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May I ask why so young a character?

I appreciate the question, but I don't know that I have a good answer. As someone who grew up in the 80s, there were a lot of kids in the comics at that time (mostly in Power Pack and X-Factor) and that's the period when I was into comics. Syaoran is an OC I created back in 2004 and wrote on another board for 10 years, based on those concepts. Finding a fandom game that sparks my interest, and that takes OCs is few and far between (in my experience anyway). So when I saw this game, revisiting Syaoran and the nostalgia that generated him was the first thing that came to mind.

Japan Standard Time for me.

If you can't tell, I'm catching up on the OOC
And I am not fluent in any other language besides sarcasm ;)

I'll admit, I laughed at that.

I like the top relationship sheet template myself. Very well done.
We could do relationship sheets up if we wanted preexisting context and connections with other characters.

Syaoran's relationship sheet would probably merely serve to document the harsh prison camp he lives in, surrounded by oppressive giants who send him to the salt mines of homework, solitary confinement of bed time, and water boarding torture of baths.

Life is hard on the playground, man.

@Bounce I'm open to you playing a 10 year old, but it would isolate your character in some ways. If that is something that you're comfortable with we can move forward, but if you'd rather submit a different character that is okay to. I just wanted to be transparent about the matter :).

I'm good with this. Is the CS accepted then?

Makes sense. Thank you for the clarification.

Run of the mill kid? Youngster? Here is a CS for your consideration, in the vein of Artie Maddocks, Leech, and the X-Factor kids of the mid/late 1980s.

On a different note, when is this game set in the X-Men timeline? Current comics? Some point before?

Just curious if there are any world and/or mutant altering events (M-Day, Inferno, etc) that we should be aware of in terms of the setting.

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