Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Do you think I'll ever control my powers properly?"

That line of questioning gave him pause to think. While it was true that his own admittedly volatile temper had always been a problem, it was very slowly yetting better as he bit his tongue and chosen to walk away. Even stay quiet from time to time.
Usually with a glare to accompany the silence.

That hadn't been the case with Dia as they'd learned. Equally tempermental, the girl was quick to retaliate even when it went against her desires. Teachers had explained it away as some nonsense about balance yet Felix wasn't so sure. For all the flaws in the gym teacher he trusted Manilows assessment on the situation more.

"Someone told me that when you can't control it, no matter how hard you try, it means your raw ability beats your willpower. So.. I'd have to agree. You'll learn to hold it but worrying over it won't help you.".

Felix had a similar issue on the first few weeks at the academy, his sheer anger had made his own power boil over uncontrollably. At one point literally exploding.
Maybe Dia needed that same kind of outlet, a place she could go to her absolute limits without harming anything.

The entire time he considered the options available his hands worked from a tight grip across her back in a crushing hug down to a soft caress ever downward. By now both hands were idly at her hips, causing him to blush at the realization.

"You'll get where you need to go, babe. Could be today, might be in a month, but I'm gonna be with you every step of the way till we get there. Promise."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Arya10108909
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Arya10108909 The Fantasy Queen

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Amelia Lycrosse

"Yes, it's called steampunk." Amelia watched Jideh get up, kneel next to her, and peer at the flower behind her. "They probably do, Jideh. Do you think we should just eat back at the suite? I mean, I'm really enjoying dinner with you, but exams are on Sunday and- uh," Amelia cast her gaze down at the table,"I haven't studied," she whispered. Her face flushed bright red at the prospect that she might not study, but also somehow because Jideh was there. She decided that it must just be hot in the restaurant, as Jideh had already taken off his jacket and ws also flushing a bit. Amelia expected perfection of herself, and so the concept that one wouldn't study before exams, even if one didn't need to, was completely and utterly foreign. "I mean, I don't- I don't really need to study, if-if you wanted to, you know stay. I do. That is, I want to stay." Goodness Amelia, get control of that stutter, her brain was informing her. But her tongue didn't want to. You most certainly may not have a crush on your roommate, was the other thing her brain was informing her of, which Amelia thought reasonable for the most part, but also didn't think was entirely untrue.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Dia sighed, wrapping her arms around Felix's chest.
"Yeah...I guess that makes sense..." she mumbled, wiping her eyes on her shoulder. "I just wish I was making more prog..." she trailed off as her mind caught up to her body, blinking in surprise as her face flushed a deep crimson, Dia looked down at the hands on her hips. Biting her lip, she shook her head quickly as her heart beat faster.

Before she could stop herself, Dia had landed a deep kiss, her hands running through Felix's hair.

Several moments passed in that embrace, Dia's normally cold aura kicking up colder and colder.

It was when the lightbulb shattered that she jumped, falling off the bed, and realized what she was doing.

She tried several stuttering attempts at speech before huffing and throwing herself down in a mock tantrum, laying flat on floor and looking at the ceiling.

"D-dont d-do th-that." She muttered, partially to Felix, her power, and herself.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rabidporcupine
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Rabidporcupine Depression Tree.

Member Seen 1 day ago

Jeremy was lost.

This was a weird, new feeling for the excitable boy, as he tended to have a pretty good sense of direction most of the time, being able to make his way around his home town, which was only about thirty kilometres from where e was standing, with enough ease that some of his friends had begun to accuse him of teleportation. He wasn't the kind of kid to get lost. If anything, he was the one getting others lost when they tried to follow him!

Now though, he was at the Academy, the place he'd been looking forward to for most of his life, and he was lost in a maze of streets and alleys. Somehow, even with all the stories his parents had told him, he couldn't manage to find his way around.

And this was even with him trying to follow the streets towards the massive tower looming above everything!

Eventually, he made it to the tower properly, although it had taken about an hour! Still though, it was really beginning to hit him. After fifteen years of waiting, he had finally made it!

Taking a deep breath of anticipation, he stepped into the tower, doing his best to stop his excitement from taking over.

And then he chuckled lightly, before throwing his arms up into the air with a loud shout of exhilaration.


