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<Snipped quote by Bounce>
Miles runs into Damian doing assassin stuff and challenges him to a video game face off?

Seems legit.
But man, this IC moves fast. @@

36 IC posts, 834 OOC posts

...and you're commenting the IC moves fast? o.O
I have no idea how this would ever happen, but I feel like at some point we need a Damian vs Miles Morales video game tournament.

Also, I'm enjoying the Spidey posts.


"On His Demon Head's Secret Service" // Part 02

Avalon Hills

Val Kaliban had spent a lifetime around information.

A former high school star athlete, he'd been recruited from out of a Stanford MBA program to work in the CIA's clandestine foreign intelligence branch. At a certain point, the network of foreign contacts he'd made had become more lucrative for him and he pledged allegiance to the money rather than to the United States. He'd even lived as an ex-pat in Afghanistan for a time, selling information to the Taliban, the Northern Alliance, and the United States' special forces.

In exchange for information about the location of Abu Sayyid ibn Faraj al Yemeni, he'd negotiated a secret deal with the U.S. government that had allowed him to return to his home country with a passport and a clean slate -- allowing him to live out the remainder of his years in suburbia. But if anyone thought that the Spook was retired, they were kidding themselves. He'd positioned himself economically. The Eurozone was crashing, the Russians were coming, and ISIL was a real and present danger to a man like Kaliban. He'd wagered his knowledge strategically, putting him in a position to sell his services to the approaching crime syndicates that were moving in from the north and south to lay claim to Gotham.

A man with Val Kaliban's skills was not easily dismissed by the League. Such tact and manipulation of data was a rare trait. Even still, there were some things that the League could simply not permit and Kaliban had crossed one of those lines when he'd sold information to the League. And then turned around and sold information ABOUT the League.

That was a new Jaguar F-Type convertible in the garage. The S type trim available starting at $80,000, which suggested what the payout for the information had been. The ranch style home was nestled against a man-made lake on the side of an eighteen hole golf course that was all packaged neatly inside a private, gated community. Close enough to Gotham to be drivable, far enough away so to get none of the metropolitan traffic.

Now ask yourself, what is a million dollar home and an $80K car doing in Bludhaven?

A whaling town incorporated in the late nineteenth century, Bludhaven was a small town economy that had failed to launch. Attempts by mayors and city planners to reinvent, revitalize, or revisit the city's image had all ended disastrously, and with any number of scandals. The murder rate of a town with a fraction of the population was nonetheless on par with Chicago. So what motivated that level of crime in such small town America?

The answer was the docks. Longshoremen in the United States were synonymous with the mob, and so there was a long history of crime families using Bludhaven as their own summer vacation home. Maroni. Falcone. Key. Each had their own booth, with their name on it, at Anthony's on Main. As for the gated community, some of those were safe houses, some were grow houses, some were rentals. Few people actually lived here. And those that did usually did so at the invitation or pleasure of the mob.

In the age of Google, most of what Val Kaliban did now he could do over e-mail or text. He came and went from the house sporadically. He didn't seem to keep any kind of schedule. He'd been trained to avoid any sort of routine. Even when he went to the grocery store, he varied his route and went to different stores in order to be unpredictable. He looked over his shoulder, checked for vehicles tailing him, and seemed to operate under the suspicion of surveillance.

However, he'd agreed to a meeting. At his place. It was the price of doing business with Sal Maroni, who happened to own the bank that owned the loan that owned the house Kaliban was living in. Gee, there was a coincidence, wasn't there?

♪...Yeah, is it too late now to say sorry... cause I'm missing more than just your body...♪

The preteen's head swayed from side to side, his lips moving as he mouthed the words to the pop song by Bieber that was pumped through the black SkullCandy ear buds. In his lap, the child was stripping, inspecting, and assembling the German made pistol he'd been given. Connecting the slide to the frame, the boy inverted the Walther PPS before popping the magazine into place. Righting the gun, the rocked the slide back to chamber a round and disengaged the safety before tucking it away at the small of his back.

...Yeah I know that I let you down... Is it too late to say I'm sorry now...

Pulling on a pair of black gloves, the boy next reached for the black scabbard that had been resting on the seat beside him. Sheath in one hand, handle in the other, he pulled the wakazashi from the scabbard just far enough to inspect the blade for damages. It was eighteenth century Japanese. Securing the blade back, the boy slung the scabbard behind his as he secured the weapon on his back.

The Enterprise Rent-a-Car Volvo was rolling up on the house. Reaching for the door handle, the boy paused to consider just how this was going to go down. This wasn't training. This wasn't 1,800 yards away, seen through the scope of a rifle. This was real. Shit was about to get real.

