Avatar of BrokenPromise


Recent Statuses

24 days ago
Current I agree, let's have a human breakdown! Water, carbon, ammonia, lime, phosphorus, salt, saltpeter, sulfur, fluorine, iron, silicon, and trace amounts of fifteen other elements.
1 mo ago
If 4 RPs die on you that just means you can join 4 more.
5 mos ago
I think to sell someone on an interest check, it's really important to seem enthusiastic about your own idea. That means writing more than a single sentence to attract potential players.
2 yrs ago
The virgin "My post was so bad it killed the RP!" VS the chad "My post was so good it concluded the RP."



Did you know that Dante's inferno is called a divine comedy because things work out for the protagonist? Back in the day, the only two genres were comedy and drama. The only difference was that in a comedy, the protagonist is better off at the end, and a drama is the opposite. So that's why a story about going through hell can still be considered a comedy, even if it's not funny.

Broken Promise, BP, Boss

Old enough to know better, too young to care. (that is to say 30's)

Preferred RPs:
I Prefer to make my own, but will occasionally join something if it looks interesting. I'll join just about anything so long as it isn’t overly edgy/sweet, though it's rare for me to do. I don't do 1x1s too often either.

Preferred Roles:
I tend to play adorable characters everyone wants to befriend or proper assholes everyone wants to stay away from. I try not to play moral paragons or prime evils.

RP Conquests:
I've completed quite a few RP's off site, but most of them are on private forums or have simply been lost to the ravages of server crashes. As for stuff here, I'm sure everyone who sees me post in the off topic sections has seen me find an excuse to talk about Danganronpa: Tower of Carnage. It's a project that took over 4 years to complete and I feel pride not only for myself but all the wonderful people who helped make it enjoyable during its run. Re: Zero: The High Council Is technically my first, but it was just something I kind of took over and ended up ending the story after just six months. It finished, but eh...

Last RP I finished was Symphony of Espers which turned out pretty good.

RP's in progress:
For some reason I can't seem to stay away from Ari's magical girl RP, even if I'm not sure why I'm still in it.

As for my own projects, I'm doing Symphony on High to continue the gigachad adventures of the espers in Pax Septimus.

RP Graveyard:
I've been pretty fortunate on this forum. I think I joined one when I first came on the site that didn't really do anything, and there are a few 1x1 things that didn't go anywhere. It's disappointing when an RP ends before it can be finished, but I've come to look at them as learning experiences.

And then there's that london magical girl RP, and that dark magical girl RP. I think I'm done joining magical girl RPs for a while.

Other interests:
I watch a lot of educational videos on youtube. Usually as research for something I’m writing or purely because a topic interests me. I like channels like Tier Zoo and Daryl Talks Games, and I’ll also watch things like Critical Drinker or Literature Devil to deepen my understanding of story telling. Though I also like memes and jokes, to which I’ll find myself watching stuff like Sseth, but usually find myself surfing through meme videos. I gotta work on that.

I have a rather long history of playing virtually every platformer to come into existence during the indie boom, as well as quite a few other indie games. I’ve played Meatboy, Binding of Issac, Gunvolt, Cuphead, Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt, Classic Metroid, Warcraft 3, Final Fantasy 7,8, and 14, Left 4 Dead, Shantae, Celeste, Danganronpa, God Eater, the list goes on. What I’ve played is kind of all over the place. I don’t play many games these days, I tend to pick things that look interesting and go on a decent steam sale.

Painting Minis
I do this in moderation. Otherwise, it's a pretty expensive hobby to start...

I listen to everything, save most country/rap songs. I have too many favorites to name.

Not one to take life or the internet too seriously. Is only serious about writing well and having a good time.

People to Insult:
Dalton is a Dingus.

Most Recent Posts

”Dis gun B gud!!”

— The Magnificent Morganite

It was fortunate that Shatterscape didn’t mind pain.

Even with Morganite inbound, the multi-bodied magical girl pushed forward. Having her massive gauntlet shoved aside by an inbound shield caused Shaterscape’s kick to come out as a roundhouse, which connected.


