Avatar of ColdAtlas


Recent Statuses

1 hr ago
Current GOD. life is only getting worse and whenever someone tries to "help" they make everything worse for me. JUst leave me alone for gods sake
1 like
7 hrs ago
Right on the road to your sadness Watching closely as courage turns into madness Are you sure you'd want to lose your life From a witch who had caused you nothing but strife?
13 hrs ago
British "people" when you say truth or dare instead of "Authentic factual response or mischievous challenge"
1 day ago
anyone else thing Dion has gone off their meds the last few days with these statuses?
1 day ago
A clash of history In blood, sweat and tears This war will cause our world to change And will be remembered through the years


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Rules are simple- Ask the person above you anything, literally anything, and they have to answer it to the best of their ability. Once you've been asked something, edit your answer into your post. After asking a question, you are now the one being asked.

So go ahead, Ask Me Anything
Lovely to have another friend here
Aight, sounds good :3
I think I have like... 13 noodles already made somewhere? I'll find my favorite.
NONONO, I am not, do not be mistaken. I've talked to the creator online b4, they're super nice
Hey friend! Welcome to the site :3
Hey there! Welcome to the site friend!
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