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Amused to hear the chittering sounds come from the large creature that Ameliya had stolen a ride on, she couldn't help but laugh. She hadn't met many excitable and happy inmates like this one, and in the back of her mind, Ameliya started to put two and two together. Not completely sure of the connection, but starting to make some more sense. Either way, she was happy to have found such a powerhouse. Getting out of this place was looking a lot more -


"Where are you going?!" Ameliya called out in exasperation as her ride suddenly veered away from the elevator and back towards the cells that she had no intention of ever seeing again.

Shaking her head, Ameliya started to question why she put so much faith in the behemoth just because of some cute moments. Jumping off the tail, she walked around to look at what the giant creature was trying to do. Its head shoved into the too-small doorway as it crowed and chittered sounds too alien for her to understand. Ameliya raised an eyebrow at the sight as it started to gnaw on the metal. What are you trying to do? Is that your cell? Did you forget something?

"This isn't the time for this," Ameliya started to state in hope that she could get this tank back on track.

Oh. It was the girl, the really quiet one from the cafeteria. It looked like her guess on who this creature was, was getting more viable by the moment. "Come on, we got to leave now," Ameliya emphasized with a small tug on Kailani's tail. She didn't want to face all the guards by herself, but she would if she had to.

Thankfully there had been no argument, and a moment later they were back near the elevators. It was so close, Ameliya could almost taste the fresh air. There was no point in getting excited about it though, not till they were really out. Till they were far away and they were never going to be taken back again.

... She had thought last time she had that thought, it would have been the last time. In no way did she ever think she would be in a similar situation again. Locked down and kept prisoner. No! It was not time for that!

Maybe it was because the guard's team knew what they were doing, or maybe it was because Ameliya had been caught up in her own thoughts as she ran to the elevator. Either way, all she knew was she was suddenly face to face with some heavy artillery.

Well shit... Ameliya thought as she started to get ready to throw out some flames. Then she stopped. A large roar reverberated through the tunnels, and Ameliya stared as a giant werewolf-looking beast came flying out of the nearest vent.

Standing still, Ameliya watched in wonder at the carnage and blood spray. It seemed the weapons had nothing on those creatures' claws. In the back of her mind, she questioned if the newcomer was a friend or foe but her eyes watched with too much fascination to really make a determination.

When the wolf, the woman, the wolf woman turned around to look at them and the bloody holes in her chest started to heal by themselves. Ameliya couldn't help but smile impressed at the woman in front of her. It looked like she was going to be a friend.

"Perfectly timed," Ameliya stated as she curiously watched the woman's muscle and skin start to knit back together. So this is what it must be like on the other side. "We gotta move though."

Ameliya could be fascinated all she wanted when she was the hell away from this place.

What in Lucifer's name is that?!

The bloody monster creature had climbed right out of the ground and oh god the stench. Ok, she had accepted a lot from her fellow inmates but this guy was going to be an exception. He did not look like he had found them to join the escape. If anything from all the gore sprayed across his skin, Ameliya could guess that his plan was for them to be his next meal.

Putting out her hand, Ameliya moved it in a circle-like motion creating a wheel of flames that sat in the air, facing a new threat, and just waiting for the next aggressive movement. Though instead, this weird thing just said someone smelled nice, well nicer.

annnd he was out

The flames went out, as Ameliya stared in disbelief. Kailani seemed to think differently from her though, and before she knew it the behemoth creature had the ..thing in her mouth like a dog that had found a new chew toy.

Well, I guess it's coming with us too...

She did not have the time nor the energy to argue with the truck-sized creature. Looking around at the group only a few meters away from the elevator, Ameliya took a moment and questioned the ragtag crew she had found herself with.

A giant behemoth, a bloody monster, a werewolf, electric quiet kid, and there behind her she could see Mr.Frosty, Abby, Mr.fight me, Iris, and even that random guy she had invited catching up. For a moment Ameliya questioned where her demon friend and the blind guy had disappeared to but she quickly pushed the thought away. Rue was plenty strong, she would be fine.

They were sure a weird collection but fuck it, as long as it meant she got out of here. Ameliya strode towards the elevators, ignoring the blood sprayed path and frost. It was time to say goodbye to this place.

The provoking smile on Ameliya's lips was quickly replaced with a mix of caution and curiosity as the large alien-looking creature started to approach her. It was coming up directly to her. Why - why would it did it do that? Was she next on the menu?

