Michael Daunte
June 6th, 1896 - 18 years old
United Kingdom of Edinburgh - Tyrella
134 lbs
You don't see Michael unless you look down over him. Comparing to his Edinburgh, or anywhere else for that matter, peers, Michael's most distinctive feature is his ridiculously short height. Very easy to recognize, and sometimes a subject of ridicule, but a very valuable asset in combat. His small and thin silhouette made him a more difficult target than others, and as a sapper, a key role on the battlefield, this asset is invaluable. However, don't judge the young man through his size. He actually boasts quite a sustainable stamina, able to carry heavy equipment around the battlefield for quite a good while. Another trivia to note about this young just-about-to-be college student is that he once almost got away with the conscription due to the officer in charge mistaken him for a child. It was only until the man in charge checked the man's profile that they let him hold a gun on the battlefield. His more roundish face contributed to the misunderstanding of his age. Reflecting his rather high social upbringings, Michael always appears well-spoken, articulate and nicely dressed, or at least as nicely as he could in the situation he is in. He is not a strict follower of the noble dress code, but anytime you see him, except on the battlefield after the blood and mud, he is always seen neat and upright in his uniform. With the ruthless war undergoing, he still tried to maintain a slightest bit of humanity in his appearance.
His uniform was quite specially made to fit his rather small posture. It wasn't entirely new though, just a slightly altered version of the smallest possible male uniform. Strapped all around his torso are rucksacks and straps that carries all (almost all) necessary engineering equipment Michael needs in a battlefield condition, along with a few grenades for combat purposes aside from his main gun (provided if he was given some).
Throughout the short few months of his conscription, he had for himself a few scars as well, notably on his right arm, where he was shot through the arm at Amone.
It took a lot to change a man's personality in a matter of months. But those were hellish months. After being subjected to countless near-death situation, having been forced into nigh impossible situation and emerged victorious, Michael had changed from a quiet, terrified boy without hope, begging for the divine to help into a relatively ambivert, readily willing to entertain any guest with a conversation, yet courageous soldier, skeptical at the world, yet fiercely determined to see the end of this war himself. He couldn't completely hide his fears. He still wanted to go home, back to his family, to his sickly mother at home. But he knew that he wouldn't go home any faster either way except in a casket, so he just bit the bullet, looked straight at his terror in the eyes and walked forward. And that's how he survived, even after being blown up, shot, thrown around and spitted at.
Kind-hearted and compassionate, he is your sweetheart in times of need, and that was not lost under the trampling muddy boots. He can always keep you company with a conversation or two, or sharing a book, a meal together. It might not dawn on you right away, but gradually, his continuous presence either meant he's taken a liking to you or he's worried about you. But regardless, he doesn't take kindly to close-mindedness, even less to cruelty. Despite the looks, he is rather well-educated and intelligent, capable of complex understanding of different subject matter, and often has a rather 'different' approach or viewpoint from the rest of society.
Sapper - EW1
SM-Longfield Rifle
Trench Spade
Personal Items
A Medal for his Actions at Amone
Heinz's Military Tag and Last Letter
Cruxian Cross
Engineering Master: Due to his background as an engineering student, Michael is capable of absorbing knowledge and understanding various complex machineries. Not a know-it-all or is capable of fixing any machines he come into, but he would be able to do things whilst other people are still scratching their heads over it. Both how to fix it and how to BLOW it up.
Low-profile: His small stature makes him a more difficult target to hit on the battlefield, but it can make it difficult for him to traverse on some difficult terrains.
The Brave Little Pacifist: Beneath the child-like stature, a religious moderate, a soft and gentle man unwilling to hurt a fly, was the new-found determination and courage only bloomed in great adversity. He still loathes the war to his very skin, but he is strong enough to face it now.
In a fine antique yet cozy mansion in the city of Tyrella, a young man by the name of Michael Daunte came into existence. The family had a relatively prestigious history, with ancestors a few times serving as government officials. So it is understandable that the family would place high demands on Michael in terms of education. It was indeed a little tiresome for the young lad, but in exchange, the wealth of the family meant that the Dauntes could do many things. As an attempt to encourage curiosity in Michael, his father likes to take him to places, either domestic or international, so he could interact with different cultures and therefore wanting to figure more about them. Child curiosity is a thing to be feared. And yes, his father did get the greatest out of him. He was fascinated with the world around him, with so many different things to explore. He began to read books after books about different things. First just about countries, but then expands to other stuff, like science, heritage and culture. One of his topic of great interest is engineering, especially the Imperial Alliance's, known for many great masterpieces of it.
