Avatar of baraquiel


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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Most Recent Posts

Time: Night
Location: Trance
Interactions: Violet - @princess

Mo was delighted. She didn't expect to meet such a kind person outside of her apartment. She was cooped up in her apartment for so long, with only her online clients and friends and her ghostly roommate Amanda for company, that she feared she forgot how to speak in front of an actual living human being. Mo was just used to the quirkiness and eerieness of ghosts though there were still those that retained their good nature from when they were alive.

She smiled at the kind stranger. "Hey Violet. Yep, I guess you can say the indoors are more of my thing. I'm still kind of confused about where is where in this place but I have to say, I'm beginning to like it here." It's a good thing Violet never noticed about Mo glancing every once in a while at the ghosts in the club. Rather, maybe she did notice but she just mistook Mo as someone who's easily distracted. Mo was good either way.

The reason why Mo kept on looking at the ghosts was that she wanted to keep an eye on them. They might be nothing from the perspective on the living, but they haven't had the slightest idea on the power of the dead and how these ghosts affected every waking moment of their lives.

So far Monica only kept seeing regular grey-skinned ghosts, with a couple of random Succubi and Incubi here and there. With the presence of the sexual spirits, the woman was pretty sure some people were already making out somewhere here. She figured they were all safe in Trance as long as there weren't any Furies and Corrupted within the vicinity. Otherwise, things could get real ugly.

Mo took a moment to think when Violet offered her a tour. "Oh that's so nice of you. I would really appreciate it. I'm kind of like a freelancer at the moment so it's easy for me to go out whenever I like. Let me get my number." Mo said before getting her phone from her bag. Her first time out of her apartment for so long and she already saw a woman getting in trouble and another woman offering her kindness, both ends of the spectrum. Mo wondered whether she was a trouble magnet or a good samaritan.

She paused from looking her number through her contacts when Violet told her she wanted to excuse herself for a moment. "Of course. Take your time." Violet seemed very troubled by something because she was calling someone on her phone and looking around the club as well. Now that Monica thought about it, she did notice Violet was with someone a while ago before she approached her.

Mo was worried. She read articles on the internet about women being roofied or something by sleazy men in clubs. She put a hand on Violet's shoulder. "Violet, is everything okay? Do you want me to call the police or...?"

Time: Night
Location: Trance
Interactions: Violet - @princess

Monica just ignored the girl making a huge ruckus with the bouncers and instead focused because she was bored out of her mind. It only took Monica a few minutes to focus, but she eventually got the hang of it.

It was very hard to see ghosts in places like this mainly because it's darker than normal and it has lots of bright and probing lights which made it difficult for her to see the aura of the dead. Nevertheless, Monica could easily see the others as well once she saw one of them.

She saw a guy wearing a mohawk and raising his closed fist while moving along to the rhythm of the beat, but a broken glass bottle of beer was sticking on his head. She saw a lesbian couple wearing outfits reminiscent of the 1970s. They hugged and danced in each other's arms as their bodies were full of bullet holes. She even saw a middle-aged Kindred man wearing a waiter uniform at the bar. His arms were crossed and he looked proudly at his still-alive, bartender son who was very happy in mixing and giving drinks to the customers.

She even saw a couple more including a Succubus that glowed with pink sexual energy as she floated around to look for passed-out drunk guys. Who knew that such a loud and chaotic environment would attract lots of ghosts? Monica was even surprised Amanda wasn't here. She always figured the ghost as more of a people person than Monica was, but she guessed even ghosts wanted to have their alone time as well.

Suddenly, Monica was surprised when her view was blocked by someone. She looked up and saw a girl with honey brown wavy hair looking curiously at her. Monica suddenly felt conscious; she was nowhere fashionable than this seemingly nice lady.

Monica blinked a bit before answering. "Oh, um... kinda? I mean, I've been living here for the past few months but I rarely go out. The only reason I'm here was that my friend convinced me to go out and make friends but..." Monica shrugged but she remembered to stand up and offer the kind girl her hand.

"Hey there, I'm Monica. You can call me Mo," Monica said with a smile. As Mo talked to the girl, she couldn't help but glance a bit at the ghosts in Trance. She couldn't lie, it did make her look a bit crazy.

