Avatar of Carlyle


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16 days ago
Current I'm so tired of this cold weather. I can't wait for the warmer months to come by.
17 days ago
4 more hours until I'm out of work. Closing shifts are suffering.
21 days ago
The new Captain America movie is definitely flawed, but it wasn't trash cinema IMO.
29 days ago
Oh, yeah. I forgot it's Wednesday. Time to go watch the trailer.
1 like
1 mo ago
Cleaning out PMs and other test threads. It's amazing how much junk you can easily accumulate over time.


twenty-five x central standard time x open for roleplays

[ ] C U R R E N T R O L E P L A Y P R O J E C T S

Most Recent Posts

Roleplay Synopsis

The island village of Starlight Cove is in a rough place.

Established many, many moons ago, the rural community has begun to show signs of age as it struggles to adapt to the modern world. The elder populace despair, watching their homeland dry up as the new generations are drawn away by the fancy, alluring lights of the mainland. What were once happy meadows, taverns and other locales are now desolate, left empty and abandoned to nature. For the passerby, Starlight Cove is quite the depressing place, but to those stubborn enough to remain, it's home—a home worth saving.
Roleplay Overview

Starlight Cove is a roleplay inspired by the likes of Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon, and Stardew Valley. It is a small scale, rural slice-of-life roleplay with minor fantasy elements (such as monsters lurking in caves and ancient forest spirits).

Similar to its inspiration, the goal of the roleplay, as well as the player characters, is to ensure the town doesn't disappear and remains a place worth living. How this is accomplished is up to the cast, as there is no path or plot route aside from the predetermined background. Consider the roleplay a blank slate, or otherwise a free roam-esque sandbox to do as you wish and/or explore potential character ideas or plots you've been wanting to write but never had a chance to.

After all, the world's your oyster now; you just gotta save it first.

[ ❇ ] I N T R O D U C T I O N
Ashes Unto Stardust is a collaborative writing exercise in a fantasy-scifi fusion blend of my own making. This is a world where noble houses and knightly orders exist alongside steam trains and mechanical weaponry for as long as one could possibly remember.

You are a noble youth studying at the Clarissant chapel grounds, a chivalric institute managed by the Order of the Ardent Rose.
[ ❇ ] I N T R O D U C T I O N

Oh hey that's post #100. Look at all this progress!

A small number compared to the 1,300 ooc posts made so far.
Welcome to the guild, @Bloom.
@shallow grave

Any post I write depends on my motivation to write. Sometimes I hyper-fixate and bang it out in mere minutes, but then I have moments where I keep distracting myself (*cough* video games and youtube *cough*) and it takes me hours if not days to post any material. Typically, though, it takes me an hour on average/most to write a post for the roleplays I participate in.

Lengthy posts can be established by being descriptive with your writing. It can be information in regards to the scenery, or perhaps even your character's thoughts about the current scene. If you do this, you in turn pad out your writing without the need to step on someone else's toes. It causes your post to appear as if you're doing more when you're not doing much at all.

Just be careful not to delve into purple prose territory, however.

As for your other question, I fully expect everyone to read each other's posts regardless if certain parts of it are applicable or not. Your character doesn't have to react to everything, but you still have to pay attention to everything. Roleplay is a collaborative exercise, you're not here to jerk yourself off because you want to solo-write a novel instead like some people I know on this site. The point of roleplay is to build off each other to make something interesting; not become the new GRRM.
I'm still deciding if I should hold off until the time skip to post the next Suzy post.

Edit: phone autofill is the big dumb dumb
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