Avatar of Carlyle


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14 days ago
Current I'm so tired of this cold weather. I can't wait for the warmer months to come by.
15 days ago
4 more hours until I'm out of work. Closing shifts are suffering.
18 days ago
The new Captain America movie is definitely flawed, but it wasn't trash cinema IMO.
27 days ago
Oh, yeah. I forgot it's Wednesday. Time to go watch the trailer.
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1 mo ago
Cleaning out PMs and other test threads. It's amazing how much junk you can easily accumulate over time.


twenty-five x central standard time x open for roleplays

[ ] C U R R E N T R O L E P L A Y P R O J E C T S

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what in the 2000s is this introduction thread

Welcome to the guild, @V31L3D 0DD17Y.
@AWildSquirtle discord.gg/7bPRSp8b

Sorry about delayed responses btw everyone. Currently battling Flu A, apparently it was getting passed around at work (guessing from sick co-workers who couldn't afford to call out).

"I'll be back, Finley. Don't get yourself in trouble, please."

That had been several hours ago. Liam had left the shop to run some errands, and he had yet to return from whatever he had to do. Of course, Finley wasn't having it, and instead found herself quickly bored as she waited for him to return. She had attempted to keep herself busy, her hand on the remote that flipped through the channels on that magic picture box Liam had owned in his living room.

"Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!"

"Have you or your loved ones have been diagnosed with mesothelioma?"


"Picture box no fun." Finley sighed, throwing the remote aside. Liam had said it was supposed to be enjoyable. That the magic picture box told interesting stories. Had Liam lied to her? He hadn't lied before. But that guy with the fire stick did. And that guy that had promised free ice cream. Liars were bad, she had come to learn. But Liam wasn't bad. He was nice to her. He even made certain she had a large supply of her favorite fish—salmon. So why would Liam lie to her?

Her brain was wracked as she tried to come up with a solution to her questions. Frustrated, Finley stood up from the couch and left to go for a walk. Maybe there was fun elsewhere. Like that ring toss game at the... uh, what was it? The arcade? Yeah. That had to be it.

After all, she was very good at ring toss. It got her many tickets. And tickets equaled candy. Candy was good, too.

And so, Finley set out for the arcade. It hadn't been a far walk, at least for someone of her stamina. Yet as she walked down the sidewalk, Finley couldn't help but to notice the absence of people on the city's streets. Normally, they were filled with pedestrians. But not today.

"Everyone gone?" She asked, confused.

The sound of nearby siren wailing and the flash of blue-red lights suddenly captured her attention. Following the lights and sounds, Finley found herself on the edge of a police blockade, wherein officers were preparing to storm the biggest bank in Nova City.

Finley ran to a nearby corner, peaking behind the brick edge of a building. Police were bad. Or were they good? Liam had explained that they were helpful. But he also wanted her to hide from them. Something about how her crashing at his house probably wouldn't go over well with them (or his landlord, but that was another story for another time).

Still, her interest was there. Looking beyond the blockade, Finley noticed a group of men surrounding the bank up ahead. They didn't look like police officers, and had black faces.

"Penguin?" Finley questioned, talking to herself.

The gas masks they had been wearing reminded her of the black facial structure of the penguins she once fed upon, at least from as far as she could make out. But where were their flippers? Their yellowed feet? These penguins were weird, and not like any penguins she had seen before.

Regardless, penguins were now stuck on her mind. She could feel her body changing in form, with her face shifting into a more seal-ish muzzle, and a large finned tail protruding from her behind. Her human hands turned webbed, and her height grew exponentially.


With a victory bark, the seal beast leaped out from the shadows, jumping over the police blockade to the shock of the officers that had been protecting it. Charging into the fray, she promptly tackled one of the armed guards, sending him flying through one of the outer windows of the bank with a defeaning crash. Glass shattered all over the floor as Finley jumped in after her hunted prey, unaware of the larger stake that had been happening inside the building.
@Pumpkinlord I added an example linked by url; was a bit difficult to find something close to what I was imagining.
Don't mind my flu-ridden train of thought to create whatever the hell this is supposed to be.

@AlteredTundra Are you still with us?
Well hey there! Hope you dont mind, I know the apply status says but I was wondering if you might be willing to squeeze in one more player?

