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Hidden 16 days ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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🌈👻 Leda Storm 👻🌈

Location: Tartarus
Skills: N/A

Before they could get off at a run, Mads stopped the two of them - everything in this place smelled about the same degree of awful to Leda, but Mads' had a keen sense of smell. So when Mads said to stop, Leda let the girl slide off of her back, and got herself ready, bracing for anything. Most likely a fight, though. A fight or an escape. Those were the only two options that they really had in Tartarus - fight or flight. It was constant survival mode, one where they could expect no allies, no aid.

When Mads waved her forward, Leda joined her at the cage exit, peering out - it only took her a second or so to see what Mads had found. Harpies. Leda frowned. There was a pack of them. Running past them wasn't without risk - even at Leda's speeds, monsters could sometimes keep up with her. But engaging them could also just draw more monsters to them. "Mmm. Are you feeling lucky?" Leda murmured.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood
Skills: N/A

Maybe it wasn't completely logical, Nancy's hatred of Leandra. But anger had always been her fatal flaw. And so many things were out of her control. This was one small piece of the puzzle that Nancy had absolute control over - one small way that she could get retribution for everything that had happened, from the fall of New Rome to losing Mads. Besides, Leandra was dangerous. Too dangerous to be allowed to go simply into exile. And yet somehow unkillable.

A brief image flashed through Nancy's mind of Leandra, tied to a post as an eagle soared around her, stopping periodically to eat her innards, her body roasting under the glaring light of the sun.

She stared at the prisoner, her tongue still severed. Niah was quiet by her side. Shame prickled within her. Niah didn't have such vicious fantasies - she had control where Nancy did not. "Your trial is soon," Nancy said, breaking the silence. Her eyes narrowed, as she sunk into the comfort of her anger, leaving the shame behind - for the moment, at least. "I want you to know that for everything that is about to happen to you, you'll only have yourself to blame."

Her hands shook.

There was only one person she hated more than Leandra - only one person who carried more blame.
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Hidden 14 days ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Kirah@Morose Leandra turned to look at Niah and Nancy as the two of them entered the tent, she couldn't really say or do anything with her tongue cut off, all she could do was make grunting sounds really. She simply turned and looked back in the corner of the room that she had been staring at. Leandra ate half of her food, and her up of water was in the corner of her cell as well to. Hercules looked at the woman who was in the cell and then over at Nancy. "She doesn't seem that threatening." He said, as Joany flew over and landed back onto Nancy's shoulders demanding attention. A few seconds later a member of the Senate poked their head into the tent looking at Niah and Nancy. "They Senate is ready now." They told the two of them, then they approached Niah producing a compass. "Also this came for you, not sure who sent it really." They told Niah.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

Kirstin nodded slightly she could understand she was a year round camper as well to, she rarely ever did go home and when she did it was only for holidays and whatnot to visit her family and that was about it. She wanted to make sure that her family was safe and they wouldn't get hurt because of her. Kristin would feel terrible if her family did end up getting hurt she looked out at the ocean seeing some of the campers were enjoying the warm water she did enjoy the beach.

"I can understand you not wanting to head back home, but the option is your if you ever do choose to go home sooner once all of this is all over." Kristin said as she went and sat down on the ground looking out into the ocean it was actually very relaxing as she looked at both Andy and Stella but mostly to Andy knowing that she had lost someone close to her during her quest. "We'll find her for sure." Kirstin said to Stella giving her a friendly smile hoping that'll cheer her up.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

Kiera listened to both Zeke, Demi and Alexios as the two talked. "I guess i'll see you later then Zeke." Kiera said to Zeke as he decided to leave the rest of them to go and attend the whole trial thing that the Romans were holding. Something that she didn't really have much interest in at all. Kiera went back to continuing with her breakfast as she looked between Demi and the party god for a moment it was a little bit weird to see that Demi had been betrothed to a god.