Ameliya's body tensed up as she found herself questioning if she would be able to take down such a large beast. Would fire even do anything to that armored-looking shell? She was going to have to take the risk, and readying another fireball within her hand she got ready for the incoming fight.

Instead, she held her hand back for a moment at the confusion at the light chittering sound that was coming from the giant. That... that didn't sound threatening. It even sounded... cute?

The large colorful creature bumped its head lightly against hers and while still in shock and staring up at the creature, Ameliya was given the gift of a giant slobbering lick. Ameliya stood there still for a moment as it seemed her mind tried to fight with exactly what she thought of the strange being. Then with a small laugh under her breath, she came to her conclusion. Dangerous? Yes, Strange? Definitely but yeah also ... kinda cute

It was not the time for that though, focusing back on the matter at the hand and the chaos running around. Ameliya looked back to see the guards had all collapsed in a domino-like pile, as Korbl made his way back to the small group. It also seemed like the big alien-like dog had decided it was time to go through the tunnel. That looked like it was a sign to start moving if there was any.

That was when an ear-shattering screech echoed throughout the cafeteria. Whipping around, Ameliya and there of course was the giant ice bird once again. Really?! That was what he decided was his move after she threw down the challenge? A really loud scream. Her ridiculing stare bore into the ice bird, and as if reading her mind the crystal-like being shot out icicle-like hail down upon the guards. As the guards were frozen to the walls and floor, Ameliya watched in curiosity. Then as the large alien beast smacked and shattered the guards into little meat popsicles, Ameliya had to concede. That was better.

With a small chuckle at the scene in front of her, Ameliya quickly made up her mind and started to run behind the purple-colored behemoth. The chaos was growing by the minute, and all she could think was that she might as well join it and enjoy the moment. After all the more chaos there was, the less likely the guards were going to be able to stop all of them. As she ran past what had once been the riot guard's big stand, Ameliya only half noticed the man standing there. Something about joining festivities?

Ameliya caught up to her newfound leviathan-like friend and jumped up to their tail. Propping herself up onto the scaley tail, she sat there with a wide smile on her face, she couldn't help but laugh at the whole rampageous situation. There only needed to be one more thing to help this chaos along its way. Arms outstretched, Ameliya started to let flames spread from her hands to the walls of the corridor, along with any unlucky guard who had gotten in the way. This was not how she had thought her day was going to go but staring back at the havoc and fire, she was damn happy it had.

Waving over the other few she had seen at lunch, Ameliya only then remembered the stranger and shouted back to him with a wild grin decorating her face, "Only if you keep up!"

Holding on to her grip of the tail, Ameliya laughed loudly as she watched the complete destruction around her. It didn't look like the alien creature needed her help at all, and if Ameliya had placed her bets on the right wager it looked like they would be out of this prison real soon.

That guard might have been an asshole but damn did he burn beautifully. Eyes lit up with delight and Ameliya turned to look at the incoming guards already in their riot gear. Overhead sirens could be heard as they shrilly called out through the screams and chaos of the prison. A voice overhead could be calling out telling the inmates to return calmly to their cells and Ameliya couldn't help but scoff. Yeah, that wasn't happening...

So Ameliya approached where the others in on the plan had seemed to huddle up and hummed in amusement to herself as she took in the sight of them blocking their exit out of the place. Did they really think that that cheap piece of plastic was going to do anything to stop them?


Feathers made out of ice and sharp as daggers hit the riot shields with force. The guards stood their ground though. Ameliya looked from the ice feathers up to the man-sized bird made of ice now hovering in the cafeteria hall.

"Well, I guess thin pieces of plastic stop some of us," Ameliya said out loud to herself as she rolled her eyes. What had even been the point to that? Someone really needed to show him how it was done.

Within her hands' small baseball-sized orbs of fire grew and now facing the guards and looking at their faces with enjoyment, Ameliya could already see that they were second-guessing their own equipment.

That was about when two things were thrown, a tear gas canister quickly hit near their small group, and then without warning, a fellow inmate was ceremoniously thrown into the line of guards.

Completely ignoring the tear gas as it did nothing but play at her flame edges, Ameliya looked back to the silly iceman that had been getting on her nerves and yelled out, "Really?!"

He was supposed to have the powers of winter or ice or some shit and really the best he could do was throw a person into the guards?! Anyone could have done that. Ameliya had no idea how the hell a guy like him managed up in a place like this. Only 8 kills were suddenly starting to make a lot more sense.

Turning back to the guards, she used her own frustration and blasted out a wave of fire towards the reinforced plastic of the riot shields that the first row of guards had been holding so diligently. It took no time at all for the plastic to start to melt under the heat, and then it attached to the closest surface fusing anything it could touch under the warped synthetic material. This in this case happened to be the armor the guards were wearing and any pieces of skin that hadn't been properly covered.

Hearing the screams of panic and pain, Ameliya smiled as she looked at her work. Feeling a bit better now, she looked back at the ice bird, let's see him beat that.
I'm interested

Edit: Sorry, I can't think of a character so I'm gonna back out ><'

Ameliya's eyebrows perked up as she just dared the guards and in response, she heard the clicking sounds of the all too familiar guns being readied.

"Guess the cat's been let out the bag," Ameliya said more to herself than anyone else, as her smirk grew at the guards shouting at her. The flames started to crawl from her hand up her arm, burning away the fabric of the prison jumpsuit and revealing a burning magma-looking surface underneath.

The fire continued to quickly eat up at the fabric, and soon there was neither no jumpsuit nor human-looking skin to be seen on Ameliya. Her eyes bright orange and excited, she stood there like a being made from the depths of a volcano, her hair waving in the air as if itself was a flame on a candlewick.

If she was going to be shot at, it would be much more preferred if she was in a form where it hurt less to do so.

She was just about to throw the molten table at the guards who had been aiming at her but instead she was in for a surprise. Screeching metal and destruction flew behind her as a giant creature charged forth from the cafeteria towards the catwalk.

I'm not the only one with a few surprises... Ameliya mused as she watched both impressed and amused as the creature chow down on the screaming guards. Then before Ameliya had even decided to do anything to help, there had been a flash of metal and blood splattering the walls. Watching Korbl as he quickly got to work with peaked curiosity, she didn't even pay attention at the moment a guard had got his shit together and started to aim towards her. Not that he had any luck before he too was soon taken by the chaos and destruction.

Throwing the smelt in her hand up and down, as if it was some kind of baseball she decided it looked like those two had the catwalk guards handled and looked around to see what everyone else had been doing now the immediate danger was being taken care of.

Her eyes were quickly drawn to the large ice bird that was sitting in the middle of the eatery. Well, that wasn't something you didn't see every day... She didn't know much about all the inmates but she was pretty sure that had to be that ice boy who had kept on going about him being the spirit of winter or some shit. That was definitely a big snow chicken, but she wasn't sure she saw what the whole big deal about it was.

Then a shout getting closer caught her attention, and Ameliya saw her own beloved guard running towards her with the electric baton that had hurt her just a few hours earlier. Without thinking twice, Ameliya threw the molten metal right into his face.

Hearing the pained screams as she saw the guard claw at his own face in an unfruitful attempt to rid himself of the metal, Ameliya's smile just widened. That was supposed to be the way things were. Him screaming, and her being in control.

With that in mind, she quickly approached the man as he struggled in agony to breathe and survive his own flesh becoming one with the molten metal. One magma-like hand on his shoulder, and a moment later he was a 6-foot tall flaming pyre.

If even possible, Ameliya's smile widened even greater.

Iris didn't skip a beat. She had been listening to the talk all around her. She knew what was up. Grabbin' the do though, that was gonna cost her. She whipped around, feet hitting the floor with an attitude-filled thump as she stood up and got right into Ameliya's face. She then reached up to slap the hand holding her braid away.


As soon as the colourful inmate had jumped onto her feet, a smirk started to cross Ameliya's face. It looked like she had chosen the right partner for this distraction. The sharp slap on her fingers was quickly ignored, and so was the yelling in retaliation but,

...Wait, did she just call me ugly?

Iris shoved Ameliya hard in the chest and then thumped her hands against her own in a challenging way. She almost smiled when she saw the guards turn towards the commotion and tense up. It was a BIG no-no to let Iris get physical with anyone, the guards might just decide to shoot them. They needed to either dial it up to 11 and make them panic or a slow build that would take them off guard. Hell, why not both?


Ameliya was now also up on her feet, as she stood face to face with Iris. The shove and the insults from the other girl might have all been part of the plan but Ameliya would be lying if she said she wasn't irritated nevertheless.

