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Alexander Kherol

The Last Ascendancy Commander

Once Upon a Time

2450 AD


The capital of the Ascendancy of Man. The birthplace of humanity. The cradle of the great civilization that prospered on this planet for thousands of years, stretching across the boundaries of the galaxy...

Bah! That doesn't concern her one bit.

All she knew was that this is her new home. Life on Mars was so boring! A spec of red rocks, cold and barren. There were no big buildings or cool things there, only scary machineries and stuffs. Mining minerals on the planet didn't suit their interest, nor was healthy in the long run, especially for the family's young daughter Sarie, who was barely 9 years of age. She was horribly behind in terms of schools, due to the terrible infrastructure of the planet. And that wouldn't sit. Nope, they have to move to Earth. All their life savings were poured into this endeavour, hoping to bring about a brighter future for their little angel. Genius she need not become, just a happy and long life here.

They eventually settled in Alexandria, former Egypt, working in construction, just like back there but with better conditions. Their house was close to those high-rise apartment complexes, completely filled with all sort of commodities close by that one only need to spare 10 minutes of their lives to fill themselves for a week. But in exchange, they would be living close to those spoiled rich kids. Not all of them were bad, but this is the Ascendancy of Man we're talking about. The rich reign supreme, while poor folks couldn't even afford to move across their own planet, let alone a cross-planet trip like this. Looking down on the poor is their pastime. Charity is merely their way of showing off their wealth and fake virtues whenever they like it. They were concerned if Sarie mingled with them. What if they rejected her, casted her aside, bullied her?

Thankfully, they need not worry. Sarie was too full of energy to be shy to them. And those kids, let's just say one of them were actually nice. It was quite a character assassination to summarize it like that, but he's certainly unfazed enough to act however he wanted to.

The first time Sarie met Alexander was her third time visiting the park close by to their apartment. Schools had just finished for all of them, and now they were all gathering at the park to play. This time, they were playing chess, Alexander's favorite pastime. Despite the boredom usually associated with the sport, for some reasons, the kids were excited. Perhaps they wanted a hopeless shot at beating the chess genius of the neighborhood. Or they were genuinely interested. Regardless of what it was what really captured the girl's attention was not the game, nor that he was the leader of the group, almost naturally, directing and dictating the flow of the mood, but what later could be described as 'love at first sight'.

"Hey yall! What'cha guys doing?" With her heavy accent, unabashed and fearless, she approached the group of kids. The ponytailed orange hair, the dark-red plaid shirt, there was no difficulty guessing that she wasn't from there.

"Chess!" One boy declared, in a not necessarily friendly manner. "Do you know how to play?"

"Umm, nah. But can I watch you guys?" Sarie asked.

"No." Another said. "Learn the game first and get in line."

"Hey hey hey." The silver-haired boy in one side of the table said. "Didn't I teach you chess when I want to play it?"

"Y-Yeah, but there were only 4 of us, me, you, Anna and Travel." He said.

"Well, now we have 8." Alexander waved for Sarie to come. "Come, you want to play?"

She excitedly nodded her head before squeezing her way through the crowd to the chair on the other side of Alexander.

"What do you know foremost about chess? Like anything?" Alexander began.

"Ahh, I only know that you have to kill the king to win."

"Kill..." Alexander couldn't help but laughed. "We don't kill kings here, we capture him, so the whole kingdom is without a leader and falls apart. The way you capture a king is to make sure he cannot move anywhere when it is your turn."

"...How does that work?"

"So...it's a turn-based strategy game, where we each move a piece for every turn. Each pieces have their movements and if an enemy piece lies in the way of another piece, you can proceed to capture the piece by moving your piece to it. If a king lies in the way of an enemy piece instead, then it is a check, and you must move your king away or block the path. If you're are unable to do so, then when the enemy's turn is up, he can capture your king and the game ends. It is called a checkmate then. Each piece's movement goes as follows"

"Stop stop stop!" She yelled, clearly lost halfway through his explanations. "I lost you in the middle. Can you go by more slowly?"

