Avatar of baraquiel


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2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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Most Recent Posts

In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 10 am
Location: Jungle
Interactions: Rosaria @Potter, Sophie @princess, Caelan @Alivefalling, Nuallán @13org, Aurora @chrysocoma
Equipment: A dagger, fake elf ears, a ring of disguise, bag full of supplies, and some new schweet clothes

Half-human, half-animal eh? Nanay Minda and the other elders would also share folktales with creatures that were part human and part animal. He's weirded out that the beings he thought only existed in children's fables would actually exist in real life and walk among the earth like ordinary humans. In his case, the tales would always portray these demihumans as tricksters, wicked, or wicked tricksters. If a kind elf such as Rosaria was friends with one, it was either his forefathers have met some pretty nasty demihumans or the tales were made from the scared human's point of view as anyone who didn't act and look like them were considered abominations.

He listened to what Rosaria and Nuallán said. What? Contrary to what anyone might believe, Jomari knew how to keep quiet and listen too. He just needed a long time to process all this stuff. Anyways, the group paused as Sophie interacted with a small creature that looked like a human but with wings. Again, Jomari was surprised and weirded out that the creatures he only heard about in bedtime stories could actually exist too. He wondered what else he could discover during his stay here. Just thinking about the loads of stories he could tell Nanay Minda and the other kids, Jomari was excited to go home and blow all their minds.

This peaceful moment didn't last when he felt the ground shake. He thought it was an earthquake at first but it turned out it came from a really huge creature. The elves quickly became alert and Jomari just thought it could be one big furry huggable creature that spreads happiness and joy to everyone. Alas, it was the complete opposite of what he hoped for. The creature showed its form to the group. It was gigantic, it had too many tusks and horns, but most of all, it was absolutely, terrifyingly...

"Ugly. Eugh." Jomari said and retched in disgust. It roared and threw a huge boulder at them like it weighed nothing, causing Jomari to let out an uncharacteristic high-pitched shriek of horror as the big rock narrowly missed them. When Rosaria told the others to run, he looked at her in confusion and panic. "Run? C'mon, we can take this ugly bastard! Surely you got some elf magic in your long gorgeous sleeves to fi-" Whatever he was about to say was cut short when the monster roared again and Nuallán told him to start running. He wanted to argue but it was clear that the monster didn't have any patience to let them weigh their options. Between the elf's dead serious stare and the creature's deadly ugly face, Jomari didn't have a lot of options either.

Nuallán pushed Jomari at the back to make the human move, causing Jomari to give Nuallán his own death stare while starting to run. "Firstly, I don't need to prove anything to you! Secondly, if you touch me again, I will fuck you up!" He shouted angrily at Nuallán as he got moving. Running through the forests was the resistance's main expertise so Jomari had no problems evading branches, jumping over fallen tree trunks, and the like while running as fast as he could. "We told you to tell us the kinds of beasts that live here, you dimwits! All that quiet and focus for nothing!" Jomari shouted in anger as he let out another high-pitched scream whenever the beast roared. He could still see a bit of Nuallán at the edge of his sight sometimes but he didn't know if he ran past the others or if he ran in a different direction than them. All he knew was that he needed to keep running if he wanted to live another day.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 10 am
Location: Outside Sun Elf Kingdom → Jungle
Interactions: Rosaria @Potter, Sophie @princess, Caelan @Alivefalling, Nuallán @13org, Aurora @chrysocoma
Equipment: A dagger, fake elf ears, a ring of disguise, bag full of supplies, and some new schweet clothes

"Then why do you have it if you're not selling it anyway...?" Jomari's protests fell on deaf ears as the shopkeeper hid the vial of poison per the princess's orders. Seriously, don't these people want to win their war? Perhaps these elves plan on defeating their enemy with the power of love and friendship? They're such a load of tamaraw crap but there's nothing else Jomari could do but follow them, for now at least.