Her smirking grin had been lessening by the second as her teeth gritted together and she tried to remind herself of the plan. After all, she had been the one who started this, but as she tried to keep herself from actually hitting the woman back her body had already started to heat up and something suddenly struck Ameliya. There were had only been a flicker for the last few months, had come back to a roaring fire. The dampner was no longer working.

A smile started to cross her face, and without hesitation, Ameliya leaped forward to grant's Iris wish. Her closed fist struck Iris right in the cheek. Then before even waiting for a reaction from both the other inmate or the guards watching them.

She swang back towards the table, and she reached out towards the steel with hands showing the firey glow of her veins. With a quick look at her own accomplice, she said, "You might want to move"

Then she placed her hands on the metal, and as she lit up her hands so they were now aflame, the table slowly started to turn orange under her hands. It wasn't long before the table was piping hot, and the metal material had started to drip. Ameliya held her hand out to grab a handful of the dangerous smelting material, then turned to look at the guards. Raising her eyebrows, she smiled widely as if just daring them to try her when she had such a nasty projectile just waiting for them.

Scoffing at them; while thinking how they didn’t know she had more planned for their escape. “I can think of something that could start a pretty big fire; Don’t worry firefly your gonna get to have some fun while escaping. “ Winking at Ameliya.

Snickering akin to a hyena, Ameliya was only half listening to the rest of the plan as she watched the odd pair. As soon as the word fire was heard though, her head turned and with gleaming eyes her smirk turned into a large grin. "That's all I need to hear," Ameliya said brimming with confidence several sizes too large for her.

“From what I was told while the distraction is going on; the whole place will be total chaos. So we can use that to do wherever is necessary to get past the security. It’s gonna start late at night when everything is quiet, and there are not so many guards around. When we get a couple of floors above we’re gonna have to make a pit stop to grab an inmate in Cell XIII; he’ll will help us with getting to the surface. So do you got any ideas that could help with the plan?” She said asking Locke. The only thing Mr.Q had given the means to escape their cells. There was not much else that could help them escape the asylum. “That fucker better know how to escape this hell hole.” She thought biting her lower lip.

Thoughts of a burning landscape, Ameliya thought about the possibility of what could cause explosions in the asylum to help further her flames. Which meant she was again only half listening to Abby's plan. All she heard and needed to hear was that they were going to use fire, and there were enough of them that the plan might actually work. Any other plans, in her mind, were likely to go wrong real fast. It was better to be more flexible in these kinds of situations. It was their power and determination that were really going to mean this escape worked or not. Looking at the group, she considered that it looked like it had already been covered. Her eyes lingered over both Ruyn and Korbl with curiosity to exactly how strong the two individuals were.

Though her ears perked up when she heard the young punk talk about a certain inmate. Not only was this odd because it hadn't looked like she had any relationships with other inmates, but this was also an inmate Ameliya had never heard of in the year of her incarceration.

"What's so special about the guy in cell 13?" Ameliya said as her once manic looking smile quickly faded as she looked to stare at Abby. Her eyes tried to read the young woman's expression as she tried to figure out exactly what this girl had been keeping from the rest of them. Ameliya, like she assumed most of the people in the asylum, had their own secrets that they didn't want to share around. That was fair but if this had anything to do with the possibility of getting out of here, she wanted to hear about it.

Waving a hand over Hemlock's restraints they seemed to work somewhat in reverse to her own, shielding him from outside EM fields. "Right." Touching one finger against the restraint and the other against Hemlock's hand.

An eyebrow raised as Ameliya watched the young woman she only knew from static shocks, approached the thin slice of a man. Maybe it was because she had only been paying half attention to all the technical plans people had been making, or maybe it was because she didn't understand any of those technical words about 'Faraday cages' and 'outgoing EMFs' but Ameliya had no idea exactly what Min-ji was doing at the moment.

All she did know though was that the guards were going to get real suspicious if they saw what was going on, so she whirled herself around on the seat and then locked eyes with Iris. With a sneaky smile and a wink, she leaned forward and pulled on one of Iris's many colourful braids.

"I'm the bitch!?" Ameliya exclaimed loudly as she tried to make sure she got the guards attention, "Well at least it's better to be a bitch then a slut." She just hoped that Iris got the idea, and she hadn't permanently gotten on the loud girl's bad side now.

"Hey Alfie, here are your noodles." One of the guards walked close and placed a cup of noodles in front of him. "Spicy, just like you like them."

