Our Goal: A slice of life rp with a twist. In a world of superhero movies, sci-fi epics and cringeworthy horror movies, people sometimes neglect the fact that the best stories ever to be told are that of every day man and women. Our lives are so interesting and everyone is different, how could anyone be sick of hearing these types of stories told.
Here in Edenridge, our goal is to tell real, relatable stories and build up the world around us mostly through character interaction. Of course there will be plot devices put in place to keep things moving but really, the characters are the key.
But Bx, you said there was a twist? I did dear friend, I did. The twist is that as you tell your character’s story, your character must also tell another one. Confused? Read on.
Backstory: Back in the noughties, America’s youth was obsessed with a show called Edenridge High. It was a teen drama that focused on the turbulent lives of a single class of young characters in the fictional small suburb of Edenridge, Massachusetts. Edenridge was huge amongst its fan base for its realistic portrayal of many topical subjects like sex, substance abuse, criminal behaviour, medical issues and just what it was like to be a young kid in the present day. The country watched as its young stars, grew up in front of their eyes. Unfortunately for them, behind the scenes drama, production politics and an ever changing audience meant that Edenridge became obsolete and the show was cancelled in 2006 after a run of three spectacular seasons. Some mourned what they felt was a premature death but others felt it was best for the show to go out while it was still on top.
Ten years on, in a current Hollywood climate of reboots and remakes, one young executive has decided to return to Massachusetts and start a homecoming to the small but eventful place of Emerson. Forgoing a recast, he has called for the original actors, now in their twenties and thirties, to return to the show and reprise their legendary characters. This however was easier said than done as many wanted nothing to do with the show, now having their own lives to lead. Some remained in the limelight and went on to do great things, others left acting all together for other professions. After much cajoling, a good number of the original cast have agreed to return and begin production on the new “Edenridge”
What the producers may fail to realise however is that the real people may have more interesting lives and their fictional counterparts…
In Summary: Our characters would be the returning actors who arrive back in Massachusetts to begin production on the new show. Many of these people haven’t crossed paths in ten years, is this just a case of life getting in the way? Or is it by design? With a return in such close quarters, will old rivalries and loves be brought back to the forefront or will new ones begin? You decide, Edenridge is your story. So the twist is in fact that as you play your character, we must also play the storylines ongoing in the Emerson revival as well. Meta? Hell to the yes.
Communication will be key for this roleplay.
Anyone interested in taking a trip to Edenridge and creating this universe with me?
Character sheets, rules and other world building tools will be set up providing we get a decent number of interested players.
Skyline Galea, Sopor Galea Maejor Resort Executive Conference Room Rear Left Standing Zone
Tye remained silent as his new employer and one of his new co-workers talked. He was not involved in the conversation but overheard it quite easily. It was a big room and sound travelled. The one he now knew to be called Alice approached the centre of the what was left of the new contractors and began speaking. Apparently those who had stayed behind were going to be spending the evening with the boss. That should be interesting, they had thirty minutes to get themselves correct and meet in the lobby. Tye wasn’t one for a party but it was a chance to maybe stretch out his recent upgrades.
Callahan had no reason to change, as he was generally always dressed in a relatively classy manner, his black pants and waist coast matched his white shirt. He placed a pair of slick black gloves over his fists and some dark glasses to hide the glow of his red eyes. They had a half hour, so the Brutal Artist just needed to kill some time. Turning on his heel, he left the hall without a word and headed off into the coming night.
The neon drenched resort could be mistaken for urban beauty but Tye knew better than that. Beauty it was far from. Low lives and thieves were its populace and he was wading through them like muck from a swamp. Walk down the right back alley and surely something would be there. Rightly so, Callahan was approached from the darkness.
“Give me your creds” “…” “You deaf? Give em to me” “…” “I will fucking cut you”
“….wanna fight?” It took Tye less than a second to headbutt his would be mugger to the ground. He reached down and stuck his fingers into the attacker’s mouth and began to drag him deeper into the darkness. He tried to bite down but Callahan’s steel bones caused his teeth to break. This was no challenge at all, a waste of time. There was no point in trying to work with this mess, so Tye simply lifted the mugger from the ground and impaled him on a bit of sharp fencing. If this was the best this place had to offer, the Brutal Artist might need to re-think his contract.
Skyline Galea, Sopor Galea Maejor Resort Lobby
Eventually he found his way back to the resort and to the lobby where he was to meet his “posse” and their employer. As people began to arrive, Tye remained stoic and off to the side; greeting them all with a simple:
I am Roxy. I have taken this form based on an amalgamation from all of your social media outlets. I hope it is to your pleasing.
As you will face many different facets of life on this journey, I am here to act as your guide, information source and as your mode of transportation.
Time is constantly in flux and always changing, my job is to advise you on any possible changes you have created based on your actions.
My ability to hold you outside of time is very limited as such, my countdown should serve you with plenty of warning as to when the next temporal shift will occur.
Unfortunately, many of my circuits are damaged due to a lack and I am unable to exactly project where your next destination will be but once we have arrived, I should be of great use to you.
Are you ready for a mixture of sci-fi, history, romance, comedy and time travel? Well carry on young wanderer and join us on this journey. With a mixture of inspiration from anime, movies, books, Time with Roxy is a mish mash of genre’s all wrapped up in hopefully fun little bundle that you’ll all enjoy. Humour, action, love and imagination!
Backstory: There is a single day in the annals of time that all men and women dread; their ten-year high school reunion. On that day, all the old faces return to town, old flames, old bullies, that guy who used to pick his nose and eat what he found, yeah you remember him? He owns Microsoft now.
