Avatar of Cao the Exiled


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Bringing back the Finish the Sentence, complete the story, 3.0!
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Gotta love a random power outage~
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*Sips his coffee*


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Hands down would trade in my boon to make this little guy my familiar!
That was my bad
Mmm... okay, let me reword that post then

Plasm looked down at the small curious creature, as it retreated deeper into the skull. She would remove her mask, absorb it, then place the hole so it was looking directly at her, "What a curious specimen you are. You seem as lost as I am. My name is Plasm and you, my friend, are currently inside my mother's skull, which has been empty for a couple years now. Might I ask what you were doing there, and what your name is?"
Mmm... do I need to roll anything to know what one is or does the Arcana check do that for her?
Rush... I could kiss you...
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