Rosaria led them out of the outskirts of their kingdom and into the jungle. Some of the plants here looked just like those found in his province but Jomari could still feel that they were far different than anything he'd ever known. Birds flew above the morning sky as the cries of different animals could be heard all throughout the humid jungle. For some weird reason, Jomari felt at home in this place as it reminded him of his childhood. He would always play with the kids in the forests all afternoon and they would be called in by Nanay Minda and the others to have 'merienda'. Such memory only made him homesick and miss his parental figure more. He was definitely sure he'd have an ear-twisting if Nanay Minda knew how he reacted towards the elves and other humans.

As they ventured into the green, Jomari could feel like they were being watched. Rather, only he felt like he was being watched. No doubt his interest in the vial of poison from earlier rose some red flags for the elves and decided to keep an eye on him more. Jomari just rolled his eyes and sighed exasperatedly. No matter what he did, he always felt trap wherever he went.

"What Caelan said." Jomari added. "Is there any particular beast we should be wary of? Animals or even plants that could be venomous or something like that, or are you only planning on telling us what we need to know right when danger has already arrived? Also, where exactly are we going?"

Location: Riding jet back to base
Interaction/s: -

Brightheart, like her teammates, was resting aboard the jet as they made their way back to their base. She had some bruises and cuts here and there but none too major thankfully. She was glad all of them made it in one piece back at the jet. Well, some looked worse than others either way.

She looked at the others that were still reflecting on what happened a while ago. Daphne was huddled in layers of blankets due to some unknown factor in her power but other than that, everybody else seemed to be as fine as they could be. She ran her hands through the wounds on her arms and let out a relaxed sigh once she fully got to sit comfortably on one of the seats in the jet. Brightheart wasn't used to pouring her all when it was night time so she needed to conserve whatever energy she had left. If the Warlords could see her right now, they would be very disappointed at how weak she became. In her defense, humans could make being lazy so productive which resulted in her slacking in her training. She vowed to herself to resume her regimen once they got back to the base.

Talon then approached Rain on reporting about their mission. Zatara tried to lighten the mood by conjuring bubbles which didn't fail to let out a little giggle of delight out of Brightheart but she could still sense that everyone was tense. Like the rest, she listened as Rain told Talon their side of what happened during the mission. She was impressed that Rain could remember all that had happened. All Brightheart could remember was trying to dodge all those bullets and that weird feeling she got when she saw him hugging Nymph. She remained in her seat as Rain seemed to have finished his report, yet he continued, stating the ineptitude of his teammates.

She couldn't believe what she did was wrong. She thought she was doing the right thing by giving the others enough time to retreat to the jet by distracting the Kobra agents. She thought she did right given the circumstance of the situation but she was disappointed to find out she was still wrong. Even in the way Rain said it too, like he was throwing spears right at her heart.

Poor Nymph got the worst of it too. None of them knew she would react like that in the cold and it seemed that Nymph didn't even know this herself as well. It wasn't her fault that it happened to her but Rain made it seem like it was, even going as far as saying she didn't belong in their group. She wanted to approach Nymph but didn't know the right words to say or even if it was the right time so she stayed silent. It made Brightheart wonder if he valued her as a fellow teammate as well and not just someone who's only beneficial to the group because of her flight and super strength. If she didn't have those qualities, would Rain say the same thing to her too?

Brightheart looked out to the window and sighed. One of Zatara's bubbles floated toward her face, reflecting her sad and heartbroken expression. "Rekma..." Brightheart solemnly said as she popped the bubble, feeling that something within her was gone too.

Location: Mission Briefing Room, Mt. Justice
Interaction/s: Listening to Batman

Aleen'a spent the next few days doing what she vowed to herself that night. She worked out and used the base's combat simulation whenever she could to train herself and get herself back to top shape. She rarely had the time to talk with the others unlike before, usually because they all had their own thing going on as well. At least she gained a new hobby: meditating above the clouds as the warm sun basked her in golden light. She felt so at peace and refreshed whenever she did that, so she still couldn't help but be sad.

Hex and Gold Rush disappeared during the week. Search as they might, they couldn't find any trace of them within the area. Not a word, just went away like a bubble popping. Aleen'a could only hope that they were okay wherever they were.

Additionally, being reprimanded by Batman himself was one of the worst experiences Aleen'a had on Earth so far, counting that time she experienced the freezing of the brain when she and Kori ate ice cream too fast before. The worst of it was that while Batman did seem angry, he was more disappointed and really fully explained to Aleen'a the repercussions of her actions. She was humbled and solemn the rest of the week, venting all her frustrations during her work-out and training sessions.