She was thrown off to the side, and Shatterscape was quick to close the distance. Her fingers spread open, and prepared to close around the prone witch, but a shield had shoved itself into her palm instead. It was the same one that had knocked her claw off course, which also sent her kick spinning in its direction. The witch had landed near it, giving it time to intercept Shatterscape’s grapple. When Morganite arrived, she took Shatterscape and her shield to the ground rolling through the sand. Though as they tumbled through the sand, it was clear that something wasn’t right.

”Wut da hell? Ah contortionist?” While Morganite was able to stand up, Shatterscape’s body was wrapped all around her in impossible ways. Elbows bending backwards and a torso twisted completely out of alignment. Even her shields seemed to be momentarily held in place. She stumbled side to side as her little legs struggled to keep her steady on the sand. ”Dis must be more oh there kinky shiz!” Morganite turned to face the witch, but her face was obscured by Shatterscape’s calf. ”Pearl! Blow dis hoe away!”

The witch, Pearl, hopped to her feet and pointed her wand at Shatterscape. "Ummm…” Where to fire? She didn’t want to hurt Morganite, and it looked like her shields couldn’t move to protect her. ”Try to stay still!”

”Juz shoot her already!”

"You’re doing great, sweetie!”

— Suki Oyama

Suki was still not in a position to help anyone. If the captain didn’t look like he was on his last leg (barring his peg leg) Suki would have rushed over to Acid Drop immediately. Part of her wished Shatterscape would fall back a bit so that she could assist, but it appeared like she was going to hold them off by herself for as long as possible. Which, for the moment, seemed to be working. Though given that all Pearl had to do was burn her off of Morganite, she hoped the ship would fall soon.

It certainly looked like it was getting more desperate. Nyxia had beaten back the pirate menace on the beach, and it had stopped releasing pirates as soon as it underwent its transformation into a plane, ready for a kamikaze attack straight into Nyxia. The omega obliterator fired wide open and struck the bony contraption right on the nose. It took time for the death ray to work its way through the center of the prop, then blew past every wall and fixture it came in contact with. The pirates aboard shifted and scurried as the beam passed them, incinerating others, before coming out of one of the afterburners.

Right where Earthshaker was waiting.

Like the other dark magical girls, Roche had felt herself getting stronger as the fight went on. There was no doubt that she could absorb more punishment than normal. The afterburners and Nyxia’s lazer smacked into her shield and continued to feed power into it. Her tattoos started to glow a hot white, and at a distance she looked like a star in the day sky. Time was running short. Her power was nearing its limit, and her partner was getting closer and closer.

Roche’s power ripped through the open hole, sending cracks throughout the ship. The hull crumbled away as energy escaped out of the cracks. The pirate miseria aboard were vaporized instantly. The few sword miseria aboard had arrived to try and block Nyxia’s beam, only to be caught from behind by the wave of energy. The ship stopped climbing, seeming to stall while trying to pursue its target.

It was coming down.

Nyxia’s lazer continued to slice through the free falling ship. It had an easier time cutting through its weakened hull. It crumbled apart like stale bread, and Roche was left in free fall. The pirate miseria began to regress. Some of them started to revert back to their normal forms and crept back into the ocean. The pirate captain melted into the sand and bubbled away into nothing.

Suki looked up in the air and saw Roche falling. She released her captives and took off sprinting. Some of the beachgoers remained, some passed out, and a few others ran for cover. The closer Roche got to the ground the faster Suki sprinted. Blades of blood appeared on her feet as she pushed herself that much faster. She reached out her hands, and scooped up Acid Drop. Roche hit the sand with a thud a small distance behind her.

Pearl hadn’t had much time to carefully shoot pinpoint light beams at Shatterscape, and now that the hostages were free, she immediately rushed to their side.

"The hostages are secure!”

