Avatar of Apollosarcher


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3 mos ago
Current A quiet day is a good day, especially when it doesn't have to be productive.
1 yr ago
I made a new RP for the first time... In years. roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… please give it a look!
5 yrs ago
Fallout Tactics has death claws that can talk, scary killer robots, and the ability to have a tank. It just doesn't... Sit well with the rest of lore.
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6 yrs ago
Very sick, will post when not hurting.
6 yrs ago
I'm awake at weird hours again.


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Outside the Tomb of Marka Ragnos, Korriban

Overseer Corinth Genbit

Corinth was tired, he'd been busy recently with transfer paperwork and report compiling, while he was a teacher he was standing among the great tombs of the Fallen Lords, they had a duty to learn from them as much as they made students learn. Either way, he'd arrived a black mug of caf in hand with 'Overseer of Year' written across it in dark red lettering. The Arkanian Offshoot took a long drink staring into the tomb, it would be a minor challenge really he remembered something similar in his days here. It had been far more dangerous then the tombs had been over taken with dust and age, he didn't want to say it but this was easier than his days.

When he had been taken, they had done this by being told to retrieve a chunk of rock from the burial chamber the cave had been filled with predators and worse. Many young children had been torn asunder in those caves, he wondered if any others would be ripped apart today or if they would all survive this challenge.

"Acolytes, assemble at the entrance!" He bellowed in a commanding voice usually reserved for those who spoke out of turn in his classes. "In a moment you will enter these caves, this is the tomb of Dark Lord Marka Ragnos. These former students of mine, will be testing you along the way." He waved his hand at the assembled group of Sith apprentices, smiling slightly like a proud father showing of his family. "Overseer Cessair will also enter and wait with a baton. You will find her and take the baton, if you die it will not be by the hands of a Sith but by your brainless actions." He spoke calmly taking another long drink from the still steaming cup of caf.

"If you attempt to leave or escape this training, I will throw you in there. If you return without a baton you will go back in. If die try to die on me, I will go in and haul you out and you will be healed painfully then spend the next three months polishing the academy with a brush on your hands and knees." He spoke stopped staring at the assembled crew of acolytes, nodding to Mara.

"Apprentices and Overseer Cessair, please enter. The rest of you, make final preparations for what you will face, it will not kill you but that does not mean it will be easy. Know this and be ready for what comes, failure will be punished and I will monitor your progress you will become strong enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with apprentices by the time you leave my care." He spoke with a bit of pride and bit of rehearsed boredom. Everyone present knew Corinth wasn't the biggest fan of the group tests but he still did them as tradition demands, even if he thought the tradition ridiculous.

@Fallenreaper @Almalthia @The Elvenqueen @Bea @JessieTargaryen @vFear @Espada Emi
@Stuzzie We are reviewing in order, we will get to yours soon.
Bump so this can get a review.
Galactic Vices Resort and Casino

Sabacc Table, Airus Vel Aath

Airus Vel Aath smiled as revealed his cards, taking another hand. So far he'd won four hands and lost one. No one seemed to mind it as they kept going, players were here to drink or were waiting for a turn with a girl, using cards to kill a little time. Airus on the other hand seemed to be playing pretty well, he didn't act he was trying to win more showing the same surprise as others. Endearing them slightly to the crowd of players before him, he was young and even poured whiskey for those at the table. He ensured even if he was winning he wasn't being greedy, if they just thought you were player a turn of good luck who shared the fortune, they'd tolerate you more.

Airus took hold of another hand, watching the others smile as he surveyed those around him he felt a darker aura nearing him, one that could stand out slightly. Getting closer he could see it now, a Sith woman was watching him he couldn't tell her focus but it was on him occasionally though it seemed more occupied by the bottle he'd ordered. "Fold." Added one of the men at the table as he got up knocking back his drink, his thoughts and aura altered to one of lust and thoughts of what he'd do to the Zeltron beckoning him away. Airus gave the man a wave, even if he was disgusted by the ideas that bubbled to the surface of his mind.

Airus took the hand smiling at the others, as another left to go look something better than booze. The last player seemed to like Airus, an older smuggler but one who was just here to get by and have a little fun with his pay. Airus turned towards the woman behind him, the one with a darker aura he knew as Sith. "Care for a drink miss?" He offered one of the glasses that came with his bottle pouring the Corellian made whiskey into the glass, he couldn't see the liquid but the smell of it reminded him of the sweet smells of the countryside on his last trip to Corellia. Offering the Sith a drink, now that was something most Jedi would have balked at, but Airus understood this wasn't the place to start a fight so a peace offering because he'd never known a Sith to make one. "Hope you don't mind but I like to share, easier to make friends when you do... And I so hate to have enemies in such a happy place." He spoke with a gentle grin at Aria who was no doubt happy to receive a drink from the young man.

New players shuffled in as casino floor bustle finally settled down some, more of the crowds who weren't here for the auction moved into the lounges to spicers shifting off to get high, many patrons headed upstairs to find a room to rest or grab a partner to share it with, and finally the bar began to fill as those whose items were up for auction drank and partied thinking they had scored bigger than they could have dreamed. Airus vision began to clear some of distance view returning as casino occupants spread out, he kept his vision focused on the low levels he didn't want to see what people were up too. So taking a deep breath he gave the nearby Sith woman a curt grin, turning back to the game letting the rounds play out.

