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<Snipped quote by Bounce>

"Quickly Alfred! To the Bat-Paternity Test!"

By the way, would you mind Damian's activities being brought up during Marc's meeting with his old intelligence work contact since The Spook was Ex-CIA and sort of high on everyone's watchlists and Marc giving a similar readout when presented with the crime scene photography of Damian's handiwork, then refusing to take the job or help? I actually don't know where Moon Knight's recent activities and Damian's fit together on a timeline though and I can get it if you aren't good with it. Just feels a shame for it not to get an IC nod after all this back and forth XD

Also DO definitely come to NYC at some point.

Nope. No problem at all.

@BounceI was going to volunteer Ivy once she's finished in Poland. (Since it seems I'm not getting a Harley. I hope you're happy Wraith!)

And I'm working on Cap >< But sooo tried.

I'd be interested in how that interaction would go.
@Byrd Man

I can't say no to Bill.
Oh no! I stopped Bounce from posting!? But I really wanted to see what happens next!

You may be disappointed.

Given that @Lord Wraith may be occupied with Deathstroke, I was going to have Damian on his own for a bit. Torn between Damian just exploring Gotham by himself or introducing Colin Wilkes and having the two hit a concert.

Then once I've lured Wraith into a false sense of security, Talia puts the hit on Bruce to all that back owed child support.
While that's certainly an interesting point, I was actually referring to weight distribution in terms of body stance and posturing which is known to vary between males and females in studies where participants ranged as young as nine years old due (according to scientists who know better than me) to in-built neurological rather than physical differences.

Well, I was going to work on a post, but I seem to have found my statistical nerdcrawl for the evening instead...

I fear your request may be overcome by the fact that every female character since the 1970's has been depicted as possessing a D cup minimum bust size.

I recall the letters to the editor section of an Uncanny X-Men comic in the 90's calling them out on that, and the editors reply be to point out that most of the character designs of the 90's revamp of the franchise had been drawn up by one of their female illustrators.
Oh hush, this is her current outfit anyway. As you can see it is much more practical!

She's Kryptonian.

While I've read different theories about the aura of deus ex GODMODEWTF that prevents their suits from tearing under normal circumstances, the fact is that their bodies are more indestructible than anything they'd wear. So, but for the .0000000001% chance of a piece of Krypton happening to survive re-entry to Earth, they could pretty much go naked and it still be practical. Not modest. But still practical.
So my question then becomes, if Batman or Captain America were introduced today would Robin/Bucky still exist?

Kid Loki was introduced as a kind of Thor sidekick for Fear Itself and has his own fan following that rivals Lady Loki's. And I'd argue the Kid Loki storyline is one of the best told storylines that I've seen Marvel pull off in the last decade.

For a long time after Death in the Family, we didn't have a Robin. Tim was added and people are still upset that he's not Robin currently (isn't he still Robin in Batman & Robin Eternal though)? Damian came along and had this instant like him/hate him effect, which has followed the character throughout DCU, New 52, and whatever we're calling the state of DC comics today (50 fucking retcons later...) And they killed Damian and that had its own polarizing effect on the fan base, but at the end of the day people were still demanding that there be a Robin. They're just split on whether Robin should be Tim or Damian (and then there's the Steph and Kelly Carrie fans)

So, to answer the question, I think the answer to the question is still yes. Young heroes have always stood on their own, from Jim Hawking in Treasure Island to Billy Batson in Captain Marvel to Louise Simonson creating an entire superhero team composed of 12 and under characters (Power Pack, which ran in its own series from 84-92). At the same time, the sidekick has become iconic and the young sidekick is just another trope related to that.
<Snipped quote by Bounce>

True, although apparently Batman and Moon Knight can do predictions of gender based off of a combination of the weight distribution, height and potential age that you'd get off the Heely marks, the sword execution and the two gunshots.

I like the analysis for the opportunity to dissect the scene.

I could see the gender prediction working in adults, where you have different BMI baselines. Preadolescence though gender is pretty indistinct. For the most part, a 10 year old boy and 10 year old girl are going be extremely similar in body shape and weight. In terms of forensic data, I'd think Damian would be indistinguishable from Hit-Girl.
Or a dwarf. They're probably (even in Gotham) more likely to look for someone short before they go looking for a kid.

Now I'm trying to imagine Warwick Davis cast in lieu of Jason Statham in something like The Transporter.
@Bounce Entry and Exit wound on the fourth(?) shot gives away the height and position more easily, along with the close range execution done after. Unless he was really lucky with blood splatter or took time to clean up after himself there's Heelys marks all over the table and your palm-heel's potentially going to leave some pretty interesting bruising post-mortem. Someone with the know-how could make a decent guess for weapon, position and size off of the decapitation itself too. He was done in thirty minutes, didn't miss a single shot and killed every gunman in the room before they could return fire, plus the knife's not bloodied.

So you've got size, weaponry, the high degree of training and also a decent guess at the age unless you're a little person who particularly enjoys Heelys footwear. Fingerprints and DNA would've been useless anyways, he's likely not in any databases, certainly not under an identity of any significance and it'd be ridiculous for them to run a paternity test off of Bruce Wayne just in case. XD

A good bit of detail, but it still leaves the crime scene examiner with not much more than "kid" without any further identifying detail as to gender.

The Heelys were chosen to illustrate that he's 9-10 years old though.
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