Concept wise I am thinking another investigator rather than a battler BUT being more of a Miss Marple inspired character; little old lady who goes around solving murders, reporting on news events, and generally well known for her articles in one of the big pokemon news organisations. Happy to draw up a proper CS but wanted t odouble check first if you were open to the idea :)

Unfortunately, I think I'm already at the limit I would like to be at for this roleplay. I want to keep this roleplay as small-scale as possible.
In case it was missed in the discord, the dorm numbers are the following:

(1, 6) - sarah/elena
(2, 8) - john/emiliano
(3, 12) - conner/robin
(4, 11) - avery/mary
(5, 9) - marko/kaiser
(7, 10) - paige/hugo

Each number corresponded to when the CS was posted in the CS tab, but the results are truly random.

why are you looking here
Location: Headmaster's Office, Merryweather Institute

A stocky, giant of a man looked out the window of his office, his face grim as he watched the daily lives of the school's students outside the building. He lifted his hand, passing it through the ruffled tips of his graying beard as he pondered the new year—and what it was to bring not only for primalists, but also the students that were under his watch and care.

"Natascha," The man spoke, his masculine rasp breaking the silence that had befallen the room. "Do you happen to remember how you felt when you had your awakening?"

Across the office, a brunette glasses-wearing woman peaked from behind a newspaper. In her hand had been a cup of tea, of which she took a short sip from before setting it down alongside the day's paper.

"It has been some years since, but yes," She replied. "Seeing my body whisk away into sand is difficult to forget. Why do you ask?"

"I fear for them."

"We all do, James."

"I know." James responded, fists slowly clenching in frustration. His gaze refused to leave the window. "And yet we can not be blind to what is before us. Tensions between man and primalist are higher than ever. Primalists are being targeted in the streets. They're being forced out of their homes. Even Atkins, that sonuvabitch, is using us as blame for the damage Milton caused as part of his presidental campaign—and his supporters are believing every single sweet, honeyed word that comes out of his crooked mouth."

Natascha took a deep breath, and stood up to walk over to where James had been standing by the window. She pressed herself against his back, and gently wrapped her arms around him.

"That's why we're here." Natascha replied, speaking softly. "To be the light at the end of the tunnel. To guide these children forward and show the world that they have no need to fear us. Only then can we make this world a safer place for primalists."

"I can only hope, Nat." James answered, his dire expression now since allayed. "We can only hope so."

i told you to stop spying
Location: Dorm Room, Merryweather Institute

Pulling the cream white blazer over her shoulders, Sarah stood before a large easel mirror and took in her newfound appearance.

It had been some time since Sarah had last chosen to see her own reflection. Her blonde hair, hastily cut in an uneven tomboyish mop, had become a stylist's nightmare. The Lichtenberg scarring that now ran down much of her body was more apparent than ever, existing as a vibrant pinkish red and fern-like in figure. She was a mess in every such form, and yet, despite the shaky nerves that had come and gone in waves ever since her awakening, Sarah felt free.

Free to be her own person, no longer restrained by the forced idealization of others. This time, Sarah told herself, she'd be doing things her way, no matter how disappointed her parents were in her.

You've got this, Sarah, She thought, attempting to establish her confidence as she smiled at herself in the mirror, Sure, you may be a walking conduit now, but things are changing for the better.

An uneasy pause was had.


Finishing her self-pep talk, Sarah glanced in the direction of the other bedroom—her new assigned roommate. She had yet a chance to truly meet them, although Sarah was nonetheless familiar with their family name owing to their families' influence in American politics. It was difficult for Sarah not to be, after all, given how many times she had heard her father rant about the Jägers' donations to primalist causes and how it had been destroying the American Dream.

Of course, Sarah hadn't believed a lick of what the anti-primalist senator said. Still, the cold gaze he held towards primalists, and later herself, however, was forever burned into her memory. At that point, Sarah had been cast aside, and told she had no right to the name Parker. No longer did he have a daughter, for she had been "tainted" by the primalist blood inside of her.

Sarah sighed depressingly as she reflected upon the past. She had to remember, though. With every end came a new beginning. Blood wasn't the only family to be had. She wasn't something to be so easily discarded. It was why she was here; at Merryweather. Her father may have seen it as an excuse to push his daughter out of the limelight, but Sarah knew better.

It was her first chance to forge her own destiny and path in life.

"Elena," Sarah called out, uncertain if she had left yet or was still sleeping. "I'm heading out. Don't forget the opening ceremony is today; they're expecting us all to attend it, so make sure you're not late."

Walking to the door, Sarah opened it and made her way out into the world. It was a brand new day, after all, time to make the best of it.
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