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Opinionated nerd for hire.

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<Snipped quote by AndyC>
Sounds like a future Moon Knight and Spider-Man special event.

At some point us New York street level heroes are gonna have to figure out the state of organized crime in the city. Is the Maggia still mostly untouched?, etc.

Silvio Manfredi is the head of the Maggia as a whole, but he is currently indisposed for reasons I haven't bothered to elaborate on. In his place, Hammerhead is running New York, and Tombstone has broken off to start his own syndicate. Hammerhead's group are your more prototypical gangsters, while Hammerhead is using more creative methods for trying to deal with Spidey. I haven't touched Wilson Fisk since I figured that would be under the purview of anyone who wanted to take a crack at Daredevil, but since nobody has yet, we can assume he's out there and currently "above" the street-level gang war.
@AndyC hey i just read your whole starfire and raven story and i thought it was really great. i love them!!

Much appreciated; it's one of my favorite runs I've ever done with RP characters, even if they haven't actually seen any action yet.
All right, let's get to it.


Princess Koriand’r/Rachel RothExiled Princess of Tamaran/Ex-Cultist and future Anti-Christ ♦ Jump City, California, USA ♦ Independent

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"Make the shutting of your face, evildoers! It is time for the physical abusing of the donkey!"
"No, it's--....it's time to 'kick ass,' not---.....never mind, let's just do the thing...."

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

I want to play these characters more because I'm deathly afraid Master Bruce will track me down in real life and murder me if I drop them. More to the point, I've loved Raven and Starfire ever since the Titans cartoon, and have wanted DC to do more with them as a duo ever since. The odd-couple dynamic is just too much fun to play around with, with the ability to go from light-hearted raunchy sitcom to deadly serious angsty drama. As I said before, in my opinion they're the ultimate buddy-cop combination, and I want to pick up more or less right where I left off with them in DCUG, with only a couple of minor revisions.

.....seriously, though, MB will kill me if I don't pick them up again. Send help.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

S A M P L E P O S T:

"Friend Rachel, come quick!" Kory calls out as I close up shop for the evening. "I have found something wonderful, and you must enjoy it with me!"

"This better not be another home-shopping thing," I warn her as I head up the stairs to the small loft we've been renting, "I told you those things were a scam."

"Even better!" she exclaims, proudly holding out my laptop. "I have discovered that we are the most popular new subject among your people's scribes of adulation!"

I look at the website, confused.

"Scribes of.....wait," I stop myself as I start to realize what she means. "You mean fan-fiction? People are writing fan-fics of us???"

Kory nods her head, beaming with excitement.

"This is glorious news!" she says, floating in the air and doing a celebratory loop-de-loop. "Our debut as a duo of 'super-heroes' has captured the imagination of millions on this world, which is sure to bring us new allies in the fight against the ass-holes!"

I, however, am somewhat less than excited.

"Uhhh, Kory, you do realize what about 90% of those fan-fics probably have us doing, right?"

"Of course!" she says, her smile somehow even brighter. "Expressions of erotic admiration are commonplace on Tamaran, and it is expected for heroes of great renown to be praised for their status as lovers as well as warriors! In fact, the yearly contest between the Scribes of Adulation is one of the most revered competitions in our culture!"

".....I refuse to be surprised by the fact that your homeworld has planet-wide porn contests," I say, shaking my head. "And it might be all well and good for you to have every pervert in the Western Hemisphere drooling over you, but I really don't want to--"

"....huh. That was weird."

"What was having the weirdness?"

"I don't know, it just kinda felt like.....like the world was somehow.....different?"

"In what way?" she asks. "Perhaps this is some trick of Shi'ar Empire technology? Or an after-effect of your visit to the Xavier School?"

"Maybe," I shrug. "I'll ask Doctor Strange about it the next time I see him. Anyway, have you really just been reading trashy erotic fan-fiction of us all day?"

"Oh, no! I have not just been doing the reading," she shakes her head, now bursting with excitement. "I have been writing my own!"

"Of course you have," I sigh.

"I first sent a draft to Friend Alex for the reviewing before I posted it," she beams. "It must have caused some thermal malfunction in his computer, however, as he claims it was 'the hottest thing he has ever seen.'"

"Oh God."

"It would be an honor if you would read it!"

"Kory, I'm really not--"

"Pleeeeeeaaaase?" she asks, with big puppy-dog eyes.

"......fine," I finally say. "I might as well see what you've written yourself doing before you throw it out there for the internet to see. Given what passes for you being modest, I can't imagine what you 'cutting loose' is going to be like....."

I sit down with the laptop, trying to ignore Kory floating around behind me trying to read over my shoulder, and get through the first few paragraphs before I raise an eyebrow.

"......ummmm, Kory?"


"Why am I the main character in this?"

P O S T C A T A L O G:

<Snipped quote by AndyC>

Haven't quite figured that out yet, when I pitched it I envisioned him 22. But with Doc's concept I'll be aging him up so likely 28-32 roughly now.

If Dick's going to be 28-32, that definitely puts him out of the age bracket for Kory, unless we want to get unnecessarily creepy.
@Lord Wraith how old is Dick Grayson in this continuity? Trying to decide if Starfire would be in the age bracket where they might have a past together.
<Snipped quote by AndyC>

Oh, it's gonna happen.
@AndyC Will you be bringing back Raven/Starfire as well?

