Avatar of BangoSkank


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17 days ago
Current Ah, I too am preparing to lose a lot of sleep and gain several pounds hunting monsters in the wilds.
4 mos ago
Fear of long words is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. Isn't that messed up?
1 like
1 yr ago
Star Wars Persistent World, that was a thing that was sort of a thing. Kind of.
1 yr ago
LongSword is objectively the best main. Objectively.
2 yrs ago
The ones from Calle are usually monthly. I tried to start another one a few years back.
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I be Bango.

Most Recent Posts

I tried to start a Bannerlord RP awhile ago. It did not go well.
Don't be afraid to try Advanced too. Sometimes it takes a little longer to post but there really isn't all that big a difference between Casual and Advanced. It's really more a comfort thing than an ability thing.
Sentient cheese grater?
I would agree it's kinda dead here compared to where it used to be...

But many RP sites are that way. It's a very niche hobby.

Despite it not doing nearly as well right now as it used to it's still for my money the best option. I'd link you to a better alternative if there were one, although if there were a better alternative I wouldn't be here. I'd be there.

Check out the Guide in my signature just below this. It's a sort of guide to RPing. Didn't write it myself, just kinda collected the input from several folks here. Writing Character Sheets and Interest Checks and dealing with the disappointments of great ideas that never quite pan out. Might help.
It's a dating method

In real world:
BC - Before Christ
AD - Anno Domini

Or, if you're a bit of a goof:
BCE - Before Common Era
CE - Common Era

For MaoMao's RP:
BIC - Before Inevitable Change
IC - Inevitable Change
AIC - After Inevitable Change
Would be fun to see, try to stop, or participate in what happens to all those Hermit Merchant guys.

I would also be very much down to either write or read about Caelid turning into what it is. Just don't describe those prawn-fuckers in too much detail. I don't like to look at them.
I don't like to feel duped. I'd rather find a fun way to "grind" whatever currency to get X item than get it with a card.

At first it was because I was going to school and working and didn't have the money. At this point that's not a problem but I just can't bring myself to shell out 10-20-40-60 just so I can have a shiny doodad in a game.

GTA: Online was the closest I ever came to forking over but I resisted.
Last book I read was Black Elk Speaks by John Gneisenau Neihardt.

Interesting book. It's basically a guy who met an old Native American wiseman who decided to use him as a conduit to tell his story. Ended up having a few of his friends who had been there for some of the crazy stuff come by to tell their stories too.

These were oooooold ass dudes when it was written, and it was written in 1932 so it's a cool look at the past. Do recommend if that's the sort of thing you're interested in.
The 1x1 section tends to be geared a little toward the smutty, but the Advanced, Casual and Free sections usually have a good bit to offer.

The Discord is usually pretty active too.

Welcome in.
Try the Casual or Advanced sections.

Tends to be less of that.
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