”Dat’s gud!” Morganite was no less entwined with Shatterscape. Though she had gotten her hands under her lower-most “coils” and started lifting her off of herself. ”Are ya gunna shoot dis one or…?” Her shields attempted to spin, but they were still held in place, if only for the moment.
It was a busy week, but I still plan on joining this and made a bit of progress. Looks like I have plenty of time until the deadline anyway.

And just to make it clear in case anyone missed it...

Unlike the RPs that run in all the other sections of the forum, Shinny wants us to post our character applications in the character tab and not the OOC. They find this easier to keep track of. So if/when you are done with your character sheets, post them there.

"Ouch, my bones."

— Mika Fang


Raven waved to Ashley before taking a seat. "Good to see you as well. It’ll be interesting to see you in action today, provided the rain lets up."

Just a bunch of new faces. Maybe they’d survive today, maybe not, but they would all pass eventually. Why bother getting to know any of them? All a conversation was going to do was give Finn an opportunity to say something edgy, because of course this all had to be about him somehow. Hopefully Ashley knew what the hell she was doing, but Mika kind of doubted it.

The van started up again and rolled through the rain.

They drove out of the city and into some farm land. A single, unwinding road that went on for miles and miles. The rain was too thick to see anything but the asphalt road disappear in the distance. Mika parked the van on the side of the road just outside a tiny cottage.

"This is our stop."

There was no reason to get any closer with the van. According to the doctor,this was the best spot to try and hitch a ride on the incoming monster. Any questions they may have had about the beast would soon be answered.

The twins, who had been speaking to each other in hushed whispers, got up from their seats. "We'll scout ahead, wait here." Cereza let the other three know before opening the back of the van. Yes, three. Seemed whatever the two had in mind involved Timekeeper, as Cerise had gently grabbed his arm and walked him out with her. The boy rose a brow at her but did little else. The trio walked around the cottage for any sign of the behemoth.

"Forgive us, darlin', but it's hard to ignore how tense y'were." Cerise finally explained to him, a light southern accent softly reassuring him they didn't intend to antagonize him. "We figured gettin' ya away would do you some good, stick with us instead?"

Finn's expression softened. It was nice of them, but... The machine sighed. "What good would that do? I'm gonna end up jinxing things again soon enough." He gave the mikos an indifferent shrug. "Better I embrace it now before it kills me." He was a monster in his own right. But to them he was just a troubled kid, nothing more. The two passed each other concerned, nervous glances before Cerise spoke to him again.

"If you're strugglin', maybe we can put a word in and get y'transfered? We've heard of ya, y'could help the scientists back where we're posted. I'm friends with a few, they'll take good care of-"

"No time for that, look!"

And then it appeared.

Light from a center light pierced the rain. At first it looked like a distant star, but it gradually grew as the behemoth moved closer. The ground shook, and a silhouette started to take shape. Something with a long, cylindrical body was coming closer. It looked like it might be a train, and it started to sound like one too. Rail wheels hovered just a few feet off the ground and pushed the massive train along an invisible track. Rather than toot its horn, the train’s tesla coil sparked and arced lighting lept between the raindrops at its back. It wasn’t going to slow down.

Mika grit her teeth. "Where are they?"

No sooner did those words leave Mika’s lips did Binky leap out from behind the cottage. She was fully transformed, and had all of her arms extended when she landed in front of Peace Train. It slammed into her, but she dug in her feet and tried to hold her ground. It wasn’t enough to stop the behemoth, but it was enough to slow it down.

But the train was not unmanned. Phantom train operators were scattered about the length of Peace Train. Most looked like scientists, a few priests, but all were apparitions with bodies made out of white smoke. They struggled to maintain their footing when the train slowed down.

If they were going to board it, it would have to be soon.

"Let’s move!"

@Vertigo@The World@Nakushita

Trixy only blinked as Sovereign continued to ramble like a chuuni. Then, as if suddenly getting it, she smiled and raised a finger. ”I can be gold if you want!”

