Poo deserves a cake coming out of a stripper for his big day
1 mo ago
Fuck Mahomes, Fuck Drake
2 mos ago
Seeing TikTok being banned tonight reminds me of how you banned me from your life. I miss you… tell your mom I said hi
3 mos ago
If you use ChatGPT you’re kind of a loser
3 mos ago
Apparently they kick you out the mall if you give Santa spiked eggnog
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▅▅▅▅austin | ♏︎ | he/him | 28 | vegan
Hi, I’m Salsa Verde, arguably the best salsa and formally known as the writer, Syn. I’m a Wildlife Biologist traveling the country looking to work with the coolest: herps, mammals, birds, and invertebrates I can get my hands on. I also like plants, trees, and fungi specifically. I’ve been writing for about 13 years now and recently decided to get back into it. I enjoy anything from casual to high roleplay, 1x1, and arena. My main genres tend to be anime, SOL, and superhero but I’m really down to participate in anything. And yeah I like all that weeb shit.
Seven years after their graduation, highschool alumni are invited by an acquaintance to host a reunion and witness the demolition of their old building, which may or may not include all the emotional baggage that comes with it. For those who've flown the nest, a brief period away in their hometown to reminisce and reflect surely could be an experience. Or maybe life since leaving has been so dull that there's nothing better to do. There's a level of enticement to the whole situation—it's easily the most interesting thing to happen to the small Maine town of Delton in years, and the human nature of curiosity wins in the end.
In a deal between the district school board and Capital Construction, the 14 acres on which Ritman High has proudly stood are being razed to the ground for the company to build offices and expand into the area, and a reconstructed Ritman to be located between Delton Middle School and the community library; with improved sports facilities and a tech lab. The funding and renewed attention on Delton from the project are going directly back into the town's school infrastructure, furthering the district's higher-than-state-average quality.
While Capital Construction didn't become the fastest growing American general contractor without accepting whatever attention they could get, the increased presence of their representatives in Delton brings with them the lingering conspiracy that has been attached to any headline about the company since their emergence in 2019. Their swift rise to the top of the rankings and frequent involvement in government projects have led to many theories—from absurdist claims of Satanism and child sacrifice to somewhat grounded, albeit paranoid, connections between CEO John Yates and top brass of the US Army. The choice to build new offices in Delton of all towns has also raised concerns, especially in the place of a beloved school that has existed for decades undisturbed. Catalysed by an impromptu get-together, all of this is going to come to a head in bigger ways than anyone could imagine...
Oblivion is a character-driven, story-based roleplay that centres on a group of mid-20-year-olds that develop superpowers after a freak event during a highschool reunion, which naturally finds them deep in the middle of a conspiracy as they try and grapple with their new abilities. While the structure can be as loose or as strict as the group wants, plot points will progress through sub-acts that make up a larger main act. Character choices will affect the world and other characters moving forward, and while death is a minute possibility it is a possibility. I intend to run this for the long haul, especially depending on how far from the main story thread things stray, so devoted and dedicated players who aren't afraid of making world-altering choices are key.
for convenience, this roleplay is set in an identical version of the modern world where covid never happened
A bright little town, built between a lush green forest and Maquoit Bay. Maine's I-295 and Coastal Route 1 run directly through it, connecting with State Routes 125 and 136, making it easily accessible. Being such a small town—at a population of just 1,325—local businesses are usually passed from generation to generation, though the town is more than open to new businesses and near-famous in parts of Maine for its outlet stores. There are a variety of places to spend your money—Delton has bars, restaurants, inns and a shopping plaza, where the majority of the big name outlets reside. The brand stores present in the town's commercial area tend to be staples of the community itself, occupying stores for decades as opposed to the revolving door of brands on big city high streets. Delton residents are loyal to their GAPs, Levi's and Old Navys.
Gooo Magpies! Ritman High is one of the highest performing schools in the state of Maine and has facilities for performing arts and sports, namely soccer and basketball. The soccer and basketball teams regularly participate in Class B state competition, tasting gold on numerous occasions. Ritman's average graduation rate is 92% and highest enrolment 567, though the average enrolment is closer to 520. For seniors, the campus is open at lunchtime, meaning there is a congregation of students on Main Street at midday due to the school's close proximity.
Owned by Donovan Wilkerson, Delton Station Bistro (or just 'the Bistro', as residents call it) has been serving tourists and locals alike for over 3 decades. Housed inside an empty colonial mansion, it has become a beloved staple of the town, going through many refurbishings from the original interior. Presently, it has more of a modern bougie look. There was a very public battle in the 90s between McDonald's and the residents of Delton, when the fast food chain wanted to build a new location inside the house to sidestep Delton building codes. Donovan, a fresh-faced Australian immigrant, stepped in and opened the bistro he had always dreamed of having. Delton Station Bistro has been a staple of the community since.