Time: Night
Location: Apartment going to Trance

Monica woke up with a snort. She was thinking so deeply about an idea for her next project that she didn't realize she fell asleep on her desk. It was night time and the outside was filled with yellow and white lights that came from apartment and house windows, as well as the passing cars and the lamp posts on the street. She watched people of all ages walk and go about their lives. Well, majority of them were people. The outside lights helped brighten Monica's darkened room a bit and she rubbed her face before feeling the walls to open her lights.

She sleepily walked towards her bathroom. She looked at her groggy reflection in the mirror before leaning over the sink to wash her face before wiping herself. When she stood up, she saw the reflection of another person behind her. It was a woman with bluish-grey skin and dark brown eyes wearing a long white dress with even longer billowing sleeves. Her long black hair was spread out behind her head as she looked at Monica with wide frightening eyes and an open mouth.

Monica, however, was not impressed. "How predictable, Amanda."

The ghostly woman named Amanda dropped her arms and groaned exasperatedly. "Oh come on! How are ya not afraid? Guys and girls will always scream their butts off whenever I do it!"

"Yeah, you try to scare the girl that could see ghosts." Monica shrugged and gave Amanda a 'Welp' expression as she went on of the bathroom. Amanda pouted but followed her. "That's like so unfair, y'know. I've been trying to scare ya 78 times and I didn't even hear a single scream from ya!"

78 was the number of days that passed since Monica started seeing ghosts again. It's also the number of days that had passed since she last saw her aunt, leaving nothing but a letter in an envelope. The words 'Open only when you're alone' was written on the envelope's back with the word 'alone' underlined. Monica was confused at first because she was the only one living in this apartment until she realized: her aunt knew of the girl's gift. Her aunt also knew Monica will never be alone because of the ghosts randomly roaming about the living world. Monica decided to just keep the letter a secret for now as she knew she would have to read it eventually.

She tied her hair back in a bun before heating up water for her hot chocolate. Well, it's not my fault I don't scare easily. Besides, I watch horror movies all the time. Have you seen my watch history?".

Amanda pouted, crossing her arms and hovering mid-air as she watched Monica prepare her drink. "Hmph! Ghosts from Hollywood are nothin' compared to the real ones! Not all ghosts look demonic and bloody and ugly and...", Amanda rumbled on. Monica listened to the ghost while sipping her hot chocolate and what the ghost said reminded Monica of the first time she saw her.

Ghosts could change their clothes and hairstyles but only if they wore those clothes and had those hairstyles when they were still living. The things they can't change were their sex and skin tone which was always bluish-grey. Other than that, they still retained their mannerisms, accents, and way of thinking even after death.

From Monica's time in spending here and due to Amanda's talkative nature, she knew the ghost was 22 years old when she died but she died so long ago that she lost count of how long she was a ghost. She didn't want to get to the specifics of how she died which Monica respected. Not all ghosts wanted to say how they died, especially if it was in a tragic, untimely, or humiliating way. However, Monica did notice Amanda's particular distaste in the words 'sweetie' and 'honey'.

Monica snapped back to reality when Amanda clapped. "Oh my gosh, I just remembered! I heard from a couple of my ghost friends that there's a party goin' on in Trance. Y'know, the club that's suspiciously close to a grade school? Anyway, I heard there's a lot of handsome men there. I think this is the perfect chance for ya to meet up with people, eh?". Amanda smiled and playfully nudged Monica's arm, which felt like a cool breeze blowing on her skin.

Monica sighed. "Amanda, there's always a party going on there; it's a club. I don't think I'll like it there," she said.

"Oh come on, girl! You've been cooped up in this apartment for days. Ya really need to get out and meet other people or ya might rot here forever! That's not a good way to go, y'know. Just please do it for little ol' me?", Amanda said as she batted her ghostly eyes at Monica.

It was true that she hadn't gotten out of the apartment for so long. The only people she talked to where Amanda and her online clients. She looked at Amanda acting all goofy and she sighed in defeat. "Okay fine, I'll do it. It might be good to meet some potential clients in person too."

Some time later...