Well, it looked like he hasn't quite succeeded in keeping his excitement under control, but he honestly didn't care. He vaguely registered the stares from a few students as he ran happily around the room, quickly finding the stairs and sprinting up them, still giggling like an idiot.

"I wonder what my roomie will be like?" He laughed to himself as he ran.

Honestly, he wasn't sure what the point of running up the tower was apart from simple exploration. Still, he was sure that a student or teacher or something would eventually stop him, and then he could just ask them what he was meant to do!

Yep, that was a good enough plan. Definitely.

"This is gonna be the best!" He shouted, startling a couple of nearby students.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 23 days ago


I'm sorry ma'am, but you would have to wait just a wee bit longer. The administration is still fixing up your room assignment and that may take an hour or more, so please use this time to explore the academy. If you'd like, you can leave your belongings here as you wander the campus. You might find that the school has a lot of surprises just waiting to be found.

Those were the words Ms. Lobbyist said to Freya just a couple of moments ago. "Yeah, I can do that", Freya mumbled as she made her way outside, "Give me one whole year and I can confidently say I've mapped this entire place out."

Not that she's being too extreme, but this place is very huge. She's pretty sure everything as far as your eyes can see is the school's property. She has seen a lot of schools online that boast on how grand and majestic their campuses are, but this academy definitely takes the cake.

After walking for a couple of minutes, she remembered the perfect way to spend the time. She pulled out her phone and earphones and listened to Alessia Cara's "Seventeen"; she loves that girl so much. She concentrated and eventually sparks flew out of her hands. Other people call them sparks, she calls them baby fireworks even though they're just pure light and have no fire. The baby fireworks leave a trail as she waves her hands around which is perfect 'cause as far as she knew, she always wanted to be a human sparkler.

Now that Freya thought about it, she might look downright weird to anyone because she looks like a walking fireworks dispenser. She just laughed because she really just craves attention. Back at her past schools, she was given some weird looks here and there but didn't get any serious case of bullying. Guess being the daughter of a megastar does has its perks.

She doesn't see any people while looking around. Perfect, Freya thought. She rubbed her hands together and cartwheeled for dear life. Man, to be able to do anything out in public really works wonders for her shy self-esteem! For the next couple of minutes, she can pick her nose, scratch her butt, and daydream without anybody judging her! She sighed, life is good.

Eventually, even a bundle of energy such as herself gets tired too. Thankfully, she can see a bench that's just a couple of steps away when she listened to the next song on her playlist. Freya's eyes widened when she learned what it is: Beyonce's "Countdown".

Yep. From a walking human sparkler, she became a dancing human sparkler. She's pretty sure she's going to be hella tired later but actually, she's just too happy to even care.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago



(Sorry for short post)

The boy was helped up by the two other students that were there. Drow was glad to see that they got along so well. It didn't appear she herself was all that wanted here however when the two students that were helping the boy got up and headed off to god knows where. Drow frowned for a a moment thinking about what she had done to scare them away like this. Drow gave a short bow in return to say them goodbye and saw them off before turning back around to Alex.

The boy gave answere to the question about if he was fine. He said he wasn't hurt and didn't look hurt either so she was relieved to see and to know he was fine by flashing a kind brief smile his way. Drow turned the front of the notepad back at her face to write something else to the boy, then pen was quickly clicking its way over the paper before she turned it back to Alex his way again with a stretched out arm. Drow he writing was fairly detailed and tidy so anyone would be able to decipher it.

'I am a new teacher here this year, my name is Drow Winterfield and I am looking for students willing to join extra lessons if they feel behind or want to step up their game. You don't have to join but if you do want to join you can always leave later.'

The words sounded kind but Drow did not display much else then a blank glare at the boy. There was even a smiley drawn at the bottom yet it did not seem like Drow had drawn it.

'My element is lightning just like yours so I can give you some advice if you show me what you can do with what you have learned or if you have any seperate questions. I'm always willing to listen so don't be shy when you actually have a question.'
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 24 min ago

@Stern Algorithm
Three months had passed ever since Kanako had her one-on-one session with Catherine, and ever since, she had improved at her ability to manipulate wind, thanks to her teachings. Her major weakness was her ability to stay calm at all times, to keep her breathing even. She had gotten better at fixing it, though still far from perfect. Through these three months, she had a couple of other shameful events happening to her, mostly thanks to her short skirt. Nothing on the level of losing your skirt in front of a teacher thought, thankfully for her. She had learned not to accuse any boys who happened to catch a glimpse of her panties as perverts, since it could be an honest accident. Catherine always said to keep an open mind after all. Unfortunately, she still couldn't keep herself from being embarrassed and angry.

