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Dragon Age: The Grey Dawn

"In War, Victory.
In Peace, Vigilance.
In Death, Sacrifice.”

The recall had been ongoing, the Wardens from across all of Thedas made their way to either local headquarters or Weisshaupt whichever was closer. As the news they received was shocking, while the orders ranks were swollen and they had once again gained access to their winged companions long thought extinct, news came down that the Warden's themselves would be installed as rulers within Anderfel's a nation under constant Darkspawn threat needed the best in fighting off those cursed with the taint. Moreso, that the senior most Warden's believed they had located where the Old God Lusacan sleeps, a chance to slay Blight before it begins. With the dwarves at the wardens' back and with Tevinter having been overtaken by Venatori and kicked the grey wardens from their lands along with seizing control of the Black Divine.

As well as a loss of faith across southern Thedas in the grey wardens their numbers may never again grow to this scale. However research done by the mages of order and with knowledge gleaned from the Inquisition, Corypheus, information sent back by Warden Commander Theron and the journal Isseya they have managed to create a new discipline of magic. Namely focused on removing the taint from the land, healing the area around it, first tested within Anders and dwarven lands it has helped see a marked rise in birth rates among animals and better health among those living in the regions.

You as a warden chosen for this expedition will be heading into sections of the deep roads not explored in centuries, you will embark from Weisshaupt to slay an Old God before it can become an Archdemon... Or slay an Archdemon before it might begin a Blight. What is known is that either way, this mission is of vital importance. While not openly stated, it is believed that additional Magister's sidereal may be below conspiring to control the Darkspawn, it may not be the total of seven threats to Thedas we face, but fourteen, and only half of them are dead.

If this mission is successful we can take this to the nations of Thedas for support in rooting Darkspawn out from below, but we must show results before we can tell them of our plans. Charter boats, mount griffins, Halla, Horses, or whatever transport you can find and make haste to Weisshaupt. You have been chosen for a task like no Warden before.

Here is the information on the state of Thedas, not all of this is exactly as it is in the games, some changes have been made for making a more interesting setting. Also to influence things in the direction of the Order's reformation and growth

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@PatientBean Of course happy to have you!
@Expllo @Richard Horthy @Theyra @Mao Mao @POOHEAD189

I got the Discord set up and a character sheet skeleton up, I am hoping to have an OOC sorted soon, but I ended up having more time tonight than expected to finish this and wanted to let people start thinking on things.
@Expllo @Richard Horthy @Theyra @Mao Mao thank you for the interest, I am very excited to run this as I've had it kicking around for awhile! I'm already working on the OOC at the moment, I'll try and push the character sheet and a discord link out this weekend.
Dragon Age: The Grey Dawn

"Join us brothers and sisters.
Join us in the shadows where we stand vigilant.
Join us as we carry the duty that cannot be forsworn.
And should you perish, know that your sacrifice will not be forgotten.
And that one day we shall join you.”

The walls of Weisshaupt no longer sat in disrepair, no more chipped stone and worn banners lay upon the ancient fortress. The once crumbling mausoleum of the slayers had been repaired, statues to the five heroes of the blights with space for two more sat waiting their arms and armor placed within their crypt. The near vertical mountain trails were clamoring with Anders nobles, their entourage, Wardens of all nations, and visitors making their way to the grand fortress, as the warden commanders and first warden prepared for arrival of those that came to speak for the great powers of the world. The Tevinter Imperium has recently seen the Venatori come into power, Kirkwall's viscount spent most of his time away on business.

It is the year forty-nine dragon, the grey wardens have had years of strife and reconciliation, now they are growing some say it is a power play. Others claim that the stories Corypheus being an original Dark Spawn have set a fire under the order not seen in generations pushing them to go from waiting to proactively looking for ways to deal with the Dark Spawn menace for good. While the world seems to forget how on the brink it was just years ago, the Wardens have felt nothing but fury at the tricks played upon them and cowardice their leadership showed.

However, with the fourth generation of griffin's on the way the order has also stepped up taking in and training new griffin riders. The return of these mighty beasts have not only emboldened the wardens but helped return them to renown across Thedas as the only winged calvary to ever exist have returned. This also comes as new research into the blight and the many mages who joined to escape the mage-templar war shows promise in purging the blight from the land and healing it. While the circles have turned into homes of study where templars watch from afar, the grey wardens in turn have offered up newly freed mages a place to learn more forbidden skills and put them to use against the Darkspawn.

Now, as the summit for future Anderfels begins, the warden's arrive from across Thedas some who have never been to Weisshaupt before, others recalled. It appears the first warden has news for them after the meeting diplomats from across Thedas, one that could set the order a new path, for the fifth blight was gone in a year with no great loss of lives as before. Rumor's abound they will battle another returned magister sidereal or that they may even be marshalled to defend the Anderfels and make the entire nation their home. What is certain is this, whatever is coming, for the first time in centuries the Grey Wardens influence is on the rise.

Hello and thank you for your interest! As you saw above this RP will focus on the grey wardens about six years after the events of the Inquisition. I will be working a full timeline breakdown later but for now I want to get to the main focus of this, namely playing off little details in the world that should have had more impact than they originally were rumored too. There will be use of class archetypes and subclasses as ways to help bolster and focus character. As well as few new subclasses built around the grey wardens new friends and Avernus's research into taint as a source of power, as well as the Wardens own research into healing the blight.

I wanted to give a focus to all the information and understanding we have in additional content as well allow the wardens some degree of growth and adaptation. As over the course of three games there has been a massive leap in understanding of the taint and darkspawn, which I feel would help the wardens develop with their already long history of research and understanding of the taint. I am even toying with the idea of improved versions of the joining being given using Avernus's research. But that is to say the focus of this story will be on wardens or those working for them, I will be working on a character sheet soon I promise depending on what peoples level of interest is in this.

However, let us move on to the plot of this. A better description will come with main RP but in essence first major act of this story will be the Warden's embarking on a journey to try and locate, possibly kill an Old God rumored to be buried near Kal-Sharok. This would mark the first offensive step the grey wardens have ever taken, more importantly supporting this action is the dwarven holds who plan to use this offensive to retake territory with both sides planning to try out new weapons on the Darkspawn in hopes to finally gain respite by holding them at bay.

