Avatar of CitrusArms


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1 mo ago
Current Pomodoro timer!
1 mo ago
-17 F. Can we just build a series of tubes? To take us places.
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1 mo ago
It was -3 F when I left, this morning. The winds were breezy. I can only assume that, because I didn't freeze on the return trip, the sun improved things.
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2 mos ago
V. II Snail is a bitch and he should burn in mech hell
2 mos ago
I didn't know the enter key works on the status bar


I'm a generally chill gremlin that can be kinda particular. I grew up with plenty of electronics and video games, mostly with games like Final Fantasy, Zelda, and StarCraft. I like to blend magic and technology in my writing, bringing fantasy into space and sci-fi.

Most Recent Posts

Expendable with the Monty Python "and now for sometime completely different"

Only it's totally somber and not a comedy bit.

Casual chat with death, huh? Not something you normally associate with dragons. Interesting.
@BunniesOfDoom We can always fit more curses in there
Ryū's got her eyes on the prize, gotta respect that.
So, camouflaged. Any transformation abilities, ah.. available natively, would be greatly preferable.
I'm an old fogey that wants to play with other at least middle-aged fogeys. We don't hate you or nothing. I, personally, wish you were more acquainted with the etiquette, and perhaps more patient with the volume we write.
Oh. So there is. Yeah, no, I started using Google docs to write my posts cause I can just hang on to my headers. But, no, that's not the mistake, christo mio.

Oh no, a double in the OOC. Whatever will we do
Wh-WHAT?! N.. no, that's not - what?!

No, that's not- you're terrifying

What the f- what do you mean there's a difference?!

No, Akame-sama have mercy, that wasn't it.
How the hell did I remember the terminating color tag but not the terminating quotation marks...?

@Lemons <3

*Gasp* can you spot my mistake? I'll leave it, as an Easter egg for those paying attention. <3
Yumeiko no Akame no Kami

Location: Building #1; Ground Floor; Breakfast
Interactions: @Red Wizard Ryū

Yumeiko smiled softly, though it was of dry humor. She “hmm”d before repeating carefully, “Kinko seishin. But, ‘spirit fox’ will be good enough. Trying to use English to accurately describe me is tricky. To call me a ‘spirit’ conjures a certain image, not unlike a ghost, but that simply isn’t accurate. I have this corporeal body, as you well know.”

As Ryū went on to describe her existence until now in a general sense, Yumeiko could not help but think of some of the manga the last of the shrine maidens had been reading. Big stone houses with treasure hoards, like a castle? Iron suits and swords and axes, it all sounded vaguely familiar, but she could only think of vague recollections of the things she saw in those books, not anything like a country. It was a little sad, to the spirit fox, that Ryū hadn’t seen much of her kind at all in what sounded like a long time. That she mentioned it at all must have meant she missed seeing other dragons. Now, what was this about a hoard? No, no hoarding is bad, it makes such a mess. She’d been out to do a spiritual cleansing in a hoarder’s old place, once. Nasty.

Should she just ignore the question about keeping hoards? “As a servant of my Goddess, Akame no Kami, I pact with gods and spirits on her behalf, and maintain relations with the human component of Her Shrine. I make grand appearances before humans in need of vision and play the part of High Priestess, as necessary.” The milkshake came and she placed an order for bacon and eggs, then dropped a few of her berries in the milkshake and began to eat it with a spoon. “We, ah, do not keep a hoard, but we do take patronage from our visitors to keep the shrine running. That’s not presently an issue, however.” The current primary shrine was located entirely in their condo, which presented.. other problems.

Did she play or take pets? Yumeiko gazed at the dragon, thoughtfully, as an idea formed in her mind, “I do, sometimes, grant the patrons of the shrine the boon of caressing my fox body." Her tails flicked behind her. She rather enjoyed pets, but could only imagine what Miyuki would say. As well, she had to try and draw patronage to the shrine. Worship is such a strong word. “The extra lucky ones can touch my tails.”

She’d left a strawberry in her berry dish, and pushed it toward Ryu, having seen her eye it, “here, have a strawberry. And do have a seat, please.” Ryū was still very close. After she offered, Yumeiko pulled a strawberry out of her milkshake in her spoon. The spirit fox grabbed it by the leaves and carefully bit the vanilla milkshake-covered strawberry flesh away from around the stem, before placing the leftover little bit on her empty french toast plate.
Lemons already knows how Velvet will feel in your character's proximity. I can also only imagine your character would have been briefed on the unholy residents. As an employee.
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