Hmm, why don't she just wear pants, you might ask? Well, she once wore them to class but it shamefully ripped right when she bent over in front of the class to pick up a fallen marker. She suspected that some pervert with a good ability to manipulate wind did it since there were many other times where her skirt would just fly up on her own. If she wore a skirt, she could counter it immediately with her own wind manipulation while there would be nothing she could do with a pair of ripped pants.

She continued her one-on-one training with Catherine, making her have more and more respect for the teacher. Her teaching wasn't just good, she was also a really good wind elementalist. She had sneakily tried to lift the hem of her skirt with her wind a couple of times, but every time her wind was nullified before it could even touch the fabric. She guessed this was what Catherine meant by having awareness of the air around you. Oh how she wished her control was as good as her.

And today, they would have their first test from the Headmaster, whatever that would be. She felt confident with her ability however. Whatever he would send at them, she should be able to handle it.

Time to prove the fruits of my training with Miss Catherine!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pseudo Stygian
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Pseudo Stygian A Phantom Thief

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

So you can make the violin play without touching it? Lyra's old teacher had said, when she called home after three months in the academy. She called her parents too, but they seemed more distant than they had been. They always changed the subject whenever anything about the elements came up. Instead, they asked her about the town, or academy building, or the atmosphere of the place, or her friends. She wanted to tell them about Zeke, but it was difficult. Zeke, who could paint colours in the air. They wouldn't believe a word about him.

The violin is a bit complicated. I'm surprised you can pull it off, her old teacher had said. Have you tried using the same tricks to play the recorder flute? It's a simpler instrument.

So today Lyra left her violin in the room and was instead carrying a recorder flute she'd bought in town. She could summon gusts of wind now, which create different notes according to which part of the flute they went through. It was a bit difficult to control, and it was a completely different feeling to when she was playing the violin. She continued making random notes through the flute, slowly figuring out how to make it sing, as her feet were carrying her around the academy grounds.

Eventually, something distracted her enough to make her look up. There were sparks in the air, like a small firework party right on the grass. She blinked, then saw that there was a girl underneath those sparks, dancing to an inaudible rhythm. Lyra wasn't sure if she'd seen her before, but her firework dance was mesmerising. She stood while her mind ran.

Sparks from her fingers. Fire? No, it doesn't feel like one. Is just light then? But not the same light like Zeke. And those movements, the kind of music she might be listening to needs a beat that's....

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 1 day ago

Leanne Hillcrest

@Rune_Alchemist@Regitnui@Sailorsadie@Stern Algorithm

Aaand things were not exactly improving the situation. The more people that seemed to arrive, the more the boy seemed to get nervous, until he seemed to brighten up and latch onto an asian-looking girl with glasses of some sort. Actually, was that a.....small cloud? Like, a literal little cloud just sitting there? That was actually kinda cool, but the hoodie-wearing darkness element user was glad the boy here at least had someone to latch onto familiar in all of this. Though it was not like Eir and co were helping the matter by pressing for information. Blarg. She didn't want to freak the poor guy out until he started flailing his arms in fear, or something to an extreme, and so as she felt the mass of the snow-haired sloth sinking into her side, she let out a sigh at the matter.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Zeke. I'm Leanne," the brown-haired girl said to Zeke, doing her best to be friendly despite the slight awkwardness she could feel in the air, "And this friend of mine here is Eir, who could probably eat a potato chip company into bankruptcy."

Letting out a small laugh, attempting to bring a little humor into things in order to try to help things feel somewhat less awkward, Leanne then glanced back to the blob attached to her. Mmm, Eir was right about the piggyback thing being effective...albeit, in Leanne's mind it'd be most effective in moving Eir to another sleeping spot. Wasn't too hard to keep track of her smol waifu gaming buddy and snack enthusiast extraordinaire when it came down to it. Easy to keep her in one place to. Kinda like a pet turtle, except turtles probably had more energy and motivation.

"Ah, but we need to get to class, like you noted there Zeke," the brown-haired girl said, rubbing the back of her head with one hand before taking a knee and looking to Eir, an amused but small smile on her face as she contemplated things, "Alright, Eir. Me giving you a piggyback and a head pillow it is, but i'm taking you to class just so you know."

