Location: Ocean Pier
Timeframe: Morning
Vitesse wished there had been a wall nearby, if only to slam her head against it. She could feel a headache begin to fruit, and internally groaned as Vitesse listened to the others speak up.
Rhyhorn trample me now, Vitesse thought as she listened in agony to André.
He couldn't sound any worse; the socialite tone he radiated tiring to be around. And the Iono cosplayer—Sophfey, apparently—wasn't making it any better with with her awful, cheesy puns. Where did the Pokétopia Foundation find these people? Granted, they were all famous, but why did it have to be them? This was going to be a long boat ride, but hopefully it would be over soon.
"Well, if we want to arrive on time," Vitesse spoke, glancing at the others. "We'll have to leave soon for the island. My Mantine could've had us over there already in probably less time than we've had to wait."
Of course, that was a ridiculous statement reeking of bravado. Her Mantine, the victor of last year's Alolan Pro surfing championship, was certainly fast. But it definitely wasn't that fast. Still, Vitesse hoped her point was made.
"I'm coming!"
A voice shouted from off in the distance, prompting Vitesse to turn around. The yacht captain, a stout fellow with a bushy mustache of his own, hurried down some steps and continued running until he had reached the group of guests. Behind him, a Machamp, presumably owned by the captain, followed closely.
Finally, Tess thought. One more step closer to getting this trip over with.
"I'm huff sorry," He spoke, trying to catch his breath in between words. "There was huff a Snorlax sleeping in the huff road. We had to take huff a detour around huff it."
Producing a clipboard, he flipped a few pages to his copy of the guest list.
"Now, is everyone huff here?" The captain asked, looking at those gathered before him. "Bat Standifur? Kaison Locke? Vitesse Relais?"
"Tess," Vitesse immediately interjected as he called her name, "Please."
"Right," He replied, checking off her name. "My apologies, Ms. Relais."
Turning his gaze back to the others, the captain waited for anyone else to speak up so he could mark the remaining names off his list. As he went down the list, the Machamp moved from behind him and towards the gathered group, attempting to assist with carrying whatever luggage they might've brought with them in one of its four arms.
Rhyhorn trample me now, Vitesse thought as she listened in agony to André.
He couldn't sound any worse; the socialite tone he radiated tiring to be around. And the Iono cosplayer—Sophfey, apparently—wasn't making it any better with with her awful, cheesy puns. Where did the Pokétopia Foundation find these people? Granted, they were all famous, but why did it have to be them? This was going to be a long boat ride, but hopefully it would be over soon.
"Well, if we want to arrive on time," Vitesse spoke, glancing at the others. "We'll have to leave soon for the island. My Mantine could've had us over there already in probably less time than we've had to wait."
Of course, that was a ridiculous statement reeking of bravado. Her Mantine, the victor of last year's Alolan Pro surfing championship, was certainly fast. But it definitely wasn't that fast. Still, Vitesse hoped her point was made.
"I'm coming!"
A voice shouted from off in the distance, prompting Vitesse to turn around. The yacht captain, a stout fellow with a bushy mustache of his own, hurried down some steps and continued running until he had reached the group of guests. Behind him, a Machamp, presumably owned by the captain, followed closely.
Finally, Tess thought. One more step closer to getting this trip over with.
"I'm huff sorry," He spoke, trying to catch his breath in between words. "There was huff a Snorlax sleeping in the huff road. We had to take huff a detour around huff it."
Producing a clipboard, he flipped a few pages to his copy of the guest list.
"Now, is everyone huff here?" The captain asked, looking at those gathered before him. "Bat Standifur? Kaison Locke? Vitesse Relais?"
"Tess," Vitesse immediately interjected as he called her name, "Please."
"Right," He replied, checking off her name. "My apologies, Ms. Relais."
Turning his gaze back to the others, the captain waited for anyone else to speak up so he could mark the remaining names off his list. As he went down the list, the Machamp moved from behind him and towards the gathered group, attempting to assist with carrying whatever luggage they might've brought with them in one of its four arms.