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Current Poo deserves a cake coming out of a stripper for his big day
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Fuck Mahomes, Fuck Drake
2 mos ago
Seeing TikTok being banned tonight reminds me of how you banned me from your life. I miss you… tell your mom I said hi
3 mos ago
If you use ChatGPT you’re kind of a loser
3 mos ago
Apparently they kick you out the mall if you give Santa spiked eggnog




▅▅▅▅austin | ♏︎ | he/him | 28 | vegan

Hi, I’m Salsa Verde, arguably the best salsa and formally known as the writer, Syn. I’m a Wildlife Biologist traveling the country looking to work with the coolest: herps, mammals, birds, and invertebrates I can get my hands on. I also like plants, trees, and fungi specifically. I’ve been writing for about 13 years now and recently decided to get back into it. I enjoy anything from casual to high roleplay, 1x1, and arena. My main genres tend to be anime, SOL, and superhero but I’m really down to participate in anything. And yeah I like all that weeb shit.


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It’s not meant to be, more flavor than anything. Some places make it super watery with no flavor tho

DAY 1 《》 STEELWATER [RD-PRS] 《》 Afternoon 《》 @Prisk@Aeolian@Rockette@DeadDrop

The firefight lived just as quickly as it died, except in this case the targets were unalive, but not quite dead. Her spirits had established a perimeter ensuring there were no more reanimated corpses waiting to sabotage the group around a corner or a corridor. The rest of the dispatching was left to those with more infantry experience. When it was all over, Eunji could feel the heat off the smoking barrels of those around her. Particularly a new face, a woman she had never seen before or read a dossier of. The rescue perhaps, but she would have to catch up much later. For now, with the small lull rose the next rising action. An assemblage of the minds between Isolde and Eunji. To be honest, had the two been able to become one person they may have been through this plague by now. That is, if they were able to dispense control properly. Oil and water they were for now, at least in their approach to solutions.

Emilia, the ever-apparent leader, and tenured vet was also a part of the conversation while the others fell silent, for a while. Eunji was already fatigued from the perspicacity in which Isolde carried herself, commanding something from them that they had passively given her. The voracity for her work and image never felt satiated. And after the bullets came a bomb. Metaphorical at least. This Benjamin figure was becoming more of a sign of the end in biblical terms than the son of the right hand. Although he did manage to create a tribe, just not the right one. The discomfort from Emilia was obvious despite her stoic outer shell. Eunji could feel it, even sense it, how? Well humans inhale anywhere from 1,000 to 10 billion spores a day, in that firefight alone she inhaled thousands of spores that had Eunji’s spirit attached to them.

It was an invasion of privacy, each spore working its way through her body. The central nervous system especially, which helped her empathetically feel the tumbles going on in her head that no one else was privy to. The same feeling one got from reading someone else’s diary, just less invasive. The praise, no matter if it were backhanded or not, was well received by Eunji and partially distracted her fixed gaze on the side of Emilia’s perfectly curated skin. Nothing less for the face of almost every sponsor, including skincare, from here to Goryeo. Isolde was quick to cut to the chase and become quite grim, at least they were in accordance. Benjamin needed to be brought back alive, not like Emilia would have wanted anything less. Plus, if Benjamin’s blood helped them find a cure, it would do wonders to mitigate the lives loss in whatever carnival of corpses lay behind Isolde’s operating room.

“Haha, yes exactly like in the movies Garuda” she chuckled with playful delight, devoid of malice. “Thank you, Isolde, astute as ever. As you all just heard this is a fungus I’ve worked near and dear to. To keep it short and in layman’s terms. There’s a fungus that actively releases spores vital to its propagation and survival. The spores are specialized to attack and infiltrate ants below the canopy. Once inside they more or less grow and take control of the nervous system of the ant. Killing it once it grows sufficiently. Once fully mature, it will use the ant’s corpse to climb to an altitude high enough where humidity and temperature will allow it optimal growth. From then it closes the powerful mandibles of the ant around the bark allowing a fruiting body to grow and repeat the cycle.”

Eunji took a pause to both let the information sink in like the vicious spore and catch her breath. The feeling welling up in Emilia stirred the innards of Eunji. A sad kind of smile formed on her face.

“I believe these are just the prototypes. If there’s anything I know about fungus its that they adapt incredibly fast, are brilliant as animals, and take everything from the environment. Not to cast a dark cloud over our heads, but with Benjamin’s blood, Aeon blood, there’s no telling what their ceiling is. They’ll only get more durable, disfigured, and monstrous the longer they live and adapt. Worst case scenario that hulk we put down is chump change to what they spit out. Best case scenario they can’t secure enough resources in this hell hole to adapt fast enough. And we find Benjamin and create a cure. Whether it’s him or Bahamut is unknown. It’s better to assume the two are one, so this is going to get a hell of a lot harder if it wasn’t there already.” Eunji put a hand on Emilia’s shoulder gripping it slightly and gave her a warm smile, “Well get Ben back, alive don’t worry. We won’t hurt him, trust me.” Soothing words for the face of the team to put her mind at ease. Isolde probably agreed but wouldn’t hurt him too much.

