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Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
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Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous
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My community needs an enema -.-
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Hmmm okay...interesting...I'm going to just uh show my interest on this. Love me some Final Fantasy
Hmmmm tell me more?

Crane and the Gods!

Micheal winces a little looking at the house, unsure of what to do. He turns as Amanda appears, "I don't know what the situation or what is up really. Manabozho just did an external casing of the other house. Says the power is still on and he can hear things inside. Could be someone, and if that's true they're likely watching us." He looks towards the house, Raven still working at the lock with a pair of lock picks, that were apparently taken from a lock picking kit with Micheal's initials on it. Micheal rubs his head, "Despite having a tomahawk and a propensity for summoning lightning, I'm not a combat caster. I'm a ritualist. It honestly takes time for me to conjure the magic needed to create lightning reliably and it's just not good for fighting. So kinda need someone to help me here. Or someones. You're a robot boss lady, and well we have a mercenary now I think? So maybe you could help me? Really don't want to go in there alone even if I have three gods with me."

He starts towards the front door of the house. Raven sticking a tongue out of the side of his mouth, "Almost got it..." The trickster god says softly, "I can feel the last few pins...just...give me a second or two more..." The god grumbles then winces as there's a pop, "Crap I just lost a pin hang on I can recover!" He keeps working and Micheal rubs his chin, gripping his tomahawk tightly, "Come on R, don't let us down now." Raven chuckles, "Don't worry Mikey i gotcha...just... alittle...and hey!" A click a pop and then BOOM! a shotgun goes off, blowing a hole in the door where the door knob was a moment before, Raven just having ducked out of the way. Raven peers through the hole, "Another trap...wow."

Micheal hums, "This place is trapped too. Great. But then this seems to be an MO around all kinds of places people don't want people to get into. Guess we need to watch out for trick steps, punji stakes and the like too. Watch your step everyone." Micheal reaches out and pushes the door open. Then helps Raven up from where he had sprawled to the floor. Manabozho and Whiskeyjack coming over to join them all.
@Sad Ogo

not 100%, but doing better, I was laid out last thursday afternoon and most of friday. Can't remember a damned thing from those days.

But there we go. Sorry about that @Su, Boss, I have no excuse outside of the cold/fever/plague, for forgetting this RP. I'll try not to let it happen again.
Artoria Stanko

Still on the I-5

Artoria turns in place, her little drone buzzing above her head. Holding her Plasma Defender out in front of her. They'd peppered one other wolf since the fight started. That makes two for her and her drone. She gulps looking around. And it's clear she's not some kind of battle hardened warrior. As her eyes are round as dinner plates figuratively, her hands shake with adrenaline. And even her drone beeps, "Warning, high levels of tension, stress and adrenaline. Recommend user: Artoria Stanko. Calm down. Slow, deep breathes. Repeat, slow, deep breathes." Artoria gulps and tries to get her slightly rapid breathing under control, "Thank you Drone." she says. She licks her lips and fires another bolt of blue-white plasma at a retreating wolf. She for a moment or two felt like she could have this under control. Even with them being out numbered.

And then like a lightning bolt another form appears. Her drone began to squeak and caterwaul, "Alert! Alert! Major threat detected! Suggest priority target! Permission to engage!" Artoria turned and gasped. Looking at the huge beast, "By The Director's beard..." And then her mind switched over, "Something like this...could only be borne through massive mutation. It can't be a normal strain of canis lupus anymore, not something that big. Drone take a picture just in cast, then concentrate fire!" Meanwhile she fumbled and finally got a bearing, her plasma pistol whining as it charged up for another shot again. Her eye and the muzzle of her weapon trained on the alpha wolf, "Please work..." she whispered, unsure as what to do in this situation.
I uh....may have completely forgotten I was a part of this RP...thank you strange sickness that hit me and put me into a blur for a week...I'll get something up here in the next day or so.
Micheal Crane and his Trio of Tame Deities

Micheal's visage hardened up, "Alright, not what I hoped would happen but okay." He whistles and his three hangers on sprint up beside him, "You three were at that raid at the Lake so I'm counting on you. Help us out." the Three looked at Micheal, it'd been awhile since the last time he was quite this serious. Honestly the shaman is pretty laid back, even when he has to do a serious task. So to see him all serious'd up the three trade a look then nod. Micheal turns and walks towards the other house. His godly friends running forward to blaze a trail.

