i told you to stop spyingLocation: Dorm Hallways, Merryweather Institute
"Come to think of it," Sarah replied, "There was a small bag I found on the floor when I woke up. Let me go get it."
Turning around, Sarah walked back into their dorm room, and over to the kitchen counter. She proceeded to grab a small pink-colored bag, and double-checked the contents. Sure enough, there had been makeup inside—most likely Elena's, Sarah had presumed.
"Here," Sarah spoke, offering the bag to Elena albeit after some initial hesitance. She hadn't been certain how static was affected by her powers, but telling her roommate "to go get it herself" couldn't sound any more rude to Sarah no matter how she tried to spin it. "Is this what you're missing?"
If the make-up bag wasn't, well, there had to be a lost and found somewhere in the building. But that was an issue for later, as Elena had brought up a good point. Neither of them had any sort of breakfast yet. With the long day that had been set before them, perhaps it might be wise to grab a bite on the go prior to anything else. That, and some breakfast would be a worthwhile distraction from the "accidentally fried my roommate" doom thoughts that were now swirling in Sarah's poor mind.
"We might have time to grab some food—if you still want to, that is." Sarah continued, attempting to change the subject away from her swirling thoughts. "It'd probably have to be something quick, though."
Sarah then took the lead, motioning for Elena to follow her to the dorm cafeteria. She weaved in and out between her fellow dormmates, still guided by her uncertainty about her powers. Regardless of how much Sarah tried to push it back to the far reaches of her mind or tried to think of something else, the thought remained there to nag away at her conscience. Thankfully for Sarah, the sudden crackle of the PA system turning on would give her some relief as she and her fellow students began to listen in to the announcement.
"ATTENTION STUDENTS," A booming voice announced over the intercom, echoing throughout the school. "PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU ARE AT THE WOLKWITZ AUDITORIUM FOR THE CEREMONY IN THE NEXT TEN MINUTES."
Well, so much for an actual breakfast Sarah had been counting on. Perhaps there was a vending machine or two on the way that they could use for a granola bar or the like.