The routine spread further into his early teenage years. Soon, Michael began to dig into the more grim and serious aspects of the world around him. It wasn't the shiny and riveting world anymore. He used to imagine a world full of harmony despite its deep rooted varieties, yet the former was never fully achieved. He touched upon politics, diplomacy and then history of conflicts. There were things that he couldn't understand why a human being would do to another human being. He could never. Michael realized that the world wasn't just the world that he used to see it. It was cruel and not meant for softness.
At first he thought the war was just a distant thing. Then it came to him. He was sent to Hill 58, where death fell right on his chest. His soft kindness was trampled when he beat that man to death with his helmet on that hill. Then he went to Amone, where he learnt pain, and how close he had come to meeting God. Softness is a weakness on the battlefield. But he also found something profound in those experience.
And with it, he achieved the almost impossible beneath the city of God.
The mission at Amone was a success, and significantly assisted the end of the fighting in the city. For the first time, he felt a slimmer of power. He wasn't completely bound to this manmade torture device. He did something great. And with it, he felt like he could do something more.
Michael was also never a man of staleness. He reveled in entertaining himself with his interests and curiosity. And so was death to him. After a while fussing about the corpses rotting on the battlefield, the blood mixed in with mud and rain and the terrible living conditions in the trenches, it got boring. He'd rather spend more time learning more about Darcsen mythologies, other country's histories or maintaining his equipment well rather.
George Daunte - Father (40)
Elizabeth Daunte - Mother (40)
Anna Elisa Richelieu - Fellow Sapper and Friend (19)
Heinz Noel - Imperial Friend whom Michael Respected (23 - Deceased)
Jean-Robin Charpentier
He is an ok leader, but holy cross is he bad at socializing. Michael could not help but feel a little bad for him as he tried so hard to flirt. Otherwise, Jean is a kind man who does care a lot, and Michael respected that. He probably knew a lot more than the sapper believed to, so Michael wished for more moments to learn more about him.
Isaac Black
He is that cool guy of sort in the group. Michael felt safer under his command than Jean, no offense to the latter, but his personality is...wild to say the least. It can be a little annoying at times, but eh he could say that about anyone.
Lucia Farris
In a way, he had affections towards Lucia, but he did doubt if he really loved her or this was just him wanting her to be happy, considering the rumors of what Middleton did to her. Nevertheless, he cared a lot for her and hoped she could be free from his grasp.
Diana Elana Vastergoth
Weird. A nice girl in his eyes but weird. At the same time she really reminded Michael of Jean. They both don't have a clue about social cues. They're probably a perfect match for each other.
Franz Blau
He also empathizes a lot with his situation, having lost a girl he liked so much in front of his eyes. He is glad that he is able to help him gain some of his confidence back. He hopes that it would remain the same for long, but who can say that statement would be true in the far future. But he hopes that his friendship would remain the same.
Senja Penttilä
A peculiarly beautiful lady from North Europa. She's quite eccentric, but kindness goes a long way in forming a friendship with Michael.
Alexander-John Middleton
He doesn't deserve a footnote in Michael's memoir if he ever to write one. But at the same time, he does want to understand his psyche. But would he ever want to approach a man directly if he doesn't want to entertain genuine curiosity but only to subjugate those beneath him?
He is an ok leader, but holy cross is he bad at socializing. Michael could not help but feel a little bad for him as he tried so hard to flirt. Otherwise, Jean is a kind man who does care a lot, and Michael respected that. He probably knew a lot more than the sapper believed to, so Michael wished for more moments to learn more about him.
Isaac Black
He is that cool guy of sort in the group. Michael felt safer under his command than Jean, no offense to the latter, but his personality is...wild to say the least. It can be a little annoying at times, but eh he could say that about anyone.
Lucia Farris
In a way, he had affections towards Lucia, but he did doubt if he really loved her or this was just him wanting her to be happy, considering the rumors of what Middleton did to her. Nevertheless, he cared a lot for her and hoped she could be free from his grasp.
Diana Elana Vastergoth
Weird. A nice girl in his eyes but weird. At the same time she really reminded Michael of Jean. They both don't have a clue about social cues. They're probably a perfect match for each other.
Franz Blau
He also empathizes a lot with his situation, having lost a girl he liked so much in front of his eyes. He is glad that he is able to help him gain some of his confidence back. He hopes that it would remain the same for long, but who can say that statement would be true in the far future. But he hopes that his friendship would remain the same.
Senja Penttilä
A peculiarly beautiful lady from North Europa. She's quite eccentric, but kindness goes a long way in forming a friendship with Michael.
Alexander-John Middleton
He doesn't deserve a footnote in Michael's memoir if he ever to write one. But at the same time, he does want to understand his psyche. But would he ever want to approach a man directly if he doesn't want to entertain genuine curiosity but only to subjugate those beneath him?
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