Unfortunately for some, that day has now arrived in the fictional town of Emerson, Philadelphia. The night of the reunion, a group come together and talk of old memories and the past and it isn’t as bad as they thought it would be. That is until they come across a shared memory they wished they didn’t have; the disappearance of Tess Adamson ten years prior. Tess was an A-Student, smart, beautiful and everyone loved her. She was to be the valedictorian of their class. A few nights before graduation, most of the graduating class of 2006 were at a party and Tess was dared to venture to an old mansion just outside of town, where once world renowned scientist, Dr Quint lived. Her challenge was to go and steal one of his inventions; she never came back. Police investigated the house and though a body was never found, Dr Quint was arrested and convicted of murder.
This topic of conversation was not an easy one for this group to discuss. Maybe it was a feeling of guilt they all shared or maybe it was the one too many beers they had but the entirety of the returning class decided to honour their lost friend and head up to the mansion to pay their respects.
The mansion had been left abandoned since the arrest, rooms filled with dust and cobwebs, windows broken and graffiti sprayed on the outside walls from years of vandalism. As the class split up into smaller groups, once such gang find themselves in the attic and inside a hidden room where they find Dr Quint’s final invention; a time machine…
In Summary: The basic premise of the story is a group of people who have returned to their home town for their school reunion, decide to investigate an old house after a friend disappeared there years earlier. They uncover a machine which then sends them hurdling through time and space. What follows is a series of adventures in both the past and the future as they try find their way home, solve the mystery of their friends vanishing and come up against some of histories most interesting characters. As all this goes on, our characters must deal with each other, giving this almost a slice of life twist. Not all of these people were friends in high school, they were in different circles and now that they are thrown into close quarters together, what will happen?! Once all character sheets have been posted, we will sort out prior relationships before the IC starts. They must also deal with the realisation of what they have left behind. Maybe some of them had children who are now alone and parentless? Did they have very big responsibilities which they can now no longer fulfil because they are trapped somewhere in time?
The story itself will be almost episodic, with our intrepid travellers heading (unwillingly) into another time, solving a problem there and then moving on. I’ve been toying with the idea that our heroes could also serve as inspirations for famous literary characters (or maybe they even become them). This would be handy if people decide to leave the rp, we can simply have their character remain in the current timeline for whatever reason or killed off (writer preference).
In this universe, science is not the only thing that exists, as our travellers will find out, magic and evil lurk everywhere, hidden from those who don’t know where to look.
Characters: At the start of the adventure our travellers are a group of twenty somethings that are home for their ten-year high school reunion. Some are successful, some are not. Some might have children; others might have a serious illness. The point of this is to show the real changes that can occur in a person after high school, not the fantasy ones where they’re all rich and famous like we see in the movies. Keep that in mind when developing your character.
To avoid certain tropes, be aware that our characters should not have all been in the same friendship group in high school but as said earlier, we’ll delve deeper into relationships before the IC starts. With all that said, your character does not have to be part of the returning class, they could be a sibling or spouse that has been brought along for any valid reason you can give me.
As stated above, as our characters travel through time and go on wild adventures, they will discover that many things that they thought didn’t exist, do I,e magic and the supernatural, extreme science and the like. Imagine if you will, our characters are in the far future and one of the group is offered the chance to receive an implant that would enhance brain function, would they take it? Or if one friend’s bad temper and a rogue scientist’s formula created the real Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde? The possibilities are endless.
Appearance: Picture Please Name: Nickname: If Applicable Age: Occupation: Family: Personal History:
Time Travel & The Time Machine: As we are dealing with the imaginative subject of time travel, I believe it best that some ground rules be set in regards to it’s function (as many products of this genre tend to veer off into the crazy.
The Butterfly Effect: Our characters are travelling in time, their mere presence will cause aberrations in history. As time goes on, our characters will learn that their actions are changing the future. When something in the traveller’s personal timeline is change, they effect are felt at a delayed rate and only take full effect after a prolonged period of time. This is the Butterfly Effect. This can range from memories being altered, physical appearances changing and even being wiped from existence.
Roxy The Time Machine is not a machine per say but a sentient being living inside a system that Dr Quint created. Upon entering the chamber, the “time machine” loaded itself into the traveller’s smart phones as an app called “Roxy”. When activated, Roxy appears on the screen as a young woman and acts not too dissimilar to SIRI. Roxy tracks the traveller’s movements through time, advises them where and when they are and has a built in index of historical moments which the travellers can use to identify people and situations. For the sake of storytelling,
I may potentially give Roxy the ability to infinitely charge the phones so the battery never dies but we shall see.
The actual science of the time machine is unknown to the travellers but will revealed as the rp progresses.
The Roxy Clock When a countdown begins on the “Roxy Clock” all of the active travellers must access the app within the allotted time. If the app is not accessed within the countdown, then whomever did not open it, will be left behind when the next temporal shift occurs. Once the clock reaches zero, those whom have activated it must be within a six-foot radius of each other, as a sphere of energy generates from the phones and encloses the travellers within it as the world around them shifts. Those not in the sphere will be left behind.
Rules: 1. This is Mid to High Casual. 2. Any problems or issues, please come to the GM, avoid personal battles in the OOC and IC. 3. Inactivity is unavoidable, I’m well aware RL always comes first but if you know ahead of time that you will be inactive, please give me some notice and we’ll work around your character. If inactivity persists without a notification within seven days, you will be written out. 4. Although I am GM, this is a team effort. I want everyone to talk with each other about idea’s and theories. Let’s build this together! 5. Character limit is two to start. 6. Have Fun!
Sessions Here is where I will place details on past, present and future “episodes” of the rp, that way we have info on what has been missed or can plan what is to come.