████████ PERSONAL DETAILS ████████ █ AGE Twenty-three █ GENDER Female █ SEXUALITY Queer █ OCCUPATION International Environmental Program Specialist with EPA OITA █ QUALIFICATIONS B.S. in Environmental Science George Washington Law School Alumnus Community Counsel Member █ RESIDENCE Washington D.C. ████████ PHYSICAL DETAILS ████████ █ SCARS N/A █ TATTOOS N/A █ PIERCINGS Standard Ear Piercings █ MARKINGS N/A █ HEIGHT 5'6" █ BUILD 118 lbs ██████████ MISC NOTES ██████████ ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ | ---- Ivory Williams was a name that everyone had on their tongue, mostly because she was the second face of Ritman High, outside of the sports teams honestly. Being the head of student government meant that she did what any good President would do, understand her patrons. She wanted to see the ecosystem of their school thrive, so she made it a point to befriend and honor her friendships with basically every individual and niche group that inhabited the conventicle of Magpies. She was never fake and always found a way in her stacked schedule to help and guide those who needed it while still maintaining a healthy social life with everyone else. She was almost viewed as inhuman, and while she didn’t sit at the top of the academic ladder, she was still in the top 5. You can’t do it all without giving something in exchange, and that was enough for Ivory ---- Ivory has always been altruistic and humanitarian at heart from the onset of her consciousness. And while the world is wicked and tends to beat down on people of the same merit, it had no effect on Ivory. Perhaps from the protection and nourishment that her parents had granted her or just the sheer tenacity of her vibrant personality. She never had issue making friends and naturally attracting those to her like a bear to a fresh hive of honeycomb. Despite her aura of nobility, she does have a rather sharp sense of justice which carried her onto the path of law school. Not in the sense where she adheres to the rules and roles prescribed by old men from the past, but the protection and inalienable rights it allots to citizens and those alike. ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔She’s organized, way more organized than one needs to be. She had a planner for her planner. Each time slot for every day of the week meticulously curated so she could make the most of her time without overwhelming herself. Structure was important to her and while she wasn’t too rigid with making addendums, she prefers to stick to the script unless persuaded otherwise. Equality is mostly what she prides herself on, whether that be socially or environmentally. Being in the school’s assembly of governance served to make the career of public administration quite enticing. She was always fighting to be the voice for her peers who were or could not be heard. Being born a Black-American woman meant she identified with several minority groups, each with its own avenue of discrimination. Her families’ roots were important to her, which led her to personally subscribe to the fight to end inequality. Ritman high was the first manifestation for this. Leaving Ritman in the rearview never really bothered her, she knew she was destined for bigger things, but she did feel as though she could have made deeper connections, attended more games, or even been part of other clubs that weren’t just resume and experience builders. She knew her reputation preceded her and was quite intimidating, but she was always approachable. |
---- Everyone is familiar with how the dinosaurs were wiped out. In case you didn’t know, it was a giant meteor from outer space. Now what they didn’t tell you is that it wasn’t just some ordinary meteor that wiped them out, but something much more powerful. Over the next several millennia the first civilization of men unearthed the remnants of this prolific meteor. What they found inside the meteor was something else something greater, within the meteor were shards of celestial energy that remained alive all these centuries. This abundance of energy stored inside was treated as a gift from the gods and worshiped as so. During ceremonial rituals the most suitable candidate to represent the village would be chosen to consume a small shard of this radiant energy. Once bonded with the host the shard granted powerful magic and a surplus of new knowledge and ideas. Civilizations prospered and thrived under the leadership of these powered individuals, much faster than what normal homo sapiens could achieve in the same timeline. However, this amount of power was uncontrollable back in the day and for all their success there was a harvest. Unable to master the power in their vessel the crystal would corrupt and overpower the user, wiping out entire civilizations seemingly overnight, forever branded as ‘lost’. Many historians theorize that civilizations such as the Maya, Indus, Anasazi, Cahokia etc. were lost, but they were just the dregs of once great civilizations. This didn’t mean the crystal was lost however, instead the crystal would trap the bonded soul inside which was intended for use by the new owner. Thus, in turn creating a link to past crystal owners and serving as an encyclopedia on information such as language, architecture, and innovation. And so, the shard was passed from civilization to civilization across the ages until one day it was marked too powerful for use. Instead of implanting it into a person the elders locked it away, planting the crystal within the front of a book. The pages had no writing or invisible ink, there were no photographs or illustrations, just simply a crystal in the front of an otherwise normal book. The powers granted by the shard granted the user a tether to the celestial plane allowing for access to magic. With the shard serving as a connection to past lives, the user can incant and recite the words necessary for these spells. This takes shape into what Ivory calls Constellation Magic which she can then use to mimic spatial anomalies into magical powers. Her powers and past lives also grant her access to preordained abilities learned from past magicians. These include illusion casting (limited) and telekinesis while the rest are still being learned. ---- For Ivory the reunion would bring her a lot of happiness and a chance to form the bonds of friendship she didn’t have time for while in High School. No background or label given to these people would matter to her. They wouldn’t grow much in the sense of personality, but in the way of learning more empathy for other backgrounds outside her career focus. Despite being the catalyst for their subjugation of the supernatural, Ivory is unaware of the consequences of wielding such power. The book will slowly poison Ivory’s soul and begin to turn her maleficent. | - █████ STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES █████ + In a world ruled by science and logic, magic is only reserved for people who perform party tricks or those desperate enough to busk on the street. Having an otherworldly power and magic that is beyond explanation allows for potent weapons against those in opposition. Magic is rather versatile and can be choreographed with several other spells at once. Not only that but depending on the amount of magic used and incantation length directly affects the strength of the spell being used. It’s almost limitless to say as magic requires constant learning for the exploration of new possibilities. Despite being quite powerful so early on with magic and the possibilities being so endless, Ivory is still a newly anointed magician. While she has access to telekinesis, illusion casting, and her own magic, she is restricted to only being able to use one at a time. Ivory is also very weak in hand-to-hand combat and her best defense works from a good distance. Despite having mana flowing throw her veins she can overuse her powers easily, thus forcing her to be smart on use and conservation of magical energy. − ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ |