Zelda Flynn and Zarina Raynordattir
Location: Framework Area
Skills: Emotion Manipulation
Zari wasn't exactly what to do or anything with regards to the situation with April. However that was a small thing compared to the big issue that was her powers going haywire and going out of their way to hurt other people with it. Everything was flying, and she turned her attention now towards Mary Sue that got injured. Thankfully it didn't seem to be the one that was from the past. That would have opened a whole other can of worms with regards to time paradoxes. Like, causing time to actually unravel and that would not be a good thing.
She went over to check on the other Mary Sue, as Andy told her to grab one of them, however moving the Mary Sue that was seriously injured? Yeah, that would be a really bad idea. "Are you okay?" she asked the Mary Sue that was injured pretty badly. "Well, on the bright side time won't unravel since you're the one who traveled with us so yay? But also we probably shouldn't move you, that could just make things worse."
Zelda wasn't too sure what to fully think with regards to April's problems with regards to the chaos she was seemingly causing. There was a bunch of people already crowding around her with regards to it, and in her mind, trying anything with so many people around would likely cause a screw up or something like that. She probably would just make the entire situation worse if she attempted anything, but after the strike out that caused some injuries, there definitely needed to be something done.
Truthfully, she was heading towards doing something she typically never really did with her own powers. Personally the most she ever did with regards to her powers was either amplify someone's emotions, or overwhelm them with her own. Trying to calm someone's own chaotic emotions and emotional state? That was something entirely new to her. "...I guess I can try something," she muttered, not entirely sure if anyone would really hear her. Zelda tried using her powers, and at first, nothing seemed to really happen at all. But the second time she tried a bit harder, her hand glowing slightly as things calmed down. The whirl of water and the storm April had caused died down, as she seemingly calmed down. Guess that worked out in the long run, but that had not exactly been something she was expecting to attempt to do today. Here's hoping that April would stay calmer now.