Obviously the story will have more beats and a wider plot than just going into the deep roads but I wanted to start us out on the warden's reacting to this emerging threat by being proactive rather than reactive.

((Thank you to Alfhedil whose CS design I modified for this))

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And you have my interest dang it Vanq.
Airus and Codari were bringing the ship in for a landing, The Blind Luck was here to assist the researchers and archaeologists at the request of the Jedi Order. Kanis was on the ramp already as they touched down. He wanted off this ship, to wander and roam; a Mandalorian needed something to fight... And the beasts of Yavin four were new and yet unrestrained by his blades and blasters. The two nerds would be talking with the research staff and he could explore with Sparks. “Come on, you bucket of parts. Let’s get out here and find some trouble.”

Meanwhile Varina was exuberant as she dressed in her old clone wars armor over her robes. Gripping her saber staff as she twirled it happily, heading to speak with Morgi her mind roaming through thoughts of meditation and art yet unseen. The fabled city of the Jedi and more supposedly here on Yavin, certainly something she’d have to look into but for now she’d worry about Mor’gann, curious if she’d managed to meditate on the crystals enough to empower them yet. It was after her first order of business and it had been a couple of days since then, Varina had seen many younglings do it in a day or less, though she had more crystals than most.

Mor’gann for her part was perched in the shadows of the ship’s hangar bay—the darkest part, out of sight- or at least physical sight. The old habits of keeping to herself had hardly been broken over two weeks after a lifetime thus far of them keeping her alive. The crystals were walking across her fingers absently as she gazed into the in-between looking across the bay, noting what she saw and dismissing it. The angry boy, Kanis, was leaving with some strange droid as if it would be of aid. Droids on this ship appeared to have their uses but offship? The Dxun native was hardly sure. Sensing the approach of danger, she flicked her eyes towards the entrance and Varina. The woman was someone she had taken particular care to avoid. Now she was here and looking about, most likely for her as the other two- the blind miraluka- would not have needed such. “Require I, for what you wish-?” The Basic structural form still slipped her tongue from time to time. Though she paused the crystals walking across her fingers to slip them all into a single palm.

“The temple here... Is a powerful place to meditate. A vergence of energy, this temple is built upon it. The inner sanctum would be a great place to meditate and finish our saber... And if you want Airus to turn you to explore a new planet unattended you will need your new weapon. Unlike him you can’t make any stick into something that can defeat an Inquisitor.” She smirked, the red head gave a signature smirk looking at the woman. “Besides... First time on a new planet... Are you ready to see the moon where Jedi resist the Sith time and time again?” She spoke tugging on a belt of goodies and supplies... Or rather listen to the nerds argue about translations of ancient words and riddles?” Varina asked seriously, giving her a choice of who to go with. “Who knows we may find an ancient Sith Battle Hydra!” She spoke as if it was nothing to fear.

Watching the woman as she uncoiled from her seat with the slowness that belied the speed of which she could strike, Mor’gann only understood a handful of words that did not make… “Inquisitors-? Sith Battle Hydra-?” Though she felt a slight familiarity, perhaps something heard in conversation while she had foolishly dwelt on another matter. Yet the rest… “Fought with only sticks, stones, strikes and metal on Dxun.” She recalled with dry reality. “Killed many, I did as well.” Stowing the crystals into a pocket within her tunic, she eyed the jungle. Still she trailed in Varina’s wake keeping a healthy distance- out of arms’ reach- from the woman. A ship between them was better but that option was not available.

“Inquisitor. Jedi Hunter’s specialists in hunting and killing force users like us. Airus faced down three of them alone after his wife died. Along with many of the traitor clans of Mandalore.” The Artisan turned, stepping out into the sunlight Varina’s armor was dozens of different colors, a splattered rainbow of colors over a simple brown robe as she spun in the light of the temple. The Great Temple was huge, big enough to dwarf the Cruiser they had arrived in as people moved about it Varina pointed to the symbol on her shoulder, a saber ignited with a star shining from its hilt flanked by wings. The symbol of the Jedi Order, of freedom and hope.

“As for the Battle Hydra’s... Think of the biggest nastiest dragon... Give it a dozen heads, bigger, and eat people who use the force... Also biologically immortal!” She chirped cheerily skipping ahead of Mor’gann. “But don’t worry... I’ve faced worse. You get that saber built, I'll tell you about the battle of Ryloth sometime.”

The woman pulled the hood of her robe up and let it rest low over her gaze. She looked at woman as she twirled about ridiculously. “Terrifying.” Her tone was icy as her yellow gaze scanned back and forth. The crowds of people were unnerving after two weeks and a lifetime avoiding them. Her steps hurried as Mor’gann wished she knew the destination if only to tow this crazed woman after her and get there faster and away from the crowds. Hydras would be easy compared to this. “This is worse.” She muttered in her native tongue.

“Relax. Place is built for thousands... And they have a hundred at best... You’ll have entire sections of the building you can pout in darkness from.” As they entered the main building seemed to have been refitted and changed into a military base of sorts. As Varina walked her towards the upper levels, a strange new sensation wrapped over her as they moved towards the vergence at the center of the temple.

Soon the sight of others vanished as they reached a chamber that had little change. “Ah, one of the meditation rooms.” Varina spoke, her voice soft, losing all the friendly cheer now sweet almost harmonic. “Ashla is here...” She spoke touching the walls, entering the room her mind swelled a moment she had to force herself to breath as the feeling of energy washed over her. “The reason these temples were built was to suppress the darkness of the planet with the energy of Ashla...” She explained as she took a seat coiling her legs to sit upon them.

“What do you know of Ashla and Bogan? The light and the dark as some call them?” Varina gestured for her to sit, the serenity and peace of the room would make it a good place to meditate and teach the story of the two.

The woman trailed off the flowery creature, feeling that change herself she mistaken Varina as talking of a woman, not about some… What? The Force itself? It seemed particularly idiotic to separate and divide what simply was? “Those names…? Unknown.” She was examining this odd peace she felt. A life spent fighting? She found this alien and strange. “What is this warmth-?” She spoke in her native tongue. Wondering at it as she considered what it was as she settled in a meditative seat.

