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Scrawling my cryptic texts on the wall of this virtual alleyway

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Cool! I've got a few different character ideas brewing, so I'll get to work on that when I get home.
This looks like a blast. I'd also like to be on the list, please!
@Zim0cron - Badass, accepted.

@Shadow Daedalus - I would say write up the other character and maybe we can work Aeorin into the story at a later date if the opportunity presents itself. What do you think?
Apologies for my tardiness, everyone!

@Auz - Accepted. Way to make a smuggler that can stay ahead of the pack.

@Lucky - I'm already fascinated by Vena and ready to dig into his backstory. Accepted!

@Vergil - Accepted. How's it feel to be Mustafar-proof?

@Eviledd1984 - Accepted, so long as you don't go overkill with the droid-hacking and body transferring. But what's Star Wars without ridiculously murderous droids?

@Shadow Daedalus - Yo, Miraluka are one of my favorite Star Wars species. He seems interesting - if you don't hear back from anyone wanting to be his client would you prefer to submit a different character or have the client be an NPC I control? Either way, waiting on the completion of your CS.

Everyone that's been accepted, you may move your sheet into the character tab.
@Lucky@Vergil@Fabricant451@sly13@Zoey Boey@Eviledd1984@Martian

Pinging everyone that expressed interest to say that the OOC is up here. Feel free to make a character or just discuss stuff! There's also a link to the Discord, but just be aware I'm still working on it.

Lucky and Vergil, you guys have some really cool ideas for Jedi and it's clear you're both bringing a lot of creative energy to bear here. I'm excited to see where you go with it!

The truth in our soul,
Is that nothing is true.
The question of life
Is what then do we do?

- Fragmented Passage, Journal of the Whills


It has been over 150 years since the decisive victory by the Resistance and its allies over the Sith Eternal at Exegol. On that fateful day, the Galaxy was at last freed fully from the corrupting influence of the Sith. In the years that followed, an uneasy peace settled over the surviving worlds and peoples. Old enemies laid down their arms and clasped hands. New Galactic boundaries were drawn, not with fire but with the oaths of allies. The Galactic Federation of Free Alliances - more commonly known simply as the Galactic Alliance - was born out of the shattered remains of the Old Empire and the New Republic and spread its vast arms across all of known space, ruling through the combined input of the leaders of these humbled powers. Small conflicts flared occasionally, though they were quickly put down by the strong arm and watchful eyes of Jedi Grandmaster Rey Skywalker, her burgeoning new Jedi Order, and the Galactic Alliance Guard.

In these long and untroubled years, the monstrous and brutal acts of the Sith faded at first to distant memories, and then to legend. However, the few and the wise know that there is always a bit of truth in Legends…

... It is 185 ABY. You, like many others, have drifted through the outer edges of the Galaxy, searching for something. Perhaps it is the enchanting call of opportunity? Or perhaps it was the will of the Force itself that caused you to head out into the far reaches of the stars, skirting the very edges of the boundaries charted on the holomaps. In any case, you find yourself now on Solo Station, orbiting its namesake, the Solo Star: once the site of the fearsome Starkiller Base and in turn one of the most infamous battles of the last millennium. The usual salvage operations are in full swing, though there's a curiously large Galactic Alliance Guard presence here as well - unusual for so far out in the Unknown Regions. You hear snatches of conversation in passing - rumors of mysterious raids, vanishings around the rest of the outer Unknown Regions. Even more bizarre are the hushed, fearful claims that the Sith have returned, invading from a faraway stronghold. Even the Jedi Order has sent a Jedi Master from Coruscant to escort their sacred Gathering Pilgrimage rather than the ordinarily underwhelmed (and perhaps slightly bored) Jedi Knight.

You feel a tension hanging in the air. Despite the mundanity of the days' events, there's that lingering feeling that something will happen soon to change your life forever.


This roleplay takes place in the somewhat-distant, somewhat-near future of the Star Wars universe, after the Skywalker Saga has concluded and most if not all of the characters we know well from the movies and shows are long gone. As such, it is a reboot of sorts, and I intend to make the most of it. I have and will continue to incorporate the best elements from the current canon as well as the Legends or Expanded Universe canon, alongside my own original creations. Generally, movie canon will take priority in establishing the timeline of events and Legends material will be adapted to fill out the empty spaces as needed.

The Star Wars Galaxy is a big, big place. This roleplay is intended to let you, the players, explore it at whatever pace you desire. There will be a main story with a lot going on, but progressing your own side plots and character-to-character interactions is both allowed and encouraged. That said, here are some guidelines:

1. As stated above, this is a relatively open-ended experience. I'll try to keep an updated summary of main-plot events for newcomers, but there won't be a cap on number of players. Anyone can join in at any time.

2. As this is a casual roleplay, I won't be demanding super high-effort posts, but I would appreciate at least one or two detailed paragraphs.

3. Characters of all occupations and backgrounds are allowed (as long as they're lore-friendly), with Jedi characters encouraged as there's going to be some Force-heavy events happening quite early on.

4. Though all kinds of characters are welcome, power scaling should be kept in mind. If you're going to make a Jedi character, for example, they should probably be a Padawan or a younger, more inexperienced knight and not the second coming of Anakin Skywalker.

5. Please try to post at least once a week or so, so that you don't get left behind!

6. Don't feel intimidated if you don't know a lot about Star Wars, the Legends continuity, or anything like that. I've deliberately set things in a timeline where nothing necessarily has to adhere strictly to any established continuity. If you even have an inkling that you think you'd enjoy this story, I encourage you to participate!


Character Sheet

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Feel free to apply below and then move your sheet to the characters tab once accepted. Additionally, if I missed anything you think is worthwhile to include on the CS, go ahead and add it or modify the sheet if you want.

Discord Link - Come say hi!
@Vergil Hmm, I've never heard of one of those before. Sounds interesting, so basically just a small lightsaber with a bunch of front-facing blades?

@Eviledd1984 Always room for more! Droid characters are always fun too.

@Martian No hard character limit, but I reserve the right to tell you to chill if you're making a lot.
im not even gonna sit here and act like im not gonna throw a wacky quirky zany droid your way

I somehow missed your post, but by all means, show us meatbags how it's really done.
@Lucky, I absolutely have a plot in mind! There will be time for characters to develop their own stories, but I'll always be nudging everyone forward with the main plot. Our starting group will begin together on Solo Station, which orbits the star formed in the destruction of Starkiller Base. Here we will encounter a strange new type of dark side Force user. From there, things will stay story focused but also expand in scope a bit, as there will be two main problems for everyone to tackle: a growing threat from beyond the Unknown Regions and a string of mysterious disappearances on numerous heavily-populated worlds.

@Vergil General Kenobi! I'm definitely willing to be persuaded (purple lightsabers rock)

@Fabricant451 Pirlots, the true bread and butter of Star Wars. None of that hokey religious stuff, right?

@sly13 Go for it! Mandalorians are always fun, no matter the occasion.

Since we've got some interest, I'll get on creating the Discord and the OOC tomorrow.

By the way, if anyone's planning on being a brand new Padawan or something like that, there'll be an opportunity for you to choose your Kyber crystal (or any kind of crystal, I'm not picky) and build your lightsaber as one of your first posts, if you so desire.
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