Looks fine, but it's not for me. I'm not a fan of how DC basically gave up on being DC to be The Other Marvel, but I can't expect WB to keep going in an unpopular direction just because I liked it better. Vox populi and all that.
<Snipped quote by AndyC>
Damn it. Toe nail man isn't going to be a thing now.
ALSO THERES A THOUGHT. If all of Superman is invulnerable cause Yellow Sun. How does he cut his hair/shave/cut his nails?
...with little Benjamin Disraeli Morden on the way.
One day @Master Bruce is going to make a banner, and nobody will change their mind and make him alter it.
Actually to be fair, now I think about it last year when I was in NYC chip and pin was a thing, whereas upstate NY it's still magnetic stripe. TO be fair, we're all behind Australia who's had contactless payment for years.
Now here's a question, how does Batman pay for his wares @Master Bruce? If he's buying his morning coffee does he just buy the coffee place? Or does he just tip really big?
<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>
You joke, but when we had that Marvel street game from late last year I was gonna do street T'Challa.
<Snipped quote by Inkarnate>
Man, what was I thinking not giving Ultimate Diana this gem of a costume?
I just want another DC/Marvel crossover. And nothing Amalgam, please; a man can only take so much "Dark Claw" in his life...