"Oh come on, what is this?" Another kid rudely chimed in, only to be stopped by a stern look from the young Alexander. He looked at her sky-blue eyes again with a finger resting on his chin for a few seconds.

"Ok, so think of it like this." This girl was definitely not the brightest, despite Alexander wanting her to fit in the group. He thought a little before continuing "...In front of you are white pieces. So you will go first by moving a piece."

Alexander reached for a white pawn on her side and moved it one square. "That is a turn. Then I move one of my pieces." He took his knight and moved it. "Then you repeat it. That's how the game progress."

Sarie nodded her head twice. Alexander proceeded by picking up both kings. "This is the king, he can only move to squares adjacent to it." He looked up to see the girl staring at him and tilting her head. "Assuming he's here. You can only move to one of these eight squares. That is it."

She nodded again, happy and excited once more. "If a piece is in the way like this...horse here." He placed the knight in a convenient position. "If it is your turn, you can captur- I mean kill this horse. You do so by taking the horse away and move your piece to it. It counts as one turn and now it shall be mine. If it is my turn, I would move away the horse to prevent it from being killed."

"If your king is in the way instead like this horse before, it is a special kind of killing..." He stifled his laughter. It sounded so dumb. "It's called a check. You have to avoid it by moving him away. If he's checked and you can't move him away, like this position." He arranged the pieces once again. "Then it's checkmate! I win in this case. You win if you do the same to my king. You get it?"

She hummed for long, staring at the board.

"There's so many rules..." She groaned. Couldn't say he did not expect this.

"...Ok, then we shall learn as we play!" He declared. "Go on, you can go first."

"Ah...uhhh..." She was taken a bit aback. "...How do I go?"

"You can do whatever you want."


"Yeah, you remember what I told you earlier?" She nodded. "Just follow that. Otherwise you can do whatever you want. You make your own rules."

"Oh cool!" Sarie exclaimed.

"But please follow it once you made it. No changing halfway through. That's my only request!"

The white-haired boy gave her an ok finger, and she gladly accepted. After a while figuring out the rules for this weird custom game, to the boredom of the other kids around the table, it was finally time to go. The new pawn rules still move like usual, but captures the square in front instead of diagonal. The rook now cannot be captured, but can only move one square each. It does mean castle after all. The knight then moves like the old rook, but still can vault over pieces. The bishop, also moved like the old rook, but buffed to high heaven, now needing two pieces to capture it. The most saddening choice of them all was the queen. Poor queen, completely nerfed to oblivion, can only be in the vicinity of the king. If the king moves, she moves in to take his place, and she can jump over him if need be. The cited reason for this choice was supposedly from her fairy tales story, that kings and queens never leave each other's side. It's romantic for sure, but the poor queen is then mostly delegated to defensive task. But given how broken the other pieces are, it's not that big of a deal for Alexander.

Once the rule was formalized, Alexander didn't wait to start. He already familiarized himself with it and formulated a general idea of what needed to be done. A switch-and-bait tactics to try and cut down the bishops first. The bishops are the queens now, and the sooner they got taken out, the better. And it went perfectly. With a brilliant queen sacrifice, he managed to kill one of the bishops. Another would soon follow with a few moves. Once that was done, Alexander went on the aggressive, and the game ended soon after. Even with the new rules, vaguely heard and explained, he still proved himself a cunning opponent.

"Good game." As per chess tradition, he maintained his etiquette an extended a hand to Sarie. "I'd say...that's pretty interesting."

He didn't want to annoy her with the fact that he pretty much destroyed her. Regardless, she wasn't taking it too well either.

"That wasn't fair!" Sarie said. "You killed your own queen..."

"It is a good sacrifice." Alexander replied. "I used my queen to kill your bishops. It's the strongest piece on the board."

"But why? It's your queen. Your wife! Are you just going to let her die like that?"

For once, Alexander was hit with a hard question. Of course, in a game of power and intellect like this, nothing should be out of the question. But hey, a horrible decision is still a horrible decision.

"...Ok sorry." Not something you often see from him throughout his life, Alexander conceded. "Maybe I'm a bit too cold on that. You can take the win if you like."