She also couldn't get the opportunity to have a talk with Daphne to see if she's okay because Aleen'a was either working out or Daphne was just in her room that time. However, the Tamaranean wasn't trying hard either. Whenever she saw Daphne, she remembered that feeling of jealousy and anger towards her and Viktor when they hugged back at La Hoya. Kori was still away on a mission with the other Justice League members and, while they do get to talk every once in a while, she didn't want to make her cousin worry about her. She took a deep breath in and exhaled to try and calm herself. Whatever this was, she will get through this on her own. She had to.

She was then alerted of a meeting with the others and, even though she still wasn't comfortable being close to them, Aleen'a steeled herself and went to the mission briefing room. She was surprised that it was the Batman in the flesh himself that was now briefing them, now less blue than before. She shyly filed in like the others and listened attentively to the hero while trying to avert her gaze at Viktor. She did brighten a bit at the prospect of meeting new members as new members always equal new friends! Her short-lived happiness was quenched when she remembered their two missing friends. She could only hope that they were fine and well, wherever they may be.

Aleen'a shyly raised her hand mid-way "Um... Sir Batman, sir? What is a seer... seer-kus? Also, when can we meet our new teammates?"

Location: La Hoya
Interaction/s: Squad Bee

"N-No?" Brightheart asked Rain as he ordered her to return to the jet immediately instead. She remembered the importance of the plan and she knew the right thing to do was to escape instead but, out here in the mission, she found herself having difficulty leaving one of them behind. In all her doubts, she could see Metamorph taking down the guard that spotted him and he quickly went to where Rain and Nymph. They're still there, hugging each other as if there was no tomorrow. Once again, just seeing them made her feel weirdly annoyed for some reason she couldn't explain and she was annoyed at her being annoyed at nothing. Maybe Nymph just felt really cold and Rain, like the gentleman that he was, volunteered to wrap her in his warm embrace. There's nothing wrong with sharing body heat with your teammate. If Rain would have felt really cold, Brightheart would be more than glad to give him a big warm hug, no questions asked. Rain only needed to ask and she will give. Again, there's nothing wrong with Rain hugging Nymph. Brightheart's just saying that Tamaraneans absorb ultraviolet rays and had a high tolerance to extreme temperatures so she would be the perfect candidate for the giving of body heat. She would be happy to embrace her other teammates as well but if Rain would require it as well, there's no doubt that...

As the alarms continued to go off, the Kobra agents started getting out of the base, armed with guns as they're ordered to shoot and kill anyone on sight. Brightheart continued to be so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't realize some of the agents spotted her hovering in the sky. She managed to snap back to reality just in time to evade a bullet as it whizzed only a few inches away from her ear.

"Eep! Kobra agents have spotted me!" Brightheart said in alarm through the comms as she continued to fly in different directions to evade the soldiers who were firing at her. "P-Please go- Eep! Please go quickly! I have- Holy spacenuggets! That was close! I-I seem to have their attention for now. G-Go quickl- Eep! I'll follow suit!" Brightheart managed to say to her teammates.

While evading their attacks, she saw the car that Metamorph spotted a while ago in the forests. She quickly flew down and ripped one of its doors off then groaned from the effort of lifting such a huge vehicle. She knew her energy was limited so she had to make this one count. Using her alien strength, she tossed the vehicle to the sky, and Kobra agents that were firing at her shouted and jumped out of the way to avoid being crushed by the car. It even exploded on impact, making the agents scatter around in panic.

Brightheart took this chance to strike at them, sending them flying away with her kicks and punches while she used the car door as a shield to block their bullets. She did hope that both of the squads could manage to get to the jet.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 10 am
Location: Outside Sun Elf Kingdom
Interactions: Rosaria @Potter, Sophie @princess, Caelan @Alivefalling, Nuallán @13org, Aurora @chrysocoma
Equipment: A dagger, fake elf ears, a ring of disguise, bag full of supplies, and some new schweet clothes

Getting to know each other? These elves stressed about being up against seemingly powerful foes and instead of training to fight the enemy, they want to waste time by introducing themselves? To be fair, it was an efficient way for soldiers to form a much more solid bond with their fellow men so they could fight better as a team, at least that's what the resistance thought so. They were born from the same motherland so it made sense to form camaraderie between them so they could unite better against the bastard colonizers.

