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Narkissa Langdon

@Rune_Alchemist @Crusader Lord

Narkissa had buckled up for some heavy information, but what she received from the catgirl after relaying her own information was something she was glad she’d taken a seat for. Leannah had so much so say that she simply let her talk –clearly the girl had a lot to get off her chest—and Narkissa simply listened as the words flowed out of her.

Her encounter with the bird goddess was intriguing, and if anything, cute. But all that came after was simply just horrifying –as any potential apocalyptic event could be. Delphiti? Goddess of conflict? She had to frown; perhaps it might not have been the best idea to pray to the goddess after all. She patted where she kept the teardrop gingerly, now wondering if the artifact was dangerous at all. The deal with the seal, however, was the most concerning. And the more she thought about it and its implications, the more that worried her. Up until now, as far as she was concerned, they simply remained visitors to this new world, their actions of little import to the small village they had chanced upon, let alone to the greater world. Now, they were thrust into a grand conspiracy concocted by a pantheon of unvirtuous gods, with only a very small inkling from the mortal perspective of what was going on, and if she or anybody else made a wrong move, it was Lazhira, themselves, the village, the entire world... all on the line. It was… daunting.

She furrowed her brows after taking all this in, rubbing the bridge of her nose as she did so. “So let me get this straight,” she began slowly. “The orb and Lazhira herself are the keys to this apocalyptic seal, and the ‘lock’ that needs to be opened is simply the act of bringing them both together,” she summarized. “So we need to keep them as far away from each other as we can, and you can’t let anybody, including Lazhira, know, for reasons. Yet, at the same time, the Illuminator told Novak –and by extension, me—to look for this orb, the orb that Lazhira wants me to bring her for safe keeping.”

Leaning back in her seat, she groaned and clicked her tongue. “if this is all true… you’re right, it doesn’t add up. Either the Illuminator is lying about some of these facts we’ve collated, or we’re missing a key detail. But as far as I’m concerned… Lazhira needs to be told. She’ll keep looking for the orb herself. Even if she takes the information poorly, it’s not a risk I want to take, especially after all she’s done for us. It might be better if we took our leave from this village and have her come with us, but that’s also risky.”

Narkissa glanced back at the tired girl, and let out a sigh. “We can talk more about this later, though. I think what you need first is to get some rest.”
Aureia, of gold, commerce, wealth,
and the far less important, trivial aspects of travel and luck

Finding her pending answer taking longer than she’d liked from the time goddess, Aureia’s short attention span flitted to the unconscious soldier at the direction of Ashte. That was good. She would have been a little more than annoyed if they’d accidentally killed them all before getting any information whatsoever.

It was nice that the O’Menus did the whole waking the mortal shtick for her, so all she had to do was approach the man as he awoke, pointing her umbrella at his jugular as she demanded some questions. “Hello~ I’m Aureia,” she greeted, taking on a friendly, flippant affectation in contrast to O’Menus’s… skewering of his ankle. If the sun god so liked, they could play good cop, bad cop. “How are you? I’m having a great day, myself. It’s nice to be back after ten thousand years. You, on the other hand, look like you’re having a no good, terrible day. Probably the worst day in your life, so far, I’d assume. I doubt you’d want to make it worse, either. But see, the thing is, we need answers, so let’s talk.”

She drew back the umbrella, but kept the big stick nearby. Regardless of how the man reacted, she pressed forward bluntly with what was more or less an interrogation, her own mood growing impatient again as she realized the priestess was awakening. “So! Tell me your name and where you hail from. Let’s start with who are you, why are you here, who is your liege, who is the ‘Holy Emperor’ of Durma, and who is the Flower Priestess,” she prompted.

“Oh! And who is the knight whose sword is in your ankle right now? Important detail, almost forgot that.”
@1Charak2 hasn't been online in almost three weeks now... hope they're doing alright.
Narkissa Langdon

@Rune_Alchemist @Crusader Lord

“Sure.” Narkissa was a bit surprised to see Leannah being so direct, especially since she still looked wiped. It wasn’t a problem though, not like there was anybody else in the area aside from the two of them. “Hmm… I doubt you’ll get anything useful out of that man. It was one of the few things that the Illuminator and I could agree on, but alright,” she agreed. Clearly, something with her experience with the temple or the god that it belonged to had spooked Leannah. Knowing this strange world and the apparent fickleness of the gods that inhabited it, it really was better to be safer than sorry.