She knocked over the pieces on the board anyway. "Nay, it's sooo tiring. Can we play something else instead?"

"Sure!" Alexander happily obliged. "What's your name?"

"Sarie Ayala!" She said excitedly. "I only go first name."

"Love your name Sarie." He said. "Alexander. Call me Alex if you wish."

By now, most of the kids had dispersed, leaving only Alexander and his new friend to clean up the chessboard. But the day was still young. And for young Alexander, he chose to play and associate with whoever he wanted.

"Come on Sarie. Let's go!"
Consider that one a fanfic instead
Alexander Kherol

The Last Ascendancy Commander

The Specky Sergeant

His talent isn't commanding warriors capable of superhuman feats, but inspiring us peasants into warriors capable of superhuman feats

Memoir of Sergeant Treville Hamilton - Chapter 3

2368 AD

Planet Ponin

Being part of the garrisoned militias had a lot of benefits to it. You still get to enjoy the benefits of being in the military while doing the least amount of work put into it. All you needed to do was just wake up on-time, assemble at the barracks at exactly two designated hours and make sure you don't goof up in your patrolling duty. You can enjoy the sunshine, local food and culture, as well as potentially getting a companion for how sleek the uniform of the Ascendancy looked. Personnel of the regime always looked the part. But whether or not they played the part though was up to scrutiny. We, however, didn't, shamefully enough.

I wasn't buying into the prospect of having to deal with an uprising, let alone a full military intervention by the Rau've, but here we are. Circumstances behind this was shady, since lowly sergeants like me never would have even seen the faces of our superior officers, let alone knowing the intricacies of political mayhem. All I've heard from some NCOs were that the Ascendancy forces executed some Rau've caught in the crossfire of the revolt and that prompted their swift retaliation. Now they've completely collaborated with the rebels and turned the city states into massive fortresses to strangle us. All communications to the outside world were cut off, and even though we had our supplies, how long was it going to last? Even worse yet, our commander was killed at the very early stage of the invasion, and taking their place was an indecisive numbskull. Everyone was confused over which of their orders to follow and led to some of my comrades dead on the battlefield, without support nor rescue.

I didn't think I was going to make it out of this alive. Or yet, in one piece at all. Morale was so low, the only thing keeping people from simply deserting was the threat of execution, either by the Ascendancy or the Rau've. Only miracle could help us then.

You know the story already, however. Otherwise you wouldn't be reading this.

Grand Admiral Alexander Kherol. Or at the time, Commodore Alexander Kherol.

I did not know how he got past the Rau've space fleet to land on Ponin, but all I knew was that despite his unexpected arrival, nobody really expected anything. To us, he was simply an Ascendancy's shill. He looked surprisingly young of course, but connections and descendants can get you everywhere in this world.

But he was different.

Without fail, every single day, I would see him walking through the ranks of his soldiers, sitting down besides them, chatting, asking us questions about the battlefield situations, our injuries or even just our personal lives. I've talked to him a few times as well. He was surprisingly chatty, talkative but down-to-earth an straightforward. He might come off mysterious, with his glasses and all, but he talked a commoner's language. He even called me 'dude' once. I couldn't make that up to be frank, but he really had a different aura to it than any other commanders I have served under.

And it really was just the beginning of why we called him the Specky Sergeant.

He called for a requisition of old plasma cannons from our military bases. They were poorly maintained, in disrepair and barely assembled, but he did those jobs anyway. He needed as many artillery batteries as needed, he told me. Then overnight, they were assembled, outside the outskirts on one of the fortified cities, Mido. But instead of putting them in a forest, he put them directly in front of the Rau've. Some of them so close to the city wall that they could shoot on us.

As dawn rose above the hounding rain and thundering wind, his little known yet lionizing moment echoed.

"If you feel like hanging back, that's fine." He said. "Stay wherever you are and watch me take this city alone!"

I was one of those by his sides in this battle, either by coincidences or fate. Only a few platoons followed him, but like he said, he was going to take Mido alone, and he was doing it. I could see him from the front, in the thick of the fighting, bullets flashed over his head, speaking to his soldiers, tending their wounds, sighting the cannons himself, indicating to his other officers which positions to take up, animating all hearts with the confidence and daringness flashing in his gestures.

