosity shot through the trees. The thing cared not for any branches or even oak trees that were in its way, and its sharp blades by the dozen sheared through wood and bark. Aruk slid across the forest floor slightly and made a swift turn, establishing his stance again and looking down his enemy. His inner fear was justified as he realized what he was up against.

As the monstrosity's bulk heaved with breath and inhuman life, many sharp objects were spread out all over its body. It looked as though Hell had forcefully mated a porcupine with... Something unholy that favoured blades for appendages. Even the hands and feet were just a set of knife-claws for each. Aruk could clearly see that nothing was safe from even a touch from this monster's blades, as the ground and undergrowth was torn up whilst the creature moved. Crystal peeked slightly, then shrank back in fear.

"R-Run... Aruk..." She shuddered. Aruk glanced at her briefly, then back at the monster.
"What, little one..?" He asked uncertainly. As he stared the monster returned his gaze with a harsh and piercing snarl, and Crystal squealed.
"It's a wrath abomination-- RUN ARUK!" She screamed in a high pitched voice. Aruk heeded her warning right at the moment the abomination roared once more and began pursue him. Aruk dodged back and forth through the trees, fearing for his life for the first time in a long while. The abomination relentlessly tried to catch the Argonian, tearing down trees that got in the way of its apparently direct path towards its next victim.
The sounds of battle in the near distance echoed through the winding corridors of Grimmvale's oak trees. But they were no further away from Aruk than the fight he now faced. The Valorfellan who was far from home drew his tested halberd, and then glanced to his shoulder. "Hold on, little one." Aruk murmured to his companion. The little Seraveen looked at Aruk with a smirk and nodded as she used his pauldron as a small shelter like she usually did, clutching her little bottle within. "Don't you worry about me, let 'em have it!" She cheered. Aruk smiled and then disciplined his expression in the next moment, snarling as he leaped out at the enemy through a hail of fire and lightning. "Kill the abomination!" The leader of the Eldar Sorcerors bellowed as they continued to skirmish with their spells. Aruk stepped quickly and easily upon ground that did not shift cunningly like the sands of his desert home, easily dodging every spell with no narrow but rather clear escape. The morale of the supremacist elves did not dimmer in the light of their ethnocentric rage, and Aruk was happy to oblige them the consequences of their morality. With a quick lunge and roar, Aruk moved into the center of the three mages and performed his signature execution, spinning with his halberd faster than the elves could think to cry out. A glimmer of a crescent was cast by faint strands of sunlight as the axehead cut cleanly through each sorcerer's neck cleanly in a single motion. Elven blood spurted and spilled from their bodies as they fell to their knees and to the ground. There they would fertilize the soil that would otherwise spurn them for the filth they truly were, as Aruk saw it. "Shizarr cruzz narsis... All-Father have mercy on your souls." Aruk murmured. Crystal poked her head out of his pauldron to look on them, and she simply tsked at the sight. "If they have any!" She retorted, before poking her tongue out and blowing a raspberry at the dead elves. Aruk smirked as he briskly brushed the few drops of blood his axehead drew from such a sudden cut. "That is a question I will not bother pondering. For now, we must move, and quickly, still." He noted. Crystal nodded and hid back in her shelter once more as Aruk kept his halberd ready whilst breaking into a jogging pace towards the sound of war.
Just in case it was unclear, approved characters are free to rock n' roll now.
Posted my dynamic duo. I'm going to enjoy this. <3
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