Avatar of BangoSkank


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15 days ago
Current Ah, I too am preparing to lose a lot of sleep and gain several pounds hunting monsters in the wilds.
4 mos ago
Fear of long words is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. Isn't that messed up?
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1 yr ago
Star Wars Persistent World, that was a thing that was sort of a thing. Kind of.
1 yr ago
LongSword is objectively the best main. Objectively.
2 yrs ago
The ones from Calle are usually monthly. I tried to start another one a few years back.
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I be Bango.

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It wasn't intended to ban homebrew.

It was intended to force homebrew to follow their ideological limitations...

But mostly it was intended to make any IPs developed with their systems into their IPs, and to give them a chunk of the profits for whatever books companies like Paizo or whatever might sell.

I don't think it would work all that well as a running joke. I don't trust folks to do it subtly. It would get annoying as fuck if they were cracking too many jokes about "what do you have to say on the matter Link" and "ohhh the strong silent type" and that type of shit. I wouldn't mind if they went with like non-word noises and body language though.

Maybe get a Morgan Freeman type narrator to explain what Link is probably thinking or talking to folks about. Or say stuff like "Now he must have felt scared and very alone there, on the top of Death Mountain, but Link, well, he did t let that stop him."
In the J J Abrams new trilogy you get a Fellowship of Halflings and some old dusty ass Jedi and a few scruffy looking nerf herders all getting together to keep the Space Unobtainum away from the bad mean Darth Villainous. Because reasons.

That scene where the Trillenium Hawk opens up its bay doors and all the Halflings go zooming out in their x-wings (get it? It's not capitalized because they're small) to scatter so they're harder to catch, that scene, had me cracking up.
They stepped back from a lot of that agenda almost immediately right after the reaction to that leak. Bunch of folks quit DND Beyond. Enough that they made the page for closing your account stop working to prevent people from quitting. And then did the same to the Google Store page too.

They've kinda undone the immediate damage now, but companies like Paizo who are already in a position too and big/small companies that want to be sure their IP is secure will likely stick with the idea of making their own systems.

They done goofed.
I agree about OoT probably being the best pick to base a Zelda movie or show around. I also agree about casting and soundtrack.

That's a great idea IMO
"You know what," Dale said squinting despite his sunglasses and hat,
"At least Luanne is doing good."

He drew the rest of the cigarette in one long suck, shook his head around with his hands like you might shake up a dang ol' giant 8-Ball, if you had an 8-Ball that big for some reason, and blew it out in another long ass breath. Ever since they took all them good ingredients out the cough syrup and the Four Lokos and all that he needed something stronger than good old nicotine and Dew.

Light-headed now he continued on,

"I never liked Lucky much. Sounded like some kind of fruity Seattle guy. Or like Portland. Or Santy Franciscy or something. Squirrelly little fucker. And I'll tell you what, toward the end Hank,"

He looks off into the middle distance again. His repertoire of cool guy moves is very limited. It's basically Middle Distance Looking and Not Looking At Explosions, but with Hank here running the propane and propane accessories business there aren't too many explosions.

Anywho, Dale continued on looking all dramatic like,

"Toward the end there Hank I don't think Lucky liked Luanne much. He wasn't a big fan of her no more. She's in a better place now Hank. She'll turn it around I reckon. She came home, back in Alamo and making friends. Shit these day she hangs out with Only Fans. Heard her talking about it. Spends all day with them most every day."

Bill looks as though he has something to say for a second, but then he just does a creepy Bill Dauterive laugh, slams the rest of his Alamo, and hurries into his house about as fast as he's ever moved.
Good point actually. They weren't colonizing they were basically strip mining. And tearing down their magic tree of life like Fern Gully. I don't get the Vegeta reference, but I thought he was one dimensional and cartoonish as a villain. You don't have to try to make every villain one viewers can easily side with, but that guy was just over the top IMO
In hey 2 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome Wheels

I like wrestling too. Doing an Arena RP right now that's basically a wrestling match. Danger, Danger Fontaine who is basically an obnoxious Macho Man VS a Mole Man named MOLE-MAN. He's a mole man.
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