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Current A quiet day is a good day, especially when it doesn't have to be productive.
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I made a new RP for the first time... In years. roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… please give it a look!
5 yrs ago
Fallout Tactics has death claws that can talk, scary killer robots, and the ability to have a tank. It just doesn't... Sit well with the rest of lore.
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@Vanq Go right ahead and move it over looks great!
Alright so IC is up, please do not let this discourage those still working on characters or needing to fix theirs up. Feel free to ask questions and contact about anything!
The Call to Arms

Weisshaupt Fortress, midmorning

The halls of Weisshaupt bustled, the Wardens had suffered and triumphed through the Mage-Templar war hundreds of Mages and Templars had flocked to their banners when they had declared themselves neutral to all who would join. Such a recent Blight meant their stores of Archdemon blood were high and The Joinings were conducted near monthly. The high dark stone walls were being cleaned up and being touched up, new banners hung as accompanied by representatives of the Chantry, Ferelden, and Orlais. Their wagons and horses slowly trundled towards high steel gates as they heard a screech like an eagle the guards reached for weapons, as a blur of feathers and fur shot over their heads braced against the grey of the sky, its shadow cast upon them for a moment like a drake about to swoop upon them. As they craned their heads several guards reached for bows as they heard a screech and landing next to them was something out of a storybook, or so the ambassadors had thought a griffon armored in plate astride it's back a Grey Warden in full plate armor resting his hand on a great sword sat across his lap in the saddle. The blues of the cloth and the shining griffon emblem made him look more like myth than a man. His armor dented and damaged, yet pristine in cleanliness and maintenance.

Looking over the caravan green eyes behind the slitted helmet, a nervousness among the templars, chevaliers, and knights who looked upon the beast and its rider before them, as eagle eyes of the mount moved between each soldier before them. As again and again more descended, four riders now looked at them all, then with a solemn nodded pointed for them to move onwards, before the beast's wings beat and they rose into the air again, circling up the mountain to ready the gates for the last of their visitors.

Jutting out from the wall upon the tower was the mausoleum of the Heroes, a small sanctuary where the remains of the Heroes who gave their lives slaying an Archdemon are left to rest. In most cases only their weapons and armor are placed here, as their bodies did not survive the battle. Each one has had a statue built in their likeness, the statues of Garahel and Corin were freshly cleaned. The one of Theron carved by the finest dwarven stone masons, his coffin however, remained empty.

Weisshaupt's gates were slowly opened, as the last representatives entered, the representatives could only awe at the size of the grand fortress even larger than the Inquisition's Skyhold she'd heard tales of its dilapidation yet now repairs and restoration were underway. As they dismounted from the carts the courtyard they saw the head of Urthemiel mounted in the keep as Wardens and laborers came to care for the horses, the climb up the Broken Tooth mountain was near vertical at some points, the beasts would be exhausted. The reforms and resurgence of the Order had been seen to assist some of the chapters aboard yet... As they joined the delegates from Antiva, Rivain, Free Marches, and Nevarra they saw exactly how much had changed.

One room hosted an entire class of mages, watching a demonstration by a senior mage warden showing off new magical research and weakening the Blight’s grip on plant life they brought in. Other mages practiced combat spells or ritual castings as a group to increase potency of their magic. Further down, rangers and rogues sparred and tested out new alchemical formulas for bombs, grenades, and even practiced disarming traps and cracking through locks. Many of which were of dwarven make, others chatted trading skills in negotiations and how best breach enemy fortifications. Knights and warriors further down tested armor and locked blades, testing their skills and practicing their parries. These armored wardens even practiced takedowns and fisticuffs, learning to bear the brunt of their armor’s weight but remain mobile in it. Many of their armoring practices came from the dwarves who had long ago mastered the construction of plate and mail and shared their new rediscoveries freely with their most honored allies.

Above them in the aeries and rookery, once empty and with memorials for the fallen friends, now the griffons of the Wardens fill this lofty stable. With each griffon choosing its partner as they grow and bond with their Warden. Eggs are often kept with the mothers, though in some cases given to a warden to watch over if the mother does poorly in maintaining her eggs. Nearby many humans and some elves gather at the small chapel as the priests and priestesses give rights, now nearby a small altar with statues of the Paragons and an elves had a garden with the symbols of their pantheon arranged. On the farside of the fortress was the forges, filled with surface dwarf smiths, humans tanners, and elven bowyers worked to arm and prepare weapons, even some tranquil worked enchanting and assisting most taken in during the Mage-Templar war and kept for their safety. While many were unaware below the fortress blood and blight magic research continued with Avernus leading the charge to one day improve the Joining and perhaps keep Calling away for good.

Yet for the visitors from across Thedas the movements and sheer size of the fortress and its substantial changes from the crumbling ruin it was once before shocked them. Thousands of Wardens here alone and they knew more were across the nation helping manage and defend it, it was no wonder that Anderfels under Warden rule had been more prosperous. Yet the keen would catch that many Wardens here came from beyond the Anderfels... Something else other than their meeting was going.

As slowly they were led into the great hall, where the First Warden and several of the ranking warden's waited along with ambassadors from every nation of Thedas sat. Though the Chantry's presence was merely a formality, extended by the graciousness of the grey wardens. The Ancient round table was laid out, with each chair of representative draped with their symbol as all around them a silver banner of wardens hung, now with the symbol of the Anderfels hung alongside it.