We were scared. We were demoralized. We were confused. We wanted to go home, away from danger and death. But for reasons we couldn't describe, the rest of us threw ourselves at him and for him. Every sheep in the army turned into lions that day.

Before the Rau've were able to mount a coordinated offense to dislodge the batteries, we demolished their walls with the devastating accurate artillery fire. Seeing our chances, the Commodore ordered the charge, once again at the head of the army. And we surged forward without hesitation. For hours, I fought right next to him. I cut down many enemies trying to strike the Commodore. I even took bullet meant for him. The wound knocked out my arm for good. And yet I still wanted to keep going. Just to push on a little longer, maybe a few minutes or even seconds. Because I didn't care how I am going to contribute, only if I did. Any energy I could muster was one put to protect my comrades and end this misery.

Despite the effort to protect the commander, he still took a bullet to the thigh: a wound that came close to ending his life and radically changing the course of the upcoming conflict. Ironically enough, we didn't falter. Whereas our former general threw us into despair with a cannon shot to the eyes, the moment the news circulated through our veins, our blood boiled. Our swords filled with anger, our rifles loaded with corrupted fervour The man who we met barely months ago, was a unifying banner. And now that he was out of the fight, shouts to avenge our general quickly turned the army into a vicious mob. The soldiers held nothing back. Surrendered soldiers were mercilessly killed, some in the most gruesome way possible. Civilian populations were also not spared either. The bloodbath was only stopped when the antidote of the Commodore's survival were spread, along with orders to stop and proceed with the next stage of the plan.

After successfully taking over the city, we set up the siege cannons right there to shoot down the Rau've ships. But by that point the battle was already over. Fearing for their warships, they left the planet, taking whatever rebels they could, but the rest were left for the wrath of the Ascendancy. May God have mercy on their souls, I mused, because the Ascendancy certainly wouldn't.

As for the Commodore, he survived without any long-term consequences after a surgery. He returned to the battlefield to roaring cheers of the soldiers. His name, the Ascendancy, victory. Because we had lived. Now, we trusted him. We were the Specky Sergeant's dear soldiers. We march with him, to the ends of the universe.

And we would.

The extraordinary service of young Alexander Kherol at Ponin led to his promotion to Rear-Admiral. It was only the first of his great achievements. Years of terror to be instilled on his enemies was yet to come...

The strange creature stuffed the letter onto the faun's face while still uttering a word multiple times. Voos? Is that even a word? It might be in whatever language this thing speaks. Then as he was getting enough of it, it showed him the letter too. Or rather a very small part of the letter, everything but the word that it left out open. The word 'good'.

Goroth was a bit confused too over what it was trying to say, but he took a different approach to it than Tova. He dealt with some language barriers before, and when they really struggled with the language, they would point physically to indicate what they mean. Hence he didn't think it was its name. It probably meant that the word translated to good.

"Voos..." The orc pinched one of his eyes as he tried to figure out how to describe this in the physical. Then as he put away the sword, he said the word again.

Then he bent his fingers in and pushed it together.


Voos means Good.

Holy fangs...this was taxing. What sort of creature is this mansion owner's bringing? This is gonna take forever...

The giant orc did not heed Tova's advice as he continued to seek this evasive creature. If the depravity of human beings towards him was not scary enough, then nothing would. After a while of back and forth, the creature resulted with stealing the invitation from his companion faun, reading through it before giving some rough gesture. Goroth still could not understand what the creature was shouting, but physical language was more better suited for a traveler. The shaking letters, the heavy touches, the quick glances around both him and Tova. It's desperate, yet it hadn't even tried to do anything aside from cowering from potentially being sliced in half.

Fine. He'd consider that a sign of goodwill.

The orc finally eased the grip on his sword, but not after firmly sliding the weapon back into his sheathe, one of his hand continued to hold onto the sheathe, seemingly just for carrying the weapon, but in case this thing has actual bones to pick from the orc, it'd be in for an unpleasant surprise.