Monica was riding a cab on the way to Trance. She was wearing her simple, go-to outfit: a white cardigan over her white tank top, denim jeans, brown sandals, and a faux leather brown bag. Amanda was shocked that Monica was willing to go to a club looking like that but the ghost reluctantly approved of the outfit because Monica was more comfortable wearing that. She left the apartment with the television playing Amanda's favorite telenovela show La Isla Bonita since she couldn't touch the remote.

The woman tried not to look outside of the cab's window but she glanced every once in a while. Ghosts of all ages roamed the streets while the living continued with what they were doing, ignorant of the fact that they weren't the only ones in this world. Perhaps, Monica thought, there was bliss in living ignorantly.

As her cab passed by, she saw an elderly man walking slowly with his cane accompanied by a smiling old woman, probably his wife. She put her hand on his back and looked at her husband fondly as she glowed like the warm sun. While in traffic, she saw a headless man wearing formal attire as he sat across a woman talking to someone on the phone. She broke down in tears and rested her hand on the table for support. The headless man reached out to put his hand over hers, trying to comfort her. In his other hand, he was holding a small box with an engagement ring inside.

As the traffic light turned green, Monica sighed and looked ahead. It sucked being able to see the dead because you'll only feel sadness for them, yearning to feel their loved one's touch and wishing they could be seen by them. Monica could help but she didn't want to meddle in the affairs of the supernatural. Besides, what good would it be to help with someone else's problems if she couldn't even solve her own first?

After a while, the cab stopped at the entrance of Trance and Monica got out. It was just like any other club in Monica's eyes, though there were a bunch of people gawking and watching something happening on the inside. She heard them say a woman was causing a ruckus with the bouncers or something like that. The people and the guards were so distracted by what's happening that Monica took this chance to sneak in so she wouldn't have to fall in line and pay.

She saw the woman being held by the bouncers while she kept screaming she's being raped even though it looked like she weren't. It's Monica's first time out in a long time and she was already met with chaos. Sighing, she pushed through the crowd until she could see a vacant seat. She waved a waiter over and told them to get her any kind of drink. She sat silently with her chin on her hand, her eyes scanning the crowd from time to time.

In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

TIME: Afternoon
LOCATION: Somewhere in Daka Island

Despite being the land of the demons, Daka Island was also known to have places where it will always be constantly dark no matter what time of the day it was. Creatures of darkness thrived on the island as they could comfortably hunt down unsuspecting prey without the fear of being harmed by sunlight. An example of a place on Daka Island where the sun cannot shine upon was a cave that was blocked by hanging vines of flowers so deadly that one touch of them could instantly rot your flesh. Deep inside the cave was an expansive space bountiful of luminous crystals. For some reason, demons and those who were weak to light were not affected by the natural soft light emitted by these objects. It was then decided that this will be the main hideout of a group of demons.

Two members of the mentioned group were already there. Zatu the Mask of Pain was sitting right in front of these glowing crystals. He, along with his sister, was asleep for so long, he forgot that such things like these exist in this world. A larger humanoid loomed over the little one. Using one hand, the red-faced demon tossed his kanabō up in the air and caught it by its handle. He tossed it again but he was too slow this time to catch its handle and his kanabō pulverized the ground it landed on. He laughed boisterously as the wheel on his back was automatically lit on fire and spun, reacting to his emotions.

"Little Zatu, where are the others?", Gekido the Searing Storm said. No matter how joyful he could be, one could notice the immeasurable amount of rage he had in his voice, like a volcano threatening to erupt. "We have been waiting here for about quite some ti-"

"Hush now, Gekido." Zatu and Gekido turned to the source of the voice. A corner in the cavern was not as light and it was filled with pure darkness as two figures stepped out of the shadow. The first was a beautiful woman whose skin was as pale as death, and under her was an enormous spider. One could mistake her as riding the arachnid when in fact the spider was a part of her. She was soon followed by Urna the Mask of Woe, head always looking down in shyness as she hugged her stuffed toy.

When the spider woman spoke, it's as if a swarm of insects learned to speak in unison. "Greetings, Zatu, Gekido. We hoped we did not make you men wait for too long?".