"It's okay you are a very cute party pooper." Alexios said as he snapped his fingers and a bouquet of flowers suddenly appeared and handed them to Demi giving him a loving smile. "Here found these for you on my way over and thought you'd like them." Alexios said giving Demi a loving smile hoping to win him over in some way he was glad that Zeke had left so he could spend more time with Demi alone.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Tartarus
Skills: Werewolf form

Madalyne thought for a moment, if they fought them that could draw more monsters to them, but if they tried to flee the area they could also be spotted. This was a situation that they had encountered a few times since they had been trapped down in here as she looked over at Leda. "Lets take them out and we zip on out of here." Madalyne said as she slowly started to stand up, she could use her magic, but she wanted to at least make it look like that the monsters were attacked by one of their own which was also another common thing to see to.

"I'll shift and attack them, then you can mop up the rest." Madalyne said to Leda as she shifted into her werewolf form with ease and quickly attacked the pack of Harpies. There were six of them as the wolf managed to land on one of the Harpies Madalyne took a bite out of the one she landed on killing it instantly. Madalyne then pounced on the second one taking it out as quickly as well to, the remaining four Harpies started to screech and tried to flee.
Hidden 11 days ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Camp Half-Blood Beach

Andy nods at Stella's explanation of the words she had used. That makes sense. If you have two parents of the same gender you can call them the same name, like Mom or Dad, you have to use a different nickname to differentiate who you are talking to. It would be very confusing otherwise.

Andy takes off her shoes and socks letting her feet sink into the sand. She smiles sadly at Kristin appreciating the reassurance. "I'm sure we will." She nods agreeing. If they didn't...Andy doesn't want to think about those options. She wasn't the only one missing Mads, there were others that were upset. It wasn't just her though. She missed Arthur. With her birthday coming up she didn't know how she would spend it without him. He had made the birthday a good day. It had been the first she had liked.

Location: Camp Half-Blood Roman area

"Appearances can be deceiving. She has 'allegedly' betrayed the whole of New Rome." The quotes around allegedly were obvious in Niah's voice. Her voice may not have been dripping with the venom she felt, but that was only because she knew she had to remain neutral. She'd do a proper read on Leandra during the trial and determine if she had broken her Oath to New Rome.

She took the offered item, a compass. Niah looked it over curious about it. Wondering if there were markings that she would recognize. She had a thought pop up that she hoped it wasn't cursed. It was too late she had already taken the compass. Niah frowned a little while examining it.

Hidden 10 days ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

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Janelle Gauger

Location: Dining Pavilion -> The Beach
Skills: N/A

She was glad that they were heading out now. The chaos and noise was getting to be a bit much for her, and she preferred it from that. Whatever was going on with the others or anything like that, she very much didn't care. At this point it was just nicer to get away from all of that and just enjoy the sun and all.

Hearing Isaac's question as they walked along, it took a moment for her to come up with a full answer. "I prefer to just sahrt o' set dere, lestenin to de water... 'earin de birds around me and de waves. It's always been calmin to me," she ended up responding to him. It was always a good thing to relax and not worry about anything. Forget all of your worries and all, it was nice. Though usually she tended to be by herself when she did that sort of thing though and not usually with other people at the time.
Hidden 8 days ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Ezekiel Kel

Location: Roman Side - CHB

Ezekiel walked into the space where the senate was meeting. He nodded acknowledgements to some of the people he recognized but mostly hurried to find a seat in the back. Ezekiel ran a nervous hand through his hair as he sat, glancing around to find Nancy, but he didn’t see his half-sister anywhere. She was probably just getting Leandra. His fingers twitched at his side, playing chords on the strings of an invisible guitar.

Would Nancy care that he was here? Or care that Alexios had returned with news about the doors of death? Or that the party god was still intent on winning Demetri over somehow? Ezekiel wasn’t really sure, but he knew she would care about the doors of death. All of that would have to wait until after the trial.
Hidden 7 days ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Location: Camp Half-Blood -> The Beach
Skills: N/A

Stella was glad they had reached the beach, and leaned down to remove her shoes and socks and held them in her left hands. She let the sand gently work between her toes as she took each step, and warm up the soles of her feet. She gently wiggled her toes with each step, and let the sensation warm her up, and comfort her. She was glad that she had the option to go home if she really wanted, but she wasn't really to leave Andy alone yet. Especially with her birthday coming up.

