Avatar of baraquiel


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2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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Heya! I'm interested in joining (that is if you guys are still accepting). Just some questions tho: what do you mean by "Jump In" and how is it different from the others?
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Pseudo Stygian Oops sorry, I didn't know. I just assumed I was new. I guess I can just say she's a transferee that's three months late if that's possible and I'll work on the reason why she's that late. If not, then I'll just edit my earlier posts :)

Btw how many class sections does the academy have? Is it based on the number of elementals or are we all just one, big, happy class?
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Zelosse I don't have a roommate too
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Freya never felt so free in her life, except for that one time she got lost in Disneyland during a vacation with her family. She was found later in the afternoon, smiling like a maniac with wild eyes and body shaking from sugar and adrenaline as she went back in line to ride Space Mountain for the fifth time.

Eventually, she stopped shaking her little and non-existent booty and shut down her sparks as she sat down at the bench she saw earlier. She took off her earphones and looked up at the sky, catching her breathe but the smile on her face still remained. She listened to the next song on her playlist: "Primadonna" by Marina and the Diamonds, a bit understated but still a classic.

She was about to sing along with the artist until she saw a girl with short hair and blue eyes looking at her. She seems to be holding a recorder flute with her. Ooooh, another musician! How awesome!, Freya thought. She stood up and skipped towards the girl looking at her. Honestly, nobody knows where Freya gets her energy from.

Freya stopped in front of the girl with a jump and stretched her hand out to her to shake hands. "Hey girl! My name's Freya A-", she stopped herself. She's not sure if the nice girl knows her nor does she show any indication that she recognizes her as the daughter of the Sandra Amillis. She also doesn't know if this girl knows either her mom and her dad; despite their fame and success, it's still possible for someone to not know them especially if that someone is not into music or is just into a different genre. She then took the opportunity of making friends with a total stranger without informing them of her surname. It's not that she hates her surname, but this is a chance for her to make a mark on her own without the influence of her parents!

She coughed a bit and continued. "And I'm really excited to start the new school year with my new classmates! What's your name, by the way?", she said with a serene smile on her face.

In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

I'm sorry ma'am, but you would have to wait just a wee bit longer. The administration is still fixing up your room assignment and that may take an hour or more, so please use this time to explore the academy. If you'd like, you can leave your belongings here as you wander the campus. You might find that the school has a lot of surprises just waiting to be found.

Those were the words Ms. Lobbyist said to Freya just a couple of moments ago. "Yeah, I can do that", Freya mumbled as she made her way outside, "Give me one whole year and I can confidently say I've mapped this entire place out."

Not that she's being too extreme, but this place is very huge. She's pretty sure everything as far as your eyes can see is the school's property. She has seen a lot of schools online that boast on how grand and majestic their campuses are, but this academy definitely takes the cake.

After walking for a couple of minutes, she remembered the perfect way to spend the time. She pulled out her phone and earphones and listened to Alessia Cara's "Seventeen"; she loves that girl so much. She concentrated and eventually sparks flew out of her hands. Other people call them sparks, she calls them baby fireworks even though they're just pure light and have no fire. The baby fireworks leave a trail as she waves her hands around which is perfect 'cause as far as she knew, she always wanted to be a human sparkler.

Now that Freya thought about it, she might look downright weird to anyone because she looks like a walking fireworks dispenser. She just laughed because she really just craves attention. Back at her past schools, she was given some weird looks here and there but didn't get any serious case of bullying. Guess being the daughter of a megastar does has its perks.

She doesn't see any people while looking around. Perfect, Freya thought. She rubbed her hands together and cartwheeled for dear life. Man, to be able to do anything out in public really works wonders for her shy self-esteem! For the next couple of minutes, she can pick her nose, scratch her butt, and daydream without anybody judging her! She sighed, life is good.

Eventually, even a bundle of energy such as herself gets tired too. Thankfully, she can see a bench that's just a couple of steps away when she listened to the next song on her playlist. Freya's eyes widened when she learned what it is: Beyonce's "Countdown".

Yep. From a walking human sparkler, she became a dancing human sparkler. She's pretty sure she's going to be hella tired later but actually, she's just too happy to even care.
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Never in my life have I felt so small except when watching my Ma and Pa perform in one of their concerts. Now here I am, standing in front of a dormitory inside the campus of a very majestic, castle-like academy. I may look calm on the outside, but in the inside multiple tiny Freyas are running around in my mind, screaming in terror and crying in despair. A whole flock of butterflies is flying inside my tummy and I really, really have to use the restroom right now.