"Oh not at all, Lady Hōshasen! Patience is a virtue, especially if we are waiting for such beautiful women like you," Gekido smiled as he bowed before Urna and Hōshasen the Plaguemother. Zatu ran towards his sister and the siblings embraced each other. Hōshasen smiled at the homunculi children. "Excellent. Now, all we are waiting for is one."

A loud thud echoed throughout the cavern. The four demonic creatures looked expectantly at the darkened pathway of the cavern that led to the vine-covered entrance. What emerged was a middle-aged rabbit demihuman, walking forward like a puppet on a string. His irises and pupils were grey as he looked in front of him with lifeless eyes. What followed him was an even taller bat-like creature. It hunched as it crawled, leaning on its long and muscular arms.

The creature opened its mouth to speak but instead, it was the demi-rabbit that spoke for him. It used the poor demihuman to channel its voice; it sounded bellowing and echo-like as if it were speaking through a well. "Apologies for the wait. I had trouble finding a suitable channel."

"Worry not, Utsuro. Come and take your place," Hōshasen said as Utsuro the Voidcaller and his channel went to their place. The rest of the demons sat in a circle as Utsuro's channel produced a map of Roshmi City and spread it at the center.

Once everyone was in position, Hōshasen spoke. "Utsuro, you are tasked with killing the rulers of Roshmi City. Urna, assist Utsuro in his mission. Zatu, Gekido, and I will cause death and chaos throughout the entire city as a distraction for the two of you to carry your mission safely.

We are the first of Master's many servants and it is our duty to do the mission given to us. We will all show no mercy to anyone who stands in our way of completing our mission, but we must try not to get carried away in murdering creatures who are not worth our time. I am looking at you two, Zatu and Gekido," Hōshasen said as she leered towards the men who frowned and crossed their arms at her. Urna put a hand on her mouth, seemingly laughing at her brother, as Zatu playfully nudged her sister.

Hōshasen smiled at the two before continuing. "We all know our parts. The best thing to do right now is to rest up and gather our strength. We attack tonight."

The rest of them nodded. "This channel is flawed. I have no use for you now. So long," Utsuro said through its channel as it swiftly swiped the rabbit demi-humans head off his shoulders cleanly. His lifeless body fell to the ground as Hōshasen's spider half gladly feasted on the corpse, the first of many casualties to come.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

TIME: Afternoon
LOCATION: Roshmi City
INTERACTIONS: Ayita @13org, Cadence @Helo, Ilan @dreamingflowers

Sakura smiled at Ilan and nodded at both him and his centaur friend, but she was seething in annoyance on the inside. She hated it when things don't go according to plan. She especially hated Cade, the big yellow cat with muscles for a brain. How dumb was he to easily trust these two who just got into a mess a while ago? Now, he's willing to go to a place with a bunch of strangers he just met. He's so irritatingly good.

Wait, why was she so worked up over him? He's just a mere demi-human! She should focus her attention on her mission instead.

She's only supposed to be Ayita and having Cade along will help the human trust her more. Now with the addition of the stoic centaur and the softspoken faun, who were unlucky enough to annoy what seemed to be one important figure in Roshmi City, the demoness was afraid their group will garner more attention than needed as there's also the possibility of her being exposed.

She doesn't know if the leaders of the races knew of Aklenroth's daughter but they will surely use all their forces in hunting her down. They'll do everything they can to have leverage over the Lich King and replace him as the ruler of Avalia, and she doesn't want to be the cause of another problem for her father.

Nevertheless, she just had to make do with what she had. Besides, she's been craving to cause some trouble, but the real fun will begin later tonight.

She interjected when she heard what Cade said. "Wait, postpone lunchtime? Over my dead gorgeous body. We can take the food we've bought in that place, wherever it is, so we can discuss whatever plans we have while eating. Are you really going to let your two beautiful lady friends starve that long?". Sakura said as she went to Ayita's side and point at their faces while the demoness pouted.

The demoness thought best to be friendly and outgoing to the two newcomers. Who knows, maybe she'll have some use for them later on.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

TIME: Morning -> Noon
LOCATION: Roshmi City
INTERACTIONS: Ayita @13org, Cadence @Helo, Ilan @dreamingflowers

"Hmph. You've barely gotten a glimpse of what I can do, Cadence. Go and look for toys that suit your barbaric needs while I do some exploring myself." Sakura teased back at him with a smirk. She was indeed very hungry but she doesn't want to be seen as haughty, so she decided to just go with the flow and take a look at the displays.

