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6 days ago
Current Poo deserves a cake coming out of a stripper for his big day
29 days ago
Fuck Mahomes, Fuck Drake
2 mos ago
Seeing TikTok being banned tonight reminds me of how you banned me from your life. I miss you… tell your mom I said hi
3 mos ago
If you use ChatGPT you’re kind of a loser
3 mos ago
Apparently they kick you out the mall if you give Santa spiked eggnog




▅▅▅▅austin | ♏︎ | he/him | 28 | vegan

Hi, I’m Salsa Verde, arguably the best salsa and formally known as the writer, Syn. I’m a Wildlife Biologist traveling the country looking to work with the coolest: herps, mammals, birds, and invertebrates I can get my hands on. I also like plants, trees, and fungi specifically. I’ve been writing for about 13 years now and recently decided to get back into it. I enjoy anything from casual to high roleplay, 1x1, and arena. My main genres tend to be anime, SOL, and superhero but I’m really down to participate in anything. And yeah I like all that weeb shit.


Most Recent Posts

We’ll just have to drag him out.
In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

I liked the dynamic they were slowly forming at the bar before (Meir and Natalie now) so I would like to continue that unlikely duo if that was something you were interested in.
In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

We..we could be M&M or S&M squared
Don't forget to edit your character sheets with the new stuff.

Where’s the thumbs down reaction?

Tbh I think that could most definitely work. I feel like you have a few avenues you could explore. One being like an AI similar to Cortana from halo that just transmits a body and image without the presence. Second, an actual synthetic body or robot equivalent that’s connected through your spirits. Or a third where you have vision from our chokers and can bounce to other devices using your gift. Or you know just show up and command tech.


That’s me but with literally anything that lives. Allergies are proof that we’re written wrong. Also had to Google huntsvegas
In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Yes, I think that makes sense. Would he have been in some of her classes during MIT? Would it make sense that they sometimes sat in quiet companionship in the library or somewhere, both at Ritman and MIT, to work on their class assignments? I'm not quite sure what their relationship would have looked like. It doesn't seem like they have similar interests beside doing well in their studies.

I think most of their entry classes like Freshman for sure and sophomore years they attended pretty similar classes if not all since they're mostly intro classes. Probably spurred them to talk a bit, whether that's deep or shallow I don't mind. Library makes sense for them since they were big on academics. They probably shared academic status' for each of their respective schools within MIT. I think the saying it opposites attract. Sara is as well another academic and her and Meir were close as can be.

ooooo ahhhh. The Uni I attend is a Forestry school go figure. The pictures are a little small, but I think I see some spruces!

Will you be joining us anytime soon m8 or are you more of an Oracle, behind the scenes type?

A little weird, but you could take a picture of said pines so I can identify them...

Anyways, I posted @Prisk :^)

DAY 1 《》 STEELWATER [RD-PRS] 《》 Afternoon 《》 @Prisk

Adrenaline finally slowed in production before coming to a screeching halt. It never felt like that though, it was always a creeping sensation, akin to bleeding out from hemorrhaging. Cold, but a bit more forgiving than the comparison. Her first firefight was enough to sway her opinion of writing papers to wearing combat boots on the ground. In her daze and glory, she had failed to take merit of any wounds or grazes she might have had with the small fry. Yes, she was a femme fatale, and yes, she was practiced and honed. Yet the declaration of battle and being in a live firefight was something she could not completely account for with being so green behind the ears. Being an Aeon granted her durability enough to be reckless just not wanton.

She wasn’t maimed nor to the point of medical attention, the thought of being Isolde’s patient made her shiver and the hairs stand on end. Eunji did have some shallow cuts and bruises. As if she was searching for the source, her fingers splayed out one by one. She…she was counting? Some bizarre ritual she concocted like her scrapes were a badge of honor. Next thing you know she would be making welts on her skin to record how many people she’s killed in combat. After her grand total of a few dozen, she looked around the hellscape for some plants. To the surprise of no one, barely anything grew here, at least anymore with the exception to one enduring species. That was the funny thing about nature, it never agreed to the rules set by humans. What species more persistent than the household family of ‘weeds’.

No one really understood weeds outside of manufactured assumptions, so it was easy for Eunji to see why it could be overlooked so easily. She plucked a few dandelions that looked unaffected by the way of the world around it, jealousy was the only emotion Eunji could feel towards this enigmatic plant. Chewed them in her mouth and spit the paste onto her hands. Gently, she scooped some in her fingers and applied it to the source of her woes. A natural salve for healing for wounds so simple and discrete as hers.

Fast forward to the afternoon, she sat at the base of the shower, clutching her knees into her chest, letting the glass fog up so only the intensity of her red hair could be seen. A bit tame, since the water made the brilliant red become a muted burgundy. Still, she sat quiet, processing, imagining what more she could do in the future. It wasn’t an odd 57 minutes into it she realized she was wasting more water than she needed. A towel wrapped itself in a dry embrace as did another around her skull. She changed into something more familiar in the form of a lab coat with a stylish pant suit underneath. Like a bird with nest fidelity, she flew her way back to what was considered home, a lab.

ResDiv was gigantic and there was no lack for wear when it came to stocking every type of scientific machine or device needed. It was practically like being a kid in a candy store. She downloaded her research on to the computers and cross referenced it with all the files up until now that SWARG had on the virus. Adding in what samples she got from the mutants outside. It was all starting to find it’s way back to her research on Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, something she absolutely knew would be too good for Isolde to pass up on. If she tested it live on humans…well, she wouldn’t let it get to that point. She offloaded everything onto her tablet and made her fashionable exit in a huff to meet with Isolde. It was time to dance with the devil. The announcement on the PA system from another Aeon she had barely any time to meet only hastened her actions. The clanging of high heels meeting tiled floor was iconic and oppressive.

“씨발 (Sshi-bal)” she spat in confirmation of her fears.

She should have known Fungi were smart enough to grow and adapt, hell they could probably map out this maze of a base in under a minute flat. She was slow and ignorant. The door to the research division promptly opened showcasing her team from just before, only with a few unfamiliar faces. Must be the rescue and Isolde’s crew.

“Move” she commanded in a low, dull tone. Her hands began to vibrate with dust spirits dispersing in clouds of brown smoke. If fungi could get out they most certainly could get in, she just needed to keep pumping.

Post Summary
Eunji made her way back to the ResDiv, not before licking her woods, well spitting in them, and taking a pensive shower. In the lab she came to a terrifying hypothesis she hoped would be insignificant, but was corrected when Errikos confirmed her suspicions. Entering the wing where the accident is occurring, she takes the reigns from Emilia and is forcing her way in so she can speak to Isolde.
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