But this attempt to impress fell the the wayside as the group tried to figure out exactly what Boteg was saying. Though this did not seem to impress Ciri, who more or less looked up from her phone only to tell off the money obsessed esper and exclaim that she was just as clueless as everyone else. ”Uh, I mean, You were able to translate back at the Bastion.” Trixy added with a nervous chuckle. But soon she decided to just honor Ciri’s request to just shut up and focus.

”’Me thinks thy company should continue to flap thy lips. Silence makes me nervous.”Then he added. ”’So long as thou doth not make me the topic of discussion.”

But there wouldn’t be much time to talk, since their mark had shown up.

Crazy train had appeared. Everyone knew this because it looked just like a train. One that was made out of far more bone and sinew than a normal train, but it was a train none the less. Below its center light was a ghoulish face that was crying out in agony. Or maybe it was just crying out because that was its nature.

Crazy Train did not travel in a straight line. It swerved side to side, howling all the while. If it was wounded, it was difficult to see with all the rain.

”Looks like it was a train after all.” Trixy shrugged her shoulders. ”Welp! Looks like this is your guys's stop!” Trixy flung Soverign off of Boteg’s back and watched her fall towards the train. ”Does anyone else need help getting down?”


Raphael addressed Noah’s questions. ”We do not know much about how they fight. From what’s been said, they tend to avoid fighting. They move so swiftly that there usually isn’t a need for them to fight. Many greater behemoths are that way, where their very presence causes natural disasters. That, and they attract other monsters to their presence.” This was mostly common knowledge, but Raphael did not have an issue filling in a new esper. ”You should be more concerned with the weather and the demons that show up with the trains.”

Lenore stretched her arms. ”Right, well, we’ll be off now.” As soon as they turned around, they disappeared behind a veil of smoke like a quatro of awesome ninjas.

”Our opponents outnumber us, we best be ready when they arrive.”

Yet even though there were no visible enemies yet, the freelancers would begin to feel a sense of being watched by many, many eyes. Their surroundings seemingly growing darker than what was natural. Even with the raging storm darkening the sky. It was something even the Walking Church's light struggled to break through.

Then they'd hear it. Creatures plenty, obscured by shadow snarl and hissed at the group, their forms hard to distinguish from each other whenever they clawed into the light. How many of them were there? And why hadn't they immediately attacked? It was as if...

"You can walk away while you have the chance, Priest."

From above, a golden haired woman sat casually on the edge of the rooftop. She held a katana in one hand, and her eye was obscured by a black rose. "You may end up regretting getting caught between a rock and a hard place.

"I miss my old computer. May we be reunited soon. ;-;”

— Suki Oyama

Regardless of how aggressively they attacked or what strategy they used, Nyxia revealed no clear weakness presented itself. She was just as deadly in melee as she was at range, and she had near omnipotent levels of awareness. Was she invincible? As the other magical girls addressed other issues, the miseria storming the beach swarmed Nyxia.

Roche had little difficulty escaping her miseria prison, thanks to some quick thinking. She immediately set out to launch an offensive against the ship itself and cut its mast off in a single blow. Then, as were the rules of nature, she was required to use the mast against the ship itself.

The captain and Acid Drop exchanged blows on the top deck, but they noticed the mast being swung at them. Hard not to when both fighters were obscured by a giant shadow, not to mention the sound of a five foot mast being snapped in half was sure to be heard over their clash. The captain raised his katana and caught the descending mast before it could strike the ship. If physics applied to miseria, then he might have been punched through the ship before it was split in two. But the mast hit the blade with thunderous force, and shattered into a thousand pieces. The sail was taken up by the wind and sailed through the sky. Before the captain could take on the newly arrived, Acid Drop used the opening to grab the miseria and dive off the side of the ship with them.

”There ain't no hippo crits 'ere. Ya need ta fine some hippos first!”

— The Magnificent Morganite

Shatterscape was on her own. Oros could only assist if she released all the terrified beach goers that she was holding in line. Some of them had fallen unconscious due to the stress, but those that remained awake would have been alkward to drag around. Not only that, but the miseria were ramping up. But maybe it wouldn't matter. Shatterscape seemed confident in her choice to face two light girls head on.