They were very different from the type of weaponry used in Daka Island. These weapons were diverse as some looked like they could only be fully utilized by an expert who knew how they worked, while most were quite simple in design; one look at them and anyone could tell what they were and what they could do when used in battle.

Sakura exhaled. While Cadence and Ayita looked around the weapon shop and gushed about these sharp metals on wooden sticks, the demoness twirled her flower-adorned parasol as she was bored right out of her mind. She switched her weight on one foot and another while suppressing the urge to do things to pass the time, which in her terms meant using her magic to mess with a random creature she could chance upon. She was never really a big fan of weaponry like these, but she could be more interested in a weapon if it could channel magic and it looked like the weapons here were made only for ordinary fighters and hunters: the normal commonfolk.

Master... She heard child-like whispers that came from the back of her head, and the demoness smiled. Finally, something to distract her from boredom. She could sense that they were done with their missions. She picked up one of the daggers in display and held it so she could see her reflection in the blade. Her face was then changed as the terrifying Masks of Zaturna were looking back at her.

Wonderful work, you too. Proceed to the rendezvous point and begin Phase 2. She said to them in her mind. The two children nodded and their reflections disappeared. To the random folk, it looked like Sakura was just being vain by admiring herself in the blade's reflection before putting it back down. She then glanced towards Ayita that showed child-like excitement upon testing and finally buying weapons that suited her taste. Sakura forgot how easily impressed Ayita was. Was living on her world that boring that a simple tomahawk easily impressed her?

Just then, Sakura shifted her attention to the commotion going on the other side of the market. She couldn't really understand what the chaos was all about, but she guessed it had something to do with that faun with his musical instrument, a regal-looking elf, and a centaur.

Sakura shrugged when Cade suggested on making friends with the centaur and Ayita asking on how to approach them. "Couldn't we just make friends with a friendlier individual rather than someone who just pissed off a very important-looking elf? I don't want to get involved with the affairs of this city, and it's better for our safety if we steer clear out of trouble altogether." Sakura suggested. Besides, she couldn't risk being found out as one of Aklenroth's most powerful agents that was here at Roshmi City mingling with a human.

Then, just as soon as Sakura said those words, the centaur and the faun decided to approach their trio. After all, Sakura was a demon and trouble always followed demons wherever they go.

The centaur complimented Cade's halberd and of course, the feline demi-human felt very proud of that. The centaur's newfound companion, the faun, was a little timider as he complemented Sakura's parasol. Sakura just smiled sweetly at the faun. "Why thank you, dear faun, how very kind of you. I am Sakura Shinibana but you can call me Sakura, and these are my friends, Cade and Ayita." She pointed at both of them before bowing in greeting to the faun. "And you are...?"
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

TIME: Present day, morning
LOCATION: Sakura's home, somewhere in Daka Island

Two child-size puppets were shaking on the ground, the sound of their wooden bodies clanking against each other as it filled Sakura's once-quiet home. Their clicking sounds were soon mixed with child-like screams that were getting louder the more they shone brighter, one in orange and green while the other in blue and red. One of the puppets, the one that looked more masculine, seemed to be screaming in pain while the other, more feminine one was screaming out of sadness. It lasted for a moment or two before everything went silent again. Then, they stood up from the ground as a zombie would rise from its grave. They wore the Masks of Zaturna, one of Mania and one of Sorrow. Their large yellow eyes darted around and Urna the Mask of Sorrow showed signs of elatedness as she picked up her favorite stuffed toy. Zatu the Mask of Mania approached his sister and placed his forehead before hers. They closed their eyes, delighted upon seeing each other once again before they went to go their separate ways. After all, they have a mission to complete.

TIME: Morning
LOCATION: Roshmi City
INTERACTIONS: Ayita @13org, Cadence @Helo

As Sakura smiled at how Cade replied to her teasing, she felt like something deep within her was set free.

Children, you know what to do, Sakura said in her head. She then turned to her two companions and acted like everything was just as normal as they should be.

