Avatar of baraquiel


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2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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- Stay safe everyone!
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

TIME: Late Afternoon
LOCATION: The Grand Ball, Roshmi City
INTERACTIONS: Ayita @13org, Cadence @Helo

"Well I don't say we'll go as far as to call him prince but..." Sakura trailed and the two ladies shared a giggle. Truth be told, Ayita looked very pretty and Sakura didn't realize humans could look very nice and presentable too. As for Cade, she didn't the burly demihuman would look handsome if he just cleaned up after himself but of course, she won't openly admit it to him. She won't hear the end of his teasing and she didn't know if she could restrain herself from getting irritated by Cade's constant nagging at that point.

"It was the only mask they had in the store. Don't flatter yourself." Sakura said as she playfully nudged Cade. She admitted that after a while, she grew to like this pair of individuals. When she's with them, she felt so free and happy, like a huge weight was lifted off her chest and she could just be herself. Alas, if only that were truly possible. They'll despise her the moment they knew the truth about what she was and who she was.

Deep down in her heart, Sakura secretly hoped that things will stay the way they were right now. However, she of all people knew that secrets don't last forever. Despite all that, Sakura gave Ayita a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Our 'fairytale prince' is right, Ayita. Just stay calm and be yourself." Sakura added to what Cade said as the trio continued to walk towards the Grand Ball.

There was also a feeling of fear that Sakura had and it was the fear of being found out. As far as she knew, only she and Aklenroth knew of her being a spy amongst the rebels. She could already feel the presence of numerous demons as they got closer to the Ball. What if another demon within the ball sensed her out? Could she use her magic in time to do something once the situation arises? What can her magic do about the situation anyway? That's not all, Sakura can also feel another strange presence that's far, far stronger than the rest. It was almost too familiar...

Once the trio got in sight, the life just drained out of Sakura's body. Greeting the newcomers were an unfamiliar masked woman, an elderly light elf who she could easily tell as Umber the disgusting creep of a demon that he was, and another light elf who... w-who was...

'Father'. Sakura thought to herself. Under any circumstances, she was supposed to be elated to see the Lich King once more but this was not the perfect time. Not now, not when she already made alliances that could help her fulfill her mission. For the first time in her demonic life, Sakura was nervous at the presence of Aklenroth especially during an event such as the Grand Ball.

The trio passed by her Father's group and through her mask, Sakura stared a little too long at Aklenroth who was disguised as an elf. She could only hope he knew that she must keep her identity a secret for the success of her mission. Sakura also had strong doubts that Umber will keep his ugly mouth shut or she'll end his twisted, miserable life.

Once they fully entered the Ball, the sight just blew Sakura's breath away. Everything looked so high class and regal, she thought the Demon Lord of Pride was the one who funded all the preparations. Foods of different kinds and varieties were displayed in long tables for everyone to eat with to their heart's content. The Ball gave off such a warm, inviting aura, enough to make everyone feel so calm and at ease, their stresses disappearing even for a little bit so they can fully enjoy this special night. Everyone was dressed so impeccably pretty and handsome today, their masks adding a hint of mystery to the event. The decorations made the Ball even more spectacular, especially the addition of a big tree on the left of the stage which looked so cute in Sakura's eyes. If all these were already grandiose, she was even more excited about what the performers will be doing later on.

All in all, everything was just so beautiful and perfect. Too perfect, in fact. 'Father, just what are you planning?'. She thought to herself.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Cade suggested eating and it made Sakura laugh. She was really glad to have met Cade and Ayita as she really learned a lot about herself in this mission. When a problem will arise during tonight's event, Sakura will make it her duty to protect these two just as how she protected them from Soruklithbaal. She just decided that she will cross that bridge when she gets there, and just enjoy the night with her two new best friends.