"You act like you don't understand us, but you seem to understand the letter." He said to it. "How about write something out?"
Alexander Kherol

The Last Ascendancy Commander

Terror Belli - Decus Pacis

Every 1st Fleet soldier has an Admiral's plaque in his pocket

2370 AD

Planet Wasa, Rau’ve’s Space Dock #3

Days had passed after the battle of Wasa. The cleaning up had finished. The unfortunate casualties of war had been laid to rest with full military honor, and the prisoners of war already sent home to Ascendancy homeland. His victory was so complete that Alexander needn't waste time nor risk potential dangers with chasing down the Rau've survivors. The enemy carriers and dreadnoughts had been destroyed, the rest were mere flies within his palm. He preferred to let his fleet have some respite and let the other commanders reap the fruits of his labor. Literally at their fingertips. It should be simple enough for them.

"Does it hurt my friend?"

The admiral today wasn't in his flagship. He was in one of the heavy cruisers that led the attack that lured the Rau've into the decisive charge: the flagship of Commodore Lan Ficelle. She firmly executed his orders, carried it out perfectly even under intense bombardment, her ship on fire and she personally was hit by shrapnel, now needing a surgery to remove it. To Alexander's amazement, Lan was actually injured much earlier in the battle, as her ship was focused. She just kept it in her and continued the fight without anyone realizing it until the battle was almost over.

What a soldier!

He knew she's a great commander, but she's also the bravest of them all.

"No, I'm alright." She laughed it off, clearly not being able to move her shoulders around. "Only the first five times or something."

"Is it true though?" Alexander joked back. He'd expect no less.

"I lost count." She said as she patted the patched up wound. "Well, this will heal in a few weeks or so. What's more important is if the Rau've fleet can recover before that."

"The rest of their space forces are now stretched thin because they pulled enough forces to stop the breakthrough here, so I'm pretty sure they're now desperate." He said. "You can rest assured until we arrive at their capital. By then you'll lead the way in!"

"Haha, I thank you for your generosity."

"It's my only way of compensating for not being able to promote you. You have grown a lot since we met in the Grand Academy."

He could only send recommendations to his beloved President for her promotion. And of course, given the nepotism and oligarchism of the Ascendancy, it was never going to pass, and might end up hurting her in the long run instead if he kept nagging. The only other way would be being Grand Admiral, where it is a special rank in which the bearer is pretty much given full reign of whatever and whoever is assigned to their army.

"Oh believe me, you'll be Grand Admiral really soon." Lan quickly slapped and gripped her friend's shoulder.

"Haha, I truly hope so." Alexander laughed. "But the rank is now full. There will be no more than six at the same time, and all personally appointed by Emmanuel himself. I doubt they'd create a seventh."

"Oh, don't you know?" She asked. "Grand Admiral Phillip just got sacked from the 13th Fleet, and its command was given to Admiral Quasi."

"When was that?"

"Just a week ago. I don't think they have decided on a new one yet. With this victory, the press is gonna sing you praises, and that Civvy Minister would have to cave in or they'd face a public backlash."

"They don't already care about that to begin with. I don't think-"

"Or international humiliation. Especially in wartime. If they want to appear strong militarily, they have to put in place a strong military leader."

"I won't hold my expectations too high though." Alexander shrugged, before pointing at her again. "You'll still march first into Brassica though. Ladies first, am I right?"

"Oh you just want to see the back of my neck, don't you? You have a weird fetish my guy!"

She said as she slapped his back again, and this time as hard as possible. Not much growing on this front though. But a woman's intuition was not to be underestimated.

2 days later.

"It's official Alex. You are now a Grand Admiral of the Ascendancy of Man."

She was correct. Not bad for a son of an engineer and accountant.

"There is a ceremony you'll attend this weekend. We can depart for it the day after tomorrow if you wish." Carina explained. "Also, since now you're officially Grand Admiral, you can choose to promote anyone you like. If you do it now, they'll also attend the ceremony."

"Oh really?" Alexander remarked. Guess the Ascendancy really wanted some political points. "Well, then tell them to prepare a lot of plaques, because I'm going to change this army upside down. Starting with you."