The Volvo rolled to a stop. Obediently, the child popped the door open as he started to step out of the car. He looked back only because he realized that his driver -- the woman in the niqab -- had snagged his sleeve to get his attention.

Was she going to tell him to be careful?

"If you fail," the woman said, speaking slowly and clearly. "My instructions are to kill you."

The boy looked crestfallen for a moment, but it had only been a moment. Of course she was. Mother had probably even reinforced that idea in his chaperon and bodyguard. To live as an al Ghul one had to prove that they were worthy of that life. This was a test, not a job. And therein lay the key distinction between someone like Val Kaliban and Damian. "-tt-" the boy chirped derisively, adopting a sneer as he twisted his face away. "I'll kill you for suggesting I could fail," the boy tossed back haughtily, before swinging the car door shut.

He'd twisted his face away so she wouldn't see the single tear rolling down the right side of his face. Pop music pounding in his ears, he turned his eyes up to the stars overlooking the house.

Someone was going to die tonight. Would it be him?
You thinking what I'm thinking?

Two words.

Bat. Cow.

@Lord Wraith

<Snipped quote by Bounce>

But but Bruce is real Batman.

Bruce isn't even remotely close to how you spell Grayson.
Don't get him started on Damian being around before Dick, Jason and Tim.

The awesomeness that is Damian is all that is required. Those minor, unimportant, impotent characters are unnecessary.

Besides, I'm a DickBats fan, so this is all part of a conspiracy to replace Bruce with the real Batman.
Not gonna lie, this is all sounding very cool. Is there any way there could be some references to Asgard thrown in there? Nothing will be affected by it but, given Asgard's galactic prominence in the comics, some indication that they were part of galactic politics but have mysteriously all disappeared in the last year or so and their dimension/territory/whatever we're calling it today has been closed off to any and all.

Would just help to reinforce that Thor and the Enchantress are the only Asgardians around and they're currently both on Earth.

What if the Asgardians were the fifth member of the Security Council that withdrew, in lieu of the Shi'ar (who may never have signed it)?
So I was sharing this with @Gowi but I want to toss this out there for everyone so that's its clear, coherent and everyone has an opportunity to chime in or shape it.

It would be difficult to tell a Green Lantern story without some conceptual understanding of galactic politics. In a universe where the Shi'ar, the Green Lanterns, the Nova Corps, and the Brood (as well as the Guardians and the Watchers) all occupy the same space, I need some idea of what the relationships between all those competing interests are, especially as DC's Green Lantern Corps and Marvel's Nova Corps are basically the same thing.

At the same time, I don't want to lock someone out from coming in and dropping a sweet as Sam Alexander application. So, here's the rough framework I came up with as I started sketching out Kai-ro's story and the galaxy it takes place in. Feel free to smack me if this is cracked out to all hell.

A United Nations parallel, known colloquially as the Coalition; referring to those governments that are signatory to the Galactic Coalition in Partnership for Peace Treaty signed at some point after Krypton's destruction on Oa (hence referred to as a document as the Oa Accords). My rationale is that the history of war between the Xandar and the Kree, coupled with the galactic superpowers doing nothing to stop the destruction of Krypton (not to mention the existence of existential threats such as Galactus...) would prompt some political action to promote cooperation.

Members of the treaty agree to mediation and alternative dispute resolution measures to resolve points of contention between interstellar powers, with contributions toward peacekeeping forces. Made up of dozens of worlds, it is led by the Security Council with its five permanent members.

1. The Maltusians (Guardians of the Galaxy). They operate the Green Lantern Corps, providing enforcement of interstellar domestic law and operating the felony level courts of interstellar law.

2. The Watchers. They serve as observers and recorders of history, though some more actively support the Green Lantern Corps as dispatchers or "early warning system" for threats such as Galactus, etc.

3. Xandar. Represented by Nova-Prime, they contribute the bulk of the military forces to the Coalition in the form of the Nova Corps.

4. Kree. Represented by Ronan the Accuser, they contribute minor forces to the Coalition and serve primarily as a "check" against the Xandar, with whom they had previously been at war with.

5. Currently vacant, formerly occupied by Asgard (which has since withdrawn from the Oa Accords)

The lack of 5 members means that in recent years, the Coalition has been completely non-functional. The Guardians and the Watchers abstain from voting, while the Xandar and the Kree cannot agree on the color of the sky. The Kymellian Technomancy and the Tamarans have each been nominated to replace the Asgardians, but each nomination has become embroiled in political posturing and protests by the Z'ynx and the Daxamites who feel underrepresented.

tl;dr the Green Lanterns are space cops, the Nova Corps are UN peacekeeping forces from Xandar. And the government is currently completely ineffective.
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