“This. This is what the Jedi draw strength from... From a love for all people, compassion in all things, kindness, and hope. Ashla is the side of the force that embodies this, compassion and strength of character. Where you come from Bogan, the darkness, the will to grow and dominate at the expense of all others. Jedi follow the Ashla, the Sith follow the Bogan. Varina spoke as she paused for a moment. “We struggle and argue over many things but there is a simple truth to each side. Those who choose light must be unflinching and resolute in the face of destruction, those who choose Dark choose to live no matter the pain or torment. I see it in the art works and murals Sith and Jedi paint, the art tells the soul of it’s maker.”

The woman had a considering look in her yellow eyes. There was some sense in it though all of it she could not grasp. Words seemed as an interruption and she considered the agony of her existence and the recent change. She had done what was needed and would again. Perhaps it made things different but she could not see the point in not flinching in the face of death. Death came and you fought and flinched at the same time. Surely she had done both.

“Now. I have not brought you here to show you the light and make a statement on what is wrong and right. We all do as we must... Your path is your own. However, I can only teach what I know and this place is as close to the old temples as we will get for months.” She shut her eyes and spoke now as her saber left her hip and floated up suddenly bursting into pieces, intricately floating around her. “You have meditated on your crystals... Focused your will and your purpose into each.” Varina’s mind flicked through parts and pieces of the blade as a bag floated out and suddenly the pieces she had gifted Mor’gann to build a saber were revealed.

“The Jedi have a right of passage.” The wall behind them moved and the chamber sealed as they sat alone. Varina focused her mind as each part clicked back together showing Mor’gann the pattern of assembly and disassembly. “Using the force you will build that saber... Should you fail... Well... That door does not open until we succeed dear girl. So let’s not think of that.” She spoke. “You can watch as I pull it apart and rebuild it as many times as you need. All your parts are here, I sourced as many as I could be like those of your home world... Only thing I may not do is build your saber for you. Ask anything of me... I am here to educate you.” She explained as to the real purpose of this trip, a place of silence and compilation where she could focus on this task alone and Varina could see into her actions when confronted with a task she must achieve.

Hearing the wall click behind her Mor’gann’s gaze snapped to sharper focus, the icy chill freezing her wonderment and setting it aside as she came attention to the matter at hand. Those moments of wandering thoughts were well enough, and this was hardly the first time that she had been sealed within a chamber until a task was done. Usually it was not something so bloodless. Closing her eyes once more, she let her knowing of those parts, the crystals adapt to this strange warmth. They were to be a tool and one that would strike and do as was needed. It could not be weak. It could not waver nor more could she. The red crystals glittered as the shell about them shifted and twisted, the parts faltering and sometimes clattering to the floor as one was forgotten or her attention shifted to some minute detail that was a potential flaw. Yet the four crystals remained in constant motion.

Minutes, hours ticked back. Thirst and hunger were not unknown to Mor’gann but her body had become accustomed to her needs being met. The slight pangs were complains that were fresh wounds even if she set them aside. Questions came, softly spoken and only when every piece had been tried and twisted and everything short of forced into what she desired. They were more mechanical questions. How did the hilts join, how did the one part effect another in material or what not. Emotion was erased from her rough Basic as sweat beaded across her brow. Setting the last piece in, she considered the structure of the saber and then sent the pieces breaking apart, not in destruction but separating. Dismissed for a flaw that weakened the join between the handles. “Why did you bring materials like Dxun-?” It was spoken in her native tongue as she slipped into it.

“Because... Your home is close to your heart. Same as Coruscant is to me and my brother... Materials of your saber are a reflection of you. The leather it is wrapped in is from Maalraas... The metals from pieces of sabers I found when we explored the lands there for the ancient Jedi beast hunters and long dead Sith. As you grow and change you will forge new weapons... I’ve built dozens of sabers in my life, it is my craft of choice. Because it is an extension of you the saber is a weapon without equal... But you must know yourself first.” Varina paused for a moment tilting her head as she reached forward, touching Mor’gann’s hand... Letting her energy leave her and flow into the young woman. Her thoughts shifted to her own for a moment she slowly pulled back. Letting her enjoy the new energy as tiredness and hunger left her. “A Jedi skill... A way to nourish the body without food, water, or sleep... One we got very good at in the days after the Order fell.”

“It was unnecessary. They could be ignored until I had the time to deal with them.” Mor’gann stated simply, bring the two sabers together again. Adjusting minute details between the joining when they would become a staff. “You give away what you may need later. It is a liability.” Nevermind she had done the same in the past though in more physical ways. “I know myself. Even if my self is not as I would have it be. There are flaws I should have discarded for all they are counted not as such among you.” Strange folk that they were. Hesitating she examined the saber, not confident in that it was complete yet. Not perfected.

“Kindness is never unnecessary. You forget... Should you not complete it I remain with you. It is a test of faith for the teacher as much as a test for the student... I have heard the tales of master’s who died waiting for their Padawan to return with a finished blade.” She added the importance of the test. “You know how it fits. Yet you hesitate... Why? What do you seek to improve with your saber?”

Mor’gann heard the criticism and her lips thinned. “There are flaws. They must be fixed.” It was as simple as that was it not? The fact they were minute and being the first saber she was making seemed not to matter to Mor’gann.

“No. You can’t fix every flaw... Nor should you. It is the confidence to live with those flaws to trust implicitly in something that is flawed... As we all are. From the greatest Jedi to the humblest farmer to the richest baron. Our flaws shape us like any other trait. We must embrace them.” Varina spoke. Her mind wandered a moment back to her own first saber... How she’d thrown it against the wall so many times in rage. How she had cried and begged to try again with new parts... How many years did it take before she understood that getting it wrong was a step on the path to getting it right. “This is art... Not science or skill.”

There was a silence then the saber clicked together. Finally fitting together. If she had to accept this flaw- for a time- she could and would. Though it would be fixed, at some point. Either a flaw to improve upon or one to explore into some use to her. “So be it.”

Varina smiled, her voice filled the room it seemed but her mouth did not move. She recited the mantra her master had when she was taught to construct her first saber. “The crystal is the heart of the blade. The heart is the crystal of the Jedi. The Jedi is the crystal of the Force.The Force is the blade of the heart. All are intertwined. The crystal, the blade, the Jedi.” She spoke, opening her eyes to rest on Mor’gann proudly smiling upon her as blade turned on for the first time.