Losing few credits and winning more than he'd lost, Airus made little jokes or laughed at others stories as they joked around the table. This was no high stakes game, these were smugglers, scavengers, traders, bounty hunters and pirates who had been on ships with the same people for months itching for new friends or voices to hear. It was wholesome in a way to see the people of Nar Shaddaa in this way, interacting and being friendly of course he knew upstairs people would shoot each other over games like this. He might have been able to get enough credits to avoid costing the Order in a round or two if he played upstairs but they were far more likely to think he was cheating. Here, most gamblers were here to enjoys their vices loses didn't matter as long as they had fun doing it and the Hutts ended up profiting from it.

Airus watched players rotate again when his vision caught sight of something he'd never seen outside of the temple, Grand Master Satele Shan's aura was like staring into a sun... Or as close as it could be for a Miraluka, she was committed perhaps too harshly in Airus's view to protecting the Republic and Jedi Order, even at the cost what Airus might feel was part of the soul of order. He'd never openly disagree he could sense she was here on serious business, but that couldn't be related to him... No certainly it couldn't, he was no important Jedi his former Master was maybe but he was just some Knight. Instead he turned back to the game, a bit worried for the nearby Sith that sat close to him and how the Grand Master might view it.

What followed was the Grand Master approaching Airus, a worrying tilt of the head and the once permanent smile dropping as the round concluded one of the men claiming the round. The Jedi's focus left the other players, barely staying on his own cards as Satele moved towards him, a dark presence soon moved to join as well, a darker one than he'd encountered in person before. Airus could focus, sitting between to Masters of there arts, he focused on reading them just like the rest of the players. As the other patrons became distracted he took the moment to up the anti on the game, as Darth Marr and Satele exchange words fear grew among the players. By the time Marr began to leave, most of the players had folded.

Airus paused a moment looking at Satele, he gave her a soft smile, the girl who had stayed in grinned laying down her cards. "Pure Sabacc." That was unbeatable, yet Airus's grin became one of a bit of pride and bit more of happiness turning towards Satele. Just like Satele, it seemed Airus had no aces, pure sabacc was hard to beat. Airus didn't seem concerned even though most of what he'd made tonight was on the table, instead he was composed even his own emotions betrayed no fear or worry, he seemed content and secure with what was going even if it was about to be his loss.

"Idiot's Array." Answered Airus, the woman's jaw dropped as he placed the idiot down, a two, a three, and two fives. "I believe that's my take." He answered with a grin as the woman pouted, getting up. The table empty and Airus's taking the chips to cash out. He turned towards Satele. Airus might not have known on the details, but he did know what Satele was feeling it was written in her and in her emotions, even if she didn't show them easily Airus had practice reading it. "If I may Grand Master... I'm big fan of cards, I think personally... Holding a perfect hand is great but... It might just be better to flip the rules. The Idiot's Array beats the Pure Sabacc every time with cards that most people would call worthless."

Airus's kind words were followed by an announcement, "For those who would like to attend the auction it will be starting shortly with many fine items on offer for those with the credits to pay." A passing droid exchanged Airus's chips for credits as he listened to the announcement turning his head towards Satele speaking with the same friendly tone one might address a fellow Jedi not some honored Master he asked.

"Would you like to join me for the auction? It shouldn't be a worry, my newest Padawan is still on the ship. The mission is supposed to be a short one, I wouldn't mind the company even if you make me more conspicuous than I originally planned to be." He offered as he gave another soft grin, while internally he might have been shocked by the appearance of both. He knew better than to let it get to him, Sith or Jedi they were all people with emotions, dreams, hopes, and fears no different from each other.
@pandapolio I'll right I'll drop you a discord link, one moment.
@Sep Details still being worked on, but overall we all quite like the character!
@Shiny Keldeo So the ideas are okay, but maybe to many at once? It would be better to start out with one or two characters with a medium amount of pull at best. Since we aren't playing to heavily on the galactic scale and most of the combat organization is left to the Mandalorians.

That's not to say you couldn't have a small faction but it would better to downplay it as background more than have all these characters in use.
@LukasVolkov So a few things to note.

Psychokinesis- I can't really find much on what this is or what the power does, can't find much that isn't fanon. Fanon isn't considered a source for this.

Eye with Force sight- Yeah, so force sight is basically just sight, directional and cannot see through force resistant materials. Force sight that is enhanced is going to need more definition. Also force sight is you have it or you do not.

Fighting Temple Guards- Yeah I don't think a Jedi that young could take two Jedi temple guards, these are peerless Jedi Sentinels who have basically volunteered to stay and fight to the death. If you were to do this, you would be considered a criminal for killing temple guards who were serving at the siege of the Coruscant, you could be in trouble with the successors orders, serious trouble.

Holocrons- Almost all holocrons were removed from the Jedi temple and about eighty percent of the Jedi temples holocrons specifically did make it to Mandalore. Some holocrons were at satellite facilities but even then crap shoot the quality you get, could be philosophical studies or a holocron on how to use Juyo.
For those who need Lore help (I don't know everything but I know a fair bit.) I am here for assistance, if you want to send me PM's, message on Discord, or ask here. I will help or find an answer and get back to you!
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