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Current Just made myself a cup of tea. Time to work on making an interest check!


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Welcome to the site from a fellow newbie!
Hi, so I'm new here and looking forward to starting some roleplays. I guess I'll start with a little about what I'm looking for before I get to my ideas. First, I'm a little rusty at this, but I'm sure I can write up to two paragraphs per post. But I'm also happy to do a more free roleplay with short posts back and forth. My preference is to play female characters, but I'm also happy to play background characters of any gender as the story needs. As far as pairings go, feel free to play whatever gender you like. I don't mind! Just please be over 18 as it's more comfortable for me to write with an adult.

Please PM me if you are interested in any of my ideas or have an idea of your own that you'd like to suggest!
@Qia Thank you!
@Yankee Thanks!
@hanzo Thanks :)
@Carlyle Thank you!
@POOHEAD189 Thanks :)
Hi everyone! New to this site (well, not totally new. I'm pretty sure I briefly had an account on this site years ago and was surprised to find it's still around) and excited about getting back into roleplaying. It's been years. I like a lot of different genres including fantasy, slice of life, romance, and even horror. Looking around the site a bit, I'd say I fall into the casual category. I'm confident I can manage a paragraph or two per post but not quite ready for anything longer than that. Anyway, I hope I see some of you around, and feel free to message me if you want to write together!
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