P. Johnson's—often shortened to just P.J's—is Delton's very own queer micro-brewery and brewpub. While the LGBT population is small in the already-small community, P.J's has been a major queer space in Delton since the early 2000s. Non-queer patrons are also happily served, of course, and P.J's handpicked selection of classic draught and craft ale is welcome refreshment to anybody. They regularly donate to youth charities, stage live music in the garden and do regular work and events in the community, and most of the youth population have helped out with at least one P.J's function.
A thirteen minute walk outside of the main town area, Majestic has been a hotspot for teens to get away from it all and smoke or drink in private. The area is also favoured by those with a skateboard or scooter, as the other teen hotspot is a grass bank next to the cemetery. The plaza is where a majority of the outlet stores are located, though there are a few independent businesses and food chains like Subway, free of Delton's strict building code. Majestic also contains the only cinema for about 10 miles, which is thankfully cheap and decent for the price.
■ Generic rules, be nice, etc. I won't insult your intelligence. ■ Participate. I know it has already been outlined somewhat but this roleplay thrives on people making decisions and actions that affect the world and how the plot will progress. ■ To help with the above, communicate! Talk to me! Talk to other players! We don't bite. ■ Character death is not out of the question, but only for really dangerous (or stupid) decisions. ■ In the rare event of death, you can take control of any significant NPCs or politely withdraw from the roleplay. ■ No cosmic-scale powers, no beast-shifting powers, err on the side of caution with elemental powers. Anything you think you can make work just PM me. ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
- (all rules subject to change) ■ If you need to withdraw from the roleplay for any other reason, your character will not be automatically killed off. There will be a plot-friendly way of keeping them on stasis, or you can give permission to me or another player to take control of them. If you really aren't coming back you can ask me to execute them. ■ Collaborative posts aren't banned but I want people to be reasonable with them. If you start having more collab posts than solo posts I'll be having a word. Ask players for reactions from their characters that you can drop into a solo post. ■ Unless it poses real issues, for now I want to say no post deadlines. Post on your own time and if it's really holding things back then I can drop you a line. ■ No Discord. We live and die by the thread. ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
Sorry for the double post, but last thing I’ll say is for anyone that still wants to continue that isn’t Prisk and Banjo, you’re still welcomed to bring your character over and be auto accepted! More than likely I’ll start off the old crew heading out of the bar and on the football field. Thanks again
Seven years after their graduation, highschool alumni are invited by an acquaintance to host a reunion and witness the demolition of their old building, which may or may not include all the emotional baggage that comes with it. For those who've flown the nest, a brief period away in their hometown to reminisce and reflect surely could be an experience. Or maybe life since leaving has been so dull that there's nothing better to do. There's a level of enticement to the whole situation—it's easily the most interesting thing to happen to the small Maine town of Delton in years, and the human nature of curiosity wins in the end.
In a deal between the district school board and Capital Construction, the 14 acres on which Ritman High has proudly stood are being razed to the ground for the company to build offices and expand into the area, and a reconstructed Ritman to be located between Delton Middle School and the community library; with improved sports facilities and a tech lab. The funding and renewed attention on Delton from the project are going directly back into the town's school infrastructure, furthering the district's higher-than-state-average quality.
While Capital Construction didn't become the fastest growing American general contractor without accepting whatever attention they could get, the increased presence of their representatives in Delton brings with them the lingering conspiracy that has been attached to any headline about the company since their emergence in 2019. Their swift rise to the top of the rankings and frequent involvement in government projects have led to many theories—from absurdist claims of Satanism and child sacrifice to somewhat grounded, albeit paranoid, connections between CEO John Yates and top brass of the US Army. The choice to build new offices in Delton of all towns has also raised concerns, especially in the place of a beloved school that has existed for decades undisturbed. Catalysed by an impromptu get-together, all of this is going to come to a head in bigger ways than anyone could imagine...
Oblivion is a character-driven, story-based roleplay that centres on a group of mid-20-year-olds that develop superpowers after a freak event during a highschool reunion, which naturally finds them deep in the middle of a conspiracy as they try and grapple with their new abilities. While the structure can be as loose or as strict as the group wants, plot points will progress through sub-acts that make up a larger main act. Character choices will affect the world and other characters moving forward, and while death is a minute possibility it is a possibility. I intend to run this for the long haul, especially depending on how far from the main story thread things stray, so devoted and dedicated players who aren't afraid of making world-altering choices are key.
for convenience, this roleplay is set in an identical version of the modern world where covid never happened
_______________________________________________ Artemis Jo Windsor _______________________________________________ 11/25/94 | 25 | Caucasian _______________________________________________ Single | ♀ | Queer _______________________________________________ Physical Profile ___________________________________
//Basics: • Height | 5'4"
• Weight | 117 lbs
• Build | Athletic
• Hair Colour | Naturally Blonde
• Eye Colour | Green
Items ___________________________________
• Item |
Kershaw Leek Olive Handle
Marlboro Golds
White BiC lighter
Appearance Details ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
Artemis’ appearance is an amalgamation of the alternative animated girls you loved to watch as kid growing up. Radiating dark and mysterious energy she’s not without the same darkness making up her aesthetic. Dark black hair that constantly needs to be dyed else she reverts to her natural color of blonde with a mix of pinks, blues, or greens. Dark eyeliner that morphs into wings at the edges of her eyes.