Probably, I just haven't decided what their status quo will be just yet. I might pick them up where I left off at DCUG, or I might have them active for a while, I'm not sure. Gonna work on that this weekend.
Congrats, @AndyC.

Thanks, man. You had a really good CS, so I'll do what I can to make sure my Spidey is worthy.

The Amazing

S P I D E R - M A N

Peter Benjamin Parker ♦ College Student, Freelance Photographer ♦ Brooklyn, New York ♦ Independent

C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"Okay, so half the NYPD wants me behind bars, SHIELD wants me locked away in some black site, every criminal from here to Newark wants me dead, I'm behind on rent, I've got a paper due that I haven't even started on, and oh hey, Rhino's tearing up 82nd and Lexington. Sounds about right for a Monday."

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Spider-Man is my favorite character in all of fiction. Even after years of bad writing, disappointing movies, less interesting replacements, and IMO a general misunderstanding of what makes the character great, there's still something special about Peter Parker that always brings me back.

I want to bring back a critical element of Spider-Man that I believe the folks at Marvel and much of the fanbase have forgotten: namely, the life of Peter Parker isn't meant to be a sitcom, it's meant to be a soap opera. Yes, he's funny and nerdy and he runs his mouth a lot, but that doesn't count for much of anything now that, thanks to the MCU, every bloody superhero in the world is a wisecracking smartass who quotes pop-culture. The thing that classic Spider-Man did better than his counterparts is the drama, the personal tragedy, the romance, the sheer unironic and unabashed feeeeelings that so many people avoid because taking things seriously is lame. I'm still going to keep Pete's sense of humor and play up how clownish characters like JJJ can be, but I also want to tell stories that have stakes, costs, and losses amidst all the technicolor tomfoolery.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

S A M P L E P O S T:

"Uuuughhhh.....this sucks," I say as I trudge through a waist-deep river of sewage. "I'll bet nobody on the Justice League has to crawl through sewers on the job. ....Well, maybe Batman....."

Two weeks ago, people started disappearing across Brooklyn. First was a pediatrician, then an insurance agent, then an OsCorp security guard. At first, it didn't seem like there was any connection between them, three seemingly random disappearances that had me looking in all different directions across town for leads. It wasn't until the fourth vanishing that things started to click into place.

"Please be down here," I whisper to myself as the sewage canal gives way to a large, cavernous pump-house. Sure enough, sitting in the far corner, rocking back and forth hugging himself, is who I was praying to find.

Billy Connors, Doctor Curt Connors' nine-year-old son.

A month ago, the pediatrician, one Dr. Kenneth Lang, caught that Billy was showing symptoms of leukemia. He recommended the Connors to see an oncologist, but the insurance agent, one Pamela Burton, told them that it wasn't covered in their plan. Doctor Connors began smuggling OsCorp equipment to his lab at ESU to develop treatments independently, but was caught by a security guard, one George Ransome, who blew the whistle on him. While none of them had any direct tie to the sickness, each had effectively handed the poor boy a death sentence.

Switching my mask's lenses to infra-red, I look around the concrete and steel of the old pump-house, and the coast appears to be clear. Doing my best to climb out of the muck without making too much noise, I quietly call out to him.

"Billy? Billy Connors?" I ask. He stares at me with wide eyes, then quietly nods. "It's all right, I'm gonna get you out of here, okay?"

As I approach, Billy seems to shrink in on himself.

"Hey, no need to worry," I reassure him, "It's just me, your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. Here to save days and fight bad guys. No case too big, no case too small. Or in this case, too dark and smelly. Boy, are your mom and dad going to be glad to see you!"

Billy pulls his knees up to his chest and sinks his head down. His chest starts to shake, and I realize he's crying.

"...was it something I said?"

"Don't hurt him....he's sick.....that's all....he's sick...." Billy whimpers, repeating again and again, "he's sick....he's sick...."

Oh man. The poor kid's probably been through a lot. Whoever took him, whatever they did to him, he's now talking to himself in the third person. When I find the kidnapper, I'll make sure he never does this to anyone again.

"Billy, hey, Billy?" I crouch down as I approach him, trying to get him back to reality. "I know you're sick. I'm sorry, I really am. But I know some doctors, some really good ones, and they can--"

"I wasn't talking about me," Billy interrupts. "Something's....something's w-wrong with him. He....doesn't know what he's d-doing. He's s-sick."

".......who's sick?"

Billy doesn't answer, but he stares right past me.

I feel the familiar sensation running up my spine, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end. That super-reflex, my vaunted 'Spider-Sense.' Something's moving behind me.

Something big.


"....I don't suppose there's any chance that's just a gas leak, is it?" Billy shakes his head, and I sigh. "Okay, then let's just--"

Whatever witticism I was about to say flees from my mind, as I turn and am greeted with a blur of green scales, flashing yellow eyes, and snapping, slavering jaws.

"Oh yeah, 'Don't hurt him,' the kid says," I mutter to myself as I ready my web-shooters and scramble for dear life.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

Coming Soon (hopefully)
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