Species:Nickname:It's not uncommon for Tamers to give their Digimon nicknames, but it isn't necessary.
Level:All Digimon partner's base form should be Rookie level.
Type:What category of Digimon are they?
Attribute:All Digimon possess an Attribute that they align with. The most common Attributes are Vaccine, Virus, and Data. Vaccine Digimon have an advantage against Virus Digimon; Virus Digimon have an advantage against Data Digimon; Data Digimon have an advantage against Vaccine Digimon; other Attributes exist, and possess different traits
Family:All Digimon belong to at least one Family, which can determine their evolutionary path. There are ten Families total: Nature Spirits, Deep Savers, Nightmare Soldiers, Wind Guardians, Metal Empire, Unknown, Dark Area, Virus Busters, Dragon's Roar, and Jungle Troopers
Attacks:Techniques used by a Digimon in combat
Evolutionary line:The other forms your Digimon can attain. Please leave Mega level blank.