Such was life. But Leanne did like her smol sloth, even if it took bribes of pizza and free head pillows to get her to move.

Diana Schwarzwald

It had been a fruitful morning, at least, though the light growl of the girl's stomach was a sure sign of...maybe having forgotten breakfast this morning? Laughing aloud to herself at the realization, Diana finished pulling on her shirt, only a tiny bit of moisture still visible on her head or dotted on her clothes occasionally. She had finally gotten dressed, at least, and threw a towel around her neck that she had brought here as she began to talk towards the building where classes were. She needed to be there on time, at least, but the peace and quiet had been a bit needed after the previous day's....very loud nature when a couple of Fire Elementalist classmates had argued over something about a "girlfriend" and had come to blows. Pfft. She had let the teacher handle the matter, as she wasn't a referee for such things. Might've just made things worse if she had done something, really.

That being noted, she wasn't going to mess around if she did do something in a situation like that. Really, she wasn't one to mess around at all when she put her mind to something.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Kalleth
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Kalleth Let me tell you / a story friend...

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Jideh Basrah


"It's fine, I'd prefer to eat here if it's all the same to you. Besides, I wouldn't worry about studying. The exams at this school, the ones that don't have to do with regular classes like Biology or Calculus, I'm going to guess that they'll be much more practical than theoretical. Which means you shouldn't say you haven't studied, but rather, that you haven't trained enough. But I suppose I don't really know myself, have you trained enough? In fact, Amelia, why don't we play a game? If I win, you have to take care of a plant of my choosing. If you win, I'll read that Highmoor Crypts book, or whatever it's called."

Jideh took the pitcher of water that a waiter had dropped off at their table and poured a glass full enough so that the meniscus could be seen pressing outward, held back only by surface tension. He placed another glass at the other end of the table, empty, and grinned widely at his little challenge. Privately, he wasn't even sure if he'd be up to the challenge, but this seemed a delightfully entertaining way to grab the girl's attention and try to accommodate her worry at the same time. He looked at her expectantly, his eyebrow raised and his hands waving with dramatic flair. Jideh enjoyed playing the showman, especially when it came to silly pursuits such as these.

"Well? Have you figured it out yet? The game? This can't be that inscrutable." Jideh chuckled as a passing patron's steps shook their own table, causing the water to ripple dangerously, almost overflowing but not quite. "Well I'll just up and tell you then. The objective of this game, Amelia, is for us to each in turn attempt to move the water in this glass to the other. Obviously, we can't use anything but our elemental powers to move the water, and we also can't break anything, or in any other way make a scene. This should help to exercise our fine control of our abilities, and as neither of us is a water-elementalist, this shouldn't be childishly easy. You can go first Amelia, since your element is less likely to make a mess than mine will.

Jideh sat back and relaxed, intent on studying how proficient she was at her own element, while he toyed with his own ideas in the back of his mind. Depending on how well she performed, he wouldn't need to worry about doing all that well himself, and could even perhaps beat her with a single drop of water in the other glass. He would have to wait and see, because he had guesses as to how she'd try and accomplish the task, but there was no real way for him to be certain.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Here it comes.

Bracing himself with a deep breathe, the burning in his chest spread across his body. It was a neat trick he had learned by necessity to keep from being literally frozen over by Dia whenever he played the flirty game too well, to which she always seemed to respond in a similar fashion. An adorable little yelp of surprise and..

Like clockwork, the air got stiflingly cold until the lightbulb simply popped with a flash.

"D-dont d-do th-that."

Rolling off the bed and onto his feet he smiled down at her.

"My mistake. They've got a mind of their own! Can't resist your soft skin."

Felix stuck a hand out to help her up while grinning. Taking the hand would invite the usual mischief, of course, but that didn't mean he wasn't genuinely trying to help her up too. Just that there was an added benefit of getting to hold her close for a bit longer before it happened.

... Morning classes.

"Come on up then. You can have a shower first while I make breakfast. Pancakes sound good?"

With his father being a chef he had taught Felix enough about cooking that he wasn't stuck with half-assed cereal most mornings. One of the few good memories of that man these days.


