Avatar of AzureKnight


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My blade carries with it the harsh frost of the wintry winds. Dancing with the rage of a blizzard, its speed matches the transience of an icy petal.

Welcome traveler. I see you've stumbled upon my profile, nice to meet ya.

About Me
I'm just your average 9-5 schmuck. I do my work, pay my bills, and contribute what I can to society. I also happen to enjoy binge-watching/reading anime, manga/light novels, tv dramas, and pretty much anything that catches my interest. I'm also an avid gamer, my favorite genres tend to change with time. Right now it's probably JRPG, hack-slash, and fighting.

Favorite Anime/Manga/Light Novels
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Hunter x Hunter
- Fate/Zero
- Kyoukai no Kara
- Overlord
- Re:Zero
- Yu Yu Hakusho
- One Piece
- Konosuba
- Various Gundam series
- Naruto
- Bleach
- Trigun
- Cowboy Bebop

Some of my favorite games
- Devil May Cry
- Disgaea
- Blazblue
- Guilty Gear
- Tekken
- Persona 5
- God Eater
- Tales of series
- The Legend of Heroes series
- 7th Dragon series

I originally joined this site several years back, having gotten my feet wet only recently at that point as an RPer. I was recommended this site by a pal of mine (@PaulHaynek) and joined a couple of his RPs. However, due to RL stresses I had to take a break from the world of RPing and took sometime for self-reflection. After a 2 year absence, I'm back in saddle and ready to further stretch my creative muscles. As for what roleplays I like, I enjoy anything action-oriented. I'm fine with any settings for the most part, though I'm more inclined toward the magical and sci-fi. Also, I've gained a sort of preference for RPs that allow users to play as multiple characters, but solo is fine either way. Here's a list to give a better idea of my tastes.

- Fantasy/medieval
- Dystopian
- Steampunk
- Sci-fi
- Apocalypse/Post-Apocalyptic
- Generally anything anime/manga related
- Adventure and Combat oriented
- Romance here and there is fine too

That's all for now, reader. If you decide to post an interest check for an RP idea, you just might find me posting a character profile ready to be reviewed. Don't be afraid to give me a shout if you'd like a Co-DM to bounce ideas off of as well.

Until then.

Most Recent Posts


The kitsune's eyes bulged to the point where it seemed they would burst out of her head, having seen the chips the backpack girl offered to her. "Ah! A thousand thank yous, kind stranger. Your generosity will not be forgotten, and you will be blessed with prosperity from the Retsumaru Shrine!" It was to anyone's guess what in the bloody hell she was talking about, but at least now her hunger was being quelled. Chinatsu wasted no time in devouring the contents of the bag, with little crumbs flying every which way.

Her feeding session was cut short, however, as the last member of the force suddenly road up on a motorcycle. They road with such speed that it kicked up a sizeable dust squall, blowing the bag out of Chinatsu's hands along with the rest of the chips. Looking at the flailing bag with horror, she made a shrill yelp as the rest of her breakfast was scattered on the ground. She then quickly turned to Kai, the apparent convenience store worker.

"Black-hearted dastard!" She exclaimed. "You dare to ruin the snack of an innocent maiden in peril? Have you no shame, scoundrel?! Prepare to be destroyed!" Her tails swayed and thrashed violently as she went on her tirade. She then pulled out a pair of ornate fans, which glowed with a deep azure aura.

"Blackheart Kai, taste the wrath of Chinatsu, Maiden of the Blue Flame!" She said, making a unnecessarily flash pose with blue flames gathering around her.

"Of course, I MIGHT be willing to forgive the transgression if you give me a stack of VIP coupons or store credit for wherever station you work at..."

Strolling through the Hinomata marketplace, a young kitsune demon was on her way toward the central plaza, the agreed upon rendezvous point for the Nethertime Team. Her posture and stride were quite odd, however, as she seemed to be attempting to carry her steps with a certain...grace? Or perhaps lack thereof? She tried to give off the presence of a seductive allure, but it seemed as those she was suffering from a loss of energy.

Likely from the fact she had no money to buy food this morning.

The girl had spent the last of her savings buying the structure deck for her favorite TCG yesterday, completely forgetting about the fact that she would have no fare for the day after. Her stomach growled as she strode with face filled with bitterness and regret. Great. I can't make an epic entrance like this. It feels like Imma keel over any second now..." She said in her mind.