Initially, it looked like Morganite was going to just steamroll right over Shatterscape, to the point that she managed to ram her with her shield. But let it never be said that having massive hands, while cumbersome in 95% of daily activities, were quite useful in combat. She wasn't quite able to dig her nails into Morganite due to her having a second shield on her back, but flinging the pink haired magical girl was something she was able to do with ease. The witch initially flinched, but Morganite swerved out of the way moments before impact. She was sandwiched between her shields, so it was a simple matter to course correct mid flight.

The witch didn't back down though. She fret her brow and kept her hands raised, even as Shatterscape closed the distance. Her nail-like fingertips glided towards their target like a salvo of arrows, only for one of Morganite's shields to boomerang around and shove her hand off to the side.

"No mercy for the wicked!”

The witch's spell triggered, launching a wave of white-hot searing light on Shatterscape before the witch hopped backwards. Then, Morganite had circled back at ramming speed. She was riding on top of one of her shields. But as she closed in, she jumped off her shield and spread her limbs in an attempt to body slam Shatterscape. Her shields were not idle either, with one following after her and the other protecting the witch. Conservation of ninjutsu was very much not in effect here.

”Am liek ah bad penneh, I always turn up!”

But things were about to get a bit more exciting for Nixia and Earthshaker.

The captain was barely hanging on after Acid Drop's last attack, but while she was out, he was not. While laying on his back, he raised his katana and pointed at Nyxia. The ship's bow pointed straight at the strangely colored magical girl. The Stern blew off, revealing no less than ten afterburners, which heated up instantly. Additional masts shot out of the sides of the ship, making it look more like a plane. The bow even split apart and spun like a propeller, threatening to chop up anything that got in front of the ship.

There was a second or two where the ship remained perfectly still.

Then the afterburners fired.

"What a strong harem Finn has…"

— Mika Fang


Mika continued to eye Ashley after she spoke. The vehicle remained stopped, with the rumbling engine drowned out by the rainfall. With a groan, the vehicle rolled forward again. "Affirmative."

It didn’t take long for the other espers to come into view. With Ashley’s new promotion came reason to request more assistance, and Fritzi pushed her case with the higher ups as hard as she could. Raven, codenamed Paradise, stood in a dark garage that had the door left open. Her black clothes would have blended in with the darkness were it not for the striking cyan accents on her outfit. Flanking her on either side were two miko-looking espers, which must have been Cereza and Cerise.

The twins had been a part of GEMINI for much longer. Longer than even she has. While they usually were found managing the PR department, they were also local legends for their shared healing powers, that which can heal a mundane human back to prime condition as if they were an esper themselves. Maybe that was why Dr. Moller had reached out to them, considering the undermanned squad's condition. The two were nearly identical at first glance, save for the ways their vibrant red hair was styled; Cereza's hair was wilder than Cerise's straighter locks. And they were armed with an elegant looking bow and shield respectively.

The side door on the van slid open, and the three espers piled into the back with the “obedient little killer.” There was plenty of room for everyone, but there was a bit of a scramble as everyone understood time was of the essence.

"Hello again." Raven called to Ashley before taking a seat.


"Excuse us!"

The twins quickly said their hellos before taking their seats next to Finn, who lazily waved back.

"Welcome to hell."

@Vertigo@The World@Nakushita

Between Sovereign and Trixy’s gabbing, there wasn’t much room for anyone else to speak.

”But he’s already working with us, why do you need him to offer to work with you specifically?” Trixy chuckled. ”’But I have a feeling that, whenol’ Crazy does show up, we’ll know what we’re looking at.”

Trixy was about to comment on Boteg’s ability to “sniff out” their mark, when he did so himself. ”’This scent intake o mine is not so strong to pick up much. Me has a most splendid time identifying currents of changing fizzle fazzle! ”

The Maverick esper blinked her eyes a few times before looking to Ciri. Can you translate that? I think he said he can detect things without scent, but I’m not sure.”