"Oh, thank you, my good sir.", Alfred answered with a slight bow. He immediately took the gift, slurping it in with the provided chopsticks.

"Why, ain't you the quietest and chillest inmate around here…" The guard soon walked off, getting away from sight. He was in a hurry, perhaps because it was time for his break.
@The Man Emperor

Ameliya had only half-listened to Alfred talk about some all-powerful sorcerers. In her mind, if they had died because of some simple ice spikes then they really couldn't have been that powerful. They sounded like they would have also died from a well-aimed incendiary bullet and a little bit of fire.

The thoughts were quickly thrown to the side though as she whirled around to face the odd man who had just appeared near them. Though when she saw a guard carry over the prized possession of actual food towards the ice lover, she couldn't help but scoff.

"Who did you sell yourself to get such a luxury?" She said with a derisive laugh. She wasn't exactly sure what he had done to be able to get a preferred dish around here, playing snitch or otherwise. All she knew was she was not going to have any hand of it.

It looked like the guards were concerned about the other inmates eating their breakfast. Abby was sure most of the inmates were dying to get out of this hellhole. She was sure mentioning her plan would catch the other inmate’s attention. When they turned their heads towards her; she started explaining her plan. Mentioning the passcode she recently retrieved; and the mysterious benefactor. Including how she was going to create a distraction via riot. “ I’m gonna need you to start the distraction. I will have a prisoner bring something flammable.” Pointing towards Ameliya. “While that is going on; I will open all of the prisoner’s cells and start a riot. Things will get out of control and all of us will head to the control room to open the outer gates. There’s gonna be a hell of a lot of guards trying to get us back into our cells, or worst kill us. But I will need you to miss to short circuit the security system.” Her finger moved towards Min-Ji. Once we get past the security; we’re gonna have to get the keys to the elevator. That would be on the warden; who’ll be scurrying around trying to stop the riot.” Her eyes scanned towards the other inmates.

Ameliya was immediately fascinated by the punk rocker girl's sudden new knowledge of keycodes and supposed benefactors, as well as her quickly thrown-together plan. Sure she wasn't sure if any of it was going to work but Ameliya had been looking for an opening of any kind and this seemed to be one. After all, a death in the middle of a firey battle was much preferred than rotting away in another cage.

Though with that in mind, she would really rather not die anytime soon. Her eyes sharply looked over to Alfred, were those noodles in trade for knowledge? Was he going to be a problem? Her fiery red eyes trailed over him as she tried to read any sign of tenseness or possible excitement that a little tattletale might experience.

Turning back to Abby, Ameliya kept in her mind that Alfred was definitely going to be one to keep an eye on, and if it came to it, eliminated. Though as the words about a distraction and something flammable were said, Ameiliya's eyes danced with familiar fire and a wide grin grew over her face. "Bring me something more than this stupid jumpsuit to burn, and this place will be a war zone as soon as I can help it."

Now the question was answered. "So the answer is 'yes'." Alfred nodded, flashing out a small penguin sculpture made from ice in but an instant. He gazed upon his creation, applying finishing touches where he saw them fit.

"Hmm.", Alfred looked back at Ameliya. "We both have quite the body count, but yours is undoubtedly higher. I count ten sorcerers, who had shackled Frosty to their will for centuries, and a few dozen of their cohorts and guardians as casualties of my… ehem… crusade. There are more in the list…"
@The Man Emperor

"You got caught for only killing ten men?" Ameliya asked in a bit of disbelief at Alfred, "you must have created one hell of a scene."

Her hand reached out towards the little penguin, and the flame back in her hands flickered from her palm to her fingers. The fire then jumped from her hand and swirled around the small ice figure, melting into a tiny puddle.

Ameliya then looked back at Alfred, "Thought a quiet man like you would have been a bit smarter than that."

“Rowdy bunch, aren’t they,” he attempts to smile, though there is a slight frown at the sound of his own voice. He doesn’t speak too often to people, and he often doesn’t remember the sound of his own voice. Quiet, hoarse. A bit scratchy to his own ears, “I have seen the both of you around.” he frowns further, because now this is becoming awkward. It’s clear to him and anyone else around he doesn’t see anything, it’s just a matter of speech people use, “I am attempting to greet you.” He is specifically speaking to the nebula, but didn’t mind them both answering. He realized now how evident it has become how little he talks to other people, “Lock, it’s a pleasure.” now he’s just frowning, realizing how strange he comes off.