She sat down on the ground and gently pet Arbor and ran her hands along his back lovingly. She was glad for the reassurances that everything would work out, but would it? "Thank you Kristin. How are you doing, Andy? Wanna pet Arbor a bit?" She looked over at her friend, and gently tilted her head a bit. She could tell that there was something on her mind, but she didn't want to pry too deeply, make her feel like she had to talk.
Hidden 6 days ago Post by DragonicQueen
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DragonicQueen Ghost with the Most

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Seraphina Cedergren

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

Sera gave a tiny wave of goodbye when Zeke left as she listen to Alexios and Demi speak about the death doors. "Soo question or maybe actually questionsssss....um what are the Doors of Death? Is it like the Gates of Hell? Where you walk through and never get out? Or can you get back out of them?" Tilting her head slightly with the confusion of a puppy dog basically. She still had lots to learn about, so of course she'd be questioning everything, all the demigod knew was that it was rather important to get to those Doors for the prophecy if she could recall correctly.

"Awww, those are such pretty flowers!" Sera always found flowers beautiful and almost wished she was a daughter of Demeter since they got to enjoy the ways of horticulture more than anyone. Maybe she could try taking care of a tiny pot of flowers with some help. Thoughts for another day. Right now she should be paying attention to the topic at hand.
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Hidden 5 days ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Demetri Rowan Howell


Demi smiled as the flowers appeared in Alexios' hands. Taking them and handing them towards Sera to take a closer look.”I didn't realize flowers grew in…actually where do gods go when then appear from one location to another? Is there a land in between? A realm of power held by some god of travel or something. I mean god's are all broken down into semantics in the end right? We have my uncle the Lord of the Dead, but good old Thanny is the the one of Death. So it stands that while Hermes is the god of Travellers, perhaps there's one of Travel itself.” He began to think before eating the rest of his meal before turning his attention back towards Sera.

”From what I've gathered, they're a tool to be used by Thanatos, The God of Death. It's like a doorway into some place deeper and more horrific than the Underworld, Tartarus. Where monsters go when they day and I guess come back from? From the sounds of it you can get out from there just as well as get in via the Doors, but why it hasn't been done before is beyond me. I don't know the mechanics of it all but I intend to ask Thanny-Boi when we meet him.” Demi said, answering Seras question before raising an eyebrow at Kiera as he was about to tease. ”You exciiiited? I mean, I know Nance and Zeke are focusing on the whole Roman rescue, but isn't your girlfriend also coming back? Good old Rainbow Brite herself. I bet it'll feel great to be reunited again.”
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Hidden 5 days ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

🌈👻 Leda Storm 👻🌈

Location: Tartarus
Skills: Sword-Fighting, Agility

Leda nodded in agreement with Mads' plan - it was sound enough. They'd attack, and then run from the scene as fast as they (Leda, really) could. Mads would begin with an assault in wolf form, surprising the pack of Harpies, and then Leda could rush in with Ultraviolet and carve them up, turning them into shreds. She took a breath, watching silently as Mads turned into her wolf form, pouncing on the pack - biting one and killing it, before springing onto another. It was a magnificent act of brutality and savagery, and Leda counted the spaces between heartbeats, before taking up her sword and sprinting to join the fray.

The first swing of her sword was clean, slashing up through the midsection and across the harpie's chest, the monster exploding into sand around her, the angered winds of Tartarus - partially kicked up from Leda's own run - spattering them against her face. But she didn't stop, ducking beneath an attempted attack, before swinging her blade once more, another of the harpies meeting their temporary fate.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood
Skills: N/A

Nancy clenched her jaw at Niah's use of the word allegedly. It stung like a snake's bite, a flash of red hot pain followed by a cooling venom. She knew why Niah phrased it like that - that Leandra's trial hadn't happened yet, that she had not been convicted, that she was only accused... But Nancy didn't care. She knew that Leandra was guilty. Niah knew it, too. If it hadn't been for this half-assed immortality Leandra had stumbled her way into, she would be dead by Nancy's hand. And if Nancy had the means to do so, she would have killed her a thousand times more until death finally took.

"There's nothing alleged about the things she's done," Nancy said darkly.