While it hard to make out much in the rain, Billy’s white skin stood out against the dark streets. He reached a hand into the air and pumped his fist, and the bikers behind him all honked their horns. Maverick was going to put whatever they could into this operation, but they couldn’t all fit on Boteg. They began to lag behind as the golden dragon picked up speed, jetting off into the distance.

”’Close… ”


Lenore’s grin only widened as Asher continued to talk. ”We’re feisty, eh? I think we can take that as a complement. I’m sure Bobo would love to play with you later. But let’s focus on getting paid first, eh?” Bobo did not respond, verbally. She kept her eyes glued to Dead Head and her brow crossed.

Raphael nodded. ”I suppose it is inevitable that freelancers may end up being pitched against previous acquaintances, or work with former rivals. It makes sense that you would need to learn to overcome such differences quickly.’”

Lexi reached an arm around Noah’s shoulder and turned to point at her group, not caring about their closeness or her apparent state of undress. Perhaps part of her enjoyed Noah’s discomfort. ”The nun with an eyepatch is our leader. That’s Lenore. The rest of us work with her. Bobo is the bunny nun and Nova is the smoker.” She kneeled so that they were looking eye to eye. ”I thought you were one of Raphael’s girls for a moment”

”And I thought she was one of yours.’” Rahael crossed his arms.

”Oh, she couldn’t be one of ours! We’re all very experienced but, don’t take this the wrong way, but you seem a little…Green? To me?” She pointed to Lenore with her thumb. ”Lenore use to teach espers how to fight. We were-”

”I think that’s enough picking on the new nun.” Lenore looked to the priest. ”Like Dead Head here said, what’s the game plan?”

Of course Raphael had already gone over the plan with those who arrived on time, so the late arrivals were going to get a quick refresher.”Black Sabbath is going to split up and join with the Bates, who have also split up. Regina will be leading the team against Crazy Train while Elroy will attempt to save Holy Roller.” He pointed ahead. ”We know where the behemoths should be meeting up, and so the two of you will come with me to clear out the area so that we can act as reinforcements once they cross. We should start moving soon, but we do have time for a few questions.”

"I have a type, maybe.”

— Suki Oyama

Nyxia’s unrelenting firepower had little difficulty slicing up the miseria that were attacking her. Some puffed into dust, others collapsed and dispersed before hitting the ground. Whatever managed to slip by was intercepted by the defense drones, and even the damage to her baby from earlier seemed to have been healed away by her powers.

But with more magical girls leaving the beach or intercepting the light girls, more miseria were starting to focus on Nyxia. Clearly they would need to do more than just shoot her a few times to take her down. Their strategy changed in an instant.

Now the flying miseria were brandishing cutlass as well as powder guns. A point defense drone fired at one of them, and it used its sword to direct the beam into the sand. More of the sword wielding miseria came flying out of the dutchman and landed around Nyxia, sword raised to defend from a sudden shot from her mega obliterator. The unarmed masses surged forward, if only to give Nicxia something to shoot at.

But the miseria didn’t stop there. Near Nyxia’s feet, the little bastards were starting to claw their way out of the sand. The sand was not that difficult for them to dig, which became evident when they lept out of the ground at her.

Meanwhile, Roche fell to the ocean. From a distance, she looked like a mass of falling miseria. They were so dense that some miseria were holding onto other miseria, making a black droplet. But they fell swiftly towards the ocean. The dutchman might have been a hundred or so feet in the air now, but that was still a distance a human could fall in a second or two, and when Roche landed, she instantly dispersed the energy her shield had generated before it could even be stored.

Many of the miseria were instantly vaporized. Others were far enough away to get thrown into the air, arms flailing before they landed in the ocean. Even the ocean itself seemed to part momentarily before slamming together on either side of the girl who successfully parried the ocean. Even under the waves, some of the miseria had been scattered. But it only took them a moment to regain their vigor and swim back towards roche. More miseria were pouring in overhead, but Roche had managed to escape their initial trap.