"Hm. I do agree with you on that point, Cade. Landing a physical hit on your opponent and using your physical form to hunt down prey seemed to feel more fulfilling, one might say. However, spells, hexes, and magic are not only tools of 'deception' as you might believe. Even the simplest of magic requires a lot of concentration and creativity on the caster's part just so it can be used to its full potential. I'd say that magic is much more complex and challenging yet adaptable and even fun that just simply swinging a sword or a fist on your foe and calling it a day," Sakura said to Cade with a teasing smile.

The demoness was not surprised by the demi-human's choice of words; warriors who were not gifted in the arts of sorcery either look at magic casters with envy or disdain. She observed the way Cade's tail flicked when he boasted of a proud moment and she found herself smiling earnestly at him. "Same here, Cade. Same here," Sakura said with her eyes shining with pride upon remembering the first subject she successfully had to torture with practice her magic on.

Sakura turned her attention to Ayita when the human recalled her hunting days and her celebration with her tribe. Judging from how fast her reflexes were when running away from Soruklithbaal, Sakura already had an idea how much of a skilled huntress Ayita was. Add to that her newfound affinity for magic and she could one day become a very skilled sorcerer-warrior hybrid. The demoness could already see how she could be powerful in battle.

"Oh that sounds so delightful, Ayita! We may not be a part of your tribe but we'll do our best to make you feel at home here in Avalia, even though an evil lich king has released an order to kill you and several others like you. Hm-hm. Just an average day in Avalia," Sakura cheerfully said to her as she linked her arm with Ayita's, holding her parasol over them to shade them both from the sun.

"Go and take your time with your sharp 'toys', Cade. After this, we will feast like there's no tomorrow," Sakura said to the both of them as her stomach grumbled.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

TIME: Many years ago
LOCATION: Slums of Roshmi City

"Stop that kid!", shouted a guard to his men as he pointed at a child running away. The child mention looked back at them and stuck his tongue out in a teasing way before running and disappearing into an alleyway. The guards chased after the kid but when they got to the alleyway, he was gone. The alleyway was filled with random junk and the kid just hid behind one of the bigger ones.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are... You little brat", the guard said with spite. The kid closed his mouth so he wouldn't hear his breath as the guards walked closer and closer to his hiding spot.

Just then, one of the guard's men called their attention. "I found him, sir! He went inside a shop!". The guard ordered his men to go to that area. The guard stayed behind for a bit, growling and leering at the pile of junk, before leaving the alleyway and following his men.

After a few minutes of tense waiting, the kid emerged from his hiding spot. He looked at the direction where the guards were heading to and then, making sure the coast was clear, he went in the opposite direction with a smug look on his face. There were those who have seen the child, but those who live in the slums were too caught up in their own problems to care about some random kid's law-breaking.

The kid passed a grungy store with windows to look at his reflection. Bits of dirt and grime were on his ragged clothes and his yellow-ish-green-scaled body was etched with various scars he gained from living on the streets and fleeing from the city guards. He looked at the bag he stole which comprised of freshly baked bread he stole from a baker.

Neither he nor his younger sister knew anything about their parents; they don't even have names. The only thing he could remember was living in an orphanage, where he grew up to become a wild troublemaker while his sister grew up to be mute. He would always end up in fights with the other kids who teased his younger sister. The siblings were not likable by prospective parents either as they don't want to adopt a hard-headed troublemaker boy or a special-needs mute girl. Knowing that no one will ever love them, they both left the orphanage as they believe it's better for them to live in hardship together as they always knew they had each other's backs.

In this part of Roshmi, it's every demihuman for themselves. The young boy made sure that he secured a spot for him and his sister so they'll never have to worry about finding a place to sleep in. As the boy approached their spot, he could hear a bunch of children laughing and it seemed that it came from the direction of their spot.

The boy rushed to the place and discovered that a bunch of other street children was teasing his sister. They were more heartless than the kids at the orphanage; they tugged at his poor sister's hair, pushed her around and kicked her, while she could only cower in a fetal position as tears ran down her face. One of them grabbed the girl's cherished stuff toy and began to tear it apart right in front of the sister, and that's when the young lizard boy first heard his younger sister cry. It was so loud and full of pain and hearing it made the brother remember all the hardships they have endured together. He felt the bread he stole drop to the ground, and then he blacked out.