A septum that is usually worn, stretch, and pronounced unless she chooses to flick it up otherwise. Her piercings are constantly switched out and replaced as she can’t commit to any one piercing unless it matches her current style. Varying degrees or shades of black, grays, and whites make up the predominate look of her wardrobe, but sometimes she spices it up with other colors as long as there’s black to pair with it.
Her light green eyes provide a nice contrast from the rest of her ensemble, perhaps the most direct connection to the Goddess of the Hunt, but who knows?
Personality ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
Loud • Callous • Independent • Impulsive • Strong
Artemis is vivacious in an aggressive way; she doesn’t stumble but rather catapults her way into scenarios good or bad. She’s probably more friendly and outgoing than anyone you ever met, just know that you’ll never be completely sure whether she likes you or not. She’s difficult, stubborn, and heavily sarcastic, often times sardonic. She doesn’t wrestle with speaking her mind nor worrying about the consequences of her actions.
Artemis might seem a bit uncouth to certain people, but she really just lives her life untethered to whatever doesn’t make her happy. Selfish in that respect, but admirable, nonetheless. Maybe it’s a response to deal with trauma that lingers like a cold breeze, however no one knowns for sure but her. Although she takes after the impulsiveness, strength, and independence of the goddess she’s named after, she doesn’t follow the chastity and modesty of the heroine of the hunt.
She’s not all hard edges and venom. For those she does care about, she’s fiercely loyal and protective of them. Artemis knows she can’t always be on around people, so she chooses to disarm when alone. She finds comfort in her pets, specifically her canine friends, and the seclusion of nature despite her Princess of Darkness appeal. Plus, what’s a little heat without a little sugar?
His words were deep and profound. The fluidity in which he was able to tether musical notes together, also spilled over in the way he spoke with others. She was engaged to every word he produced, noting that his tale was equally as somber and sardonic as the lyrics in his songs. A gift, one that would most naturally turn others away, kept Song Shi present. “While you’re at a crossroads, staying in one spot does nothing but hamper any outcome that will present itself if you allow yourself to choose. Don’t be scared for you need fear in order to be brave. Perhaps you should join my company and we can explore those crossroads and see if we can find your parents ourselves? How does that sound” hoping to elicit some sort of decision from the boy.
Hey sorry it took me so long to respond. I had some time run away from me at the end of the summer, but I'm good now. I was thinking for those who said they were okay to keep going (if that is still the case) if you all would mind if I make a brand new thread of this and we start off in the IC from where we last left. I could also make a new IntChk and see if anyone else would consider joining, but if not that's fine to seeing as 6 people as the core was the original intention of this. Let me know any thoughts or complaints!
DAY 1 《》 STEELWATER [Forest] 《》 Late Morning 《》 [@Anyone]
Hairs on the back of her neck had stood on end at the appearance of the monstrosity that made its presence well known. Had she not been in a team with some of the most decorated soldiers, she might have collapsed under pressure and fear. The small fry she had been mowing down to set up a perimeter had been nothing in the way of this beast. She went to turn and face the new enemy, but the four Aeons converged on it like a pack of hyenas at the scent of fresh blood. Assessing it herself, she would do little in the way to assist in the engagement seeing as she was foremost a scientist. Secondly, because this skirmish was what broke her cherry in terms of real time combat. So instead, she continued to mull down the smaller fodder to hone her skills in case they were presented with another hulking enemy later on. Knives flew out from the straps on her legs seamlessly, almost as if she were controlling them mentally than physically, it was her deft hand that made it look like a trick of the eye. They whistled through the sky, slicing through anything before them, dancing in a quick passionate number reminiscent of the love language countries.
Besides the bitter bite of bullets trumpeting from the barrel of her SMG, a cloud of spores formed around her, ready to ignite and blow any enemy sky high if they were brave enough. The mix between her weapons and spirits felt more akin to an artistic expression than a guerilla fire fight. Eun-ji reveled in the precedent she had set for herself, not just a number crunching and lab rat that her peers might have made her out to be. She had thought to herself this would be a good time to make it back to the pod to help Isolde, but the allure of combat kept a firm grip on her ankles. Garuda vanished from her helm and diverted into the woods behind the monster. The comms were the only thing keeping her cognizant of everything else occurring around her. The unlikely unison of fire and water led to the demise of the beast in the absence of Garuda. Amanita had expected nothing less from royalty, but from a pilot? Robert hadn’t earned his sobriquet for nothing.