After such a graceful entrance Shatterscape wasn’t about to let a mob of unusually tactical miseria cramp her style. Through careful movements, she was able to continue her dance of carnage without being further impeded. Of course she was plainly used to plowing through them in droves, and the irritation showed on her face. If only slightly.

But her allies needed her, and Shatterscape continued her dance. She spun and sliced her way through the hoards before she was positioned between the two magical girl factions. Oros at her back with all the civilians in tow, and the two newly arrived light girls.

”There isn’t anyone else here, so ya mus be talkin’ ta me!”

— The Magnificent Morganite

After Shatterscape gave her one liner, Morganite rolled her shoulders back and cracked her neck. ”Ya friend iz gunna be safe if dey let go of the hostages.” She scowled. ”And cut it out wit da bedroom eyes.”

"Hey handy!” Oros waved. She was filled with a surprising amount of vigor for someone with so many wounds, but this likely wouldn’t surprise anyone from the detention club. Tenacity was her middle name, and if it wasn’t, it should be. "Or did I used to call you Multi-face? I think Handy is cuter!” She pointed at Morganite. "Shieldy’s pretty strong. Don’t know anything about the super cutie yet.”

The witch tipped her head. "Super, cutie?”

"That’s you!” Oros pointed at the witch with an open mouth smile.

"Oh my...” She blushed and adjusted her hat. "If you let the hostages go, maybe we can have some ice cream together?”


”Wut da hell?” Morganite swatted the witch’s hat, causing it to spin on her head. ”We dozen’t negotiate wit da terrorists! ‘Specially these degenerates!”

Negotiations were over. Morganite’s twin shields swirled around her as she dove for Shatterscape. Meanwhile, the witch seemed to be charging up a spell. The end of her wand glowed a radiant white, but it wasn’t clear who her target was going to be yet.

Aboard the dutchman, Acid Drop and the captain continued to fight. The ship itself was not remaining idle, and had pointed itself straight at the beach. It moved forward, miseria still spilling out of the bottom of it. Its destination or purpose wasn’t yet clear, but it seemed like it was taking the fight to the beach.
@Shinny I started picking out materials for my toy and I do have more questions.

It's hard to deny the durability of a vintage cast-iron toy. If a stuffed animal or a plastic toy were to come up against something so durable, would they have any hope of damaging it? You mentioned that "The make of a toy can influence its stats in subtle ways", which almost suggests that whatever the toys are made of, their materials influence things like durability and flexibility but aren't necessarily equal to their IRL counterparts. Is that correct? Are more rigid toys able to move the way a toy with joints or softer materials would?
@Shinny Boy, it's been a long time since I watched small soldiers.I may have to watch that again at some point. I recall it being a good B-movie.

I find the somewhat nebulous state of this "animated essence" a little concerning, but since this is going to be my first arena RP and it doesn't seem like we're meant to take much of anything too seriously, I'll just assume you know what you're doing and will make fair judgements regarding wounds. Otherwise that did answer my questions pretty completely. Thank you.

It may be a bit before I get a character sheet up, but it should be before the deadline.


Our characters were turned into toys and put inside some weird death game in a toy store. But what sort of combat are we looking for here? Are we going to "play it straight" where everyone is more or less "human powered" relative to their size or are we going for lightly powered, heavily powered, or anime powered? There's a lot of wiggle room between "Don't blow up the store" and "be a dangerous toy."

Since our characters are toys, do they have human vitals? Will a gut wound cripple someone? Does a toy have to be totally destroyed or do they have a sort of heart/brain that needs to be destroyed to end the toy's life? Do they need to breathe and can they get tired?

Do you care where the characters in question come from? Is the toymaster just pulling these people out of a sort of multiverse and turning them into toys? Related to this, can toys have abilities/powers/magic that are similar to how they were before being a toy or would everything have to conform strictly to how they would function as a toy?

Is there going to be a character sheet?
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