"M-Me?" His aid-de-camp was perplexed.

"Yeah you. From now on, you will not only be an aid-de-camp, but my flagship's captain. You'll also bear the rank Captain."

"Isn't that a rank skip? I-I don't know if..."

"You were one of the best in the academy. It'd be a waste if you're just stuck handing me papers."

"...Thank you then. I'll do my best." Like mother like daughter, she was quite refined. But inside what she was suppressing was the excitement. Command of a military warship! A battleship no less. Being a bit humbled for a few years weren't so bad if this was the result.

"Now..." Alexander pulled up a list of all of his officers and very quickly crossed out a variety of profiles. "These people are out."

"That's...like half of your army officers. I don't know if doing it in mass would be a good idea." Carina said as she sat right next to him, observing.

"These people are all spoiled brats of the nation. I mean look at this." He pointed at one entry. "The first to abandon the destroyed ship in the Ponin Incident. Son of, oh look at that, a multi-millionaire CEO of a ship-building corporation that has ties with Emmanuel. Get that piece of shit out of my army."

"Be careful, you're gonna anger a lot of them. You need ships and equipment too. I'd suggest just send them over to people like Berkeley or Laguna."

"Sure. They'd either become real soldiers or corpses in no time. Fine either way for me." He made that note on the side. "Now let's discuss my subordinates. I shall need...five key generals by my side, promoted to General and Admiral respectively."

"That's fair." Carina wasn't surprised by this. An Ascendancy fleet isn't that populated, but considering that the more troops a higher ranked official had to take command, the poorer his or her performance will be. Any military organizer should know this.

And the five men and women chosen are honestly quite colorful by all standards. But a quick glance over their service records, they're some of the most talented and diligent servants of the Ascendancy, most of whom were unfortunately unrecognized, for obvious reasons.

The fifth and final...

"Wait, Kotaro?" This was the most surprising bit. "I know the guy's smart, but he doesn't have enough experience commanding a large fleet contingent just yet."

"...That is true." Alexander admitted, probably because some personal biases on his side. "He does have some training in the academy for it though, but he's still mainly focused as a flotilla commander to individual fighting."

"You don't wanna come off as a hypocrite right off the bat. Make him Rear-Admiral or something for now. He'd need to prove his worth first as fleet commander before anything."

Alexander didn't object. Of course, his loyalty would be vital in case any issues arises throughout the war, something in which will inevitably happen, but so that his meritocratic philosophy remained consistent, it'd have to do. He had lived with him long enough. He'd get there soon.

@Letter Bee@Th3King0fChaos@The Man Emperor@Landaus Five-One@FalloutJack@Conscripts@dragonpiece@Starlance@samakama@jdh97@6slyboy6@Jade Kiyo

Announcement made on Discord, also made here in case some of you are not active on Discord (for any reasons).

Time for UwU's and cute animals are over, because I'm also stepping in on the administrative side as well.

After some discussions with the GMs, the apparent lack of responses on individual pings, and the recent collabs slowing us down, I want to do a role call on who is still willing to continue. What you all need to do following this post shall be:

1) React to this post to indicate that you're still here.
2) Update us Innocence Lost GMs on either:
- what you are going to write next (at the very least for the next post), and when do you plan to do so
- if you have already posted, indicate that you're waiting on someone
- if you're stuck on ideas, then we can help
- if you're busy, so we can make arrangement
3) What's your update status on the character sheet with the new Character Trait rules implemented (if applicable)

Note that we will also reimplement weekly activity rules that require you to update us on your activity every 2 weeks or so, be it a post or a Discord/RPG post to indicate that you're there.

This will also be posted on the OOC for everyone to reply to in case they're not available on Discord (for whatever reasons). You only need to respond to one of them

You will have up until 10 PM PST, February 15, 2021 to respond to this announcement. If you fail to meet the deadline, you will be considered inactive/dropped and your character will be handled by the GMs instead.

P/S: I know some of you here have already replied to me earlier in the day, and I thank you for being responsive. But for our planning's sake, I hope you'll not mind the inconvenience of replying to this again.
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