Icarus crept up the stairs quietly as could be while his target lounged peacefully on the ledge of a top floor windowsill. Normally his job was just to keep some of the bigger problems on the very outskirts of the city, and the problems at the top of the mountain from reaching the bottom of the mountain, but work was slow so it was just minor pest removal today. Truth be told 'pest' was a strong word it was just that the school didn't want the local cats and dogs wandering into sensitive areas or where students were learning; accidents happened.

The target right now was a short haired orange tabby having a snooze in the sunlight on the very top floor of the academy. Icarus was to grab it, take it down to the city proper, and return it to its owner. Assuming it had tags of some kind.
If not it was going back to his own home where it would mingle with the other 20 or so strays without a home. The property was vast and secluded with many adopting as they pleased so one more wasn't much of a problem.

"Easy now.." Another creeping step forward. "Not gonna harm you.." A few more steps.. "Just need to take you h-"

"This is gonna be the best!" Jeremy shouted.


The cat reared up at the sudden sound and hissed, irritated by the sudden noise and sprang at the nearest individual. Unfortunately that was Mr.Flynn. Hissing and scratching in a flurry of angry fur it scurried off down the stairs, slipping through Jeremy's legs and down the staircase. Likely right out through the front doors..

Drawing in his own sharp intake of breathe he looked at his wrist and noted several small cuts starting to bleed. Not in any way a serious wound by any stretch but still.. tedious.


Chuckling to himself, Icarus rubbed his wrist and started down the steps to the source of the noise. The source was a white haired boy climbing the steps with gusto, apparently quite the athlete to not be winded this high up.

"Oi, oi, oi! Slow it down here Champ. Rate you're goin' you'll hit the top floor and fling yourself right off the railing before you can stop! Wheres the fire?
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 23 days ago


Freya never felt so free in her life, except for that one time she got lost in Disneyland during a vacation with her family. She was found later in the afternoon, smiling like a maniac with wild eyes and body shaking from sugar and adrenaline as she went back in line to ride Space Mountain for the fifth time.

Eventually, she stopped shaking her little and non-existent booty and shut down her sparks as she sat down at the bench she saw earlier. She took off her earphones and looked up at the sky, catching her breathe but the smile on her face still remained. She listened to the next song on her playlist: "Primadonna" by Marina and the Diamonds, a bit understated but still a classic.

She was about to sing along with the artist until she saw a girl with short hair and blue eyes looking at her. She seems to be holding a recorder flute with her. Ooooh, another musician! How awesome!, Freya thought. She stood up and skipped towards the girl looking at her. Honestly, nobody knows where Freya gets her energy from.

Freya stopped in front of the girl with a jump and stretched her hand out to her to shake hands. "Hey girl! My name's Freya A-", she stopped herself. She's not sure if the nice girl knows her nor does she show any indication that she recognizes her as the daughter of the Sandra Amillis. She also doesn't know if this girl knows either her mom and her dad; despite their fame and success, it's still possible for someone to not know them especially if that someone is not into music or is just into a different genre. She then took the opportunity of making friends with a total stranger without informing them of her surname. It's not that she hates her surname, but this is a chance for her to make a mark on her own without the influence of her parents!

She coughed a bit and continued. "And I'm really excited to start the new school year with my new classmates! What's your name, by the way?", she said with a serene smile on her face.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sadie
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Sadie Unknown

Member Seen 1 day ago

Bhu Adamina

Her attention was pulled away from Eirwen by arms quickly wrapping around her torso. Raising a brow, she looked down to see Zeke attached to those arms. She gave a small grin and returned the sentiment before he pulled away from her. Then came the nickname. Biting the inside of her cheek, she looked over at the boy and gave him a small grin. She wasn't too fond of the name, though it did work for her. Bhu knew it was a play on her name, but she was definitely a bookworm...So, she didn't mind the name in all it's entirety. Besides, the boy was innocent and as pure as the light he created. She loved being around his energy.

"Help?" What exactly did he need help with? The girl was confused until Zeke moved to stand behind his friend. He was definitely nervous about something. With a tilt of her head, she glanced at Leanne and Eirwen with a crooked grin. Before she could explain, Leanne knealt down and introduced herself. Bhu grinned at the girl's attempt to make Zeke comfortable. Said a lot about her character. With a clearing of her throat, she gave a small nod. "Zeke just has a different way of seeing the world, don't you?" She grinned at the boy and shrugged. "While everyone else sees in black and white, he sees color."