It was silent until the Antivan representative broke the silence. "Well... Let's start this meeting by stating the obvious. It was high time someone did something about Anderfell's... While the Hossberg line of the family has ended we should be able to locate-" The first warden raised a hand to stop her. Slowly first warden Wilhelm stood, looking over the crowd of assembled dignitaries. "The grey wardens will rule the Anderfels. We already protect most of the nation, the people have more need of us than any of the nobility, a Darkspawn beset nation needs those who know how to handle Darkspawn at their forefront. It will not only expand our recruitment but give us a way to directly expand our order... We can focus on finding ways not only to combat the Blight but attempt to undo its damages..." It was the Orlesian diplomat who leapt to his feet, the Count jabbing a finger forward, insulted by the sheer idea of toppling divine right of rulership.

"That makes you what?! King Warden Wilhelm? King and first warden!? Outrageous you cannot rule and govern while claiming to put the good of the world first. Are you even nobility?! An Elf could even hold your position unless you plan to make it hereditary! Not only that but if a dwarf or Qunari took the post! You would be a nation without the chant as your code!?" At that Wilhelm smiled slowly, darkly looking them over, catching a moment where he could press back before others claimed against him.

"So the Hero of Ferelden and his Wardens will be ejected from the rulership of the Amaranthine?" When the Orlesian Count heard what his argument sounded like he suddenly went silent, they had precedent for Wardens governing and still maintaining the Order now. Ferelden had given it to them, this time their hand had been forced, the people would rebel if they tried to remove the Wardens from Anderfels, their fortress was near unassailable and now? The griffon's stabled on high and thousands of Wardens they had... This was an Order resurgent, perhaps it had been covered by the distance of the Anderfels from the chaos of the last few years or how the Wardens faded away from notice when the Blights ended. They could stand and argue for a throne not their own, in a land besieged year round by a people who loved two things the Chantry and their heroic Grey Wardens or they could let this happen. "It has happened before only now on a grander scale. We are beholden to no church, no king, or nation. Our duty must be to protect the population of all of Thedas from Darkspawn, this nation is under constant assault by them, their king and nobles raised no hand to stop it. They have always put that burden on us, so perhaps it’s time we reaped the reward of defending a nation against the greatest threat in the world.”

Ferelden and Orlais nobles along with the representatives from the Free Marches called for a recess to these meetings. To discuss how to respond to this new proposed plan of action, that surprised many. Though without Tevinter and Qunari present it would be interesting, as the Anderfels did host a single Qunari colony. While the Wardens had run the region well in the absence of a monarch they did not seem to tolerate the corruption that most other nations allowed to help grease the wheels of and motions of government. A militant order and a meritocratic one at that would be problematic in showing lower classes that kings may not be needed in leading them.

As they ushered the diplomats and officials along with their staff to rooms or helped them find space. The warden’s who had been arriving for days began to fill the courtyard, hundreds of them at least more than most had ever seen in one place. As the first warden busied himself with meetings, the High Constable would soon speak. For now at least, wardens from outside Weisshaupt were gathering as ones from it helped show them around the massive fortress, the place could host an army ten thousand strong... And for the first in a long time it looked like it might have that many people.
@Theyra Wonderfully done! Happy to have him along, he may be very interested in some of the work in Weisshaupt currently. Feel free to move him over at your leisure.
@Shu This looks fantastic, I can't find a single note here. The world building, timeline, everything is great! Go ahead and move it over at your earliest convivence.

Character of note:

Chamberlain of the Grey, Adelina Leofcild, head archivist, only the Anderfels wardens maintains multiple archivist, technically the head archivist outranks all but the high constable and first warden. Adelina was raised among the order after being found abandoned in the woods, if given to the Qunari as a mage she would have suffered greatly. Raised in Weisshaupt, she has seen countless Warden's come and go all of them family to her.

Warden archivist Ashlea of Clan Eolas, one of best researchers in Weisshaupt. Formerly an apprentice Keeper, now a Blood Mage and student of Avernus. She is one of the first mages to train in and experiment in removing the taint from plant life, though she believes the next phase to begin testing on living animals and people. Assigned to pathfinder teams to test spells on on blight ridden areas in the deeproads.

Forge Master, Dunek Rouka, part of the new positions created during the reforms. Warden-recuirts whose service is in skill rather than battle. Rather than commissioning individual craftsmen would now have their own in house craftsmen most hailing from the surface dwarves. The blacksmiths, masons, and carpenters are not joined members of the order, they have helped to standardize and improve upon warden equipment, as well plan restorations of the orders many fortresses. The Forge Master is the head of these non-combatant wardens.

@Expllo @Theyra just reaching out to let you know the OOC is up as listed above if you are still interested! The discord is also available as well.
@PatientBean Right all good to go! Feel free to move it over.
@TinyKiwi I would ask you flesh out that backstory a bit more just to give us some understanding of not only where his clan was during all this hiding but also why he would end up with the Grey Wardens, or how long he was with them? Sheet is very well detailed and I love the choice of shapeshifter it felt under utilized after the first game.

@PatientBean Would you mind covering a bit about her time with the Order? Just to understand how long she's been with or how new she is? Other than she seems to have a very solid backstory, life as a bard would make useful to the order expanding political plans later as well.

@Randomguy Interesting! I'm sure he will be interested in Weisshaupt's research with Avernus into the taint being used against demons but also in finding ways to use these Blight cursed magics to heal the lands of the taint. Also I'm sure he will have an opinion on the Venatori seizing power in the Imperium. Accepted!
The OOC is live!

@Randomguy Yes it is still open.
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