Avatar of BurningCold


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current Went from 0 RPs to 4 in the span of 3 weeks. Nice.
2 mos ago
This just in: FINALLY fixed my bio up.



I like telling engaging stories with cool people :)

Collaboration and teamwork are very important to me when telling a story- I could write any genre as long as the group dynamic is healthy.

If you're chill and understand grammar we'll probably get along!


  • 22
  • Male
  • Filthy American
  • I like video games
  • Comics and novels
  • TTRPGs (mainly D&D and Fate but I'll try anything)
  • The natural world (especially the ocean)
  • Poetry
  • Aspiring author (poor)

Some Things I Wrote

Too many to share but have a sample platter of poetry

RPs I'm In

Language is the tool I use to connect myself to the world around me and to the people that I care for.
@POOHEAD189 taught me how to play D&D

Most Recent Posts

Yeah I'm happy to get this show on the road!

Btw, when's the Discord set up, if we're getting one?

discord.gg/9YuVeWBP Lyla posted it a few posts ago! I've copy pasted it for you so I hope that works :p
@Everyone - Where would you like to start this RP, once we get the final CS? At the point the Lord Steward is asking the company to go to a location or fast forward to said location?

I agree with @shylarah, the former would be best
So, after thinking on it, these are the sheets that will be going forward at this time with this roleplay.

1. @AWildSquirtle
2. @sovlereign
3. @Aeolian
4. @BurningCold
5. @Ti
6. @Scribe of Thoth
7. @Chrys
8. @Crimson Flame
9. @Crusader Lord
10. @Little Bird
11. @Animal

Those in this list are free to post their character sheets in the CS tab and also yell at me for not finishing my own sheet LOL.

GET TO WORK YA BUM! (and thank you I am excited to be playing)
I am hyped!

This is definitely cool! So we would be playing "magical people" (for lack of a better term) that have been summoned by these immortals to help them.

Given that there seems to be more beneath the surface and what could definitely be construed as a violation towards us, the summoned, is there something preventing our characters from just saying "screw it" and leaving? Or should we make characters that for one reason or another have some investment in seeing the journey through willingly?

Either works for me but helps shape initial character concepts :)

I'm sure I'm forgetting things, but here da boi.

in sooth this is a cool character
@Crusader Lord That is such a simple and elegant premise for a character: rich character with a "gross" power. (Not that fungi are gross to me, I personally love them and welcome their inevitable takeover of the planet)
@LucidRain You request is done~ Added lore for the northern and eastern kingdoms. Let me know if you want more options. There could be another west, across the sea.

Having vague awareness of what is across the Azure Expanse would be interesting even if its just rumors or limited knowledge
<Snipped quote by Carlyle>

Are we going to be able to fit all (possible) 18 people? or Is there a plan to hand pick certain ones?

I think 18 people would definitely be too much to manage, even as a player. Might as well start two copies of the same RP at that point
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