You may think I'm overboard, 'cause I am. The whole world may know our family as prim and proper, the definition of elegance and sophistication. Little did they know that Ma proudly farts in front of her own children, Pa wears clothes mismatched so hard you may think he's a hobo, Frey always wrestles with our golden retriever Beyonce in mud puddles, and yours truly nearly spends all of her life practicing, along with singing and composing, how to twerk (I still have a long way to go but I'm getting there). Yes, I know it's a lot far from what people's first impressions of me are; you can just imagine the shock and horror on my friend's faces when they knew the real me (thank goodness they didn't run away).

We never ever show this side of our family to the public not because it might destroy our "sophisticated" reputation, but because my parents felt they've shared their whole life to the world that we deserve to keep this part of ourselves only to ourselves. Of course, I still tone down my hyper personality whenever I'm outside so I can respect my parents' wish. I also loved them more because of it. It just means that despite all their success and fame, they still make family their number one priority, which I am greatly thankful for.

Geez, one minute in the new place and I'm already thinking about home. I took some deep breathes and walked through the doors along with my bag. I guess one more "geez" is appropriate because I am completely shook about the beauty of the lobby. The. Lobby. Just standing in the lobby made me feel like I'm under-dressed for this academy. There's also a couple of people my age milling around. Are they students here too? If so, may the gods help me in socializing with my peers as my brain is currently short-circuiting from everything that has happened to me so far this day. I decided to make a beeline for one of the attendants at the counter so I can find my assigned room and calm my freaking nerves out.

In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Kalleth Sorry It's just that I once applied to a different RP that says that it's still accepting but they told me in the OC that they're not, so this is just to make sure ^u^
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Uh hi, are you guys still accepting?


The moon is shining in all its glory, bathing the night with mysterious but beautiful light. Despite its eerie yet magical glow, the moon is a sign of the hunt where predators of the night come out of their den to find food. Those who wander the Ashlands during this time would be considered brave or simply foolish. Whatever they may be, one thing's for certain: one of them is going to die. Tonight, however, the predators have found their prey and they're going in for the kill.

Standing alone in the middle of field is a beautiful girl, eyes closed while bathing herself in moonlight. The soft breeze of the cool night chills her yet she longs for it. It may be weird for a young woman to adore the moon and long for the night but she does not care about the norms of the society. After all, what kind of society do the Ashlands even have? Sometimes she thinks about the people living in such a place and survive an entire day without being attacked by the hostile outside forces. She waved her head. What is she even thinking? It is a waste of time to think about people who do not even think about you. In these lands, it is either to kill or to be killed; the soft-hearted will be the first ones to perish.

"Well well, who do we have here?"

She exhales softly. Her quiet and peaceful night seems to have passed its time limit. She does not have to open her eyes to know that the man who spoke is at her five o'clock.

"What a gorgeous flower you are! Care to join us love?"
"Yeah, we'll make sure to give you a night you won't forget."

Hm, it seems they are two now. Without one's gift, one can definitely tell that both men are drunk based on the slurs whenever they speak and the shuffling of their feet on the ground. Perhaps they are too drunk to even stand upright. Like most drunk men the young woman knew, they will immediately find an unlucky lady to mess with and rob her of her womanhood. She used to hear tales of women being raped by drunk mercenaries as a way of relieving oneself due to the stress of their missions and, when the men are satisfied that they have fulfilled their duties, they would throw the poor women away like a child to its broken toy.

Toy...? Aah, yes. It has been a while.

"Would you like for me to sing you a song first?", the young woman said without facing the two men. Smiling deviously, one of them said, "Sure beautiful. After your little concert, we're gonna make you scream". They both laugh their lungs out like there's no tomorrow.

The young woman smiles. She takes a deep breath and sings.

The first minute she sings of the marvelous beauty of women, captivating the hearts of many men. The way their hair flows when blown by the wind, their soft hands lingering on your skin with every touch, their delicate bodies yearning for your warmth. The men begin to space out with their mouths open, easily falling into the young woman's spider web thanks to their drunken stupor that makes easier to trick. They occasionally giggle at themselves; whatever they see in their mind when she is singing must be quite the spectacle. Not satisfied with her work, she continues to sing of the beauty of carnal pleasure, further igniting the men's infernal desire for a woman's touch.

She continues to do so for three minutes. When she stopped, she commanded final order without looking at the men:

"Make love until your last breath".

The two men, now breathing heavily due to the amount of lust in their bodies, begin to kiss each other ravenously. The young woman laughs merrily. It seems they are right: this is a night they will never forget.

Just like that, predators have become prey. The survivor, a woman with pink hair and bright blue eyes, looks at the moon one last time before making her way back home. After all, she does hate to make him wait.
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