Whirling around in her seat, Ameliya turned to look at the gaunt man in front of her with combative surprise. Exactly how long had this guy been hanging out behind them?! With all the conversation and general noise from the table, she hadn't even heard him come up to them.

Ameliya's eyes quickly looked over the man as she tried to figure out how much of a threat he was. Taking in all his features, she quickly questioned how this guy was still alive. He looked like a poster child for famine or even maybe anorexia. Then of course there was the fact that his milky white eyes didn't seem to be helping him much. Sure he didn't look like he would be much of a physical threat, but she knew well enough that in here that wasn't the biggest tell.

An arched eyebrow questioned the man as she heard him say he had seen them both around. It was about how she realised that he was talking to both her and Rue. Then like an afterthought, she remembered wait see...

That was when the strange man said he was attempting to greet them, and honestly with the mix between this odd emaciated figure and him by accident saying he saw them when he was blind. Well, a bark of a laugh escaped from Ameliya's mouth, this place was definitely filled with interesting characters.

"Ameliya," She said with a rare smile now upon her face, "This one is Rue."

"Then let's see how bright I'll burn, come closer then, fraulein." Körbl pointed to her with his wooden spoon and accompanied by a large smile. Daring her to take the first move first.

Ameliya raised an eyebrow at Korbl's words. What in the hell was going through his mind. Did he have a death wish? Her hand flicked out, a little flame dancing upon her fingertip. Well, one thing was sure, she did not like him aiming such a pathetic and on top of it wooden tool at her.

"Uh huh...", Alfred slowly nodded. "Out of curiosity, I must ask. How many have you... hmmm, incinerated? Mundanes, non-mundane, how much of each?"
@The Man Emperor

Just about to send over the flame to the wooden spoon and get rid of such rude pointing, she actually heard a question that made her stop and contemplate. Her hand closed and the flame left with it as she thought out loud, "Hmmm 142 contracts, and I believe 96 requested for the target's death"

She then shrugged nonchalantly, "but if you mean outside of my work, well I didn't keep count."

The argument with Korbl was not forgotten but she no longer cared enough to set his implement on fire. There were more interesting things going on. Leaning back on the bench, Ameliya held herself up by putting her arms behind her.

Abby was curious what kind of abilities they all had; perhaps they could be useful to her escape. “Maybe we can measure how strong we are; if we tell each other what our superpowers are? I'm curious what you guys can do?” She didn’t care much for the pissing contest they were having; she wanted to see if they were useful enough for her plan.

"I burn," Ameliya said out loud and then chuckled slightly, that had to be a really obvious thing right? Especially if anyone else had caught sight of her little flame a moment ago.

“I don’t have any superpowers. That’s a human thing. Um, but I eat a bunch? Like, things you guys don’t apparently? Oh, and I breathe out oxygen. That’s apparently a big deal.” She tilted her head, seemingly considering something.

“And I’m called Kailani!”

Looking back to here the eat all you want buffet killer replying, Ameliya mused slightly. Seems like she finally had a name for the small girl, not that that would really stop the nicknames she had been coming up with.

"I'm merely a humble sword master...without a sword. That broke when I was arrested." Taking this opportunity, Körbl waved his hands and position himself at an angle. His tray mirroring him as part of it hovered from the table, just also enough that the guard assigned to the sides wasn't able to see it.

"It was during a fight with one of the New York heroes," Körbl smiled widely as he recalled that particular fond memory. The rush, the speed, and the thrill. He felt truly alive during that moment. "Ah, it was a great fight."

Hearing Korbl call himself a humble swordmaster, Ameliya snorted out a laugh as she watched him go on his grand speel. Humble my ass, Ameliya thought to herself as she half-watched him go on about fighting heroes in New York. Looked like she hadn't been the only one who had gotten sloppy around those supes.


Ameliya's head perked up to the familiar voice. Thank goodness for the break from the talks about strength, and any thoughts about how many of them had gotten on the bad side of the so-called superheroes.

“Heeey! What's crackin' ma homies? Randy, long time no see! Abby, how's ma girl? Lookin' hot today Amy! Hey! Even Frosty the Snowbird is here! Oh and if it ain't my favorite bottomless pit!”

A smile played at the side of Ameliya's lips as she watched the rainbow whirlwind make herself at home at the table. She wouldn't lie, it was nice to see Iris back in all her chaotic glory. It looked like meals were going to be more a lot more entertaining now.
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