“You are one.”
Everything was entirely strange upon this ship. The bed too soft, the room too big, things were too bright. All in all? Mor’gann was disconcerted by the actions of this strange family. She remained thus far because they were trapped together in space, but was thinking of what it would be like to be on another planet with unease. Were all off-worlders so strange and different? As talkative and flighty as the ‘Aunt’, a term she had come to learn was meaning father’s sister, or as impossible to read as Airus? Codari was well enough, a useful source of information and someone she felt she could best. An odd thing as she could not best his father who had the same condition. Something the youth had said stuck with the slight woman. ““Not to mention like me... He can see through walls, darkness, even see hidden objects on your person.” What had he meant by that? Both could see without their eyes as their sire could? It was a strange and unnerving thought and left her with no way to conceal in the physical if such was the case.

Meditating on the matter, she perched on the desk. She needed a weapon and something better than the relic she had clung to. It had power but it was pale in comparison to what was on this ship. A few days of food and proper bathing had rid the muck of Dxun from her and she was not going to miss the murk of her home planet. There was nothing that would rid her of the scars that littered her body or her yellow eyes, but such was life. Still… Nothing here made sense, though if she was to learn… At least it was not under constant threat. Or was that a detriment? Dxun had been ruthless and with reason. The weak or stupid died quickly. Would this new Elder be different? An easier trainer of youths or harder? Remembering how he had laid a hand upon her head, she felt her face twitch in irritation. Was he so assured of himself to be so reckless? What sort of power did that take to be so?

The sound of a staff thumping along the halls. As Airus walked to the room of their guest. Sparks whirring the little droid had loved this part. “It is time for training Mor'gann I want to see what you can do with that saber.” She heard his voice as the door opened and he waited for her to answer him.

She realized if he could see through walls and such she'd never have privacy that a room normally affords her. “Come. We have room in the hangar bay for you to practice.”

Privacy was a novelty to someone who had to be wary about attacks from rivals or anyone who wanted a piece of what she had. Her body uncoiled as she stepped from her seat upon the desk. “So be it.” Her tone was emotionless and could be considered cold, though in truth she was trying to be meek. Not wanting to find herself on the outs with the man upon his ship. It would hardly go well if that happened. Her hand sliding the old weapon into her sash. Her gaze flickered to the odd droid at his side. “Where-?” Was the hangar, she let the rest of the sentence fall off as she followed after Airus, her footsteps near silent on the ship.

Airus slowly moved, soft steps interrupted by the thump of that heavy staff. They proceeded down a set of stairs and towards a great empty room. Fighters from his days with the Rebels littered some working, some being repaired, some scraps of barely held together junk. “I will start you with something all younglings learn.” And something that will give you a way to understand me, he thought. Stepping away from her as he moved towards three little black spheres... And a pilot's helmet.

“You will learn to feel the world. Let go and understand without eyes how to trust the force.”

Trust the Force… The feeling about her, yes. She understood that, though she hardly said that. The hints of danger, the feel in the air. Looking over at the pilot helmet and the black spheres, she could not comprehend what they had to do with this training. Mostly because training had consisted of people trying to kill each other on Dxun.

Airus slowly picked up the helmet. His gloved hands running over it slowly, it had been Varina's once... During the clone wars. Now it serves as a training implement rather than any practical use. How he wanted to relive the warmth of campfires and talking with clones long since dead... But that would not be the memory engraved upon this helmet. Turning he engaged the blast shield, then tossing each sphere they began to hover.

“These droids will fire at you... Your saber reflects their shots when placed within its path.” He stepped over and placed the helmet upon her head. “Can you see?”

When the helmet was placed over her head, Mor'gann froze shifting from relying on her sight. So she was to reflect the fire of the droids? “No.” Her voice was tense as she answered the question, easing the saber from her sash. “Not at all.”

“Good. Turn on your saber, take your stance. Sense the world. Feel the shifts and movements. Do not resist it, let it guide your actions.” Airus spoke, placing a hand on her shoulder to reassure her. “It will be a light sting. Nothing painful enough to last.” He waited for her to ready then whistled the first droid shifting an pitch elevation in front of her.

Her frame was slight, thin. Her shoulders bony under the shirt. Easing into the stance that kept her balance steady despite the quick movements she preferred to use to avoid attacks, or to strike herself. The saber turned on as she eased it slightly from side to side. It would take the attention off her body if the foe she faced was a novice. Feeling the darkness and the sense of blankness before her eyes. She did not see so much as sense the flickering of the saber. The world about her was a river, a constant movement as she listened. Not for a sound but for something.

The droid fired, the red blade of light snapped to the side a second too slow. This felt different from hearing the footsteps, the rough breath, the worrisome feel of enemies about her. Jerking as the sting struck her side, shock more than anything. It was not painful, an annoyance compared to wounds she had taken prior. Mor’gann’s jaw tightened as she kept following that odd sense of something.

“Stop thinking. These are droids. An enemy that does think, breath, shift, or do anything that a normal foe would. I have tens of thousands of them. A foe that is common in the galaxy. They are predictable though. More than any living foe.” Airus explained as he whistled again the droid moving back to ready position. “Learning to feel the world without sight is key. You must hone your body. It is that which can guide you all else fails. You faced two Padawans. The lowest level of able bodied warrior Jedi allowed in the field. They held back.” He explained curiously, he needed to discover if anger fueled her... Or if he might find a new path. If she could be taught another way to connect. His thoughts ventured back to Night Sisters he had known... If he could not, they would be a good home for the girl. She'd do well in their society.

Mor'gann bristled at the slight to her ability. "I had a need to keep them, one at least, able and willingly. Had I been going to kill them I would not have struck so openly and defensively.I would not have held back." Her voice was irritable as she felt that bit of offness floating about. How did she fight without thinking? Thinking had kept her alive for years, but she was blinded. Stamping on the irritation she felt, the woman shunted it to the side as she focused on what was before her. That stillness of doing what needed to be done. Being caught by surprise was fine enough, being unable to adapt was unacceptable. Dropping her mind from the petty annoyance of feeling slighted. It was cold, not rage that Mor’gann found at her core. Fury had its place, but now was not in it. She had faced packs of maalraas, the deadly beasts were far more stealthy than this droid. They were deadlier as well. “It is different. Off. It does not feel-” She flicked her wrist and caught the bolt that meant to sting her thigh. Knocking it aside before she brought the blade to that wavering sinuous movement before her. Her brow under the helmet was knitted, that had been too close. “If I had merely let them win, would I still have gotten off Dxun? That was the goal, nothing else mattered.”