Still, Jomari wanted nothing to do with these irritatingly bright elves. The sooner they're done with all this, the better. He guessed he had no choice but to go along with whatever Rosaria and the other elves want to do, listening to everyone introducing themselves. He glared at Rosaria and Nuallán but this time it was in utter shock and confusion. These people were hundreds and thousands of years old and yet they didn't look a day over 30. Nanay Minda had always stated that 'diwata' were long-lived creatures as they harnessed the power of nature to retain their youth but he didn't realize they were this old!

Based on what Jomari saw earlier, Caelan could manipulate the very earth below them so at least the elves weren't lying about humans having the power to control the elements. It also seemed that each human could control different elements, but if these elves and other creatures had thousands upon thousands of years to perfect their magics and whatnot, what could a couple of decades-old humans do against them anyway?

Jomari looked at his fellow humans and it looked like they were taking this fine like thousand-year-old, magic-wielding humanoid creatures were as normal as night and day. There must be something in the food they ate or maybe they just gave up on trying to perceive what's normal from what wasn't based on human standards. For Jomari, he was too busy trying to live another day to care about anything else. He didn't even have time to have a boyfriend, though there was this one time... Eh, it was a story for another day.

He listened to his fellow humans introducing themselves as Sophie and Caelan with Sophie telling that she admired Jomari's outfit. She probably wanted to say something nice to him amidst all of the negative vibes Jomari was putting out and if there's one thing he knew, one must always reward kindness with kindness in return. "Your outfit is pretty too, I suppose. That shade of blue works well with your hair. Perhaps try violet next time." Jomari complimented her back, not smiling at Sophie but not sneering at her either.

When it was his turn to introduce himself, Jomari rolled his eyes and blew away a strand of his hair. "Jomari Lodegrano, 24 years old. Born in a time where those Spanish bastards sailed across the seas, spreading the word of their wretched god and killing those that got in their way. They stole our motherland from our own forefathers generations ago and we've been fighting for our freedom ever since." He nonchalantly said then he added. "I'm also gay as fuck, so yeah."

After introducing themselves to each other, the elven princess brought them over to a stall that sold random objects that were all alien to Jomari. 'Oh great, the constant threat of being attacked by the enemy is always present. Why we waste more time by wasting money?' was what he said in his mind but he kept his thoughts to himself. No use in spewing out more words as he reckoned he's getting on Rosaria's last nerves. Even the kindness of a thousand year old magic elf had its limits.

He looked over the assortment of choices and was surprised to find some things that he thought might prove handy. The explorer pack should work wonders for someone like him who's used to camping out into the wild and the choices for dresses could be very useful for him to trick some rich men at a tavern for some quick cash or two.

As he was contemplating on what to buy, Jomari was surprised when another elf approached their group and talked to Rosaria. She said her name was Aurora and she wanted to join their group. Jomari only tsked in silence and rolled his eyes. Great, even more elves decided to join them. No doubt this seemingly very youthful-looking elf girl was just as powerful as Rosaria and Nuallán and his fellow humans were too busy acting like lovebirds, even though they just met an hour ago!

He just shook his head at his hopeless comrades and continued to look over the assortment of items when two things piqued his interest. He picked up a vial giving off a fragrant scent and a jar full of viscous green liquid with a skull mark on the outside. The green liquid must be poison and a smile slowly formed on Jomari's face. He had never actually killed anyone though something told him he'll have his first time sooner than he thought.

"How does this poison work? Is this potent enough to grant your enemies a swift and painless death or hours worth of pain and anguish before they draw their final breath?" Jomari asked Rosaria with an evilish twinkle in his eyes.
I'm always down to welcome new peeps! ^u^

Location: La Hoya
Interaction/s: Squad Bee

"Alrighty!" Brightheart cheerfully said to Rain, taking one last look over at Metamorph to make sure he was okay before she flew over some parts of the enemy's base to scout the perimeter for any potential threats. No signs of movement from the agents from her point of view, the guards all did their usual routines, and based on Rain and Daphne's conversations with the other team, things were doing pretty good so far. Of course, things only went downhill from there.