Turning her attention back to Leanne and Eirwen, she raised a brow at the interaction between the two. The two had a more deep connection than Bhu currently had with anyone at the school- it was something the girl was a tad bit jealous of. Running her hand through her hair, she gave a grin to Eirwen and shook her head. "Getting carried now, Wen? I swear, how you don't gain any weight is a godsend. I have to work out just by looking at a bag of chips."

@Rune_Alchemist@Crusader Lord@Regitnui
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Dia smiled, looking at the glass scattered around the room, as she accepted the hand and the hijinks that entailed.

"Pancakes sound better than whatever I would ruin," she replied with a giggle. "Felix, I..." she shook her head lightly, embarrassed, slipping out of his grasp and grabbing her clothes for her shower.

She stopped at the door, looking back at Felix for a moment.

"I love you," she said quietly for the first time before ducking into the bathroom and starting her shower.

She let herself relax in the shower, that pit of anxiety uncoiling slightly as she felt the water around her. With a wave of her hand through her hair, an idea came to her. Maybe she'd be able to convince Kano or someone to create an ice fixture for their light? Then she wouldn't be breaking it constantly.

Mhmm. Something to remember.

She turned off the water, taking her time to dry off. She got dressed, taking extra time on her hair, before she came back out, feeling nervous.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 3 days ago


@Regitnui@Crusader Lord@Sailorsadie@Stern Algorithm

...This 'Zeke' was so troublesome. Such a terrible personality. Coward, shy, and couldn't handle people. The worst sort in her opinion. Oh well, better than being over ambitious she supposed. Well, whatever. It wasn't her problem but she wasn't going to be wasting her energy on someone who could barely hold a conversation without getting a panic attack. Asking someone for their name shouldn't be such a frightening matter. Zeke and the others introduced themselves, Eirwen simply stared passively in her usual manner until Leanne addressed her again.

"Rude." Eirwen replied with a small pout as Leanne commented on her eating habits. Well, she wasn't wrong, but she was at least going to lightly voice her displeasure as Bhu commented on her weight, or at least her lack of ability to gain any. She simply shrugged dismissively before climbing on top of Leanne, giving Bhu a smug seeming smirk as she patted Leanne on the head almost as if saying 'I am fabulous'. "Fiiine. Too class then." She yawned, wrapping her arms around Leanne's neck, and resting her head against hers.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 5 days ago

@Sailorsadie@Rune_Alchemist@Crusader Lord@Regitnui

Peeking out from his hands, he looked up carefully, but his face soon lit up. "Braids!" Zeke recognised the cloud over a girl's head, and waved. "Braids!" Someone else had joined the group as well, but he didn't immediately make any connection. Instead, he walked over to Braids and gave her a brief hug. "I was walking and I got bumped into by a puddle and now I'm confused. Please help," He asked, and looked back at the group.

"P-puddle?" ShiZhen asked, taken aback by Zeke's sudden hug. Looking around, she could only assume he had meant Eirwen, who happened to be laying on the ground. She let herself wander closer to the group, but she gave Zeke a reminder, "Remember, Zeke, we should use people's proper names. We can only call someone by a nickname if they're okay with it." ShiZhen had no issue with being called 'Braids' by Zeke, but she said this as he referred to Bhu as 'Bookie'. Looking at the group, she remembered their names, though she was really only at cordial-level with them. She recgnized Leanne as the 'dark' elemental, though coming from a non-elemental background, ShiZhen didn't understand why a good number of other students avoided her, but at least Leanne seemed to have hit it off with Eirwen at least, though ShiZhen hoped that it wasn't a case of the smaller girl taking advantage of Leanne's solitude.

Having been an older sister to several younger siblings, ShiZhen naturally gravitated towards the hapless Zeke. Though they were the same age, many of his mannerisms made him seem like a younger child, causing ShiZhen's big sister persona to kick in. jhowever, while she was thinking this, Bhu gave Leanne and Eirwen a simple enough response.

