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I could work with the Purifyers, but if you'd rather story solo then I can just work with @Gowi instead.
Drugs, Kree planetary conquest plans, and mutant-hating humans.

I feel like if we find a way to shoe-horn in a political rally, we'll have achieved @Byrd Man status.

Perhaps the Kree scientists (undercover) are using the Friends of Humanity to identify alleged or suspected mutants for them to experiment upon?

Got you down.
Screw it. Kai-ro's coming to Earth and I'm folding my Plot #1 into my Plot #2 and rolling with it.

Anyone want to meet the Tibetan Monk from outer space?
Blue Heaven turned out to be a dead end. By the time the domestic situation was under control, enough attention had been brought to a Green Lantern being on the asteroid that any drug smugglers who were there had absented themselves from the population by the time I got around to asking. Aya had mapped no less than twenty-seven different spacecraft departing on varying trajectories throughout the sector during the incident, some with priors, but not enough for a warrant. So we headed back home, and hoped tomorrow would be a brighter day.

"Miami Vice" // Part 03 // [ Post Theme ]

S A T U R N I   L U N A

Saturn's largest natural satellite was discovered on March 25th, 1655, by a Dutch astronomer inspired by Galileo and empowered by improvements made to the telescope. Originally designated Saturni Luna, the moon would be alternately referred to as Saturn II, Saturn III, Saturn IV, and even Saturn V at various points in Earth's history before 1847 when the name Titan was suggested.

Well before that time, various alien cultures had arrived on Titan and begun the establishment of a colony that would later grow into one of the most respected democratic republics of Sector 2814. As the Solar System was located toward the middle of the sector, when Ysmault had become a restricted zone the focus of attention had settled on Titan for the location of the local Green Lantern precinct for the sector. That had been a little inconvenient for a Green Lantern like Abin Sur, as it had required a bit more travel for him to visit his homeworld of Ungara. But Kai-ro?

Kai-ro could see Earth from his apartment. It was the blue-white star in the night sky. Close enough to be within reach, far enough away as to feel disconnected. The Tibetan diaspora had spread the people of Tibet to the far corners of the globe. He supposed he ought to be proud to be the first to plant the seed of Tibetan culture on another world.

The young monk had slept in.

It had taken him awhile to go to sleep. Or, rather, find a position that was comfortable to sleep in. He felt like he'd been run over by an Acanti, one of the giant space whales that sometimes cause problems for interstellar travel.

Yes, giant space whale. Moby Dick in space, complete with whale strikes.

He'd bathed twice before going to sleep, and immediately headed back for a third time as soon as he'd woken up. There was nothing like getting tackled by a waste disposal unit out on a fringe asteroid to make you arrive at a new appreciation for showers. Of course, the alien tech wasn't quite the same, but the wave fountains used on Titan were close enough. As he felt his body being blasted by the water vapor, the boy studiously shaved his head as part of his normal routine.

His mala, Tibetan prayer beads, were wrapped around his right hand as the boy sat in the small apartment eating a breakfast of sequenced proteins and carbohydrates that were edible for human digestion. It was somewhat like whole grain bread, only it tasted like wet cardboard. He'd tried it once with a fire jelly from Quistraa... that had proven to be less compatible with humans.

...Nova Prime is expected to address the Coalition Security Council later this rotational period, about Nova Corps activities in Sector 1149.

One universal constant in the universe appeared to be tea. Pushing the now empty plate that had borne the aptly named food board, the boy lifted up a steaming cup of a reddish tea that was rather similar in taste to kukicha or twig tea. The news feed from IGN was playing in the background, though the boy was scant paying much attention to what they were saying.

...Officials close to the hearing spoke to IGN on the condition of anonymity, saying that the Nova Corps had encountered the Brood...

Leaning his head back, the young monk tipped back the tea cup as he drained the last of the drink. With a sigh, the boy set the cup down, then deposited his mala next to it before picking up the large ring. Playing with that for a moment, he lifted it up closer. His eyes inspected the detail work on the symbol across the face of it. Eyes that were no longer as they had been. Part of the process of forging the neurological link that existed between a Green Lantern and his ring infused the body of the ring bearer with the green energy. As an effect of which, Kai-ro's brown eyes had turned a different color, one not naturally occurring in Tibetan populations.

Finally, the boy slipped the ring on over the middle finger of his right hand. As he did, an envelope of energy spread across his body, decorating it in the green and black suit that had become symbolic of his status as a Green Lantern. Flexing and relaxing his hand a few times, the boy pushed himself up from the floor when he noticed the ring flashing. Internally, the boy played back the message in his head as the ring relayed the saved data to him.

It was the police inspector on Ungara who had taken over the domestic investigation of the drug smuggling uncovered by the death of the courier. "Green Lantern Kai-ro, we wanted to share with you information from our investigation into the Grund. It appears that the drugs were not destined for Ungara at all. They were being refined here before delivery to a planet we have not heard of before, but we thought that you may know of it."

"It is a planet called Earth."
Name: Edward "Ted" Stephen Kord A.K.A. The Blue Beetle!

That isn't even close to how Jamie is spelled.
Achievement unlocked: Kill the OOC.


The hell you say. The 1970s were full of awesome and greatness. After 1980, @Byrd Man was born. And then the whole world went to fuck all, man.

But, until then, we had the 70s. And Linda Carter as Wondy. You can't forget Linda Carter as Wondy.
I dunno about y'all....

but if you want Spider-man from childhood go no further. This theme is the one

Spider-man was about the only Superhero I got on TV as a kid.

Let me fix that for you.

The Spider-Man of my childhood (and thus the only one that matters...)

Well then.

We'll just have to ...kill the Batman.

@Lord Wraith So that's how you're planning on bringing Dick Grayson into the game.

Man, get that weak shit outta here.

...my time has come.

I support blaming @Lord Wraith.
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