“I would have brought you regardless... My family are not renowned as warriors or leaders. We are known for our gift. Empathy, not only can sense you through my connections but I can hear your mind. See your soul. With telepathy I might hear your thoughts.” Airus stepped around her, his tone soft and thoughtful. His head shifts taking in her aura and down her judging from the deepest point out.

“Throw out survival. Throw away power. What do you want? What is the purpose you seek?” He added, he could infer and guess but she needed to find out things he could see. Truth was relative even to those who didn't yet know it.

“Surviv-” She blinked behind the visor and considered the question again. What was there outside of survival and the power needed to it? Her fingers adjusted their grip about the saber in consideration. “What is that word… Empathy-?” The way she sounded the word was as if she had never heard it before. In truth? She had not. Not among the cultists and their ruthless ways. Though what it implied? Seeing her soul, her mind? It was unnerving. “I do not know.” Her answer was slow, her body tense against potential outrage. A downfall as Mor’gann jerked slightly, one of the droid’s bolts slipping by a too slow block. The answer had always been unacceptable and she was confounded by the fact that it was indeed the correct answer. She did not know. Aside from power and survival… What was there? The thrill of the hunt? The time spent watching the life on Dxun in those rare moments when she wasn’t training? Even then that had been survival. “I do not know… Survival is- has been- all-'' Her voice tinged with something else, fear. A future before her and unknown, and she had jumped into the void between the stars without thought.

“Food, water, shelter... The galaxy has these in abundance. Survival is not difficult anymore. Power? What use do you have for it now with no enemies? All your foes were back on that planet. Your fury, your anger... You have no beasts, no foes to hunt, or people to beat you down and steal from you. Out here... You're probably stronger than most women in the galaxy, more cunning.” He was blunt, telling her things she needed to hear. To understand before she left this ship. Whether under his care or not she needed this.

“I seek knowledge. Not for power but understanding. To help. To heal. To... Fix.” He spoke moving a hand and the visor raised so could look upon him as snatched the little droid from the air.

“I am nearly fifty years old.” He spoke slowly, laying his staff against the wall. “Yet do I look the age I am? Does my sister? We can live longer lives. You could scramble and chase power... But power needs purpose... What if I instead gave you all I have? Longer life? Healing? Empathy? Do you think you could give up power for kindness? You... Mor'gann you have potential beyond killing and stealing. A thirst for knowledge... Would you be like those Elders? Or would like a new path?” He spoke, as he took a seat on the workbench. Tall and broad of shoulders, yet the robes hid most of the definition of his body. His face was plain yet she could see his movements in it he was unsure, chewing at his lip. Tapping his thigh with a hand.

Mor’gann blinked at the sudden light as the visor lifted. Pulling the heavy thing from her head, after she let the saber die. Glaring at its flickering red light, the irritating thing looked rusted if she had to guess. It was a fleeting thought as she tucked the relic in her sash. Her gaze turned to the man as she set the helmet on the workbench considering what was said. She was preening as she considered that he thought her one of the more powerful women in the galaxy, though she doubted such was true. His words were not entirely true, she could hardly think of the galaxy as a place without the mire of Dxun sticking to some corners of it. “I do not believe you, entirely.” Her words were stiff as her gaze turned away. Alarmed that she dare say such. “If this galaxy is so full of those like you, then what of that war amongst the Clones? Why would such happen?”

“I do not know this ‘empathy’ word. Kindness is giving all you have away to those weaker and putting yourself into potential death… I do not see the use of it. There were alliances on Dxun and hunting parties that aided each other. Some grew to care for one another.” There was hesitation as she looked away from Airus. It would do no good, but this filled her with shame that she could be so weak. “I did kill those that were too ruthless on the younger ones, or simply incapacitated them for a time. It did not make me in great favor with the Elders that I would take out their favored acolytes I was weak, I risked injury for no reason.” She shifted nervously, not liking to admit that she had been so foolish.

“No.” Airus answered, shaking his head as smiled at her. “Kindness is strength. Only the weak horde and look out for themselves alone. Because they can't imagine having enough for anyone else.” Airus explained as he took a deep breath.

“The clone wars? The strife the galaxy has been under? All because one wanted power to himself... And the few, the brave, and the weak brought him low. You know what they showed? Mercy. On his forces and on the man who struck down all of my people. The entire order.” He explained leaning his head back.

“Empathy. It is understanding another's emotions and showing compassion. Like I showed you when you came aboard this vessel. Why would I do this? Provide for a stranger, one who attacked my sons?” He asked her to try to dissect his choice with that new understanding. Hoping it might clue her to his ideas and reasons.

She blinked slowly at the man, confounded by his question. Why had he? “I had potential for power-?” Though that answer seemed rather wrong at the moment, and why was she answering with a question! Power seemed entirely reasonable though if his sons were so strong, then why did he need or want to use her? Moving in a smooth motion, Mor’gann began to pace. Not liking to remain in a single place. “Why did you do it-?” He did not seem against questions and she needed to ask. Her brows knitted as her yellow eyes watched Airus.

“Because. You would have become worse. More ruthless. More violent. Dxun doesn't give you a choice. I wanted you to have one. Those things I tell you about? I don't say them idly. You can see them in how I treat you.” Airus spoke, letting her pace as he stood up.

“You have potential for power. You also have the potential to teach. I can see within a love of knowledge... Combat is a tool. You want to understand...” He extended a hand point at her sash. “That saber is old... Before you leave this ship. Would you like to make one of your own?” He tilted his head, curious about her repainting a chance to make her weapon.

He was right, Dxun never gave anyone a choice. Pausing as Airus stood, she watched as he pointed to her sash. He was right, but she considered making a lightsaber of her own. A flicker of fear in her heart. “Yes?” A weapon that would not be so questionable as the one she carried. The problem was… His sister. The woman was like no one she had met and Mor’gann had no understanding or way to deal with that. Knowledge was what she sought. Yes, for power but also for its own sake.

“If you are afraid of Varina. I can show you as well. Though she is an amazing talent at saber building.” He explained as he took her hand for a moment. “Or if you like. I can teach you language, basic will let you speak with most people. Or be understood at least.”