Micheal has had abit of time to rest so his stamina is back. As he goes he lifts a hand to his mouth, cupping it to the side and lets out a rolling war cry to the sky. He waits abit then lets out another cry. And this time an answer, from somewhere close by. He makes another and this time the answer is closer. Accompanied by the sound of running heavy footsteps. Micheal makes one more rolling undulating cry and this time the response is a high scree as a...sasquatch...a bigfoot, comes tearing out of some brush.

Micheal smiles and bows to the large hairy hominid. And in his mother tongue of Cree begins to speak, <Hello cousin. I am sorry for calling you from your tribe. But you are native to these lands, and I thought you may be able to lend us your knowledge. I know you have no reason to help us, but I still beg your council.> The sasquatch lets out a low guttural series of chuffs, ruffs, growls and rumbles. Micheal nodding <Yes thank you for hearing me out atleast Cousin. This land, these houses. Something dark has been done here. We hope you may know something. This place is in your territory.> The sasquatch makes a huffing sound and pounds the ground with it's hands. Micheal nodding slowly, and his eyes narrowing. He then nods, "Thank you." He bows and the beast man tears back into the brush, disappearing from view. Micheal looks back at Amanda and the new comer and the rest of the team, "He had nothing to add, beyond the fact, the people who came through here were noisy and noisome. and they had built a garbage pit on the edge of the woods over there." He gestured, "That they dumped noxious chemicals into." He shook his head, "Sad really. Her tribe had to move way back into the woods to avoid it. Leaving their usual scavenging grounds."

By then the gods had reached the other building and are waving for Micheals attention. Whiskeyjack calling, "Mike! There may still be someone in here...come on! There's sounds inside, and Manabozho says the power is still on." Micheal picks up the pace, "Amanda! Mercenary...Red? Whatever, we may need your help on this one. I'm a Ritualist and my combat ability is nearly nil. Come on!" He hurries towards the house while Raven is busily trying to pick the front door lock.

@ReusableSword@13org@Kumbaris@Martian@King Cosmos

Michael Crane, the Gods and the A Team at the gang house

Michael grinned, "Sometimes you just want to be heard across a wheat field. And who knows which methods worked best?" He can't help but chortle a little trading five fives with his godly clingers. As things were finished at the warehouse, Michael and the gods finished loading up his kit into the car. With everything ready it was time to board up again and off they went

At the gangers house
A short time later

Michael got out looking about the locale. And traded looks with the gods. Micheal shook his head sadly. Whiskeyjack coughed then knelt and began to pray. Manabozho can be heard whispering , "Guess these places are in the white man's world too huh?" Micheal sighs and grabs his tomahawk in hand just in case.

As they reach the door he takes a single step out of the middle.of the opening. And he winced as he hears that twang. But shocked as Amanda catches the bolt. He chuckles "Damn boss lady good catch." The three gods clapping and Raven holding up a 10 score card.

Mike hums as the dangers are listed off and groans "Just like the crack dealers houses back on the Rez." Whiskeyjack pipes up "The one at the lake comes to mind. Walls, a watch tower and..." Micheal blinks "A control room with ways to deactivate we of the traps. If this place had one may make it easier boss lady." He calls to Amanda "Think we can try and see if there is one? Back on the Rez it was dug out ad a bunker near the house. It could be an option."

Micheal looks hopeful. It sure made it easier to keep the RCMP Major Crimes units entry and clean up easier that time. "Back during a drug house purge a few years back. Who knows. May turn out like that here."
it's little more then a research drone. But yeah pretty cool huh? If that picture wasn't the first one I had found that drone wouldn't have been a blip on the radar at all.
And posted finally.

Refining character aspects on the fly but still.
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