"Oh no, I will never make food wait for me. Let's go and eat to our heart's content!". Sakura cheerfully said.
Oh dear! I'm glad so many wanted to join. Is it too late to make an archer for the group?
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

LOCATION: Roshmi City
INTERACTIONS: Ayita @13org, Cadence @Helo

Sakura was about to come out of her room when she felt a cold tingle down her spine. She quickly looked around, eyes wide in alarm when she realized she was just alone in there. She looked at herself again in the mirror, her hair nicely done and her outfit fitting her just nicely and making her look even more beautiful than before. She also felt a sinking feeling in her stomach.

She didn't know where all these emotions were coming from. She was confused because she was very excited about the upcoming ball yet somehow her excitement turned to uneasiness. Perhaps she was simply nervous that she will run into her father again? What will he do once they saw each other? Will he still remember that everything she did was part of her mission? Will he be angry because of what she did to Soruklithbaal? If that bone-headed dragon turned on her, Sakura swore she'll feed his body to the hellhounds.

Nevertheless, she just took a deep breath and sighed. So many thoughts and worries flooded her mind but she ultimately decided to just wing it. She won't let her nervousness get in the way of her having fun and possibly meeting a handsome fellow there.

She got out of her room to see Ayita dressed in a wonderful outfit. "Oh my Ayita, you look so pretty!". She spread her arms and hurriedly made her way to the human to give her a hug, then she turned to look at Cade. "I must say that you look very dashing in your outfit, Cade. I am very impressed." Sakura said as she gave him an impressed nod. She walked closer to him to adjust his collar before putting on her own mask. "Now, shall we be going?"
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

LOCATION: Roshmi City

The demoness spent the last day hanging around with her newfound friends. The addition of the timid Ilan and his stoic companion was not in her original plan but she decided to just roll with it. She figured that she might have a use for the duo. She wasn't going to lie though, she honestly did enjoy spending time with them. It was a huge breath of fresh air for Sakura to be able to communicate with people who's vocabulary wasn't limited to the likes of 'kill' and 'murder'. Their group decided to individually get ready in preparation for the Ball and meet up there instead, assuming they could recognize each other with their masks.

Although, Sakura was beginning to get sick of Roshmi City. She missed the good old days, where Aklenroth would order her to do missions that allowed her to travel and explore other places to meet and kill new people. Instead, she's stuck in this huge and boisterous city with nothing to do except laze around. She even ordered her shikigami to postpone their mission until further notice. She didn't tell them why and she imagined they were secretly furious at her decision but Sakura's reason was simple: it was because of the Ball.

Grand events don't just happen regularly in Avalia and she wouldn't even think of one happening especially in the midst of the arrival of humans and the rebels becoming more active than ever. Still, who wouldn't say no to a chance of playing dress-up with fancy clothes? Sakura might even have the chance of meeting her soulmate at the Ball. Oh, just the thought of it made the demoness giddy with excitement.

Most importantly, however, all the citizens of Avalia knew this event was spearheaded by Aklenroth the Lich King. She knew her father has something up his sleeves especially when everyone and their mother were attending it, including the humans and the rebels. She wondered what her father had in store not just for them but for everyone going there.

'This just keeps getting better and better!', Sakura thought to herself as she prepared for the Ball.

She liked to think her outfit for the Ball was very different compared to the other women attending it, but she didn't care because she fell in love with it the first time she laid her eyes on it. Sakura thought it perfectly captured her aesthetic, was very pretty without trying too hard, and she felt very beautiful in it so she didn't care if she looked different to the rest.

After fixing the flowers on her shoulders, Sakura turned to the elf at the corner. "Well, Utsuro? How do I look?"

Utsuro wasn't the name of the elf as it was the name of one of Sakura's shikigami. Utsuro just used the poor elf as a channel of communication between it and its Master. Its completely grey, lifeless eyes looked at Sakura and the elf bowed as it spoke like someone was speaking through a big and hollow cave, its voice booming and echoing. "You are beautiful as ever, Master."