“I can do whatever you want for knowledge next. I am concerned your weapon will not be enough for your strength. Inside of you, I can sense you are strong in the force. Stronger in will.” He explained as he stepped back.

“I want to know. What place do you want among my people, my family.” He spoke carefully.

The young woman blinked at the careless touch to her hand, it was uncommon though not entirely unwelcome now she knew these people were so unlike Dxun. The answer to his questions though, was an easy one. Something she knew even if she didn’t know what she wanted by way of place. “Both-” Her voice was a tad less cold and less emotionless though no less cautious. “Saber, language. Knowledge.” That was the easy answer. “I do not know how to answer; place. This… Is nothing I have seen before. I was an acolyte not a villager. We kept apart if we could not boast of our skill.” Gripping her nerves, lest they flee her, Mor’gann nodded slightly. “So long as she does not move… So quickly… Talk… So much…” The woman was all wind and excitement. “One woman contains entire pack of maalraas within her skin.” She muttered, less than delighted but willing to work with the lightsaber builder.

Airus spoke slowly, nodding as he smiled at her. “I would offer you a place. Not temporarily. Permanently. My student. You'd have a family here. People who will teach and help you... My wife told me that family is not blood, it is who you can trust and depend on. I'd like to help you find that.”

“How, let's start with a saber? Do you know what color you want it to be? We can dig through our stock.” He explained letting her hand go. Walking her towards the ray shield opening the blast doors. She could see all of space beyond it. Beauty of the stars and all around them. A pang of sadness as Airus spoke now. “This... As my wife told me. Was the greatest view in the galaxy. One I cannot enjoy.”

“But you see each dot of light out there... A hundred worlds for each and tens of new species. Some like us, some far different. All of them.... Living, breathing beings with knowledge alien to us.” He spoke giving Mor'gann a taste of the galactic scale.

Family. Mor’gann was skeptical, though she would not dim the man’s opinions as of yet. As his student at least? There was an option for remaining. To learn what she could. “I would learn.” Her vow was soft as she followed the man. “I can learn, the Elders did not care because I did not blindly follow.” Flinching at the word used in conjecture to whom it was said, Mor’gann tensed as she looked out across the galaxy beyond the blast doors. Taking a step back, she had not thought each was a world, but if it was so vast… Any retribution the Elders sent would not come back upon her, they would lose her in this galaxy never to be seen again. Wondering what happened to his wife, she did not pry. It seemed in bad taste to do so. Rather she turned the topic to another matter. “The relics come in different colors?” Her words were skeptical as she felt the awe and fear that ate at her upon seeing the vast blackness before her.

Airus reached a hand out a saber shot from inside of his staff. Igniting as he caught it she could stare at the deep yellow color of it. Like that of a bee or sun brought before her. “More than you could know... I can't see the color but I know it is unique.” He reached out his other hand and a second one came forth igniting it. He showed her one of pure white. Like fallen snow upon a mountain.

“So many more... Varina loves to teach artifice. She made this one.” He spoke, turning off the white saber and offering it to her to hold. “The creation imparts a piece of you into the saber so you might always find it.”

She blinked, taking it and finding it a bit too strange after handling the relic so regularly. “Into the saber-?” She muttered, frowning. Hesitating, her yellow eyes flicked to Airus. “I fight best with staff, or with a weapon in each hand. Versatility. She could make something-?” That would be able to be of use in many situations and not one? Mor’gann still was nervous to be around the strange and unknown woman. “I know little of women, most do not survive as acolytes. She is… not from Dxun.” No, Varina was from anywhere but Dxun.

“No. She and I were born on Coruscant.” Airus paused and nodded. “A saber staff. A weapon that focuses on attack over defense. Come.” They walked on towards a bay beneath the hangar. Waves of heat pouring off around them. A forge for casting pieces and tools to shape them. Hundreds of drawers of parts lay around them. In the middle moving a hand along a wall of gemstones all of them cut and polished.

“Ah. So the new girl arrives. Morgy! Ready to learn to build a proper weapon. If you like, you can even reuse parts from your little relic! Oh I can get the cleaning and polishing equipment!” She squeals a bit in joy. It had been so long since she had a new person to craft or teach to craft. Her niece had been the last, so adorable working on her own at the age of five.

“Saber staff-?” The question was wandering as she looked at Airus’s weapon though the question went unasked. Following after the Miraluka, she mentally prepared herself and her eyes narrowed against the heat of the forge. But that word, Morgy, did that apply to her? Mor’gann certainly hoped not. Keeping Airus between them, she looked uncertainly at all these objects. Smithing was kept to a select few on Dxun. Much as the Mandalorians did. “I am no smith…”

Varina reached out and a massive hilt shot from the wall into her hand. “This. A saber at each end and a massive hilt to extend their reach.” She spoke, dropping the hefty haft into her hand. Letting her feel the weight of the greater weapon.

“Please no forging needed. The parts are assembled as the force guides you. What kind of crystal do you want?” She spun, running her hand along the boxes of gems. “So what color? Oh what gem type? Kunda stones? Aged crystals? Ilum kyber crystals? Dantooine gems?”

The haft od the weapon felt good. Useful as a clud if needed. Then the topic turned to stone types. Mor'gann lost all trace of cool calcukation and a look of panicked confusion filled her eyes. “Different types?” The panicked gaze shot to Airus for a brief second before going back to this crazed woman.

Airus placed a hand upon her shoulder, as Varina laid out box after box of crystals. “Oh yes. You will need four crystals to make a full saber for something like that.” She hummed a moment looking at her.

“What is your favorite color my dear?” Aieus asked more calmly, trying to help her relax, feeling her nervousness as he tried to comfort her. “Varina and I cannot see color. So you must pick them.”

That was less than helpful, and Mor’gann blinked at the crystals. “Maalraas leather…” They had been her favorite prey and hunts. Perhaps it was bloodthirsty of her, but it was the only color she could think of. “Red?” That was the color if victory.

“Alright! Now we can start. Mind giving the old one to me. See what we can salvage from it. I assume you want parts of it in your saber.” She explained humming, grabbing tanned red leather for wrapping the hilt, next emitter parts and laying out four crystals. Before extending her hand to wait Mor'gann's saber.

Handing it over the Dxun native nodded mutely, hey yellow eyes watching with rapt attention.