It was like what humans called a 'domino effect.' It started when Rain started shouting at Metamorph over their comms to take down an enemy. Brightheart was alarmed as she thought everything was going well. She was in a different area of the enemy's base so she had to fly back over to her original position, only to gasp as she saw one of the guards shouting at Metamorph, clearly spotting one of their teammates. "Metamorph, look out!" Brightheart could only say to him as she couldn't really do anything else without her leader's orders.

She could also hear Rain seemingly struggling with Nymph. When she looked over, she saw Rain had his arms wrapped around her. Brightheart was worried about the state of her teammate, it looked like she's being weakened but by what? They all ate the same meals Nymph prepared for them so there's no way she would be poisoned by the food. While she was worried about Nymph, something about the way Rain hugged her with his big strong arms and comforting body warmth made her feel something weird inside too. She couldn't describe the feeling, it was like she was angry at Daphne for being that close to Rain even though the human had been nothing but kind to her ever since. One thing was for sure, Brightheart definitely wanted to be in Daphne's place right now.

Just when things couldn't get any worse, Brightheart had to cover her ears over the loud, blaring sounds of the base's alarms going off. Did someone manage to spot and apprehend Squad A while inside? One of Squad B was definitely seen but was it even enough for the enemies to sound off their alarm? Whatever the cause may be, the entire team needed to get out of there fast.

"Rain, I have to go and help Metamorph. It also seemed that we've been spotted since the alarms went off. I will make chaos to distract the enemies so everyone can easily escape. Do I have your permission?" Brightheart said to Rain though she didn't realize she had an angry tone on her voice when speaking to him when she remembered the way he and Daphne were hugging.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 9 am
Location: Sun Elf Castle Hall → Outside
Interactions: Rosaria and Saoirse @Potter, Annya and Sophie @princess, Raven @Tae, Caelan @Alivefalling, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos, Nuallán @13org, Kharne @Kazemitsu
Equipment: A dagger, fake elf ears, a ring of disguise, bag full of supplies, and some new schweet clothes

Jomari leered at Annya as she gave him a piece of her mind. How dare this foul-mouthed princess tell him that he's selfish. He doubted she surely won't act all kindly and respectable if she were the one in his place. He would've said more about them being taken from their world by force but Jomari remembered he jumped through the portal himself. Technically speaking, he wasn't actually being taken by force as he came here voluntarily. He wouldn't want them to win by a technicality over him so he just raised his eyebrow and rolled his eyes at Annya's long and boring rant. Even the elf butler with a name he couldn't even pronounce right for the first time chimed him as well though Jomari's thoughts brought him elsewhere, imagining himself shoving Nuallán's face on the ground to shut him up.

He would've wanted to return the favor and engage Annya in a verbal fight if it weren't for Rosaria. She still retained her kindness and gracefulness when talking to Mari even when he blatantly disrespected her, her people, and probably everyone else present in the hall. Even when everyone else seemed to want to chime in on the situation to make him look even more of the bad guy, even when all he wanted was to be brought into a world that doesn't have death and destruction looming over the horizon at once. She reminded him of his Nanay Minda with her kind words and the tapping on his hand. Even when it was obvious there was trouble somewhere, she kept on a strong yet soft expression on her face to not scare them, just like how Nanay Minda would do to the kids at their base whenever guns and cannons kept firing away outside.

Jomari growled in annoyance but he just did as he was told. It's probably useless to waste more time shouting anyway and he doubted they'll let him roam around aimlessly especially when he and the other humans were brought in to help in the war. While the others were eating and preparing, he too got to his own preparation. He skipped over the clothing for men and went straight to the women's, finding the most daring outfit he could find. Once he got what he needed, he managed to eat quickly while putting on his chosen clothes. It was a habit of his to tease his targets while he's stripping his clothes off as Jomari noticed a few of the elven guards kept glancing at him.