After walking a little ways, she finally made it to the plaza, eyeing the Nekomata who would serve as their leader. Ms. Pirilika, she thought her name was? She had a yellow prinny with cat-like characteristics following her. Then there was another demon girl who was carrying a huge backpack with her, fiddling with a firearm. Upon seeing her, Chinatsu's eye lit up with delight. Before the demon girl had time to react, she zipped right up to the gun-wielding girl's face with a pitiful and submissive expression.

"Hi! Excuse me, do you have any food in your bag? Would you be kind enough to share, pretty please?? I'll give you all of the cards in my new pack. Oh! Except the ultra rare one, I've been waiting for that one to come out all year..."
How much is sort of?

But ya, its early enough that there wouldn't be anything to catch up on.

Enough to where I'm gonna be working on a CS XD

I was just reading over all the information, I think I have a pretty solid understanding of the setting material.

Am I right to presume there's still room in this for one more? I'm sort of interested.
@Darkmoon Angel Mind sending a new discord Link, the current one is broken.



Komatsu Bay: @PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree(Lili) @Crowvette @Restalaan(Skars)

A bit surprised by the physical strength of the Varjan Lord, Shizuka quickly flipped back on his feet in time to see Skarsneek struggling against the maddened Na'Kratz. It seemed he had injured Io as well, as she was on the ground attempting to regain her stride. Although, she had also cast a spell to inhibit him with bony hands. Skarsneek had let himself get injured to take out one of Na'Kratz's wrist, and made it easier for him to be bound by the spell.

"If you're done with your temper tantrum, I think it's time you went to sleep.

Determined to end this, Shizuka phased forward, using [Uryūbutōsen ● Raiu] to deliver a massive pelt of slashes all over Na'Kratz's person. He would feel the devastating effect of being assaulted by slashes backed with lightning and wind sorcery; Io and Skarsneek would feel the immense pressure of the strikes blow over them. Shizuka would then attempt to finish the fight by hopping into the air above Na'Kratz and perform a [Uryūtsuizume], ending it all with a two-handed slash that would decide the contest.

Shizuka could also sense the chi of both Ayu and Liliana nearby outside. Hopefully they'd be alright as well.

Terauchi Temple: @PaulHaynek

Both the sisters looked at Takeshi with surprised expressions at his statement, Atsuha herself had blushed a bit.

"Ah, Takeshi-san. While it is no secret that Skars-kun is my dearly betrothed, I also trust him to take care of himself while out and about. I also understand that my responsibilities extend to the entire of the taskforce - to your cause. I am glad that we could be of help to you and Lady Kikyo." Atsuha's response came with a bright smile.

"What my nee-san said!" Hinami said. "Besides, that meanie-head Gringor seems to always want to go out on his own, and he like saying mean things about big brother Skars-kun!"

Atsuha couldn't help but chuckle at her sister's grievance. Although, the mood began to sour as an odd tension began to fill the air as Takeshi and Kikyo began to speak to one another.

"My Lord and Lady, is...everything alright?"

Eon Tower

Early morning
@PaulHaynek@Polaris North@Hammerman@Enkryption@Silverstein@The Irish Tree@Frozen0Titan@Rune_Alchemist@FrogRFlowR@Eviledd1984

”Recruitment?” Grisha responded to Leon with an oddly amused expression. ”No boy, I’m afraid that’s not our purpose here. I doubt most of you would mesh well with our ranks. Although, some of you were once already from our sect.” He said, smirking a bit at Hector, then Elaine.

Tethys began to address the Fae boy next after Grisha. ”While I am a bit curious about you, boy, please pay it no mind for now. That will come later.” She said in a gentle tone. ”Let us focus on the task at hand.”

I wasn’t expecting to meet individuals from the Wyland and Devaron families. Alex thought silently to herself.

The inspectors had eyed all of the new recruits with curious gazes, remaining silent as they all had stepped forward and gave their introductions. Some chose to remain silent, like the girl dressed in the strange yellow robes. Grisha noticed that she had some tentacles sticking out of her garb, confirming that she was also a Belua. She seemed to be purposely keeping herself in the background. What did she have to hide, he wondered? When everyone finished, Grisha put his eyes back on Elaine, who was the de facto representative for the Eon staff currently. Elaine responded with a flustered gaze, probably feeling that the inquisitor had something to say about the absence of the tower’s administrators.