Varina tossed the old saber in the air, clapping her hands and throwing them apart. The saber burst into all of its components, dozens of them spreading out and just hovering as she looked them over. Spinning each one examining it. Looking at the crystal with a frown. “Ah, first issue. Old artificial crystal. Not natural poor attunement. It's off center of the emitter line weakening the beam. Containment module has a leak that would have shorted out in the rain.” She spoke, grabbing pieces chucking over her shoulder into drawers. Soon the buttons and casing had matching pieces found. She cleaned and prepared it all. Clapping her hands and all of it collapsed into a single box. Four crystals placed before her. “We will start with your attunement of the crystals.”

Mor'gann could hardly follow what was being said but it sounded greatly like the clucking of mother birds over something unsatisfying. She did not even try as she decidedly accepted that some forces of nature were beyond understand and that Varina was one such force. Soon enough there were four crystals before her and she was to select one, or attune to it. “I am to do… what?” This was beyond what she knew and the woman was at a loss, and hated that fact.

“Meditate on these crystals.” Varina spoke as she laid them out before her. Focus your energy and soul upon them. Each one right now is nothing but a gemstone cut and shaped for you. You must make crystals worthy of your weapon. After that we can discuss building your saber.” Varina explained as she pushed the crystals towards Mor'gann. “This will take some time but you will know they are ready when each gives a soft glow, a pulse of energy.”

“For how long?” Her voice had taken advantage of Varina's overhaul of the relic to pull herself together. Back into that cold center she kept. Picking up the stones, her hands scarred as they rolled the crystals that would be the core to the new weapon about. Seeing them by feeling rather than sight, her gloves left behind. “Upon what-?” Oh, she had ideas about that last, though they would not be peaceful ideals. A weapon was not a tool for peace after all, it could be. Yet more often it brought life to an end rather than a beginning.

Varina smiled as she shook her head. “You must figure that out. I can offer some old guidance, a mantra to be spoken as a Padawan builds their first lightsaber alone. “The crystal is the heart of the blade. The heart is the crystal of the Jedi. The Jedi is the crystal of the Force.The Force is the blade of the heart. All are intertwined.The crystal, the blade, the Jedi. You are one.”

Airus sighed and stepped in. “What it means is the same questions I offered you before. The weapon should be a part of you, an extension of your body. You must meditate on yourself and your reasons. That will give each crystal power to summon forth a blade when placed correctly.”

It made sense and Mor’gann nodded gravely. So that is what she was to think of? It seemed simple enough, even if what Varina said was a bit redundant. So the blade would be part of her, she of it and it her will? “Yes, Elder.” She agreed, giving Airus the honorific. He was surely the elder here. What more could she say or do? Here she was his student as he had said, his will was hers to carry out as it had been so with the Elders on Dxun. Some things did not change at the foundation, so much as they shifted she noted. Growing in a different direction. Though if she was to meditate surely she could retreat from Varina to some far and small and dark space where she would not be disturbed?

Varina smirked and leaned down. “I'll check on your progress later Morgy~ Also. Jedi say Master not Elder... Though I am the older sibling.” She preened and brushing Mor'gann hair as she began to test the pieces and preparing for the her Saber.

Airus chuckled and shepherded her towards her room. “Meditation will take time... I am grateful for how far you have come in such a short time. When you are done, would you like me to show you my skills?”

For all she had made some concessions, the woman jerked back as Varina brushed her short dark locks. So it was Varina who was the older sibling? Did that matter? She would hardly know, seeing as family was not something she had much to do with. Letting Airus shoo her down the corridor, her gaze flicked to the Maraluka. “If you wish.” Was it given to her to disagree, not that she wanted to. To see what this man could do? Would be of great interest and use. Though there was one thought, would it be permissible? “I mean no offense, but did you lose your sight to the war?”

“My people are born this way. We all see like this.” He explained as he took he explained pausing a moment as he tilted his head upwards. “When I told you I'd never see the stars as you did I meant it. The bandages are not for me... But to avoid looks of terror and disgust. I have no eyes.” He spoke letting her understand now why he was advanced in his senses.

That caused the Dxunian to pause, then hurry after the man. So theirs was a species? How strange to her. “Your sons-?” That explained how they could see the relic that had been on her.

He didn't break his stride as he continued towards her room. “One of them is like me. The other has functioning eyes... My daughter has eyes as well. Varina and I are both halves of two species ourselves. Thus my sons are half human. Codari eyes were just so weak they were near useless. But we trained and raised them to see as I do... For safety and to understand why I cannot do certain things with them.”

“Codari.” She nodded in thought. It was easy enough for her to pick out when comparing the discussion from before, where she had been caught up to current events. Thinking upon the matters, she felt her brow furrow. Codari had been more malleable and between the two? He had been the one she targeted to use for her pilot before Airus had made such an unnecessary.

“What do you want to know Mor? I can feel your mind attempting understand something I have said puzzles you.” He asked slowly stopping tilting his head as if looking down.”

Her gaze flicked down, “I would not say, Eld- Master.” Simply because it would surely not be in her best interest to say such as she had thought. They were his sons, she recalled that some men seemed rather perturbed by problematic thoughts towards their offsprings.

“Mor'gann. Speak anything you wish to know. You know not my culture, my people, my life. I cannot infere insult if you had no knowledge of if you spoke one.” He spoke resting a hand on her shoulder to reassure her as his master had done minds shown be spoken freely.

The woman still hesitated, “It is not question but inference and perhaps a misjudgement of the past rethought upon.” She spoke slowly, integrating the words she knew of Basic with her own pigeon. “Perhaps Codari would not have been the better one to leave for the pilot.” She tensed and pressed her lips together.

His faced turnes into a hard frown as angled his head towards Mor'gann. However quickly the stone mask cracked his laughter erupting.“...He's a better pilot than Kanis. You made the right choice. Let this be a lesson in not judging appearances. Did you think only those with sight can fly? I can focus and expand out my sight enough to see the while of the vessel and how to move it through space.” Airus chuckled and pat her head again as he turned away. Walking once more as he spoke. “Gave me a good laugh.”

Was no one around here sensible? Mor’gann blinked stunned at the actions of the man. Well in part that had be a bit of her thinking, but rather the real reason was different. “No, Master. I mean, he would have been the one I should have targeted to neutralize first.” Why was this man forever patting her head!