The mood was quickly derailed once more by the admission of truth from the Tenebrae royalty in the standing in the wings. Eunji could feel there was more than just the kernels being portioned out to them, there was more secrecy shrouded between the party members than there should have. A knot was forming in her stomach, maybe she made a mistake putting this patch on her jacket. It started to feel more like a target than one of honor. She would keep tabs on everyone like a fruiting body, until she could trust them fully. “Well, whatever the case we better decide if we’re all in or folding like the cards lover boy plays with outside of the cockpit.”

Eunji’s fated chat with Isolde would have to wait for now. Fate was out of their hands.

Post Summary
Eunji imparted a synopsis of the work she had been published for, hoping to provide some comfort to an ailing Garuda. Eunji took stock of the feeling running through the bodies of others and structured her personal and team goals from there. One thing's for sure, everything is FUBAR.
Or a parody of it
She definitely fucked Ben

Oh fuck, I forgot about that. I apologize. I’ll be strict from here on.
In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Enjoy! Now let's get those posts in gang.
In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


act one: way down we go
p. johnson's Ritman High, Football Field
Interacting with @Gisk@banjoanjo@nodogs@Benzaiten
@The Man Emperor

Meir hustled his way off the field like a water boy trotting away after giving the star players their sweating green bottles of water with the iconic orange cap. He wasn’t a water boy or any kind of extra circular student for that matter. Unless you counted mathletes, but that was social suicide as everyone knew. Either way, he had improved his constitution over the years showing that this small trek did little in the way to make him sweat and derail his carefully curated fit for this event. He passed the goal post, ran through the turnstile, and made his way through the gate. Not before getting grazed on the neck by one of the rusty edges of the fence. All his vaccinations were up to date so the death at the hands of tetanus was substantially low.

Headlights beamed him, causing his hands to fly up, tensing up like a deer in headlights. The halogen lights faded with the turning of the engine that died with the shutting down of the car. He looked over again to see Sara and Jack carrying the keg to the field, struggling rather. In an almost comically unawareness, he raised his hand, not to lend a hand to carry the keg on his own, but to wave instead. “Hey Sara. Jack. I’ll just get the capsule while you guys handle that.” He rummaged around jack’s car, which had some empty water bottles tucked neatly behind the back of the driver’s seat, before locating the capsule. In a triumph, he checked his watch realizing they had spent way too much time getting drunk and catching up then what they were actually there for.

The car beeped, locking behind him. The two had made little in the way of progress since the start of his search. They were having a pretty chummy conversation so at least there was that. A few rhythmic exhales later he was ready to trot off again. Meir pointed at the capsule, “Got it! See you guys in there” still failing to realize they could use his help. By now the trio were by the rusty gate once more. Meir pulled it by the edge bending it a bit more for a wider berth for the two to pass. Getting the keg over the fence would be another issue, one they could probably use the rest of the gang to accomplish once they opened the nostalgia filled container. “You can probably just set that down by the turnstile, don’t want to be late for the main event, do you?”.

Meir passed the 10 then the 20 yard line, until he was back to midfield a bit exasperated. “Here’s the main event, let’s not delay any longer”panting, his brain starting to sober up. Part of him was anxious to see what was inside and partially mortified to see what lay in wait. Meir remembered he had almost nothing to contribute save for a rocket he made in his physics class that won him the best model of the year. He remembered Mel had mentioned something about a D&D figurine and Sara some self-declared "cursed" recipe she “borrowed” from her brother. The rest of the crew was a mystery to him, maybe Natalie would have thrown in a burn book or the lipstick, cupid red in color, that stained the bathroom mirrors with the print of her plump lips. Perhaps Marco left a music score he enjoyed or a sheet of piano notes.

Either way he looked around in excitement and took a deep gulp, “Alright gang here we go, the moment we’ve all been waiting for”. His fingers tore at the edges of cold steel which was surprisingly tough to crack. Years of being buried had served to glue the opening shut. Putting a bit more strain on his newly found muscles the edge finally gave way with an audible clack. The dark expanse was illuminated by the lights beaming down from above to reveal nothing but a book within the capsule. Taken aback, wearing a face of confusion, Meir’s fingers scrambled around the inside of the capsule. Nothing. There was nothing inside but the book. The book tucked under one arm, he shook the capsule making sure nothing was stuck to the edges. Nothing. Not even a piece of lint or a pebble, just the daunting silence.

“That’s odd” giving the rest of the crew a queer look. He dropped the capsule in the event someone else wanted to confirm what he had witnessed. The book was tattered, aged way past the date of their graduation. The edges were frayed, the spine was visibly worn, and the pages had been stained a deep tan to brown color. There was no title, no author, no publisher. Instead, only symbols on the front he had never seen before. The first page had writings in the same language as the title yet the pages after were all left blank, all the way to the back end.

“I’ve never seen a language like this” muttering to the others, his fingers tracing each symbol hoping to use his mastery of tongues to unlock some clue.

What would happen next would change the rest of their lives forever.

post this week, promise
In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Great! With the collab in a major update will be coming either today or tomorrow! Prepare yourselves.
In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
How’s everyone else feeling?
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