"Y-yes, that's right, Zeke also has a tendency to get fixated on things he finds pretty, and in his attempt to either recreate it with his light-painting abilities, or to simply capture it on camera, he tends zone out everything around him. So please forgive him if he's caused offense," ShiZhen bowed slightly in the general direction of Leanne and Eirwen, unsure who had been offended or how.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Arya10108909
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Arya10108909 The Fantasy Queen

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Amelia Lycrosse

Amelia nodded slowly, delighted at the child's game, although not entirely sure how she would manage it. Just as Jideh began to sit back, she felt her powers whoosh back into her. "Sure," Amelia said as he explained the rules and goal and stakes. She evaporated the water in one glass, formed a cloud over the other, and rained it back into the other glass. "That showy enough for you?" She sat back in her chair, her powers once again drained. When food showed up at their table, she dove in like a rabid wolf, devouring everything that was hers, and skirting around Jideh's food. She wondered how, exactly, he would manage it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rabidporcupine
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Rabidporcupine Depression Tree.

Member Seen 1 day ago


"Ah, no, that'd be fine." Jeremy said, turning to the new voice. "I'd just grab the side at some point and climb down! I've done it before, even if those ones were only a few stories high..."

He scratched the back of his head, feeling slightly sheepish even through his excitement.

"Anyway, the fires in the cathedral, but I'm sure you'd already know that. I'm just really excited to be here, even if I honestly have no idea what I'm meant to be doing right now. My mum and dad have been telling me stories about this place since I was a little kid, and even if most of them ended in trouble, its still really exciting just to be here!"

As he spoke, his excitement grew once more, acting almost similar to an excitable dog.

"Anywayanywayanyway, you're a teacher or something, right?" He asked, almost bouncing in place from excitement. "My names Jeremy Lindall, and I just transferred in! like I said before, I have no idea what I'm meant to be doing or where I'm meant to be going, but would it be possible for you to help me find out?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CrabInATree
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CrabInATree Lord of Crabbiness

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alex gave a small thanks as Chaska slid his books towards him then wandered off back in the direction he had been going before. He seemed like he didn't like crowds very much, a sentiment that Alex understood all to well. Still, Alex felt like it would have been good to get to chat a little bit. He really didn't have a lot of people to hang out with, and Chaska seemed like a nice person. Maybe they could actually be friend. But he was probably to busy to hang out with Alex anyways.

Then Bhu made a comment about a nurse that came dangerously close to turning Alex's face redder than a cherry and said goodbye. "Oh, uh....bye." He said, raising a hand a little late as she turned and left, his voice coming out a little quieter then he had meant for it too. He felt a strange feeling in his stomach as he watched her go. Like a churning that made him want to call to her before she could leave, but he was too late.

Damn, that was weird, why do I feel so....

Was it sad? Sad that she was leaving? He really did think of her as a friend, maybe one of the only ones he had. But at the same time he had a hard time talking to her...or anyone. He just felt so awkward for some reason. Scared that he was gonna say something stupid and she would hate him and never talk to him again.

Alex shook his head a little as he stood and picked up his books. The teacher held out her pad again and Alex read with interest. Her face never changed, and she didn't seem to talk, but her words came off as kind. He had to admit he was curious why she chose to communicate like this, but he would never bring something like that up. He was sure she had a reason for not speaking.

Extra lessons? Hmm, maybe that's what I need. And shes a lightening elementalist so I'm sure she can help me out. Maybe this is what I need to get past whatever is slowing down.

"O..ok! That would be great! When did you want to start Miss Winterfield?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"As you wish."

With Dia in the next room getting undressed, something Felix couldn't help but think about despite trying his best not to, the young man focused his mond on the task at hand. Pancakes were easy to make, and often the easiest with practice over a traditional egg and toast, so he set to work with quick efficiency.
One of the first modifications he had done to the room was get a proper kitchen island. Nothing elaborate, a simple smooth piece of worked stone set on four polished sturdy legs. Atop it was a a sieve, glass bowl, whisk, and the ingrediants he had pulled out.

The school was so well supplied they allowed students to pick whatever they wanted from a gigantic list of items, letting them cook for thenselves. He'd asked about that unusual practice and was pleased to find out that the school treated it as a practical form of self teaching and maturity. Prepping your own meals gave you a healthy respect for self care and a practical skill.
Sometimes the teachers in charge of the cafeteria asked for samples when a student asked for ingrediants and provided a recipe, receiving bonus credits for attempting difficult meals instead of remaking the same thing repeatedlt.

Felix had personally opted away from such a thing as much as he could. Confidence in himself and his abilities were at an all time low, but for Dia he put in his best efforts.