“Never second guess in combat. You commit to the strikes and plans. It is good you analyze your choices now.” He explained pulling back. “My people do not see hence the reliance on touch as confirmation or reassurance.” He spoke, cluing her in as to why he touched her so often. We speak in words clearly and in touch we show our true feelings and pride.

Mor’gann inclined her head, “Strike first, strike hard, strike fast. Do not stop until the fight is done. The one who stops training, dies.” She quoted, hearing such often enough from the Elders.

“Well they are mostly right.” Airus spoke as they finally reached her room as he stopped slowly breathing in and out. “Battle is not always won by hitting first and the hardest. Often it is better to bring the opponent low without killing them. Lives taken cannot be untaken you must be sure of each life you take was something you had to do.”

Hesitating, she inclined her head. “I shall meditate on this, and the crystals.” She agreed, then paused glancing at the door of her room before looking at the man. “I did what I had to, killed when I had to. Maimed and broke bones. I could do nothing less and expect to survive. It is better, I…” She winced in memory. “If I did not leave them faltering after the first strike, they would hunt me. If you need me no longer, Master?”

“Please. Meditate on what you have learned. Codari will be there later to teach you more basics and history.” He spoke bowing to her first then departing for his own room. Unable to hide his pride... The girl was changing already, it seems as though he might prove that only debate with his master yet.
Varina Vel Aath

Mention(s): @Paingodsson

The bustling streets of Keldabe, had a life and energy to them that was so different from the core worlds Varina might even call less cramped or at least less dense. Though others might be baffled by that idea growing up among Coruscant and the other major core worlds where trillions lived right on top of one another places like this seemed... Peaceful even in crowds, she thought she might even convince Airus to wander the streets and window shop. Though she was hunting rare metals, gems, even just design inspiration for her crafts, Mandalorian's under the pacifist's had quiet the artistic side less of the pure practicality. Not to say it was bad more so that it was boring, like the Jedi who looked at a lightsaber as just a tool!

It was a badge of office, a weapon, a tool, a piece of your very soul and few gave it that respect but artifice of lightsaber crafting was a dying art. How many could still make an artificial crystal? Know which wood could take the heat output of a standard long term battery pack? What metal's were conducive to the force and those that were not? These thoughts roamed her mind as Varina peered in tech shop windows and stopped by merchant stalls to ask questions. Nothing had caught her eye yet... Well more called to her, empaths like her and Airus rarely cared much for the appearance of things, though Varina would admit she was more vain in that regard. She preferred the styles and designs to flow, even lacking a perception of color she could appreciate the scope of beauty in a gradient, texture, and more. Airus couldn't fathom it, no matter how many documentaries on cultural art she put him through.

Emotion's ran high everywhere, hard enough to focus but she had to, yet as she reached out with the force attempting to feel something from the emitter arrays in the merchant had left out. To see if any of them called to be added to her already overstuffed drawers and cabinets of parts, she felt something tug at her. Distress of someone in an alley not to far from her... She could also feel a boiling anger and fear... No, dread worse than fear. Pulling herself back up straight she turned weave through the crowd trusting in the force, as a second later a piercing scream filled the air as the crowd began to stampede away from her destination as she tried to push against it. She cursed and took a moment leaping upwards with a push of telekinetics for moment as she spun in the air, rolling to a land in the alley in an impressive acrobatic display. Her robe flowing around her showing the simple tunic and trousers she wore beneath.

Her hand went back for her saber, as she caught herself remembering this was not her jurisdiction, she took in the situation in an instant. A Mandalorian in full Beskar lay on the ground at worst lightly injured at best inconvenienced, she knew how a Mando would want handle this... And she had no authority here, so perhaps it was time to let criminals pay the local price. "Well, quite the commotion you stirred up..." She kept a hand hovering next to her saber for a quick draw, as she advanced towards the hapless young woman. "I'd say run... You have really stepped in it... Maybe beg for your lives?" She spoke trying to draw the two's attention as she moved herself towards Cel extending a hand towards her. "And you... Young lady why don't you and I go find somewhere to talk... Maybe see if we can get a report filled out about all this?" She decided not to betray who she was at this moment, better to just take the girl and slip back into the crowd. Maybe the goons would make it easy? She did not want to be here the Mando got up...

Airus Vel Aath

Mention(s): @Sep @Queen Arya @ASDAValueMilk @Thayr

To Airus this might have been the first real break he'd taken in years, at his sister's behest no less. Mandalore was not his first pick for a vacation but with so many Jedi, tourists, and more having been flocking to the planet for founding day it made sense. Varina had of course wanted to drag him to markets and to visit places, packed city streets and loud noise were something he could get any day of the week in the Core. No, he wanted to explore... To visit the places of history, perhaps write something based upon the storied legends of Mandalorian's many, many wars. But before any of that it would be a good time to check in on an old friends, Alanna and Sable had been here for years. Rarely did he make the time to trek all the way to Mandalore, a surprise visit would do them some good the old droid would certainly be up for a verbal sparring match and perhaps the real kind as well, he made a good change of pace from the simulated combat.

The Magic Mechanic was certainly easier to find than he remembered, perhaps it was the intuition of force sight? Freshly pressed robes, a new blindfold, his heavy outer robe, a dull brown if his friends were to be believed with a set of black and beige underneath it. The heavy brown robe worn and ragged, an easy way to hide away traditional Jedi garments. Though he'd been confused for an outer rim farmer as many times as he had been known as a Jedi. He froze as he reached the door, already sensing the presences inside. A crowd had already gathered, perhaps it would be best to return later? Yet... Alanna might be busy or have plans for the festival, it would be rude to expect her to drop those for a surprise visitor.

So cautiously, the red haired Miralukan stepped through the threshold and into the chaos of it all with a deep breath to center himself as he tried to search out the emotions of the room. Certainly an odd mix no doubt... And power force presences to boot perhaps Alanna had begun dealing with the local Jedi? "I do hope I am not intruding... If I am I could always come back later?" He spoke tilting his head towards Alanna with a slight smile as he scanned his head back and forth. Though obviously it meant little with the lack of visible sight as he gave a polite bow towards those assembled. For those unaware of the species and their unique gifts it looked as if the blindman had just wandered in off the street and tried to look them over. To Airus he now had a clear view of all them assembled though as far as he could tell none of them gave him pause to speak openly.

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