When he came to, the first thing he saw was his sister's face that's full of fear. He looked around and saw the children that were once teasing his sister were now lying motionless on a pool of blood. They were covered in scratches, bite marks, and bruises; most of them even had broken bones. He looked at his hands and was surprised to see that he too was mostly covered in blood, their blood.

He fell on his knees on to the pool of blood, realized what he's done and cried in anguish for the first time in years. His sister crawled to him and hugged him as he shook in fear and shock, not caring about her becoming stained in blood. They cried in each other's arms: the brother because of how much of a failure he was from not being able to give a better life for the both of them, and the sister because she knew how much her brother sacrificed for the both of them.

"If only there was a way, huh?"

The siblings stopped crying in surprise to look at the person who just spoke. The brother immediately faced the stranger, spreading his arm to keep his sister protected behind him. The stranger was using an umbrella and wore very foreign clothing. Her long, white hair flowed through the wind, and she looked at the siblings with a glint in her pupil-less yellow eyes.

"There is nothing more powerful in this world than the bond of a family. You have endured so much together, experienced so much together, at such a tender young age. You may call me Sakura and I'm here to help you. I know you want nothing in this world than to be together forever, so I have a proposition to make...

I want both of you to help me do some work. In exchange, I will both give you power you can't even imagine, power you can use to defend yourselves, and power you can use to hurt those who dare hurt you back. Of course, both of you will be inseparable. Nothing and no one can ever tear you apart from each other."

As Sakura said that, she knelt down and handed out the little girl's stuff toy that looked good as new. The girl's eyes brightened and she grabbed her toy while smiling graciously at Sakura. The boy was still confused about whether or not to trust this stranger, because no one actually paid attention to them nor showed them kindness.

"If you agree to my proposition, all you have to do is take my hand." Sakura said as she opened her hand while smiling serenely at them. The girl smiled at her brother, eyes twinkling with excitement. Trusting his sister's judgment, he looked at Sakura, nodded, and shook her hand.

TIME: Later than night
LOCATION: Sakura's place of witchcraft, somewhere in Daka Island

The siblings, once feeling cleaned and refreshed from taking a decent bath and having a decent dinner for years, now knelt in the middle of a blood circle while facing together. Candles surrounded the perimeter of the blood circle and Sakura stood at the edge, holding a large wooden mask. Standing beside her were two figures made of various materials, mostly wood. Their heights were exactly the same as the siblings'.

When Sakura began chanting, the flames on the candles turned grey and grew in size, surrounding the three of them in a large tornado of grey fire combined with the shadows of the night. The siblings began to cower in fright, but Sakura wrapped them in an embrace and gently shushed them. "Would you like me to tell you a story?". Sakura kindly asked the two of them, and they nodded.

"There was once a man, grey and hollow
Where woe and pain were sure to follow
Weighted by the curse of being alone
Burdened with sins he hoped to atone..."

While Sakura told them the story, the grey fire began to consume the siblings. They arched their backs and screamed in immense pain. Their eyes and mouths began turning as black as night. Despite that, Sakura continued:

"As he lived on, time receded his sanity
Until his heart had forgotten how to be happy
So he picked up an ax and split his core
And he finally had a friend forevermore..."

Their bodies shuddered and they kept on screaming until two bluish-white orbs, their souls, came out of their mouths. Black energy emerged from the wooden mask, grabbing the children's souls and infusing them within it while their physical bodies burned to ash. The plan mask began to change until it turned into a despicable object of terror, a mask so horrifying that it will cause anyone who looked at it to fall into madness and despair.

The mask was brimming with power and Sakura simply picked up an ax next to the ground and split the mask into two. Both of the two halves let out a blood-curling scream and they flew around in the air, vibrating violently. They both flew into the faces of the child-like figures beside Sakura, changing their appearance to look more like two smaller versions of the original mask. The energy from the two masks flowed through the two figures' bodies, and they shook violently, their bodies jerking and snapping until they finally came to life.

"From then on, they no longer felt hollow
In their wake, woe and pain will surely follow
And when someone dares to separate the two-"

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