In a large bowl he sifted together the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. As a bonus he added in brown sugar to make the oancakes sweeter and darker before mixing together, finally making a well in the center. Finally he poured in the milk, egg and some melted butter. On the stovetop he had a large cast iron pan heating up as he whisked the ingredients into a smoothe batter.
When it was at the right consistency he threw in a handfull of blueberries and went to the pan.

Butter was spread evenly along the bottom before he tipped the bowl. Three flat circles were made at a time, Felix using the cooking time to clean off his work station while flipping over the pancakes. Whenever a fresh stack was ready he put them on a plate and left it on the island. There were two high chairs on the opposite side, making it a table when necessary.

With the last pancakes cooked he turned off the stove and placed his. Own buttered stack on the table, laying out knife and fork.

While waiting for Dia, he grabbed the broom and dustpan and went to pick up the shattered glass. A smile on his face the entire time.

"Sloooow it down there, Jeremy was it? I'm getting old, can barely keep up with you!"

Taking a handkerchief out of his shirt pocket he dabbed at the scratches while he began walking down the way Jeremy had come up. Top floor wasn't a place for those not ready to feel the winds fury, or lose their breathe to the view. From atop the school you could see the city proper at the base of the mountain.

"Hate to ruin the fun but I'm not a teacher. Though I know the place well enough to be, I'd wager. Hasn't changed much since I was a lad here. First you gotta get down to the main offices, find someone there on the first floor that can point you to a classroom. Got about 30 minutes before homeroom starts so they'll put you where ypu need to go. After that it's just regular classes."

The school was unique to how it operated, technically only doing a half day over western schooling that went into the afternoon. Around here it became elememtal training from lunch till dinner if you so chose. Students were required to practice regularily, with or without teachers, and advised first years to be cautious and practice on the grounds where even if something did go wrong damage could be minimized.

The pair arrived at the first floor and Icarus squinted as he looked out the windows. Another breezy sunny day in paradise.

"Look kid, I dunno your element so can't guide you much further than this. You find me out in the fields later don't hesitate to say hi though."

Hopefully the lad wouldn't think he was being dismissive.

@Arya10108909,@baraquiel,@CrabInATree,@Crusader Lord,@hagroden,@Hammerman,@Kalleth,@liferusher,@Old Amsterdam,@Pseudo Stygian,@Raptra,@Regitnui,@Rune_Alchemist,@Sailorsadie,@Stern Algorithm,@zelosse

The Academy was designed to teach elementalists how to control their emotions and extend their will to the spirits of nature dancing invisibly around them, having only become a proper school within the laat few hundred years or so. Other students had brought on developed change and added corriculum as the need arose until it became a school that served more than its own original purpose.

Academics and Spiritual teachings were given equal footing with no emphasis on one over the other, aiming for students to learn what they felt was needed for them while still allowimg personal growth in the areas they wanted.

College and University levels of learning were even available in the city as retired professors flocked from across the globe to settle and help expand.

At the Academy the first 3 months were dedicated to establishing course times amd locations. The first floor of the academy branched off into structured classrooms used for all years, multiple faculty members taught a wide variety of subjects as needed.

The days were structured differently once students were familiar with the groundsand requirememts.

8:30am: Homeroom / Announcements

9:00am: Gym - Commonly referred to as Manilows gauntlet

10:15am: English / Sciences / Mathematics
(Students pick which course they want to take and alternate as they wish.)

11:30am: Designated Studies
(This is where courses a student chooses to do becomes relevant. Photography, Sciences, metal shop, woodworking, tech, whatever you dedicated to.)

12:30pm: Lunch

1:15pm - 1:45pm: Homework / Dedicated Studies

Students have a great deal of freedom when it comes to their school lives. Morning homeroom and the afternoon homework session are Mandatory for all students but the others are not. It is emcouraged that you go but some do not learm in classrooms crowded by others, so they are allowed to pick up their class courses at the start of the day and do the homework at their own pace.

The only requirement is that your grades in said course remain steady while inderstanding course material.
Designated studies aren't mandatory but it is advised you make the best use of this time. Teachers are encouraged to teach multiple subjects to help where it is needed, broadening their own skills in the process.

Because there are 3 classes in one hourly slot it is up to the students to determine where they struggle the most and attend those classes for more hands on learning under a teachers supervision. Homework is still given from the other two, to be handed in at the end of the week.
In rare occurrences a student struggles with all sunjects they are asked to substitute their designated studies with the class they are struggling with.

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