"What? Never had human before?" Jomari teased them, causing them to clear their throats and avert their eyes as their cheeks blushed under their helmet. He laughed in an amused way before he continued to change clothes, finding a way to make the accessories he stole from his last target's wife work with his current outfit. Once he's done, he couldn't help but admire himself. 'I look richer than all of my targets...' He thought to himself as he marveled at the way his chosen clothes fit him so perfectly.

Once he's done, the guy called Ismael gave them their rings and bags one by one and managed to give Jomari some advice before giving his for last. "Tell that to someone who cares, suck-up." Jomari replied while smiling in a sarcastic way as he wore his ring and put on his ears, making him look like a dark-skinned elf. When everyone finally got ready, the group was divided into two where one half would get to join one princess and his bodyguard to go to someplace they all don't know yet. At least he won't be walking along with the other princess though that meant Mari was stuck with the elven butler.

Each of their group made their way out of the hall as Rosaria and Nuallán lead them through a series of hallways that seemed to be literally made of gold. Jomari deemed that all of the riches of the Spanish bastards probably couldn't compare to even a single hallway of these rich elves. Heck, that one single gem on Rosaria's necklace was probably tons more expensive than Jomari's own pitiful life. He did notice the way she was holding her bow and arrow, clutching them as if she was expecting an ambush. He looked at the other humans that were with him who seemed to have formed a connection and were now holding hands. Jomari rolled his eyes. These poor elves had such poor options for humans.

The group finally made it outside and all of them were met with the breath-taking view of the world outside the elves' castle. The air was fresher and the seas were more blue and pristine, no traces of ashes and the stench of death could be found anywhere. There's something about this place that made Jomari felt more alive. Nanay Minda always said the 'diwata' came from magical worlds; who knew those fairytales were actually based on the truth? "So what now? You probably didn't spend a lot of your magic to summon us here to just sight-see. Where is the enemy?" Jomari said as he looked around.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 9 am
Location: Sun Elf Castle Hall, Avalia
Interactions: Rosaria and Saoirse @Potter, Annya and Sophie @princess, Raven @Tae, Caelan @Alivefalling, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos, Nuallán @13org
Equipment: A bag full of stolen jewelry, tattered remains of several documents, and a dagger

Jomari gasped when Rosaria conjured light from her hand. As far as he and the resistance were aware, the Spaniards had no affinity for magic and mystic arts as they said their 'God' deemed it as work of the 'devil'. He was aware his own people were before the Conquistadors enslaved his forefathers and erased all of their records on their culture and ways of living, rewriting his countrymen's own history to benefit theirs. They were vile, selfish, and despicable, using their own religion to blackmail and corrupt Jomari's people's minds.

The diwata in his Nanay Minda's stories were not bad and not bad at the same time. They loved playing pranks on humans and were very territorial, often putting a curse on a poor guy even if he just accidentally ventured into their territory in the forests and mountains. He even recalled some were called but above all, most were kind and generous. They were known to give humans they favored gifts as tokens of their friendship, but not without a cost.

The elven princess who showed the light from her palm ordered another elf to retrieve clothes for them, especially for two of the humans who seemed to be half-naked. One of them, who introduced himself as Ismael to the princesses, looked nicer right now for Jomari's eyes but he was such a turn-off for trusting these people at once. Another human named Caelan seemed to be in distress after he was ordered that smoking was prohibited. Ugh, smokers were the worst.

There were also the three other women who seemed to be close to Jomari's age. Nothing extraordinary about them at the moment so he decided not to care about them.

The elf returned with a cart full of different clothes and shoes. Jomari was used to stealing from the closets of his rich targets' wives but even they couldn't compare to how beautiful and stylish they were. The material and threadings that were used to make these clothes along with the shoes were so alien to Jomari. They even brought in foods that were more luxurious and delectable than the last. Looking at them made Jomari sad and homesick. The resistance could barely scrape by the month and they were all content even with eating dried fishes and tomatoes. Even when many of their comrades were lost to war, they still found ways to be happy in such a dark time.

He looked down at the pair of elven prop ears given to Jomari. Rage filled him from within and he crumpled them in his hands. "Nuallán, right?" He turned to the elf who brought the clothes and food in. "I'm sure you're well aware that servants can only speak when spoken to, yeah? So why don't you just stay quiet, follow your masters' orders like the obedient little dog that you are, and mind your own fucking business?" He said to him, shooting him with his own glares and mocking smile.