Her body felt restless, her fingers tense, buzzing with energy. Her anger was only interrupted by a member of the Senate entering the tent, saying that it was time. Nancy nodded. Her eyes darted towards Leandra, and then followed her gaze to the cup of water in the corner of her cell. Nancy's left eye twitched slightly, and before she had even finished the thought, she walked forward and kicked the cup, spilling the water onto the ground. Just because Leandra was unable to die did not mean she was immune to suffering.

"Bring the guards in - I'll help escort her personally," Nancy then ordered. She wasn't going to allow Leandra a chance to escape.

Hidden 4 days ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Kirah@Morose@KazAlkemi As Niah picked up the compass she would noticed that it was it was made out of a bonelike material, which also had a metallic like shine to it as well to. There was also another metal like trim which was imperial gold around the small glass which held the little needle in place which was also made of imperial gold however the directions that were north, south, east and west were in different rune like symbols. On the back of the compass also contained the same rune like symbols inscribed onto it which she wouldn't be able to identify.

Leandra flinched when some of the water splashed onto her slightly when Nancy kicked it. The senate member nodded as they left and a few seconds later two armed guards came in and unlocked Leandra's cell and escorted her out of the cell. They made sure that Leandra was handcuffed and she was escorted to the largest tent that the New Romans used for the Senate meetings. Once inside Zeke would see members of the senate from each of the five cohorts were entering now as well as Leandra, Hercules and the guards leading her inside.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

Isaac nodded as he sat down next to Janelle and looked up at the ocean seeing several Hippocampi in the distance breaching the water like dolphins which was always a sight to see Janelle would be able to hear them making horse like noises as well to. "So do you have any favorite dishes back from Ireland?" Isaac asked looking over at his half sister mostly curious he had never been there before really and was curious what their food was actually like over there.

"I'm doing alright just want to go back out there and see if we can save our friends." Kristin said as she sat down next to Stella and looked over at Arbor and smiled gently petting the plant wolf dog like creature. It was still a weird animal to see but Arbor was pretty cute actually. She turned to look at Andy for a moment, she knew that she had a birthday coming up but she wasn't really sure what day it actually was. "Hey Andy isn't your birthday coming up soon?" Kristin asked looking over at her.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

"Oh yeah I am excited to see Leda again and I want to bring her back home so badly." Kiera said she was more than ready and eager to save her girlfriend from Tartarus itself, she wished that she would have taken her place if she could have. Kiera's attention turned towards Alexios as Demi and Sera asked some questions about gods and the doors of death itself as well to.

"As long as we are alive and whatnot our job still does itself, though sometimes there are gods with similar abilities that could take up the role to in case something happens. Like Iris is another messenger god in case Hermes disappears or something she'd probably step up or something like that. And there are other pantheons out there who can do the job to I guess so lots and lots of backups to." Alexios said with a slight shrug. "Also it has happened before, actually." Alexios pointed to both Sera and Kiera. "Your older half brother Percy, and his girlfriend were trapped inside Tartarus itself for a time to which they were able to get out. I think the two of them are in college or something or whatever you mortals do for after school things when you are to old for it." Alexios said.

Kiera knew of her brother Percy who she still hadn't gotten to meet yet surprisingly though like Alexios said he was probably in college or something now anyway. But everyone in camp had brough him up at one point or another to and sometimes tried to compare her and Sera to him whenever he was brought up. "At least its been done before getting out of there anyway." Kiera said as she looked at Demi and Sera.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Tartarus
Skills: Werewolf form

Madalyne turned her head to see a Harpy trying to sneak up on Leda with it's talons out aimed to take her out or pick her up, she quickly bolted forward and pounced on the Harpy midflight and taking the monster to the ground. The Harpy would let out a loud screeching sound before it was cut off. Mads using her jaws to snap its neck and removing the Harpy's head clean off, it burst into dust some of the monster dust getting in her nose causing Mads to let out a snorting sneezing like sound.

The rest of the Harpy's would flee, as Mads slowly started to shift back into her human form she looked in the distance and could see a lot more Harpies in the distance flying over to them as the fleeing ones were going to meet the massive group. "I think we should get going now." Madalyne said to Leda as she made her way over to her fellow demigod. She started to notice bird like creatures now joining the group of Harpies which was way more than the two of them could handle alone.
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