“Well, let me recap from where we got split up in the temple…”
After the brief summary, she launched into more detail as the cat girl had requested, detailing her encounters with the slimes, praying to the goddess, and for the first time since speaking to Lazhira, mentioned the teardrop that she had received as well. Then she moved on to jumping down the tar pit, and meticulously pieced back together her conversation and encounter with the god of knowledge, before finally recounting the tale of their dramatic escape from both burning temple and cultists hot on their heels.

What Leannah offered in return, though, was the same, although with far more oaths attached as stipulations than hers. Narkissa couldn’t help but to frown. She hadn’t gotten the full picture yet here, sure, but it had already become clear long enough ago that they were already being party to a conspiracy of sorts, either here in the village, or to the greater world in general.
All within a few days of showing up. Fun stuff.

Frankly, she wasn’t sure if she’d cared to hear what extra bad news Leannah had to say. But she did care for Leannah, and her own life, really, so refusing was out of the picture.

“…Alright, my lips will be sealed, it’s a promise. What exactly is going on here, Leannah?”
Aureia, of gold, commerce, wealth,
and the far less important, trivial aspects of travel and luck

The humans had put up more of a fight than she’d expected, but in the end, they fell, even with their strange armor and fancy new weapons. It was hard to beat being divine, after all, even if their abilities had become much reduced.

The commanding soldier had given them one last surprise, though, embarking on some sort of suicidal self-destruction spell. It might have been lights out for the sun god if it weren’t for Alasayana’s timely intervention, literally tossing the little man away from the godly entourage with one of her tails so that he could blow up all sad and alone. With how annoying and uncooperative O’Menus had been lately, though, Aureia thought that she might not have minded if the bright god had actually been blown to bits. She quickly dismissed the thought, though; it would certainly be very bad precedent indeed if one of the gods exploded within the first hour of their return. No matter how silly mortals could get, it would be pretty hard to convince one of your divinity if any of them got wind that one of your kind got blown up by a petty man, after all.

Aureia cleaned her blade up with a flick and a shimmer, before willing it to revert back to the elegant parasol that she so liked to carry. It was only then that she went over to one of the cleaner corpses of the mortals, late to the party to examine one of the soldiers’ tube weapons. Inspecting it briefly, she had to concede it was a very clever bit of mechanical construction. If this was what men had achieved in the thousands of years since her disappearance, she was very curious to see what else they had made. The uncultured men she’d just experienced didn’t leave her with a very good impression of their society, though.

The Sun God, expectedly, was growling about his experience with the mortals. As annoyed as she was with him in the moment, he had a good point. It was pretty inexcusable.

“It’s something worth investigating,” she allowed, with a nod towards O’Menus. “As much as I loathe to admit, it is possible that newer gods may have come into existence during our… interregnum. We absolutely must investigate.”

She then quirked an eyebrow and looked over at the… thing Lopaley had restored and entered. “But what is that?”
I'll probably get a post out in about a day or so!
Narkissa Langdon

@Rune_Alchemist @Crusader Lord

It was only natural that Narkissa would help Leannah, especially when she’d been… a little negligent in looking for her. Even as she helped her back to Lazhira’s house, though, every word out of the cat girl seemed crazier than before. The fact that gods could be made was a revelation in and of itself, not to mention the Illuminator seemed to have a mother. It was all very Greek to Narkissa, in more ways than one.

Which… was kind of saying something, since Narkissa was a Greek name, after all.

Halfway through it, Leannah’s words began to ramble, but foretold of momentous truths. The fact that the girl didn’t outright say it in front of the two of them was information in and of itself, but Narkissa didn’t press her on it. She needed to know, but with her being so injured and with such a fragile mental state, now wasn’t the time for that. She’d ask the cat girl about it later, when she was healthy and rested up.