”Elaine.” He started. ”There was a matter that I wanted to discuss…”

Elaine let out a small yelp ”Please, accept my humblest apologies! I…honestly have no idea where Arteus and Brunhyldia are currently but-”

”I wasn’t referring to them, nor was I expecting them.” Grisha cut her off, the response made her and everyone else in the room dawn a confused look. ”I will explain in detail a little later. But, for now, just know that something special has been prepared for you all.”

”I…don’t follow. What do you mean, Grisha?”

”You can thank your directors for that. That’s all I’ll say on the matter for now. ” Grisha then got up and stood in front of the Eon magus.

”As part of the inquisition, we’re doing something more recreational, so to speak. This was something that was decided on due to the influx of new reavers Eon added to their ranks. Case in point, you all.” Grisha said, adjusting his glasses.

”Recreational?” Elaine responded. ”What do you mean?”

”You’ll be going to a neutral city near Flugell. The State of Cambridge will hold a joint summit consisting of both your team along with select knights from the Church. I’ll go into more details when the time comes, but for now just know that this will be an exercise that will test the capabilities and aptitude of your new members.” An annoyed and perplexed expression was then adopted on Grisha’s face. ”As such, this was something that both Selini and Irvin had agreed upon with the Church in advance. So, them not being here and having not explained it to you is rather…irritating to say the least.”

Grisha motioned for the other two ladies to stand. ”In the meantime, we’ll be inspecting the other offices while we’re still on the premises. Please be sure to settle all of your affairs and finish all preparations before we leave, I don’t like excuses.” He said with a rather ominous tone. ”Elaine, why don’t I start with your office.”

”Sure, that’s fine Grisha.” She responded. Grisha followed behind her as she began to lead him to the medical ward.

”Vander, after I finish with Elaine, I’ll inspect Ms. Whitsett’s office next. Why don’t you take a look at the Alchemy Lab and the Greenhouse?” Grisha said to Alex. Nadia has silently followed Grisha and Elaine out of the conference room.

”Understood. Please lead the way.” She said, looking at the two oldest members of the Tower. She followed behind Childes and Bellum as they exited.

”I’d actually like to have a look at Mr. Luther’s…library. I’ve been quite interested in the grimoires that the Tower has acquired in its time.” Tethys said, shooting a glance at Kiff. The man responded with a surprised, almost flustered look.

”Oh! You, uh, mean me?” Kiff said in an innocent tone, cutely pointing a finger at his face.

”Do you know any other racy kleptomaniacs around here?!” Naomi said to him.

”How rude!”

The banter between the librarian and the environmentalist was cut instantly as Tethys cleared her throat. ”I’d also like Mr. Hyksos to accompany us.” She said, beckoning Leon to follow them. As the three left the room, Tethys would look oddly at an empty corner of the room. I certainly didn’t think YOU would find yourself here, Mr. Florestas. Fortunate that we would find you first. Damian could clearly hear that Tethys was projecting her thoughts directly into his, along with the fact that his attempts to hide his presence were meaningless before her.

The members of the staff left in the room were Naomi and Rana, the rest were the majority of the new recruits and the veterans.

”A joint exercise with the clergy? Things just keep interesting.” Roze said. ”Guess it’s best we start getting ready.”

”Right.” Rana said. ”I will need to remain on standby in case the inquisitors need anything. Naomi, I trust your office is also ready for inspection?”

”...Well, yeah, it kinda has to be…” She said with a weak tone.

”Hmm, sorry Hector.” Ruecian said, turning to the sniper. ”Was thinking that it’d be better for you to take it easy today, but looks like we got a road trip to worry about.”

Lapis looked at the two with a curious expression, but before she could inquire she was pulled away by Evelyn.

”Come on, Laps!” She jeered. ”Those prostrating clowns want a show, we’ll give ‘em one! Gotta pack our bags.”

”Oww! Eve, you’re pulling too hard, stop!” Lapis whined as she was unwillingly dragged off.

Xashan sighed in frustration. ”Guess I shouldn’t be surprised that Scarlett and Lupina are nowhere to be found. Man, those two, I swear…” He said. ”Oh, and Florestas isn’t here either…”

”He hasn’t officially joined yet, though.” Roze responded.

The reavers were now free to make a few small preparations before they had to embark out. There were some concerns as to what Tethys wanted to discuss with Leon, and Elaine was acting rather strange. However, due to the nature of the inspection, that may not be cause for immediate concern.

There was also the matter of the missing administrators, along with some of the other new recruits.
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