"Figured you would say that." Sakura cheerfully said as she continued to fix her outfit. Utsuro spoke again through its channel. "Master, about the mission-". She raised a finger to silence it and Utsuro became respectfully quiet. "I understand all of your frustration. I know you were all looking forward to helping me and to fulfill your duties but I ask that you all trust me. Besides, have I let any of you down?"

Utsuro's channel looked down. Despite not showing any emotion, it seemed to give a look of apprehension. While they knew their Master was very merciful and kind, they knew they should not push her any further. "No, Master. You were always generous to us as you have taken good care of us all these years. We owe you a huge debt of gratitude."

"Thank you for your acknowledgment. In fact, all of you should go get ready by now. The Ball will be happening in an hour tonight and even I don't know what's going to happen there. Best if you all are prepared to join in the fun just in case. Forget your original mission, I'll deal with that on my own instead. Oh, and by the way, tell the siblings to call another one. That is all." Sakura said with a wink and a wave.

The channel's eyes widened and it bowed deeply to Sakura. It then left her room which allowed the demoness to fully finish her preparations. She put on her mask and she deemed herself ready for the Ball and whatever else lied ahead as she made her way to the grand hall.

Time: Morning
Location: Apartment
Interactions: Violet @princess, Rose @Tae, Felix @jetipster

Monica was introduced to a couple of Violet's friends, Rose and Felix. They were very nice to her, considering that Monica might act a bit creepily because she was always keeping an eye on the ghosts in the Trance. There were no sights of a Fury or a Corrupted though she was slightly concerned when she noticed the growing numbers of Incubi and Succubi. Luckily, the Kindred behind the bartender shouted at the sex spirits and most of them scrammed away. Ghosts will normally allow other ghosts to come near them if they wouldn't become a bother, but Trance seemed to be in the care of that particular Kindred. She smiled and nodded at the yellow spirit and it nodded back in greeting and respect. Other than that, it was a very good night indeed.

Despite the soft warm sunlight shining through her windows, Monica still remained in bed and snuggled against her pillows. This was heaven for an indoor-type-of-person like her. It did feel great to meet and make new friends, but nothing could beat the comfort of your own home. All this peace and quiet made her feel sleepy again, and she was about to fall asleep when she noticed something strange.

Monica was living with an energetic ghost as her roommate, then why wasn't she hearing some joyful laughing or off-key singing?

She shifted on her bed to look at her opposite side and opened her eyes to a gruesome sight that will surely make any adult pee their pants, or so Amanda claimed. It was just her looking at Monica with a creepy smile on her face along with her hollowed-out eyes. To others, it will surely seem like it was straight out of a horror movie. For Monica, not so much.

The women stared at each other for a couple of minutes before Amanda's smiled wavered. She exhaled and pouted as she returned her eyes to where they should be. "Dang it, Mo. Why you gotta make it hard for me to scare ya?".

"Mmmmm....". Monica moaned sleepily as she pressed her cheek more against her pillows. Amanda sat up on the bed and started pestering. "Nuh-uh! You can't just sleep again and not tell me what happened last night. How was it? Was it fun? Did ya meet some cute boys? Did ya? Did ya? Did ya?". Amanda kept on repeating while she waved her ghostly hands on Monica's face. While ghosts couldn't physically touch the living, it felt like someone was repeatedly blowing cool air on your face. Amanda kept doing it until Monica was waving her away in annoyance. "Ugh! Fine, I'll tell you. Just knock it off!".

"Yay!". Amanda shouted in triumph as Monica recounted what she saw last night. Monica was afraid she sounded boring but Amanda was a great audience and she kept on eagerly listening to Monica's story.

As the two women bonded together, life and un-life still continued on the outside of their cozy apartment. However, there was one spirit, in particular, that was different among the rest. It was wearing a black gown and had a black veil that covered its face. It looked up at Monica's apartment window and stood there for a few moments before it bowed her head, turned around, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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