With the cacophonous topple of the abomination, saw to the dispersal of the minor enemies in the area, it was standard pact mentality. All at once the situation was pacified, had it not been for the city still being engulfed in fire and brimstone the victory would feel worthy. Eun-ji slung her gun to her back and started to make her way to the research station, remembering the orders issued to her from earlier on. She was curious where they stood now and how they would fare deeper into enemy lines if that creature was just the first wave representative. “This Amanita, returning to the Research Station. About to clicks out. Over.” Pressing on her choker as she made her way to the base, almost flying, thanks to her spirits.
Post SummaryAmanita finished her conversation with Emilia, granted she was swarmed by the slew of Aeons ham-fisted together into this Third Division. She instead was greeted by Belladonna and persuaded to rely on her and aid in the search for a cure to end the infection and wipe away the stigma. With some slight reservations, Amanita agrees, but not before getting ready. This including the changing of her hair color to a red to mimic that of the mushroom cap she gets her moniker from. Once they were above LZ, she proceeded to drop into the fray alongside her other Aeon peers to set up a defensive measure against the infected on the scene. she hopes to set up a perimeter so the team can set up camp and Amanita can help Isolde in the portable research station.
I know it's not a competition, but I feel like the other games out there in our time-range are completely blowing us out of the water. It might just be GM paranoia, though. Anyway, resilience is the way to go.
By time range do you mean like the same amount of time the thread has occurred? I think it often depends on the genre and the GM style. Often RP’s are just close knit groups that have a standard for posting or deadlines are used effectively. I don’t mind this one being a bit more lax. I also feel partially to blame for speed posting in the beginning and then making that massive post. Anyways I’m back and in the writing mood.
[sub][h1][color=222222]▅[/color][color=1c1c1c][b] SALSA VERDE
[color=222222]▅[/color][color=050505]SALSA VERDE[/color][/b][/color][/h1][/sub]
[sup][color=222222]▅▅▅▅[/color][color=0d0d0d][b]austin[/b] | ♏︎ | he/him | 28 | vegan[/color][/sup]
[indent][indent][indent][sub][color=gray]Hi, I’m Salsa Verde, arguably the best salsa and formally known as the writer, Syn. I’m a Wildlife Biologist traveling the country looking to work with the coolest: herps, mammals, birds, and invertebrates I can get my hands on. I also like plants, trees, and fungi specifically. I’ve been writing for about 13 years now and recently decided to get back into it. I enjoy anything from casual to high roleplay, 1x1, and arena. My main genres tend to be anime, SOL, and superhero but I’m really down to participate in anything. And yeah I like all that weeb shit.[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/cell][cell][right][img][/img]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><font color="#222222">-</font><br><div class="bb-indent"><div class="bb-indent"><div class="bb-indent"><div class="bb-indent"><div class="bb-indent"><div class="table-responsive"><table class="bb-table table"><thead class="bb-thead"><tr class="bb-tr"><font color="#222222"><sup><div class="bb-h3"><span class="bb-b">▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅<div class="bb-right">▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅</div></span></div></sup></font></tr></thead><tr class=" bb-tr"><td class=" bb-td"><font color="#222222">▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅</font><br><br><font color="#222222">-</font><br><font color="#222222">-</font><br><sub><div class="bb-h1"><font color="#222222">▅</font><font color="#1c1c1c"><span class="bb-b"> SALSA VERDE<br><font color="#222222">▅</font><font color="#050505">SALSA VERDE</font></span></font></div></sub><br><sup><font color="#222222">▅▅▅▅</font><font color="#0d0d0d"><span class="bb-b">austin</span> | ♏︎ | he/him | 28 | vegan</font></sup><br><br><div class="bb-indent"><div class="bb-indent"><div class="bb-indent"><sub><font color="gray">Hi, I’m Salsa Verde, arguably the best salsa and formally known as the writer, Syn. I’m a Wildlife Biologist traveling the country looking to work with the coolest: herps, mammals, birds, and invertebrates I can get my hands on. I also like plants, trees, and fungi specifically. I’ve been writing for about 13 years now and recently decided to get back into it. I enjoy anything from casual to high roleplay, 1x1, and arena. My main genres tend to be anime, SOL, and superhero but I’m really down to participate in anything. And yeah I like all that weeb shit.</font></sub></div></div></div></td><td class=" bb-td"><div class="bb-right"><img src="" /><br><font color="#222222">▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅</font></div></td></tr></table></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>