Jomari then turned to the two princesses, approached the cart full of food, and while the other humans were busy eating, he stabbed the one that seemed to be a big roasted chicken with his dagger. "You give us clothes, cook food for us, grant us powers beyond our wildest dreams, only for you to make- no, force us to put our lines for you. No, I'm afraid that's not going to happen. As you and your people have your war, it just so happens that my people and I are fighting our own war too. So let me just make this clear in a way you can understand... I will not put my life in the line for the sake of people I don't even know!" He shouted.

"I mean, how am I supposed to know you're not the bad guys here huh? All these shining lights and beautiful architecture or fucking whatever could all be a facade to hide how rotten and evil you are underneath. You promise us all these gifts a man could only dream of only to lead us to our deaths like lambs to the slaughter! If you think I am willing to die for you then you are dead wrong, your royal highness. I have suffered enough!" Jomari said, regarding them in their status with a mocking tone.

"You proving your magic doesn't mean jack-shit to me, princess. If you're so great at making light appear in your palms then why don't you go out to the frontlines and use that magic to fight your enemies? A good leader always fights with his soldiers in battle, not summoning other people to fight your own fights while you cower inside your ridiculously large castle like a coward. And you!" Jomari turned to his fellow humans who were eating and putting on clothes. "You mean to tell me that when someone abducts you from your home, gives you food and clothing, and wants you to risk your life for them, that you would actually do it? How fucking stupid are you? Am... Am I the only one here with a working brain?" He asked them in disbelief.

Jomari finally turned his attention to Princess Rosaria and glared at her. "So no, princess. I refuse to fight for you so I would ask you ever so kindly to return me back to my own world. If you can't then I'd just stay here in his god-forsaken realm and enjoy everything this world has to offer. Kill me, torture me, I don't care. Like I said before, do your fucking worst." He took out his dagger from the chicken-like food and tossed the elf ear props at their feet, turning his back on them, and was about to walk away.

Location: La Hoya
Interaction/s: Squad Bee

With her question aptly answered, Brightheart nodded eagerly in understanding. It was very good to have such patient teammates in a group. Mostly, Aleen'a and her peers would just be subjected to combat scenarios right from the get-go with no opportunity to ask the Warlords what they should be supposed to do. It was part of the teachings of the Warlords especially since the Tamaraneans have been slowly integrating into a battle-conscious alien race ever since their freedom.

Despite their patience and some of their laughter, Aleen'a could feel tension brewing from within them. As far as she knew, this was mostly everyone's first mission ever as a group, the type of mission where one wrong move could spell bad things for them. Everyone had to be on their toes as the mission went on, relaxing on such a critical time of their duty was foolish.

As everything was cleared between the two groups, Brightheart also got into position as the rest of them. She flew up to the cold night and thankfully her alien physiology had made her strong against very hot and cold temperatures. The winds were pretty strong though but it's nothing to be alarmed of presently.

Once Nymph made the comms online, Brightheart reported. "Brightheart here. I am in position. Oh, over!" She said to her teammates over their comms. She could also hear them talking over the comms and ensuring everyone that they were also in their respectable position. She would giggle giddily if she could because missions like these excite her. Everyone was doing their part and being a part of a very incredible team like this made Brightheart very happy that she wanted to do somersaults and various other flips in the air, but she had to restrain herself and conserve her energy. There will be time for celebrations later.

Right now, she's focused on listening to the comms to be aware of what's happening to her teammates while also scouring the entire area for any potential danger. She could see Metamorph being away from his squad to investigate a car, an automobile made by humans to travel long distances because they tire so easily, that's parked there for some reason. She decided to pay a closer look at him just in case things went wrong. She could also see various guards patrolling the vicinity while Group A managed to skillfully dodge them and make their way to the rooftops.

"Understood, Rain. It appears that the guards are still not aware of our presence. I shall stay very quiet and continue to give you updates from the sky. Uh, over." Brightheart whispered into the comms as a force of habit. "Rain, do I have your permission to fly around and scour the perimeter of the area? Over."
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