Like Lazhira, she gave Leannah a quick, and hopefully comforting hug when they finally got back to the house, but not before setting aside all the wood she’d gathered in a good spot. Narkissa couldn’t help but to raise an eyebrow at the younger girl, though. After all, before Leannah had stumbled into their conversation, what to do with the orb was the very topic they’d been discussing. “We should talk about that later,” she suggested, before settling down next to Leannah.

“Holding up alright? If you’re hungry –you look hungry—I can see if I can’t cook something up here. I doubt Lazhira would mind. Otherwise, I’ll let you rest… you need it,” she commented, appraising the girl’s condition once again. “Either way, I’ll be nearby—I’m going to either try to continue making a frame out of this wood, or finally get a look at my growing book collection.”
Aureia, of gold, commerce, wealth,
and the far less important, trivial aspects of travel and luck

If her decision to rush the mortals had been questionable, Aureia didn’t stop to recognize it. A large part of that was probably because she was getting away with it, unlike the sun god, who had gotten checked for his arrogance. Despite her earlier assessment of weakness, the fact that the commanding mortal could and had blocked a strike from a god was the best wakeup call that the gods could receive of their own weakness.

That, however, was something to reflect on down the line.

Right now, Aureia and the other gods had to mop up the remaining soldiers, and with all of the mortals distracted with the other gods, the goddess of commerce was in a characteristically lucky position to capitalize on that. With O’menus still dueling the commander with Ashte’s aid, and Trineon and Alasayana decimating the back line of the mortals, Aureia had the free reign to reposition and circle around to slam into flank of the soldiers’ line, but not before quirking an eyebrow at the time goddess’s attempt to restore the human construct… and do whatever it was she was doing with its remains.

She quickly snapped her head back to focus on the mortals, though, sweeping out with a wide arc at their legs with her umbrella to knock them off their feet before slashing out at their unprepared forms. Despite the danger that they had risked in closing the distance, it now meant that the larger bulk of the soldiers were pincered between the goddess of the hunt and the aquatic god in the front, and Aureia at the rear. It was a miniature hammer-and-anvil, and that meant it was time to wreak havoc.
Narkissa Langdon

@Rune_Alchemist @Crusader Lord

“Well, if half your body is burned and you’re more or less about to collapse, I’m more impressed that you were able to get here and talk to us,” Narkissa frowned, as she gave her body a quick look over. “Let me take a look at you… I’m not sure if cat-being-girl physiology changes much, but I think basic first aid knowledge still applies.” Having cat ears and a tail didn’t change things up that much, did it? Well, whatever. Leannah seemed intent on spilling the beans of her adventure, no matter how beat up she looked, so Narkissa decided she’d just listen to her recount her adventure.

She nodded along, until she raised an eyebrow at hearing how she’d also gotten the ‘opportunity’ to meet the Illuminator, and in a far more intimate way, it seemed. Hell, she’d even met his mother? What?

“I… see. I suppose we made it out in better shape. Can’t say I was too impressed with our male companion, but Lazhira and I were attacked by rogue slimes before we followed you down to search for you,” she replied, recounting their own little adventure. “We also met the Illuminator. Barely got ourselves out, all things considered. Novak –that’s the man that followed us—made a bad deal with him to look for a stolen artifact in exchange for letting Lazhira go… but we ended up being hunted by cultists anyway. It was pretty much luck and a bit of help from a lady named… Mie, I believe? Either way, we got ourselves back to the village after that. The Japanese girl, Misaki, needed my help on a project to make paper, so here I am now. Far less interesting than your tale, all things considered, but somehow I’m starting to feel ‘interesting’ is more of a curse…”

She shrugged as Lazhira began to help Leannah head back to her house. “I’d feel remiss not to help, with how much of a sorry state you look in.” Glancing at the injured girl, after putting the axe back where she’d found it, she tucked the small set of planks that she fashioned underneath her arm before using her free arm to also help Leannah back. “I’m essentially done here anyway.”
Yeah, I might have to take a day or so for this one. Hurricane hit and flooded the house of one of my relatives, so I've been helping with the cleaning work, which is hella tiring.
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